AEW Dynamite results (6/5): Powell’s live review of MJF returns, Swerve Strickland vs. Roderick Strong for the AEW World Championship, Saraya vs. Mariah May

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

AEW Dynamite (Episode 244)
Loveland, Colorado at Blue Arena
Aired live June 5, 2024 on TBS

[Hour One] MJF made his entrance while the broadcast team of Excalibur, Taz, and Tony Schiavone checked in. MJF dressed in black and wore a leather jacket with his initials and logo on it, as well as his new t-shirt.

MJF opened with a line about Colorado and marijuana. He pimped his new t-shirt and also said he’d be at Forbidden Door in his home of Long Island and told fans to get their tickets. MJF brought up Kazuchika Okada and said it looked like the guy can’t afford a gym membership.

MJF brought up Swerve Strickland and called him a helluva leader and then noted that his entire group turned on him and left him. MJF took issue with Swerve referring to himself as a business mogul and said that business moguls go to business school and if Swerve did, he missed the public speaking part.

MJF turned his focus to Will Ospreay and mocked his accent. MJF ran through a long list of wrestlers and said Ospreay isn’t them before pointing out that he beat them all. MJF mocked Ospreay’s “British teeth” and told him to shut his mouth because he’s not the best in the world.

MJF declared that he is the best in the world and boasted that he became the most hated man on the planet only to become the most beloved. MJF said imagine how he felt when he went home to heal his wounds after carrying the place and then people had the audacity to smear his name.

Rush’s entrance music interrupted MJF and he walked onto the stage dressed in a white suit. Rush called for his music to be cut, then said MJF doesn’t know when to shut up like the rest of the ugly, filthy Americans in the crowd.

Rush said that while MJF was away, he was around working hard. Rush said there’s a big celebration for MJF’s return, then asked where his celebration is. Rush asked where his moment is. He said he would take it and then delivered his “mess with the bull” catchphrase.

MJF said he didn’t catch any of that. He said it’s not Rush’s fault. He said it was bad enough when ‘that mark” Tony Khan was running the place and now it’s even worse with The Elite in control. MJF said he thinks Brandon Cutler is in the production truck.

MJF said Rush’s suit made him look like his bank account was dry, just like every woman Rush ever slept with. MJF recalled paying Rush a lot of money to take out Bryan Danielson. MJF said he knows Rush is talented. MJF mentioned Rush’s father and said some people might call Rush a nepo baby.

MJF said Rush proved he’s an international superstar by selling out arenas in Mexico and by winning the ROH Championship. MJF said the problem is that he’s not one of the best, he is the best. MJF said he wanted Rush to know how he felt. MJF spoke in Spanish and was censored. MJF started to deliver his catchphrase.

Rush entered the ring and traded punches with MJF until Christopher Daniels, security guards, and referees ran in and pulled them apart. Rush was escorted to the back while Daniels could be heard telling MJF “not here, not now”…

Powell’s POV: MJF tore into some of AEW’s big names and then set up his return match or feud with Rush. The crowd loved him. They set up Rush going after MJF last week, but I’m still surprised that this is MJF’s first match back.

A video package showed Roderick Strong running and being joined by Matt Taven and Mike Bennett. Strong told the duo that it was showtime…

Excalibur hyped Swerve Strickland vs. Roderick Strong for the AEW World Championship as the show’s main event and plugged Ric Flair’s energy drink…

Ring announcer Justin Roberts delivered the introductions for the four-way opening match…

1. Orange Cassidy vs. Kyle O’Reilly vs. Jay Lethal (w/Sonjay Dutt) vs. Rey Fenix (w/Alex Abrahantes) for a shot at the AEW International Championship. Lethal did an early Flair strut and a woooo, presumably because Flair’s energy drink was the match sponsor. They cut to an early picture-in-picture break. [C]

An ad aired for a Mercedes Mone “Follow The Mone” QR Code contest with swag, limited edition drops, and a chance to meet Mone. In the end, Fenix pinned Lethal…

Rey Fenix defeated Jay Lethal, Orange Cassidy, and Kyle O’Reilly in a four-way in 9:40 to earn a shot at the AEW International Championship on next week’s Dynamite.

