EC3 on his time in WWE and transitioning to NWA, being NWA Champion, what’s next for him

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

PWMania interview with guest EC3
Interview conducted by Scott Mitchell
Interview available at

His time in WWE and transitioning to NWA: “This is before the new regime which credit where it’s due, WWE has been really good lately since Vince [McMahon] left. In the past, it was very controlled, and tyrannical in a way. One man was in charge of everything and didn’t know what was going on half the time, the other half of the time his mind was completely vacant. He lost it. Everything was super controlled, and everyone was super job-scared. The ability to create within yourself wasn’t there. ‘Hey, here’s a script,’ ‘Oh, do you mind if I do this,’ ‘No, you have to say and do exactly that,’ ‘Why, I’d never say—’ ‘It doesn’t matter.’

“Everyone was walking on eggshells and bending a knee so to speak. Right now, a lot of talents are getting over because, within the confines, the amazing new tools they have, the new era of agents, the new creative, a lot of people are thriving now because they’re giving guidelines more than rules. Coming to NWA from that system, I was allowed to be who I wanted to be and presented under the vision of WPC [William Patrick Corgan]. He’s a musician, nobody told him how to play his songs, and he knows that. That’s the cool thing about having a creative as your boss. Here’s what we have to get, show me how to get there. I love being able to control my narrative now. Nobody is ever going to compete with the WWE, but with the NWA, we can make noise. There’s no reason we can’t have as good a show.”

Being NWA World Heavyweight Champion: “I am a top man and should be a top man in every company I go to, and I have been the top man in every company I’ve been to, besides WWE but that’s okay. It means everything. It didn’t settle in until after I won it, like the history, the legacy, and the lineage of what I possessed at that moment. Before that, I was laser-focused on the business and making the right moves to get into that position. Having that title means everything, where the company is, what it can be, what I want us to be, what I’m leading us to be. Being the flagbearer, holding that title, and re-establishing its worth, and its dominance over the wrestling scene is a heavy burden, but I have no problem carrying it and I’m enjoying every second of it. It’s a possessive power. I can see myself never wanting to give it up, and I’ll have to be killed to get it off me. We’ll see what happens, but I love being the champion.”

What’s next for him: “I don’t know. A lot of people need to step up. I’m looking around and just thinking that I beat everyone. Trevor Murdoch and Mike Knox both wait in the wings. But as far as the younger talent goes, Colby Corino catches my interest. Joe Alonzo, Thrillbilly, Kerry Morton, and Alex Taylor all catch my interest too. They’re all really good. But do they have what it takes to become great? So, finding out with that, I’m sure I’ll run into Thom Latimer again, and I plan on beating him every time. Three years and 33 days is how long I want to hold the title. Upon that, I will go off into the abyss never to be seen again.”

Other topics include NWA 76, Exodus Pro Wrestling, working with Tyrus, and more.


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