AEW Dynamite results (10/4): Powell’s live review of Adam Copeland’s debut, Rey Fenix vs. Nick Jackson for the AEW International Title, Konosuke Takeshita and Kyle Fletcher vs. Kenny Omega and Chris Jericho

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

AEW Dynamite Four-Year Anniversary (Episode 209)
Stockton, California at Stockton Arena
Aired live October 4, 2023 on TBS

[Hour One] The Dynamite opening aired and pyro shot off on the stage. Excalibur, Taz, and Tony Schiavone were on commentary. Excalibur acknowledged the anniversary and ran through the previously advertised matches…

Backstage, Renee Paquette interviewed Chris Jericho and Kenny Omega while noting that they were on opposite sides four years ago. Jericho mentioned that his 33-year anniversary in pro wrestling just took place. He said that he and Omega are on the same side and facing members of the Don Callis Family.

Adam Copeland walked into the picture and said there should be maple syrup with all the Canadians on the set. Copeland wished Jericho luck and said it was always good to see him. They shook hands. Omega said it was good to meet Copeland and told him that he had him on the ‘edge’ of his seat the other night. Omega offered his hand and Copeland accepted before telling them that he still doesn’t like Don Callis…

Powell’s POV: Well, that’s not the way I expected Copeland’s first appearance on Dynamite to go, but there is something to be said for getting him on the show early and perhaps often.

Ring announcer Justin Roberts stood in the ring and handled introductions for the AEW International Championship match. The Young Bucks came out first followed by the Lucha Bros with Alex Abrahantes…

1. Rey Fenix (w/Penta El Zero Miedo, Alex Abrahantes) vs. Nick Jackson (w/Matt Jackson) for the AEW International Championship. Schiavone acknowledged the anniversary and spoke about how much fun he’s had working with his partners. He said AEW changed the industry and is still going strong on TBS.

Nick caught Fenix on the ropes and pulled him down into a Backstabber. Fenix sold back pain and rolled to ringside. Nick tried to kick him from the apron, but Fenix moved and then Nick accidentally kicked the ring post. Fenix tripped up Nick on the apron. Fenix was down heading into a picture-in-picture break and then rolled back inside the ring. [C]

There were a series of big back and forth moves that resulted in near falls for both wrestlers. There were dueling chants from the fans. Nick caught a seated Fenix with back to back running knees to the head. Nick hit a ripcord knee for a near fall.

Fenix came back and executed a top rope frog splash for a near fall of his own. Fenix clutched his right hip, then shot up and caught Nick with a spinning kick in the corner. Fenix hoisted up Nick, who countered into a rollup. Fenix reversed the pin and got the three count.

Rey Fenix defeated Nick Jackson in 13:25 to retain the AEW International Championship.

Fenix stayed down after the match and was checked on by his brother and Abrahantes. Fenix got to his feet and played to the crowd before falling down again…

Powell’s POV: This looked really good on paper and delivered. I assume that Fenix was selling a hip injury given that he would sell during the match and then just shoot right up and work like nothing was wrong. If he is selling, I hope his story isn’t too similar to Orange Cassidy’s run as the AEW International Champion.

A video package with only arena sound recapped last week’s drama involving MJF, Adam Cole, and Roderick Strong…

A new video played with Cole visiting Roderick Strong at his home, but the volume still played only in the arena. Matt Taven and Mike Bennett were there and sat expressionless while there was a comedic race around Strong’s home with Strong in his wheelchair and Cole using a scooter to avoid putting weight on his injured foot/ankle. Strong appeared to give Cole a guilt trip as he was trying to leave…

Powell’s POV: The production woes continue. Awful.

Griff Garrison was introduced and was already in the ring. Wardlow made his entrance for a new wolf themed video wall…

2. Wardlow vs. Griff Garrison. Wardlow, who wore a new singlet, destroyed Garrison with a Powerbomb Symphony. Wardlow performed five powerbombs and the referee called off the match.