After the match, Trent Beretta and Don Callis came out and entered the ring. Callis handed a chair to Beretta, which led to Cassidy grabbing a chain from underneath the ring. Cassidy entered the ring. Kris Statlander entered the ring and pleaded with Cassidy while Beretta and Callis made their exit.

Stokely Hathaway made his entrance and said Statlander would put her foot so far up Cassidy’s ass that he would cough up shoe leather. Statlander struck Cassidy, who dropped to his knees and sold the shot.

Willow Nightingale’s entrance theme played. Willow ran to the ring. Statlander exited. Hathaway hopped on the back of Statlander, who carried him to the back while Willow spoke with Cassidy…

Powell’s POV: A good four-way match. I think everyone assumed Lethal would lose and that O’Reilly wouldn’t win because he just had a title shot on Collision, so that left Fenix and Cassidy. I’m beyond tired of four-way matches determining title challengers. It’s not just an AEW thing, as this is happening way too often in all of pro wrestling these days.

A black SUV arrived outside the building. Chris Jericho exited the backseat and waved to the cameras before telling the driver that he has to come to a full and complete stop. Big Bill and Bryan Keith joined Jericho, who said the cameraman’s work was a little shaky.

Jericho took the camera while Bill said the sun was shining and he loves the little things in life. Keith told the cameraman that he wouldn’t have a shaky ass camera if he respected Jericho. Jericho gave the camera back to the cameraman and told him to follow along. Jericho waved to people outside the building as he and his crew entered… [C]

Powell’s POV: Jericho continues to feel like a channel changer.

Renee Paquette interviewed Willow Nightingale, who said Mercedes is the TBS Champion, but there is a score to settle someday because she had Mone pinned during the match. Willow said she would have trusted Kris Statlander with her life and she betrayed that. Orange Cassidy showed up and did his weak fist bump…

Christopher Daniels came out and announced that they were holding another qualifier for the ladder match for the vacant TNT Title at Forbidden Door. Mark Briscoe made his entrance and then his opponent Brian Cage came out alone. The broadcast team reminded viewers that Konosuke Takeshita had already qualified for the ladder match…

2. Mark Briscoe vs. Brian Cage in a qualifier for the TNT Title ladder match at Forbidden Door. Cage knocked Briscoe down to start the match. Briscoe and Cage ended up at ringside. Briscoe tossed a chair into the ring. Referee Paul Turner caught the chair and cleared it from the ring while the crowd booed. Cage ran Briscoe into the barricade. Cage followed up by performing a deadlift superplex and then posed before a PIP break, [C]

Konosuke Takeshita and Don Callis were shown watching the match from the crowd. Briscoe and Cage ended up at ringside again. Briscoe slid a chair inside the ring. As the referee cleared the chair, Briscoe set up another and then used it as a launchpad to dive onto Cage on the floor.

Briscoe threw Cage back inside the ring and hit him with a missile dropkick. Jack Perry was shown watching the match on a backstage television. Cage came back with a pump-handle slam for a two count, then hit a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall.

Cage made the throat slash gesture and went for the Drill Claw, but Briscoe slipped out of it. Briscoe performed a Death Valley Driver and followed up with Froggy Bow before getting the three count.

Mark Briscoe defeated Brian Cage in 10:15 to qualify for the ladder match for the vacant TNT Title at Forbidden Door.

After the match, Don Callis was shown doing a golf clap. Backstage, Jack Perry clapped and congratulated Briscoe before saying it wouldn’t matter. Perry said Tony Khan can screw him over as many times as he wants, but he’s already proven that he can’t be stopped. Perry said the universe has already shown him that he will be the next TNT Champion one way or another. In the ring, Briscoe played air guitar with the ROH Championship belt…

Powell’s POV: There was no mystery regarding the outcome, but it was an enjoyable match and the popularity of Briscoe goes a long way.

