Drew McIntyre on his WWE contract status, says his story with CM Punk is real

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Newsday interview with Drew McIntyre
Interviewer: Alfonso Castillo
Full interview available via Newsday.com

McIntyre said there was “not much” he could say about his contract situation, but signaled that he’s happy where he is.

On his WWE contract situation: “I can say I’m having fun. And I hope to continue to have fun, no matter what. I’m still young, I’m in my prime. I’m gonna be wrestling. If I’m not, you know, one of the featured players, if I’m not making a significant difference to the show, and the business as a whole, then quite frankly, I don’t want to be there.”

On CM Punk: “My thing is, if I really don’t like you, I shouldn’t be there, because I might punch you in the face . . . I don’t want to give away too much right now. But the story isn’t really a story. It’s real. And people are feeling it’s real. And they can see how much fun I’m having at his expense. And . . . there is a really good reason for that. And maybe we’ll get to tell that story, eventually. We just need Punk to not injure himself in rehab and make it back to WWE, or not injure himself driving to the show or walking to the show, since he’s made of glass.”

On his new character: “As a smiley, sword wielding Scotsman . . . there were limitations and a wall I would hit. Right now there’ absolutely no limits. I can use all my creativity . . . A lot of people say, Wow, you know, the new Drew is great.’ But if you ever check out my independent work when I was gone from WWE from 2014 to 2017, you’ll see, ‘Wait actually, that’s just kind of the real Drew, with the volume turned up at times.'”

Other topics include WWE’s strong attendance figures and whether it’s the best period since the Attitude Era.


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