Paul Levesque on Patrick “Velveteen Dream” Clark allegations, Nia Jax appearing to take issue with his previous statement

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE wrestler Nia Jax appeared to take jabs at the comments made by Paul Levesque regarding Patrick “Velveteen Dream” Clark during a CBS website interview. “You know, in this day today, accusations are made and you take them all very seriously,” Levesque told earlier this week. “You look into them the best you can, and you find out what is there and what isn’t.

“In this situation, [Clark] was also involved in a car accident. That’s what took him off TV. In the moment, all this other stuff happens and you look into it and you find that there is a situation that people bring to everyone’s attention, you look into it and find that it is what it is and there’s nothing there.”

Jax responded Monday to an Instagram page’s coverage of Levesque’s comments with several clown emojis. While it was less than certain who she was targeting with the emojis, she also posted a “Zero F—s Given” graphic with “#SaveTheChildren written below on her own Instagram page on Monday.

Powell’s POV: Clark was accused of sending an explicit photo to someone under the age of 18, which he later denied. Independent wrestler Josh Fuller released images of screenshots that he labeled as conversations between himself and Clark in which he alleged that Clark was attempting to groom him. While Levesque’s comments indicate that the company looked into the allegations made against Clark, Fuller stated last week that no one from WWE had reached out to him.

During today’s NXT Takeover: XXX media call hosted by Levesque, I asked him about Jax’s response and Fuller stating that the company never reached out to him. “So, obviously we take all of these things very seriously, allegations, misconduct of any nature, we take very seriously,” Levesque said. “I’ll stand by what I said on CBS. Didn’t do it, didn’t find anything there in the manner of, you know, what we were looking for and we’ve moved on. But it doesn’t change the fact that we take these things seriously. If there’s something else there, we’ll look into it. That goes across the board for anybody. But, we’ve already talked about it so I’d rather move on to other topics.” Listen to the full Levesque media call here.


Readers Comments (1)

  1. The best thing that could come out of this situation is Nia Jax being fired.

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