Wardlow defeated Griff Garrison in 1:00 via ref stoppage.

After the match, Wardlow exited the ring, hopped the barricade, and walked intently to the back without playing to the fans…

Powell’s POV: It’s good to see Wardlow back and without Arn Anderson. As much as I love Double A and hope they find something else for him, he and Wardlow lacked chemistry. I couldn’t tell if the point was for Wardlow to be all business or if he’s going to work as a heel. If he is a heel, he could be a candidate for the Callis Family.

A video package recapped Adam Copeland’s debut at AEW WrestleDream. Excalibur said Copeland will be interviewed in the ring by Schiavone later in the show… [C]

Renee Paquette interviewed Don Callis and Konosuke Takeshita “earlier tonight.” Callis cried foul while saying that the medical team wouldn’t clear Sammy Guevara for the scheduled tag team match. Callis said Kyle Fletcher will team with Takeshita. Callis told Jericho and Omega not to be too excited about who wins the battle. He said no one remembers who won the battle, they only remember who wins the war…

Excalibur said TBS had transmission issues and replayed the Cole and Strong video. Strong had Cole move furniture despite Cole saying he needs ankle surgery. Strong claimed that Taven and Bennett don’t know about interior design. Strong was happy with the job that Cole did. Cole tried to leave, but Strong told him that he still needed his help…

Powell’s POV: I’m skeptical of the transmission issues excuse since we could see the video and hear it faintly from the arena, but I’m no production expert. I’m just happy they replayed the video.

The Butcher, The Blade, and Kip Sabian were at ringside. The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn made their entrance. Max Caster’s rap included lines about how the heels polish each other’s knobs and Sabian wearing a box on his head…

3. Billy Gunn and “The Acclaimed” Max Caster and Anthony Bowens vs. The Butcher, The Blade, and Kip Sabian for the AEW Trios Titles. The heels jumped the babyfaces to start the match. Sabian performed an Asai moonsault onto Caster and Bowens at ringside heading into a PIP break. [C]

Late in the match, the babyface trio hit Scissor Me Timbers on The Blade. Bowens caught a springboarding Sabian with a superkick. Bowens and Caster followed up with a double team slam and then Bowens pinned Caster…

Billy Gunn and “The Acclaimed” Max Caster and Anthony Bowens beat The Butcher, The Blade, and Kip Sabian in 6:05 to retain the AEW Trios Titles.

Powell’s POV: The presentation was lousy for a title match. There was zero fanfare for the title match, and Excalibur started plugging matches for next week’s Title Tuesday edition (complete with Tony Khan just made a match official!) and it overshadowed the final moments of the match. I’m sympathetic if the pre-match presentation was off because they replaced the Cole and Strong video, but it was really strange to have so much plugging at a key point in the match.

The final installment of Toni Storm’s “Portrait of a Star” video series aired. RJ City mentioned that she’s been wrestling for fourteen years. She flipped out and grabbed him by the collar while yelling about how every pay-per-view is a roll of the dice. She mellowed out and said she is timeless. A graphic listed “Timeless Toni Storm” premiering later in the show… [C]

A video package recapped Swerve Strickland beating Hangman Page at WrestleDream. Page had new comments and complained about Strickland hitting him with Prince Nana’s crown and ended up saying that Swerve doesn’t take his spot by doing what he did…

Excalibur hyped Swerve Strickland vs. Bryan Danielson for next week’s Title Tuesday edition of Dynamite…

Footage aired of last week’s “devil mask” show closing angle. The broadcast team noted that MJF is claiming that his devil mask was stolen and he wasn’t behind the attack on Jay White…

Bullet Club Gold members Juice Robinson, Colten Gunn, and Austin Gunn made their entrance. They mocked Adam Cole and then said they were there to address MJF. Colten mocked MJF for referring to himself as a generational talent and then said the best he came up with in 20 minutes last week was the “tofu” insult. Robinson told MJF to get his ass out there.

