Powell’s TNA Impact Hit List: Moose and Nic Nemeth meet before the Rebellion main event, Brian Myers and Eddie Edwards vs. Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin for the TNA Tag Titles, Hammerstone vs. Guido

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

TNA Impact Hits

Brian Myers and Eddie Edwards vs. “The Motor City Machine Guns” Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin for the TNA Tag Team Titles: The best match of the night. This was the swan song for Shelley and Sabin in TNA, so it was logical to Myers and Edwards beat them on their way out. In fact, I’m surprised they had Alisha interfere as opposed to simply having the tag team champions go over clean. Nevertheless, Shelley and Sabin are going to be missed. They can always be counted on to have quality tag team matches and they both had successful runs as singles wrestlers.

Moose and Nic Nemeth: The final meeting between the TNA Champion and his challenger at Rebellion. Both wrestlers showed confidence and I like that they shook things up by having them avoid physicality.

Mustafa Ali, Zack Gibson, and James Drake vs. Jake Something, Rhino, and Deaner: A solid six-man tag match that put heat on the heels heading into Rebellion. Deaner’s man of the people act is getting over with the live crowds.

Hammerstone vs. Guido: A good showcase win for Hammerstone over a known name. Hammerstone has been a nice addition to the TNA roster.

TNA Impact Misses

Rosemary vs. Jody Threat: The usual formula with one half of the team that will challenge for the Knockouts Tag Titles beating one of the champions in a singles match. There was nothing wrong with the match as much as the company has run this approach into the ground.

Joe Hendry vs. LSG: A soft Miss. The Hammerstone squash win served a purpose in terms of making him look dominant heading into his third match with Josh Alexander. Hendry’s squash win felt a little random and fairly pointless.

Rebellion Buzz: The build to Saturday’s pay-per-view was decent and the lineup looks pretty good on paper, but there just doesn’t seem to be a lot of buzz about the show. Perhaps Rebellion is simply lost in the shuffle due to AEW having a three-hour block of programming on Saturday night and the Dynasty pay-per-view on Sunday.


Readers Comments (2)

  1. Thanks for the timely review, Jason. Much appreciated. One quick query for you, though. Is your priority for tomorrow night Rebellion or AEW? AEW could be DVR’d & watched later on.
    Again, thanks for the review. Looking forward to Rebellion.

    • TNA Rebellion could also be recorded, but I am covering Rebellion live. Don Murphy will be covering the AEW shows on delay and then I’ll watch them after the PPV.

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