AEW Rampage results (12/15): Murphy’s review of Penta, Vikingo, and Kommander vs. Top Flight and Action Andretti, Orange Cassidy and The Von Erichs vs. Matt Menard, Angelo Parker, and Jake Hager

By Don Murphy, Contributor (@DonThePredictor)

AEW Rampage (Episode 123)
Taped December 13, 2023 in Arlington, Texas at College Park Center
Aired December 15, 2023 on TNT

The Rampage opening aired and then pyro shot off on the stage… Excalibur, Chris Jericho and Tony Schiavone were on commentary at ringside…

1. Orange Cassidy, Ross Von Erich, and Marshall Von Erich (w/Danhausen) vs. Matt Menard, Angelo Parker, and Jake Hager. The babyfaces received a televised entrance while the heels were already in the ring. Ross started off with Parker with some basic chain wrestling. Ross concentrated on the arm early before hitting Parker with a dropkick. Ross followed up with a big boot and dropkick in the corner before tagging out to Marshall.

Menard tagged in and was hit with a back elbow and elbow drop before tagging out to Hager. Cassidy tagged in and was thrown into the corner. Cassidy then avoided several attempted strikes by Hager and attempted a roll up. Hager picked up Cassidy and put him on the second rope. Cassidy stood up and put his hands in his pockets. He leapt over Hager and hit a dropkick. Cassidy then ducked a clothesline and hit a DDT. While Cassidy was celebrating, Menard snuck in and hit a clothesline. Parker came in and they hit a double team move. Hager covered Cassidy for a two count as the show went to its first picture-in-picture break. [C]

Coming out of the break, Cassidy was fighting out of an armbar by Hager. Hager went for a springboard splash but Cassidy got the feet up and made the hot tag to Marshall, who cleaned house on Menard and Parker for a bit. Marshall tagged in Ross and both hit running attacks on Menard in the corner. Hager came in and knocked both Ross and Marshall down. Hager then caught a diving Cassidy but Cassidy reversed it into a Stundog Millionaire. The Von Erichs dropkicked Hager out of the ring. Cassidy dove onto Hager on the floor. Menard threw out Ross while Marshall threw out Menard. Parker rolled up Marshall twice for near falls. Marshall then rolled up Parker for the win.

Orange Cassidy, Ross Von Erich, and Marshall Von Erich defeated Matt Menard, Angelo Parker, and Jake Hager in about 7:30.

After the match, the heels attacked the babyfaces. Danhausen attempted to intervene but was grabbed by Menard and Parker. As Hager was about to attack, Kevin Von Erich made his way to the ring. As the heels were distracted, Ross and Marshall put Iron Claws on Menard and Parker while Cassidy hit Hager with an Orange Punch. Kevin entered the ring and put the Iron Claw on Hager to end the segment…

Don’s Take: A fun opener and I was curious to see if Ross and Marshall had progressed any since the last time I had seen them in MLW. They’re pretty sound in the ring, but they need more reps on the mic to further cement their characters. Also, did I miss a promo where Chris Jericho made up with the former members of the J.A.S.? He was cheering for them pretty hard.

A Mark Briscoe promo aired from “Last Wednesday” during which he was asked what he had to fight for now that he has been mathematically eliminated from the Continental Classic. He said that he will continue to fight and that this is like his rookie year. Jay Lethal entered with Sonjay Dutt, Jeff and Karen Jarrett and Satnam Singh. Lethal asked his entourage to leave and the two spoke about their match scheduled for next week’s Dynamite. As neither win the Continental Classic, they agreed to fight for honor. [C]

2. Kyle Fletcher and Powerhouse Hobbs (w/Don Callis) vs. Hunter Grey and Paul Titan. This was a total squash match with the heels completely dominating and Hobbs hitting the World’s Strongest Slam on Titan for the win.

Kyle Fletcher and Powerhouse Hobbs defeated Hunter Grey and Paul Titan in under 1:00.

