9/13 NXT 2.0 results: Moore’s review of Pretty Deadly vs. The Creed Brothers in a cage match for the NXT Tag Titles, Carmelo Hayes defends the NXT North American Title against the winner of a fan poll, Zoey Stark and Nikkita Lyons vs. Kiana James and Arianna Grace

By John Moore, ProWrestling.net Staffer (@liljohnm)

NXT 2.0 one-year anniversary edition
Live from Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Aired September 13, 2022 on USA Network

[Hour One] Vic Joseph and Wade Barrett were on commentary and checked in from ringside. Alicia Taylor was the ring announcer…

The steel cage tag team title match opened the show…

1. “Pretty Deadly” Kit Wilson and Elton Prince vs. “The Creed Brothers” Julius and Brutus Creed in a Steel Cage Match for the NXT Tag Team Championships. Wilson immediately tried to run out of the door while Prince tried to escape over the top of the cage. The Creeds dragged them both back in with force. The Creeds hit Pretty Deadly with monkey flips, which sent them right into the chain links, allowing them to crawl to the top. The creeds pulled both Deadly members back in with Prince almost escaping and dangling over the side of the cage by Brutus’s arm. The Creeds chucked both Pretty Deadly members into the cage.

The creeds ping ponged Prince with knees to the gut. Wilson punched out Brutus. Wilson springboarded off of Prince’s back to nail Julius with a spring board codebreaker for the two count. Brutus pulled Prince down and hit him with a Border Toss into the steel cage. Brutus and Wilson punched each other while sitting on the top of the cage. Both men fell off. Julius hit Prince with a nice top rope reverse Spanish Fly. The show went to picture-in-picture.[c]

Pretty Deadly were pummeling Julius on the top rope in the corner. They put Julius on the top of the cage and Superplexed him all the way off the top of the cage. The “holy shit” chants ensued (complete with the annoying mute button). Brutus took down both Pretty Deadly members with axe handle strikes and tosses. Julius deadlifted both Pretty Deadly members on each arm. The Creeds hit Pretty Deadly with a double Cannonball Doomsday Device.

Damon Kemp ran in and climbed to the top of the cage. Julius intercepted himand traded strikes. Julius managed to kick at the cage to dump Damon off. Little did he know, Damon Kemp handcuffed Julius to the top of the cage. Brutus tossed around Pretty Deadly all over the place. Brutus climbed to the top to help his brother get unhooked. Pretty Deadly tried to sprint to the cage, but were hit by a crossbody from Brutus. Brutus got a two count on Wilson.

Brutus pulled Prince away from the Cage. Julius managed to pull Wilson to his corner. Wilson fought out and broke up Brutus’s ankle lock on Prince. Pretty Deadly hit Brutus with their Spilled Milk finisher. Brutus kicked out at two. Pretty Deadly took turns tossing Brutus into the cage walls while Julius was forced to watch. Pretty Deadly hit Brutus with Spilled Milk to give Wilson the pinfall win.

Pretty Deadly defeated The Creed Brothers via pinfall in 14:59 in a steel cage match to retain the NXT Tag Team Championships.

John’s Thoughts: Amazing opening match. I feel safe in saying this, but I think that Pretty Deadly might be the best pure heel tag team NXT has had since FTR (ohhhh, Imagine heel Pretty Deadly vs. babyface FTR!!!). This was a nice story told. I loved the beginning where Pretty Deadly were shameless and did nothing by try to just escape without fighting, and the Creeds are great in being two big dudes who just toss people around with ease (Pretty Deadly are bump machines themselves). The big spots here were fun, mostly involving Julius. This guy doing flips at his size, he has true Brock Lesnar potential right now. This whole match was great, including the closing 5 or 6 minutes where they told the story with Julius being handcuffed by Damon Kemp. Brutus got to look strong too, like an Incredible Hulk, even kicking out of Spilled Milk.

