Tony Khan comments on AEW streaming possibilities

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Tony Khan addressed the streaming possibilities for AEW during an interview with Variety’s Gavin Bridge as part of the Monaco Streaming Film Festival. “I think that’s a decision we need to make in part with our domestic media partners, with Warner Bros. Discovery, who have great presence in the world of streaming, and figure out what makes sense for us in terms of our partnership,” Khan said.

“Because absolutely there is money on the table for streaming pro wrestling events… So there could be great opportunities there… Domestically we’re still looking for the right solution, and it’s a very exciting time for us because the streaming business continues to grow here domestically and frankly the value of AEW events continues to grow.” Read more at

Powell’s POV: I continues to surprise me that the company doesn’t have a major streaming deal. Given the number of subscribers that WWE has brought to Peacock, one would think that Warner Bros. Discovery would want to add AEW content to its Max streaming service. There’s a lot of speculation that the All In event could end up streaming on the recently rebranded Max (previously known as HBO Max), but there’s still no official word as to whether that’s actually going to happen.


Readers Comments (2)

  1. WWE has all of wrestling history to stream, aew has roh and a 3 year history. Why would they be streaming?

    • It’s not about the historical section. It’s a nice perk for those who want to access the library, but WWE learned quickly that there are only so many people who want to go back and watch their archives. New content is the draw. So it would be more about streaming the major events (rather than have them on PPV) and next day TV rights than the library.

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