2/3 NXT Level Up results: O’Connor’s review of Sol Ruca vs. Lash Legend, Oba Femi vs. Javier Bernal, and Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen v.s Xyon Quinn and Bronco Nima

By John O’Connor, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@thereal_JOC

NXT: Level Up (Episode 51)
Taped in Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Streamed February 3, 2023 on Peacock/WWE Network

Sol Ruca made her way to the ring as the broadcast team of Vic Joseph and Byron Saxton welcomed us to the show…

1. Sol Ruca vs. Lash Legend. Ruca backed Legend into the corner as the match began. Ruca worked on the arm before being shot off into the ropes by Legend who grabbed the hair but Ruca responded with a shoulder block which put Legend down to the mat. Ruca applied a modified STF to Legend but Legend got to the bottom rope to force the break.

Ruca threw a dropkick, but Legend booted Ruca out of the ring as Ruca attempted a follow up leapfrog. Back in the ring, Legend sent Ruca chest first into the corner turnbuckle  and worked on the arm which sent Ruca to the mat and Legend gained a near fall off a standing splash. Legend worked on the neck of Ruca but Ruca powered up and sent Legend down. Ruca fired up on Legend, hit a cartwheel into a corner splash and hit Legend in the face with a big boot which put Legend into position for the ‘Sol Snatcher’ for the win.

Sol Ruca defeated Lash Legend via pinfall in 6:45. 

The commentary team hyped Oba Femi vs. Javier Bernal for after the break…[c]

2. Oba Femi vs. Javier Bernal. Femi powered off Bernal early who attempted a tie up as the bell rang. Bernal stomped on the foot to try and take Femi off of his feet but Femi powered Bernal into the air and dropped Bernal with a gorilla press slam. Bernal hung Femi up on the ropes which allowed Bernal to take control and hit a sliding clothesline for a near fall. Bernal worked on the neck of Femi grounding the big man to the mat. Femi got back to his feet and drove Bernal across the knee and powered Bernal down with a spinebuster. Femi looked to finish but Bernal raked the eyes and rolled up Femi grabbing a handful of tights en route to the victory.

Javier Bernal defeated Oba Femi via pinfall in 4:37. 

The commentary team hyped the main event…[c]

3. Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen vs. Xyon Quinn and Bronco Nima. Jensen and Nima started the match with Nima gained the early advantage applying a side headlock. Briggs and Quinn tagged in as Jensen and Briggs hit a double team on Quinn to keep in control. Quinn hit a backbreaker and a splash on Jensen and tagged in Nima who continued a beatdown on Jensen. Nima worked on the arm and sent Jensen back into the corner and tagged in Quinn. Jensen made a hot tag to Briggs who took out both Nima and Quinn. Nima rolled to the outside as Briggs  tagged Jensen back in. Jensen hit an atomic drop on Quinn and Briggs followed up with a big boot which put away Quinn for this week.

Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen defeated Xyon Quinn and Bronco Nima via pinfall in 4:51. 

John’s Ramblings: Another showcase win for Sol Ruca was the highlight this week whereas Xyon Quinn’s star has really fallen over the past few months. In the early days of Level Up, it seemed that Quinn was destined for a big push in NXT as an unstoppable monster but now he just loses all the time which is unfortunate.


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