McKenzie Mitchell had Wes Lee, Von Wagner, and Joe Gacy in the back to reveal who the fans voted to face Carmelo Hayes. Wes Lee won the vote. Lee was excited. Joe Gacy said he accepts the result of the vote, and he gave Lee a handshake. After Lee left, Gacy told Mitchell that there’s important work to be done tonight…

Fallon Henley vs. Lash Legend was hyped for later in the show…[c]

John’s Thoughts: In all seriousness, hyping up future segments are supposed to be beneficial, but hyping up a future Joe Gacy segment is borderline channel changing material. The guy really needs a refresh.

An ad aired for NXT trading cards…

Vic Joseph and Wade Barrett checked in from the entrance ramp. Joseph sent the show to a video package that showcased the whole first year of NXT 2.0…

Lash Legend was already in the ring. Fallon Henley made her entrance with Briggs, Jensen, and one of the cancer patients that are being supported by the Connor’s Cure charity. He was wearing a wolf suit and called himself “The Nighthowler”, cool moment…

2. Lash Legend vs. Fallon Henley (w/Josh Briggs, Brooks Jensen). Legend tossed Henley around the ring and all around ringside. Back in the ring, Legend put Henley in a side Torture Rack. Henley rallied back with kicks and forearms. Henley ducked a bicycle kick and hit Legend with a modified Stratisfaction. Henley hit Legend with a Shining Wizard for the victory.

Fallon Henley defeated Lash Legend via pinfall in 2:16.

Yulisa Leon was sad, telling Valentina Feroz and Sanga that she has a torn leg and she’ll be out nine months. Mr Stone and Von Wagner showed up, yelling that they should have won the vote. Sanga yelled at Von, saying you shouldn’t yell like that in front of a lady.

Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen were celebrating with Fallon Henley backstage. Horny Brooks Jensen walked up to Mandy (who was with Dolin and Jayne), talking about how excited he gets looking at Mandy’s “tip” on her instagram. Mandy said “ew, in your dreams”. Jensen said that you can’t prove that Mandy’s in his dreams. Fallon got in Mandy’s face and talked about wanting to face her for the title. Briggs and Jensen had to hold Henley back as Toxic Attraction went to the ring….

John’s Thoughts: Good to see Henley get a win. She’s set up to be a gatekeeper of the women’s division, but you have to make sure your gatekeepers have credibility. Sad news to hear from Yulisa Leon. She was a person that was standing out in a good way with all of her innovative feats of strength that she would whip out during her matches. Here’s wishing her the best in her recovery.

Mandy Rose, Gigi Dolin, and Jacy Jayne were in the ring. Mandy bragged about unifying the US and UK NXT Women’s Titles. She said that she might even consider taking over NXT Europe once that starts up. Jayne talked about Toxic Attraction being a supergroup. Gigi talked about Toxic Attraction running NXT for a year. All three women continued to brag. Mandy talked about how she’s trying to take the record of being the longest reigning NXT Women’s Champion. Alba Fyre made her entrance to interrupt. Fyre talked about coming from Scotland.

She said Scots don’t talk for the sake of talking, they let their hard work do the talking. Fyre talked about coming from the generations of firekeepers. Fyre said in Fyre’s eyes, Rose sees the next women’s champion. Dolin and Jayne tried to blindside Fyre, but they ate bat shots to the gut. Fyre hit Rose with a superkick and Gory Bomb to leave her lying. Jayne and Dolin dragged Rose to the back…

A Cora Jade promo package aired. A graphic showed “I didn’t change, you just never knew me – Cora Jade”.  Jade talked about how she fought to be the future of the women’s division, but other people didn’t see that. They aired clips of Natalya feuding with Jade and beating her. Jade said she didn’t care because her best friend, Roxanne Perez, was coming into NXT. Jade then said Perez was a loser. B-roll footage aired of her beating up Perez. Jade said the fans are like 2nd graders, Stark has no personality, Lyons ain’t good, Alba’s weird, but she kinda understands toxic Attraction these days. Jade said that Choo is like a teddy bear and belongs in a children’s bedroom. Jade talked about how at the same time next year, Cora Jade will be the number one woman in the industry…