Backstage, Renee Paquette spoke with Samoa Joe and Hook. She asked if it was safe to call Joe a mentor. He said he wouldn’t call it that, but he was interrupted by “The Premier Athletes” Tony Nese and Ariya Daivari and their manager Mark Sterling.

Nese commented on Hook eating chips and said you’d think he’d be taking things more seriously after all these years. Hook responded that Nese is still losing matches after all these years. Nese knocked Hook’s chips out of his hand.

Joe told Hook that guys like that don’t talk to killers like them unless they know they can get away with it. Joe noted that there was a lot of security in the area. Joe said they would handle the Premiere Athletes on their time… [C]

Backstage, Chris Jericho, Big Bill, and Bryan Keith encountered Matt Menard and Angelo Parker. Jericho said they were two of his favorite branches and said their careers are now bigger and better than ever. Jericho told them to enunciate. Bill sounded it out, then Menard told him to shove it up his ass. Jericho and Bill agreed that was a good one. Jericho gave parenting advice to Parker. Keith told Parker he better make sure the baby respects Jericho…

“The Acclaimed” Max Caster and Anthony Bowens made their entrance with Billy Gunn. Caster rapped about the EVPs. Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson appeared on the big screen. Matthew said the employee handbook says to not disparage the EVPs and told them to leave the arena…

Powell’s POV: Is there a storyline reason why Tony Khan’s character doesn’t send Christopher Daniels out to put a stop to this?

AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland and Prince Nana were interviewed by Renee Paquette. Swerve welcomed back MJF back and called him a little bitch. Swerve said MJF finally showed up for work. Swerve said MJF mentioned his name and he will deal with him in a way he doesn’t like.

Swerve handed the AEW World Championship match contract for Forbidden Door and told Prince Nana to make sure it’s delivered to Will Ospreay’s front door. Swerve delivered a promo about facing Roderick Strong later in the show.

Swerve said the EVPs have been on his mind. He said he was rooting for Team AEW. Swerve said next time they assemble a team to represent AEW, they should not forget the AEW World Champion…

[Hour Two] Excalibur hyped the Mercedes Mone contest and then announced that she will face NJPW Strong Women’s Champion Stephanie Vaquer in title vs. title match… A video package narrated by Mone aired…

The Blackpool Combat Club made their entrance through the crowd while Jon Moxley’s theme song played. Wheeler Yuta went into the crowd and came back with a rose. Team CMLL made their entrance via the stage.

3. “Blackpool Combat Club” Bryan Danielson, Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli, and Wheeler Yuta vs. Magnus, Volador Jr., Rugido, and Esfinge. All eight wrestlers traded punches to start the match and then brawled to ringside. Danielson and Moxley teamed up for a Hart Attack clothesline. Castagnoli helped launch Yuta from the top rope onto Magus with a splash heading into a PIP break. [C]

Esfinge had a nice sequence and tied up Castagnoli in a leg lock before bridging into a pin for a nice near fall. A short time later, Castagnoli performed the giant swing on Magnus, which Moxley ended with a dropkick on Magnus.

Volador performed a Destroyer on Castagnoli for a two count. Danielson checked in and threw kicks at Volador, who tagged in Rugido. Wheeler tagged in and took a big arm drag into a pin for a two count. A “this is awesome” chant broke out.

Moxley dropped Magnus with a Paradigm Shift. Volador put Castagnoli down with a huracanrana, but then ran into a Busaiku Knee from Danielson. A short time later, Yuta pinned Rugido…

“Blackpool Combat Club” Bryan Danielson, Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli, and Wheeler Yuta beat Magnus, Volador Jr., Rugido, and Esfinge in 12:05.

After the match, Castagnoli put Yuta on his shoulders…

Powell’s POV: A good match and a nice win for Yuta in his return. Perhaps this wasn’t the right night, but the CMLL crew needs meaningful wins to get over. Losing flashy matches will only get them so far.

