Powell’s NXT Hit List: Roxanne Perez vs. Gigi Dolin vs. Kiana James vs. Blair Davenport for a shot at the NXT Women’s Title, The Creeds vs. The Dyad in a cage match, Heritage Cup tournament matches

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

NXT Hits

Kiana James vs. Gigi Dolin vs. Roxanne Perez vs. Blair Davenport for a shot at the NXT Women’s Championship: A good main event with a truly surprising outcome. I penciled in Dolin for the win because I thought they would have a babyface challenge Tiffany Stratton next week, and I assumed they were saving Perez’s rematch for a PLE. But no complaints about James going over. I’m not a fan of James’s businesswoman gimmick, but that has nothing to do with her portrayal of the GLOW-like character. James has been consistently good in the ring and has shown some acting and promos chops. I’m looking forward to seeing what type of match she can get out of Stratton.

Julius and Brutus Creed vs. “The Dyad” Rip Fowler and Jagger Reid: A case can be made that the match was overbooked, but the the important thing is that the booking made both Creed brothers shine. First, it was Julius for hanging in there while facing both opponents simultaneously, and then Brutus for his Bam Bam style outburst once he was finally able to get inside the cage.

Butch vs. Charlie Dempsey in a Heritage Cup tournament match: A good start to the tournament. I’m all for NXT doing more with Dempsey, but it was a wise call to start things off with a main roster wrestler winning. I’m already looking forward Butch and Tyler Bate renewing their rivalry given that both men are in the same group.

Joe Coffey vs. Nathan Frazer in a Heritage Cup tournament match: Finally. As much as I enjoy the work of Frazer, it’s about time that Coffey gets a meaningful win on NXT television. My only disappointment is that they are not going with the rounds format for these matches. I assumed that one purpose of this tournament was to get the rounds style format over with North American viewers.

NXT Misses

Meta-Four and Ilja Dragunov: All that yapping just to set up a Dragunov vs. Mensah match for next week? I get a kick out of Noam Dar, but having him ham it up while they are holding a tournament meant to get the Heritage Cup over just isn’t a good combination.

Dana Brooke and Kelani Jordan vs. Lola Vice and Elektra Lopez: A rough match. Can we just cut to the part where Brooke turns on Jordan?

Angel and Humberto video: They saved the worst of this video series for last. Two cousins having the same dream in which they were both left with three bloody scratch marks from their late grandfather sounds like the start of a horror move, not a reboot for a babyface tag team. But at least these two are finally getting a fresh start. I just hope they don’t wear those corny claw mark temporary tattoos that The Wolves wore in Impact Wrestling at one point.


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