McKenzie Mitchell interviewed Wendy Choo about the last Cora Jade promo. Choo joked about living in an apartment and rent free in Jade’s head. Lash Legend showed up to complain about her last loss. She and Choo jawed a bit…

Quincy Elliot pulled upto the WWE performance Center on his moped…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Formula stuff to set up Rose’s next title challenger. They are constantly bringing up the length of Rose’s reign, which has us all wondering when WWE will pull the trigger on putting the title on another opponent? We’ve already gotten a Fyre vs. Rose feud (a bit of a weird one where it was about Rose being afraid of Kay Lee Ray’s bat), but I think they can run it back fresh with Kay Lee Ray evolving to Alba Fyre.

Quincy Elliot made his entrance spinning on a spinny chair. He wore a leather jumpsuit. Elliot gave the ringpost a lap dance. Vic Joseph joked that “Sweet T” (Matt Bloom/Albert) taught Quincy how to give lap dances. Wade Barrett said that comment made him speechless…

3. “The Super Diva” Quincy Elliot vs. Sean Gallagher. Elliot did a dance, looking like he was trying to teach Sean how to duggie. Elliot did a bit of a front flip, while blowing a kiss at Sean. Elliot gave Sean right hands and a flying uppercut. Elliot gave Sean a slingshot Banzai Drop for the win.

Quincy Elliot defeated Sean Gallagher via pinfall in 1:31

McKenzie Mitchell interviewed Cameron Grimes about his upcoming match against D’Angelo and Stacks. Grimes talked about how he doesn’t want to be a part of D’Angelo’s gang. He said the person he’s going to trust in himself to win the next match. He teased not having a tag partner. He said weather he’s a man up or man down, he’s a man who’s going to the moon…

Stacks and D”Angelo made their entrance with Joseph wondering if Grimes doesn’t have a tag team partner…[c]

John’s Thoughts: I didn’t know what to expect from the flamboyant Elliot? So far, I’m liking this act. He’s really into his character. It comes off as natural. Not to mention, what little we saw of him in the ring was fun and innovative. I was afraid we were going to see Love Machine Viscera redux, but he really made this act his own. The jumpsuit ring gear really works for him too.

Wes Lee was warming up backstage. Trick Williams showed up to tell Lee to just give up now. Trick and Melo then jumped Lee to leave him lying. Melo put Lee’s head in a locker and slammed it twice. Referees ordered Trick and Melo out of the locker room. Barrett noted that he doesn’t think Lee will make it to his match against Melo…

[Hour Two] Cameron Grimes made his entrance. The ref rang the bell with Grimes wrestling himself…

4. Tony D’Angelo and Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo vs. Cameron Grimes. Grimes hit Stacks with a gutwrench suplex and shoulder tackle. Grimes hit Stacks with a knee to teh gut and kick to the head. D’Angelo tagged in and worked on Grimes with clubbing blows. Grimes jumped out of the corner and hit Tony with Kickboxing Roundhouse kicks. Tony tagged in Stacks. Tony and Stacks traded quick tags to keep the two on one advantage on Grimes. Joe Gacy and The Dyad showed up. Gacy grabbed the tag rope and agreed to be Grimes’s partner.

Stacks and Tony continued to cut the ring in half on Grimes. Grimes gave Stacks a backdropped and refused to tag in Gacy. Tony gave Grimes gut punches and a suplex. Tony dared Cameron to tag in Joe. Tony and Stacks continued to cut the ring in half on Grimes. Grimes managed to hit both opponents with a Frankendriver. Grimes escaped a Stacks suplex and Gacy tagged himself in. Gacy hit Stacks a uranage and hit Tony with a dropkick. Gacy hit Stacks with another Uranage. Grimes got in Gacy’s face. This allowed Stacks to put Gacy in a sleeper. Grimes hit Stacks with a Spanish Fly Power slam. Grimes hit Tony with a Cave in. Gacy hit Stacks with his handstand lariat finisher to pick up the win.