Excalibur said it was time to check in on the continuing adventures of The Learning Tree. “No, no,” Tax yelled…

Backstage, Chris Jericho instructed a crew member in catering on how to properly put food in a bowl…

A Daniel Garcia video aired. He spoke about being home in Buffalo and how it brings him back to when he was a 20-year-old wrestler making long trips to independent shows. He recalled being in a car accident and breaking both of his legs while footage was shown of him in the hospital with broken legs. He said he’s grateful for that moment because he realized life is too short to wait for opportunities to come to you. Garcia spoke about challenging Will Ospreay for the AEW International Championship and said you can’t out grind or outwork him…

Backstage, security stood between The Young Bucks and The Acclaimed. Matthew Jackson said they were slammed and didn’t have time. Bowens said they weren’t there to talk, they just wanted them to know that sooner or later they would have to come face to face with him and Caster… [C]

Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson were joined by Christian Cage, Killswitch, Nick Wayne, and Mother Wayne in their office. Cage said if there’s anyone he can trust, it’s the EVPs. Cage claimed he was screwed out of the AEW World Championship and asked for another shot.

Matthew said they were one of the best factions and they all deserve gold. He said they tried to take care of a friend (Jack Perry), but Tony Khan screwed it up. Matthew said they still have some pull and would see what they could do. Matthew said they could keep scratching their back if they returned the favor…

AEW Women’s Champion Toni Storm and Luther made their entrance and stood on the stage while Mariah May’s entrance followed. Storm called for a kiss on the cheek. When May tried to oblige, Storm turned her face and got a kiss on the lips.

4. Mariah May vs. Saraya (w/Harley Cameron, Zak Knight). Toni Storm sat in on commentary while Luther stood behind her. Saraya jumped May before the bell and the match started shortly thereafter. May came back quickly with a Samoan Drop and a dropkick.

Saraya lured May to ringside. May looked foolish when she ran into a clothesline from Cameron. Saraya sent May into the barricade and then had Cameron bring her some water heading into a PIP break. [C]

May performed a top rope missile dropkick for a near fall. May hit a hip attack and covered Saraya for a two count. Saraya came back with a wicked looking DDT for a near fall of her own. Saraya set up for leg lock and then Cameron countered into an inside cradle for a two count.

Saraya put May in a submission hold. May looked to Storm, who encouraged her from the broadcast table, but May tapped out.

Saraya defeated Mariah May in 9:00.

Storm entered the ring to check on May. Saraya and Cameron attacked Storm. Mina Shirakawa ran out and cleared Saraya and Cameron from the ring. Shirakawa checked on May and then smiled at a jealous Storm. Shirakawa and Storm bounced their breasts together. May got between both women and put her arms around them. On the big screen, Storm vs. Shirakawa for the AEW Women’s Championship was announced for Forbidden Door…

Powell’s POV: Saraya winning actually felt like a minor upset. Unfortunately for her, the win was quickly overshadowed by the antics of Shirakawa and Storm.

Backstage, Chris Jericho told “Private Party” Marq Quen and Isiah Kassidy that parties are more fun when they are opened up to everyone. Kassidy said they don’t really fit the Private Party vibe. Big Bill said that those who need advice the most don’t realize they need the help. Jericho invited Private Party to be on his “TV Time” talkshow next week… [C]

Powell’s POV: Another week of Jericho doing a strange mix of Bo Dallas and Firefly Funhouse Bray Wyatt?

Backstage, Bryan Danielson spoke about being proud of Wheeler Yuta. Danielson recalled saying this would be his last year as a full-time wrestler and saying it would be his best year. Danielson listed his big matches and said he lost them all. Danielson said his last year as a full-time wrestler isn’t over yet. Danielson indicated that he was inspired by Yuta’s return and then spoke of entering the Owen Hart Cup tournament and going out on top by challenging for the AEW World Championship at Wembley Stadium…

Roderick Strong made his entrance for the main event with Matt Taven and Mike Bennett. Swerve Strickland made his entrance while Prince Nana did his dance…

5. Swerve Strickland (w/Prince Nana) vs. Roderick Strong (w/Matt Taven, Mike Bennett) for the AEW World Championship. Justin Roberts delivered in-ring introductions for the title match. Strong avoided an early House Call kick and rolled to ringside. Excalibur announced Serena Deeb vs. Mina Shirakawa for Friday’s AEW Rampage.

