WWE broadcast team member Pat McAfee apologized for calling Caitlin Clark a “white b—-“

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Raw color commentator Pat McAfee issued an apology on Monday after referring to WNBA star Caitlin Clark as a “white bitch” during Monday’s edition of “The Pat McAfee Show” on ESPN and YouTube.com.

Powell’s POV: McAfee was criticized by a number of his sports media peers before he issued the apology. I get what McAfee was going for, but it wasn’t a wise move and I’m happy he opted to issue the apology rather than dig his heels in. We’ll see if this situation is referenced in any way during tonight’s WWE Raw.


Readers Comments (7)

  1. First off, she’s white, so he won’t be in trouble. If she was black, he’d be fired.
    Two, part of the reason she’s targeted is BECAUSE she’s white, and several black WNBA players have either hinted at it or outright said it. Again, its no problem, because she’s white, so racism against her is fine.

    • When you have these white victim thoughts, it’s okay to just keep them to yourself, Angry Mike.

      • If your self-righteous attitude makes you happy, good for you. I’ll instead rely on facts, even if those facts aren’t always what the agenda calls for, and in fact, contradict it. You do you, my friend. I’ll stay in the realm of reality.

        • You have repeatedly shown that you are racist and misogynistic. You are so miserable that you continue to believe that anyone who doesn’t share your fucked up beliefs is being self-righteous. People who live in the “realm of reality” don’t send unhinged email manifestos to the staff members of pro wrestling websites, Angry Mike. Seek mental help.

  2. TheGreatestOne June 3, 2024 @ 8:04 pm

    I’m not a McAfee fan (his show is idiocy on parade), but he does refer to male athletes as bad bitches pretty regularly. Nothing wrong with what he said here, but also nothing wrong with apologizing for it.

    • Not only are you a poor, lonely person, but you’re ignorant too? There’s a different between a guy calling a guy a “bad bitch” and what he said, but I guess I should know by now that you’re not intelligent enough to understand the clear difference. My error. You’re dismissed, again.

  3. That’s the phrase I use for McAfee.

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