Joe Gacy and Cameron Grimes defeated Channing Lorenzo and Tony D’Angelo via pinfall in 5:36.

Gacy gave Grimes a back hug. Grimes pushed away Gacy saying he doesn’t want him.  The Dyad blindsided Grimes and put the boots to him. The Dyad hit Grimes with Ticket to Mayhem. Gacy said that was Cameron’s last chance. Gacy hit Grimes with the handstand lariat. The Schism posed over the fallen Grimes…

JD McDonagh was getting a shave with a straight razor backstage. He talked about how good hygiene is important. His barber Gabe agreed. Gabe accidentally cut JD on the side of the neck. JD talked about how he’s coming after Bron Breakker still. The promo finished with JD admiring the blood on his hand that came from the razor cut…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Oh look, now that Vince McMahon is gone, Blading is allowed via JD McDonagh. I kid. Anyways, back to the match. As much as I don’t want to admit, the end of that match was actually really good with Grimes and Gacy looking like a good tag team. That said, Joe Gacy’s character sucks! He’ll be great if he just found a way to get out of his damaged generic cult leader character.

The Street Profits did a Connor’s Cure PSA…

Vic Joseph and Wade Barrett checked in from ringside. They sent the show to a Vic Joseph and Bron Breakker sitdown interview. Joseph talked about how Bron Breakker made his NXT debut just a year out of College. Breakker talked about how important it was to him to appear in WWE. He recollected his first loss in WWE to Tommaso Ciampa. He said his title run now must be better after that loss than if he won the title without first taking a loss. He then talked about how important it was to have Rick Steiner at ringside during his title win. Breakker said he’s the first [Steiner] to win a singles title in WWE.

Joseph asked Breakker about inducting the Steiner Brothers into the WWE Hall of Fame. Breakker said it was incredible and led to a huge weekend for him. Breakker said he lost in a title match to Dolph Ziggler, which led to him thinking all night that he can’t leave the weekend without the title. He said the next night on Raw, he won the title. Breakker also talked about going to war with Gunther. Breakker and Joseph continued to recap the rest of Breakker’s run. Vic Joseph concluded the interview saying he’s looking forward to more from Bron Breakker…

McKenzie Mitchell interviewed Tyler Bate. Bate said he’s looking forward to a rematch with Bron Breakker. He said he sees JD McDonagh in his way. Bate said that if JD wants a shot against Breakker, then he’ll gave to go through Tyler Bate…

Entrances for the next match took place…

5. Nikkita Lyons and Zoey Stark vs. Kiana James and Ariana Grace. James and Stark started the match with chain wrestling. Stark hit James with an armdrag into an armbar. Stark tagged in Lyons. Lyons hit James with a suplex. James threw a fit at ringside and brought her storage bag into the ring. The show cut to regular commercial.[c]

Lyons hit Grace with a tackle and hook kick for a two count. Stark tagged in and hit Grace with a butterfly suplex. Grace tagged out which James didn’t like. Stark gave James running power strikes. James rolled to ringside and gave Stark a lariat when she went to ringside. James put Stark in a grounded headlock. James gave Stark a backbreaker for a two count. James knocked Lyons off the apron. Stark backdropped James and had noone to tag.

Grace tagged in. Barrett talked about how Grace is one of his favorites because she uses Barrett’s finisher. Stark got Grace to a knee and hit her with a leg lariat. Grace gave Stark a boot for a nearfall. Stark hit Grace with a tilt-a-whirl GTS. Lyons hit Grace with a tornado kick. Lyons defeated Grace with her splits pin.

Nikkita Lyons and Zoey Stark defeated Ariana Grace and Kiana James via pinfall in 5:45 of on-air time. 