Strong came back with a backbreaker on the top turnbuckle. Swerve rolled to the floor where Taven taunted him while Bennett jumped up and down (way to stay loose, Mike). Moments later, Swerve catapulted Strong into the ring heading into a PIP break. [C]

[Overrun] Swerve performed a brainbuster for a two count. Bennett hopped on the apron to distract Swerve. Strong took advantage by rolling up Swerve for two. Swerve came right back with a powerslam for a two count of his own.

Strong avoided the House Call kick and rolled to the floor. Swerve went to the apron and was pulled into the arms of Taven and Bennett. The referee spotted it and Swerve was released. Strong ran Swerve into the post while the referee was focused on Taven and Bennett. Strong executed a backbreaker on the apron and then got swerve back in the ring and covered him for a two count.

Schiavone said Strong was 3-0 in matches with Swerve and the last time they met was in 2019. Strong ran the ropes and hit a series of elbow strikes. Strong used a backbreaker and a powerbomb to get a two count. Strong blasted Swerve with a Sick Kick and got a near fall.

Both wrestlers ended up on the apron where Swerve got the better of an exchange of elbows. Swerve returned to the ring and then jumped over the ropes and hit Strong with a double stomp. Swerve played to the crowd and then missed a House Call. Swerve stuffed a knee strike and then connected with the House Call before getting the three count.

Swerve Strickland defeated Roderick Strong in 14:10 to retain the AEW World Championship.

Schiavone said Strong hurt his knee and was unable to avoid the last House Call attempt. Excalibur said Swerve Strickland vs. Will Ospreay for the AEW World Championship is official for Forbidden Door. Excalibur hyped Will Ospreay vs. Rey Fenix for the AEW International Championship for next week’s Dynamite. Swerve and Nana went to ringside. Nana did his dance with an older woman, who was in the front row. Cute…

Powell’s POV: The expected good match with the expected outcome. I wish they would have put more thought into how this became a world championship match, but I ultimately like the idea of going with a world championship match as opposed to another eliminator match.

Overall, this felt like a bit of a throwback show in terms of the frantic pacing. I’m surprised they didn’t announce anything for Saturday’s AEW Collision. I will have more to say about Dynamite in my weekly same night audio review for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Let me know what you thought of Dynamite by grading it below.

AEW Dynamite Poll: Grade the June 5 edition free polls


Readers Comments (4)

  1. TheGreatestOne June 6, 2024 @ 6:38 am

    Wow, these 5 empty arena matches really got everyone’s attention.

  2. Someone please save Jericho from himself. He’s not becoming channel changing material, he’s past that. One segment might be okay. But numerous segments with severely underutilized talent that the average fan probably doesn’t even know still exists just screams yet another pointless Jericho faction that gets no one over and has few, if any, redeeming qualities.

    • Although I disagree about the “average fan”, because if you’re watching AEW, even as an “average fan”, you have educated yourself on who Jericho is, and just because he’s been around awhile doesn’t mean he should go away. Sting was there and a big deal recently, for example.
      That being said, I agree he’s not at amazing as he thinks he is, although I do appreciate the dedication he has to his craft and the business. I did enjoy his work in the past, in ECW, WCW, and WWE, and the guy HAS reinvented himself so many times I can’t count, and most have worked, but his time as a main event guy is gone. Let him midcard it, and then retire when his contract is up. I hope his ego allows him to see he’s had a GREAT career, but when its time, its time.

  3. >>Lethal did an early Flair strut and a woooo, presumably because Flair’s energy drink was the match sponsor.<<

    UMm……Lethal does that a LOT.

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