AEW World Champion Maxwell Jacob Friedman made his entrance. MJF stopped on the stage and called for his music to be cut. MJF referred to the Gunns as the Ass Boys and then called Robinson “talentless taint.” Robinson spread his legs and yelled that he has a rock hard taint. MJF had the crowd chant “Ass Boys” and “Talentless Taint.”

MJF said he’s done a lot of horrible things and he thought it would be good time to list them on the fourth anniversary of Dynamite. MJF called for a Stockton Street Fight and then headed to the ring. MJF entered the ring while the heel trio mockingly begged off and then fled the ring.

[Hour Two] Jay White showed up behind MJF and then put him down with a Bladerunner. White was about to drape the AEW World Championship belt over MJF, but he opted to take it with him instead. Once he made it to the stage, White got a mic and said the belt looked right over his shoulder.

White said MJF’s cheap parlor tricks won’t work. White said MJF got the best of him last week, but he’s not fooling anyone. White said MJF saying he didn’t attack him might as well be a confession. White said they know the real MJF and he’s a liar and a coward. White challenged MJF to face him for the title at the AEW Full Gear pay-per-view on November 18.

MJF got a mic while leaning against the ropes. MJF called White “tofu” and then accepted the challenge for the championship match at Full Gear…

Powell’s POV: A solid angle. I’m shocked that AEW announced this match so far in advance. That’s not a complaint, it’s actually encouraging that they will start the build to their pay-per-views sooner.

Paquette interviewed Orange Cassidy and Hook on the backstage interview set and said they came close to becoming No. 1 contenders to the tag team titles. Cassidy said at least Hook has a title. Hook said Cassidy should be facing Fenix for the AEW International Championship next week. Cassidy said Moxley was champion for like three weeks whereas he was champion for eleven months. “Whatever,” Cassidy said before eating one of Hook’s chips…

Chris Jericho and Kenny Omega made separate entrances for their match. Don Callis walked out with his duo and Schiavone flipped out over the Last Supper painting featuring the Callis Family that appears on the big screen during their entrance…

4. Chris Jericho and Kenny Omega vs. Konosuke Takeshita and Kyle Fletcher. Don Callis sat in on commentary for the match. The cut to an early PIP break. [C] Jericho mounted Fletcher in the corner and threw ten punches before executing a hurcanrana. Takeshita hit Jericho with a lariat, and then Omega hit Takeshita with a knee to the head. Fletcher caught Omega with two kicks and a brainbuster, leaving all four men down heading into another PIP break. [C]

Late in the match, Omega performed a snap dragon suplex on Takeshita. Fletcher caught Omega with a kick and tried to scoop him up. Omega slipped away and then Jericho hit Fletcher with a Codebreaker. Omega followed up with a One Winged Angel. Callis complained on commentary that Fletcher screwed him after he gave him a chance.

Chris Jericho and Kenny Omega defeated Konosuke Takeshita and Kyle Fletcher in 15:15.

After the match, Callis went to the stage and barked at Omega and Jericho. Powerhouse Hobbs entered the ring behind them and put them both down with a clothesline. Hobbs followed up with a spinebuster on Jericho. Hobbs rolled to ringside and ran Omega into the barricade.

Hobbs tossed Omega over the barricade and onto a pile of chairs. Hobbs hopped the barricade and continued his assault on Omega. Hobbs removed a piece of the guardrail and threw it on Omega. Hobbs slammed Omega’s head onto a chair and then tossed him over the barricade and back to ringside.

Takeshita threw Omega in the ring. Excalibur said Nick and Matt Jackson went to the hospital following Nick’s match. Callis and Takeshita used duct tape to tie Omega to the top rope. Jericho tried to help, but Takeshita knocked him down. Jericho was able to enter the ring and stood in front of Omega, but Hobbs jabbed him twice with a chair. Hobbs threw punches at Omega.