The unknown hooded man in a red sweater from last week tried to convince Enofe and Blade to vote for Joe Gacy as the best superstar. The Dyad attacked Enofe and Blade. Security Guard Hank tried to help, but another guard said they had it under control and Hank better get ready for his match…

Wes Lee was getting checked on by a trainer. Joseph noted that Lee’s status for his upcoming match is in question…[c]

John’s Thoughts: A decent match with some developmental wrestlers getting better. Grace is actually starting to get better in terms of character. I’ve compared her character to Sharpay from High School Musical. Looks like she’s getting inspiration from Auntie Santina instead of Daddy Santino. Everyone else was okay. Nothing much stood out.

A vignette aired to hype the future debut of Oro Mensah…

Grayson Waller interrupted McKenzie Mitchell’s top 4 vote getters to the best star to come out of NXT 2.0. Waller assumed he was in the top four. Carmelo Hayes, Toxic Attraction, Nikkita Lyons, and Bron Breakker. This pissed off Waller…

Javier Bernal made his entrance. They aired footage of Hank putting Javi in his place over the past few weeks due to Javi acting like a prick. Hank came out to no entrance theme. The crowd gave Hank a strong reaction. Hank wrestled in his street clothes, which included a regular button-up shirt…

6. “Big Body Javi” Javier Bernal vs. Security Guard Hank Walker. Barrett stressed that “Developmental prospects” work for NXT as security, which means they aren’t ready for the ring. Hank carried Javi to the corner. Hank no sold a slap from Javi and then got in Javi’s face. Hank tossed Javi around the ring. Javi tripped Hank into the corner with a dropkick to the knee. Javi focused his attack on Hank’s left knee. Hank shoved Javi away from him.

Hank turned the tables by tossing Javi into the corner. Javi reversed a suplex with a headlock. Barrett noted that that was an example of Hank’s inexperience. Hank managed to hit Javi with a Thesz Press. Hank took off his shirt and gave Javi corner splashes. Hank gave Javi a crossbody for the victory.

Hank Walker defeated Javier Bernal via pinfall in 3:24.

John’s Thoughts: There you go Hank! The local hero (Speaking of Local Heroes, where has Joe Hendry been. There’s a guy WWE needs to bring into NXT Europe if he’s still wrestling). Hank doesn’t seem ready in terms of the in-ring aspect, but the presentation here was really charming. I thought that was some great presentation and kudos to Hank for really getting the crowd behind him. With Hank Walker, Bodhi Hayward, and Trick Williams, NXT is doing a solid job putting prospects in positions to shine and not be exposed as green in the ring.

A video package aired that spotlighted some of the elaborate entrances that have been in NXT 2.0…

Melo and Trick cut a promo in the hallway. Melo said he doesn’t think Melo is going to make an entrance off the medical table…

John’s Thoughts: By the way, NBC U have been airing Arron Rogers commercials to Cult of Personality. We can’t escape CM Punk mania.

A Sol Ruca debut vignette aired. She’s a surfer…

Vic Joseph and Wade Barrett advertised the following matches for next week: Wendy Choo vs. Cora Jade and Tyler Bate vs. JD McDonagh in a number one contender’s match to Breakker’s title. They aired twitter tweets from main roster stars who are congratulating NXT 2.0 for their anniversary…

Bron Breakker won the NXT 2.0 Superstar of the Year…

North American Champion Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams made their entrance. Trick took the mic and said that he and Melo are too good to be humble. Melo talked about how Wes Lee not being able to make it out here. He said that Lee isn’t made to measure up to the A Champion. He said people are trying to come at him from all angles, including the main roster. Melo’s promo was cut off by the newest Bloodline member, Solo Sikoa, making his entrance in ring gear. Solo took a mic and reminded Melo that “I got next”…

John’s Thoughts: Hmmmm? Are they going to put the title on Solo to have the Bloodline draped in gold? Interesting.

