Powell’s TNA Impact Hit List: Mike Bailey vs. Trent Seven for a shot at the X Division Title, Jordynne Grace vs. Marti Belle for the Knockouts Title

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

TNA Impact Hits

Mike Bailey vs. Trent Seven for a shot at the X Division Title: A very good main event. They worked a pay-per-view quality match before they had a bad television finish. Mustafa Ali appearing at ringside suggested that there would not be a clean finish, but the fact that it was the interference of Champagne Singh that led to Seven going over made for a deflating finish. Singh has been cast as a bumbling undercard act for a long time. Perhaps this is the start of something good for him, but his involvement put a damper on what was an otherwise strong match.

TNA Tag Team Champions Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers vs. Matt Hardy and Ryan Nemeth in a non-title match: A decent match with a mildly surprising outcome. TNA has pushed The System members aggressively and I did not expect to see the tag team champions lose to a makeshift team. I was even more surprised that this somehow led to Ryan Nemeth and Nick Nemeth getting a tag team title match even though they have never had a tag team match in TNA.

“The Rascalz” Trey Miguel and Zachary Wentz vs. “Sinner and Saint” Judas Icarus and Travis Williams: A good showcase win for Miguel and Wentz. Steve Maclin destroyed Miguel and Wentz afterward to continue their ongoing issue. It’s hard to figure out where that’s going given that Maclin is a singles wrestler and does not have an obvious partner. Meanwhile, the no nonsense challenge issued to Maclin by Mike Santana afterward was nicely done.

Tasha Steelz vs. Jody Threat: A soft Hit for a good match involving two acts that are struggling to connect. Steelz has been over in the past, but it’s been a while since she’s had a meaningful program. Threat has never really clicked as a character. She blew off the advice of Dani Luna and Lars Frederiksen and it backfired, so it came off like they are building to a split.

TNA Impact Misses

Jordynne Grace vs. Marti Belle for the Knockouts Championship: It feels like TNA is struggling to find fresh opponents for Grace. In this case, she beat Belle in a throwaway match. But wherever Belle goes, Allysin Kay is never far behind. In this case, Kay attacked Grace afterward to set up what will likely be Grace defending her championship against another challenger who doesn’t work regularly for TNA. To be fair, this all probably would have been labeled as an “in the middle” segment, but the ridiculousness of the concierge bringing out a mannequin with Ash By Elegance’s photo over the face was a groaner.

Jake Something and Cody Deaner vs. “The Good Hands” Jason Hotch and John Skyler: Something dropped Deaner with a clothesline on the stage last week. Apparently, the creative team had a change of heart because Something and Deaner made peace this week and went on to win this match. The whole story feels like a mess at this point and it continues to be frustrating that it means nothing to beat The Good Hands because they are booked as scrubs. The actual match was solid and Hotch was a bumping machine for the babyfaces.


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