Hobbs was going to hit Jericho with a chair, but Callis stopped him and took the chair from him. Callis slammed a chair over the head of Omega (gross). Callis showed off the dented chair. A “f— you, Don” chant broke out. Callis raised the arm of Hobbs and then the heels left the ring…

Powell’s POV: A good match followed by a strong beatdown angle. I hope that chair was gimmicked somehow because there’s no place for unprotected chair shots to the head given everything we’ve learned about head trauma. I like the addition of Hobbs to the Callis Family. I hope this means we’ve seen the last of his weak “Book of Hobbs” gimmick.

Paquette interviewed MJF in the trainer’s room while Max Caster, Anthony Bowens, and Bill Gunn stood in the background. Bowens and Gunn left the room and then Caster came up and rubbed MJF’s shoulders. MJF flipped out and said Caster leaves weird letters in his bag and sends him strange tweets. MJF called him a stalker and ordered him to leave. Caster called MJF the king while MJF said he’d get a restraining order on him. After Caster left, MJF said he couldn’t do it alone and was calling Adam. The call went to voicemail… [C]

Powell’s POV: It’s like that time when Hulk Hogan wouldn’t stop his damn workout to take a call from Paul Orndorff. Just answer the phone, man! Anyway, I have no idea what the MJF and Caster exchange was all about, but it made Caster seem weird.

A Samoa Joe video aired. He spoke about knowing when to be hungry and when to be satisfied. He said that to be a champion, he has to regain his hunger. Joe said he is focused and ready and should be the AEW World Champion. Joe, who was wearing a suit and had a cigar and a drink in his hand, said he gained respect for MJF. Joe said that MJF will soon learn that when he’s hungry, he always manages to eat…

Skye Blue made her unenthusiastic entrance. Toni Storm had a black and white entrance. Excalibur said she’s not well. Taz said she is perfectly well and said she had an epiphany today. The color returned once Storm was in the ring and she had lipstick speared on her face.

5. Toni Storm vs. Skye Blue. Storm shook referee Paul Turner’s hand. Storm grabbed Blue’s hand and acted like she was going to shake it and then clotheslined her. The referee rewarded her for this by calling for the bell to start the match (why do they do this so often in AEW?).

Blue came back and threw a dropkick at Storm. Blue caught her with a forearm and tried to go to the ropes, but Storm cut her off. Storm used a hip attack to knock Storm off the apron heading into a PIP break. [C] Late in the match, Storm hit a hip attack in the corner and followed up with Storm Zero before getting the three count…

Toni Storm defeated Sky Blue in 6:55.

Powell’s POV: I continue to get a kick out of Storm’s act. I just hope they define whether she’s a babyface or a heel. She’s been feuding with heel Saraya, but then she did a jump start heel attack in this match while facing a babyface.

Excalibur hyped the following matches for Friday’s AEW Rampage: Matt Menard, Angelo Parker, Jake Hager, and Daniel Garcia vs. Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, Trent Beretta, and Chuck Taylor, Kris Statlander and Hikaru Shida vs. Nyla Rose and Marina Shafir, Johnny TV vs. Komander vs. Lince Dorado vs. Penta El Zero Miedo for a shot at the ROH Championship with Eddie Kingston on commentary…

Paquette spoke with Stokely Hathaway, who announced that there will be a four-way on Rampage for a shot at the ROH Title, and Eddie Kingston will be on commentary. He said they need a champion who smells like Tom Ford, not Burger King and Newports…

Powell’s POV: They literally just told us about the four-way before they aired the Hathaway promo. Strange.