7. Carmelo Hayes (w/Trick Williams) vs. Solo Sikoa for the NXT North American Championship. Solo backdropped Melo to start the match. Solo tossed Melo into the corner. Trick dragged Melo into the corner to have him avoid a cannonball. Solo tossed Melo into Trick heading into PIP commercial.[c]

[Overrun] Solo had Melo in a nerve pinch back from the break. Melo escaped with some CQC strikes. Solo came back with a strike of his own. Melo retreated to Trick for a breather. Trick slammed Solo’s leg into the mat, when Melo distracted the ref. Melo hit Solo with a springboard bulldog. Melo worked on Solo with methodical offense. Melo trapped Solo in a Single Leg Crab, using Solo’s leg brace for extra leverage. After a minute, Solo got a hand on the rope for a break. Solo blocked a Codebreaker and rallied back with punches.

Solo hit melo with a Superkick and Samoan Drop. Solo hit Melo with the Umaga Hip Attack. Hayes got on the rope to distract Solo, which allowed Hayes to hit Solo with a Codebreaker. Solo reversed Melo with a pop up Samoan Drop for the two count. Solo knocked Trick off the apron with a superkick. Solo caught a flying Hayes with a swinging Uranage. Solo hit Melo with the Uso Splash for the victory.

Solo Sikoa defeated Carmelo Hayes via pinfall in 10:02 to become the new NXT North American Champion. 

Joseph wondered if the North American Title was being ported to Smackdown? Solo posed with the title belt while doing the Day 1 pose…

Vic Joseph sent the show to a Shawn Michaels narrated video. Michaels said that NXT has been and will always be about developing the stars of the future. He said NXT is always constantly evolving. He said even though stars will move on, NXT’s message to the fans will still be the same. We are NXT! NXT closed with the NXT 2.0 paint splatter logo fading away and becoming a new White, Black, and Gold “NXT” logo…

John’s Thoughts: Awesome stuff. The Solo surprise was well done and truly came out of nowhere. There was no reason to think he’d be a replacement for Wes Lee seeing as Solo just came off a Smackdown main event against Drew McIntyre. As I said in my thoughts right after the surprise, I had an inkling that this was a clever way to drape the Bloodline in Gold by porting the NA Title to Smackdown. I actually think that’s a bit clever. Gunther and Lashley have their IC and US titles on lock. Noam Dar is MIA with his Heritage Championship (I wonder if they bring him over to be the new secondary champ or if they just let the Heritage Championship fizzle away?). I do feel a bit bad for Melo that he had to be the fall guy, but that’s just kinda how it is right now, it was a smart way to drape the Bloodline in Gold (“draped in gold” coined by Adam Cole) without taking the title off Lashley or Gunther. Because NXT’s roster is so huge again, I wouldn’t mind NXT still having a secondary title. Or Solo can put in double duty if he’s up for it?

Interesting teaser in the end too. Just your usual, thank you letter from the booker of the territory. This time it’s Cowboy Uncle Shawn as opposed to Papa H. What was refreshing to see was NXT going back to a sleek gold logo as opposed to whatever the hell the paint splatter thing was supposed to be? I also wonder if we’ll get new rotating themes too. Wale’s NXT theme actually isn’t bad (and Wale also did the entrance theme for MLW Fusion for a few years), but NXT always freshened things up every few months by refreshing the entrance theme. I wonder if with the gold back, if we’ll be getting more of a black and gold ish NXT? We’ll see. One thing I don’t think we’ll see is Triple H’s excessive use of skulls and demons, which was a weird quirk of Paul Levesque’s NXT. Interesting note, I heard next week’s NXT will be taped due to USA having this weird clause that a few NXT shows have to be taped per year. I’ll make sure to avoid spoilers. I’ll be back in a bit with my weekly audio review for the Dot Net Members and Patreon Patrons…

NXT 2.0 Poll: Grade the September 13 one-year anniversary edition

pollcode.com free polls




Readers Comments (2)

  1. So in a tag team cage match do both members have to escape the cage?

    If yes. Why not let one guy escape then you have a 2-1 advantage to beat him up and then win yourselves

    • I assume only one person has to escape to win. If Vic and Wade said otherwise, I wasn’t paying close attention to the commentary team while reviewing.

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