After the match, Don Callis cut an in-ring promo, saying that since becoming a tag team, Fletcher and Hobbs have beaten their opponents faster than anyone in the history of AEW but said that all anyone wanted to talk about was the “Golden Jets” team of Chris Jericho and Kenny Omega. Jericho took off his headset and watched from in front of the announce table.

Callis said that Omega and Jericho teamed together out of fear and thought they could avoid the Callis Family in the tag team division. Callis quoted the old saying, “You can run, but you can’t hide.” He then instituted the “Callis Family Rules” where any two members of the Family can beat the Golden Jets.

Don’s Take: First, Grey and Titan look like Gates of Agony stunt doubles. Second, until Sammy Guevara comes back and Will Ospreay officially debuts, Callis only has three team members at his disposal with Fletcher, Hobbs, and Konosuke Takeshita. So this move seems a bit premature. Finally, it will be interested to see how this storyline is adjusted since word came out earlier today that Kenny Omega is sidelined indefinitely.

Ruby Soho was shown backstage “Last Wednesday” and said that she had lost again. She said that maybe she was distracted and getting pulled in too many directions. Saraya entered and said that this was becoming a pattern and that Soho would be nothing without her. Soho said that she had helped Saraya every step of the way and that if she thinks she could beat Rhio alone, go for it. Saraya looked stunned and called out to Soho.

3. Red Velvet vs. Anna Jay. Jay offered a handshake which Velvet accepted. Jay missed a kick and Velvet rolled her up for a two count. Jay countered with a backslide for a two count and Velvet tried another roll up for a two count.

Velvet missed a dropkick when Jay held onto the ropes. Jay then ducked her head and was caught with a kick. Velvet attacked Jay in the corner while Excalibur plugged the Collision lineup for Saturday night. Jay knocked Velvet to the floor and rammed her head into the ring apron before wrenching her back against the ring post. The show went to a picture-in-picture break. [C]

Jay stretched Velvet out. The two traded suplexes and Velvet picked up some momentum before missing a corkscrew kick. Jay hit a Widows Peak for a near fall.

Matt Menard came out selling the Iron Claw from earlier. Jay asked Menard to leave and was rolled up by Velvet for a near fall. Menard jumped up on the apron and distracted Velvet. Velvet moved out of the way of a charging Jay who almost collided with Menard. Velvet knocked Menard off the apron but got caught in a chokehold from Jay. Velvet eventually tapped out.

Anna Jay defeated Red Velvet in about 8:30.

Don’s Take: Another match for match’s sake. These aren’t bad. They just don’t mean anything.

A video package aired recapping the events between Samoa Joe, MJF and the Devil from Wednesday’s Dynamite….[C]

4. El Hijo del Vikingo, Penta El Zero Miedo, and Komander (w/Alex Abrahantes) vs. Dante Martin, Darius Martin, and Action Andretti. Another time where Don isn’t going to try to keep up with all of the action. Both teams exchanged move and headed to the floor as the show went into its final break of the evening. [C]

Down the stretch, the two teams battled with a series of chops and high spots. Eventually, Darius and Andretti caught Komander and threw him to Dante who spiked him for the pin.

Dante Martin, Darius Martin, and Action Andretti defeated El Hijo del Vikingo, Penta El Zero Miedo, and Komander in about 13:00.

The Martins and Andretti celebrated as the show went off the air.

Don’s Take: Dante’s involvement was limited, which is to be expected as he gradually works his way back from injury. Again, this was another match to have a match though it can be seen as an upset. My guess is that they’re going to push the Martins and Andretti as a trios act on both AEW and ROH. Down the road, I wouldn’t be surprised to see the Martins turn heel on Andretti and be a heel team which could be interesting if done right.

An average episode and I don’t expect an upgrade over the next two weeks during the holiday season. They’ll likely use Rampage a bit to hype Worlds End, but with a likely depleted audience, I don’t expect them to do much beyond the standard matches. I’ll be back next week for the first of these two holiday episodes. Until then!


Readers Comments (1)

  1. I could see either M. Briscoe or Ibushi teaming with Jericho.

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