Excalibur said AEW Collision will have a special 6CT/7ET start time and will feature “FTR” Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler vs. Ricky Starks and Big Bill for the AEW Tag Titles, and Toni Storm vs. Kiera Hogan…

Excalibur announced the following matches for the Tuesday edition of AEW Dynamite: Rey Fenix vs. Jon Moxley for the AEW International Championship, Swerve Strickland vs. Bryan Danielson to become No. 1 contender to the TNT Title, Saraya vs. Hikaru Shida for the AEW Women’s Championship, Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Chris Jericho, Jay White vs. Hangman Page, and Adam Copeland vs. Luchasaurus…

Excalibur hyped Adam Copeland for after the break… [C]

Tony Schiavone stood in the ring and introduced Adam Copeland, who made his entrance and slapped hands with fans at ringside. Once in the ring, Copeland told Schiavone that his voice was the soundtrack of his childhood. Copeland said it was a big deal for him to be in the ring with Schiavone. Copeland than said he loves Schiavone, but it’s his ring, and told him to hit the bricks. Schiavone laughed and made his exit.

An “Adam” chant broke out. Copeland said he’d never heard that before and he thought it was fun. He recalled being told that he could never wrestle again in 2011, but he said it’s 2023 and he’s standing in an AEW ring. Copeland said the AEW World Championship would look pretty good around his waist.

Copeland said there are a lot of fresh opponents “for Adam Copeland.” He said he’d never talked about himself in the third person and it was weird, so he wouldn’t do it again. He mentioned matches against Jon Moxley, Kenny Omega, Miro, Powerhouse Hobbs, Jay White, and Juice Robinson. He said he wanted to challenge himself with something that’s brand new 31 years into his career and said the fans are making that happen.

Copeland said the main reason he decided to come to AEW is that he sat down with his family. He said he asked his daughters Lyric and Ruby what he should do. He said retirement was an option, but Lyric told him to go and have fun with “Uncle Jay” (Christian Cage). Copeland called out Cage “so I can tell him the real reason I’m here.”

[Overrun] Christian Cage made his entrance with the TNT Title belt draped over his shoulder and joined Copeland in the ring. Excalibur noted for younger fans that Copeland and Cage started their careers together and were one of the greatest tag teams of all-time (nice touch).

Cage entered the ring and circled Copeland and then a “holy shit” chant broke out. Copeland said he and Cage have been friends for 40 years. He said it was before this industry, and yet the industry made them realize they would be best friends for life. Copeland said he knew Cage was wondering why he attacked Wayne and Luchasaurus at WrestleDream.

Copeland was censored when he said Cage’s face was pursed up and he looked like more of a dick than usual. Copeland said he still loves Cage and that won’t change. Copeland said he saw Cage standing over Sting, the same guy who brought Sting’s poster to the barber so that he could get the same haircut.

Copeland spoke about how Sting has wrestled and made people feel. He said his wife’s parents are Polish and don’t speak English and yet they love Sting. Copeland told Cage that Luchasaurus and Wayne would drop him once they sucked all the knowledge out of his brain. He said Cage is so egotistical that he won’t see it.

“I am here because it’s time,” Copeland said. He said it was time for the two of them to team together again and face teams like FTR and The Young Bucks. Copeland said it was time to show the fans why they are one of the greatest tag teams of all time. Copeland said he was there hat in hand and asking Cage to end their careers together as a team so they can show everyone what they can do. A “one more time” chant broke out.

Cage took the mic and looked to the crowd and then at his TNT Title belt. Cage opened his arms and then shared a hug with Copeland. Cage was censored when he told Copeland to “go f— yourself.” Cage left the ring while Copeland looked stunned. Cage went to the stage and soaked up “asshole” chants that stopped the moment he held the mic up to his face.

Cage said that before he left, he wanted to give Copeland a reminder of what he’ll be up against on Tuesday’s Dynamite. Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne walked onto the stage and joined Cage while Excalibur hyped Copeland vs. Luchasaurus on Tuesday’s AEW Dynamite. Excalibur hyped the early start time for Collision and Title Tuesday while the long distance staredown continued to close the show…

Powell’s POV: A good angle to close the show. Copeland was his usual likable self and it felt logical that he made his pitch to Cage since they never made contact at the pay-per-view. Cage’s line was simple and effective despite being muted. When rumors of Copeland being AEW bound started, my initial take was that they should keep him and Cage apart, but I’ve already done a 180. I’m digging this.

