Powell’s Impact Wrestling Hit List: Kenny Omega, Rich Swann, and Moose, Eric Young vs. Eddie Edwards, Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson vs. Crazzy Steve and Black Taurus, Tenille Dashwood vs. Susan, Jake Something vs. Shera, Jordynne Grace vs. Kiera Hogan

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Impact Wrestling Hits

Kenny Omega, Rich Swann, and Moose: Swann showed good fire in calling out Omega, who responded with a good, arrogant heel promo with the usual strong support from Don Callis. The Moose appearance was a pleasant surprise that plays into my prediction that he will cost Swann the match against Omega on Sunday, but that’s just a shot in the dark.

Eric Young vs. Eddie Edwards: A solid television main event that provided final hype to the Violent By Design eight-man tag match at Rebellion. The big brawl at the end of the show was basic and wasn’t as good as the title vs. title match hype, but it was a good idea to feature the pay-per-view main event hype earlier in the show.

Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson vs. Crazzy Steve and Black Taurus: A clean win for the Good Brothers heading into their tag title rematch with Juice Robinson and David Finlay at Rebellion. It was a logical move and a needed win for Gallows and Anderson. Their post match promo was straight forward and emphasized that the duo is focussed heading into the rematch.

Kiera Hogan vs. Jordynne Grace: There wasn’t much to the two-minute match that ended in a disqualification, but it served as a solid way to have Rachel Ellering save Grace from a beatdown and reveal herself as Grace’s tag partner at Rebellion. All of that said, I continue to hope the Impact creative forces eventually recognize that Hogan should be their top Knockouts babyface.

Rebellion Go-Home Show: Impact was a focussed show that did a terrific job of building up the Rebellion pay-per-view and the big main event in particular. The clips of the various wrestlers delivering match predictions added to the big match feel. There were also strong promos and video packages for the other matches. This has to rank among the best go-home shows that Impact has produced in company history.

Impact Wrestling Misses

Tenille Dashwood vs. Susan: Dashwood going over was the right move heading into her Knockouts Title match at Rebellion. Unfortunately, Dashwood continues to feel ice cold as a character and her post match promo was flat. Dashwood and Purrazzo are pros and should have a good match at the pay-per-view, but someone needs to find a way to breathe some life into the Dashwood act.

Jake Something vs. Shera: Shera beat Something. Really? Something has upside and it’s baffling to see him lose back to back television matches. Is he in the doghouse? Does he have an expiring contract? Is this just bad booking? Will he go on a winning streak once he comes up with a better last name? Hey, I can dream. Meanwhile, I have no idea why Shera and Rohit Raju were back together after splitting up and having a match recently, but I won’t complain too much since I still like the idea of Shera serving as the muscle for the talented Raju.


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