Overall, this was a good post pay-per-view edition. I continue to wish that AEW would celebrate its history by showing highlights from past shows, but they just don’t go there. I hope that changes once they reach the five-year mark next year. I will have a lot more to say about Dynamite in my weekly same night audio review for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Let me know what you thought of the show by grading it below.

AEW Dynamite Poll: Grade the four-year anniversary edition free polls


Readers Comments (15)

  1. I don’t know who has worse audio issues, AEW or this site. Please fix this I can’t take much more

    • It is what it is now. I had it removed from the main page and made sure the mute button was fixed. There are plenty of websites that have video ads that play with the volume on. In fact, there’s so many out there that I keep my volume turned off when I’m going to various websites. The player brings in needed revenue. But if there’s an issue with the mute button not working on whatever browser you are using, please let me know and I’ll pass it along to the tech side. There is an ad-free version of the website if you are interested in becoming a member. We just had a sale, but I’d even be willing to do a direct sale if enough of you are interested. If not, I’m sorry, but this is how it’s going to be for now.

  2. OK, I thought my cable system was the only one having audio problems during the Cole/Strong skit. Well, at least they replayed it correctly.

  3. This show is exhausting.

    For a promotion that has 5+hours of TV a week they could slow the pace a bit, it’s esp bad on Dynamite

    • Try keeping up with the live coverage! The worst part for me is when they get to Excalibur speed reading through upcoming matches. I’m with you. I really wish they would slow down and let things breathe.

  4. TBS had transmission issues? Come on sockface, nobody thinks it’s anyone but you horrid amateurs who also managed to announce a match and then cut to an interview that was announcing the same match.

    • Wrong. Those watching fite TV international saw the same Cole/Strong segment with no issues.

      You have a point on the Stokely Hathaway screwup tho.

  5. This episode felt like it was 3 hours long. Just drags and after 4 years, they still make no attempt at trying to get mainstream fans. I guess Tony only want’s the same 800 thousand viewers every week. He really needs a real wrestling mind to start making some of the booking decisions. But he won’t.

  6. “It’s time for a titty slap!”

    For all the flaws with AEW, Toni Storm is the most consistently great thing in wrestling right now. This character is absolutely brilliant.

    • I like that she’s so wildly different from anything else right now. She’s pretty entertaining in this over the top role. Never would’ve figured.

  7. Well 1 show in and they’ve already turned Edge into a giant moron. Christian is supposed to be this big main heel and in his first promo Edge’s schtick is “let’s team up like old days”. This is why Tony Khan is a terrible booker.

    • This is why wrestling ‘fans’ like you are exhausting. I bet you complain about lack of storytelling don’t you … yet here we are 1 segment into edge v Christian and you’re already moaning. It’s only logical he’d want to talk sense into Christian and want to team with him again … that won’t be happening and they’ll take their time ‘telling a story’ before the inevitable collision. I bet you want it all on the first date as well eh? Some wrestling fans are absolute morons

      • Hey dumb dumb, you don’t do it on their FIRST interaction they have in the ring. I swear Tony could spoon feed you all horse crap and you would love it because he gave it to you. You can do what you suggested in 5-6 months ans after Edge has already established himself in AEW, but doing it the first night basically screams bad booking which is Tony’s M.O.

        Christian is a mega heel, so either Edge is a moron for trying to convince him to come back and see the light the first time they’ve spoken, or Christian is a moron for basically abandoning his whole persona the moment his old friend shows up. Either way it makes both men look bad.

  8. Watched on Fite and there was no sound issue during the first Adam Cole pre-record.

  9. I had to watch Dynamite On Demand because my DVR didn’t record it. The On Demand version, the audio was working when the video of Cole and Strong in the original spot was working normally.

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