Powell’s MLW Fusion TV Review: Jimmy Havoc vs. Mance Warner in a Falls Count Anywhere in Orlando match, Alex Hammerstone vs. Douglas James for the MLW National Openweight Championship, Zeda Zhang vs. The Spider Lady

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Major League Wrestling Fusion (Episode 84)
Taped November 9, 2019 in Orlando, Florida at GILT Nightclub
Aired November 23 on beIN Sports

The show opened with footage of Marshall Von Erich lying in a hotel hallway holding his knee and telling Tom Lawlor, Ross Von Erich, and Tom Prichard that someone hit him with a pipe… The Fusion opening aired… The broadcast team of Rich Bocchini and AJ Kirsch checked in. Bocchini noted that Lawlor had signed a new deal with MLW…

1. Jimmy Havoc vs. Mance Warner in a falls count anywhere in Orlando match. Havoc made his entrance and was attacked on the stage by Warner to start the match. Bocchini said the match could end up in Winter Park (home of NXT via Full Sail University) or one of the theme parks. The wrestlers fought to the ring where Warner poured a bag of tacks into a corner of the ring.

Havoc thumbed Warner in the eye and then left the ring and headed to the parking lot where he threw a man out of his car and drove away. Warner found a guy he knew in a car and had the referee join them in pursuit of Havoc. “My f—ing car,” yelled the guy whose car was stolen. [C]

Kirsch recapped the opening injury angle and noted that Marshall asked his brother Ross to replace him in next wee’s MLW Title match. Kirsch added that Contra Unit had not been seen in the building and said that the Von Erichs and Lawlor were on their way to the hospital…

Powell’s POV: So I guess they are taking a break from the Falls Count Anywhere match to spread it throughout the show. Meanwhile, I continue to suspect a Lawlor heel turn given his recent actions. The story could be that he took out Marshall in hopes that he would give him the title shot instead.

The latest Lifestyles of the Rich and Dynastic aired. Richard Holliday was sitting in a poolside chair and said he couldn’t wait for the giant gift that Alex Hammerstone was giving him and MJF. Hammerstone was there and said he would do it on Thanksgiving. Holliday asked if Hammerstone would tell him if he guessed. Holliday guessed an egg (see Survivor Series), giant AirPods, and whatever Hammerstone got at the pharmacy in Mexico…

2. Zeda Zhang vs. The Spider Lady. Zhang offered a handshake, but Spider Lady Kick her hand away. Kirsch noted that the right knee of Spider Lady was heavily braced. One guy tried to get a “Spider Lady” chant going and one other guy joined in. Spider Lady applied a Mandible Claw and wouldn’t release the hold, so the referee called for the bell.

Zeda Zhang beat Spider Lady by DQ.

After the match, Spider Lady removed her mask and revealed herself to be Pricilla Kelly. She put the Mandible Claw on Zhang again, then kicked the referee in the balls…

Powell’s POV: I assumed this was going to be a showcase for Zhang to kick off the women’s division, but it turned into a heat building moment for Kelly. It made for a flat match, but it gives the women’s division its first feud. Kelly is a nice addition to MLW.

A cameraman followed Warner into Havoc’s house where the Falls Count Anywhere match resumed. Warner shoved Havoc’s face into a toilet at one point. Havoc introduced a frying pan to the fight and got a two count on his couch. Havoc left the house and apparently left in another vehicle. Warner had his driver follow Havoc…

Bocchini recapped the Marshall Von Erich knee injury and noted that Ross Von Erich will challenge Jacob Fatu for the MLW Championship on the Thanksgiving edition of Fusion. Kirsch spoke about the Opera Cup tournament…

Pricilla Kelly delivered a backstage promo and said she’s the queen of shocking people. She said she is in MLW to make everyone question their place and their sanity…

3. Alex Hammerstone vs. Douglas James for the MLW National Openweight Championship. Richard Holliday sat in on commentary. James caught Hammerstone with a nice dropkick and followed up with a cutter a short time later for a two count. Hammerstone came back and set up for a superplex, but James slipped out and performed a German suplex from the ropes and got a near fall. James performed a running meteora for a good near fall.

James went to the ropes where he was cut off by Hammerstone, who slammed him into the ring. Hammerstone performed a bicycle kick and a snap German suplex, then performed a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall. Hammerstone followed up with another move, got another two count, and then showed frustration. “Stay down,” Hammerstone barked. James slapped Hammerstone across the face. Hammerstone responded with a Nightmare Pendulum and scored the clean pin…

Alex Hammerstone defeated Douglas James to retain the MLW National Openweight Championship.

Powell’s POV: A good match with Douglas getting plenty of offense and good near falls before Hammerstone put him away. Holliday was fun on commentary and is really standing out as a strong personality. I love that all three Dynasty members are willing to play goofballs when the situation calls for it. I like what I see from James in the ring, yet I couldn’t tell you anything about his personality beyond the broadcast team telling us that he’s a kickboxer.

Footage aired from inside Warner’s car as he continued the search for Havoc… [C] Coming out of a break, the broadcast team recapped the Marshall Von Erich injury angle… Kirsch hyped Fatu vs. Ross Von Erich for the MLW Championship, King Mo vs. Ricky Martinez, and Koto Brazil and Jordan Oliver vs. Gringo Loco and Zenshi for the Thanksgiving episode…

Lawlor was interviewed about re-signing with MLW in a “press conference.” Lawlor said he lost a family member when he lost the MLW Championship and he intends to bring it home. He was asked about the Von Erichs. “Yeah, they’re great, what’s next?” Lawlor asked…

Powell’s POV: This whole situation with Lawlor re-signing feels off as far as the timeline that MLW has laid out. This was described as something that came together at the last minute earlier this week. If that’s the case, then Lawlor either has an MLW backdrop in his home and friends who have mics and recording equipment and were willing to play reporters for his press conference video. I guess it’s also possible that they filmed this just in case he re-signed, but it definitely feels fishy. That being said, I’m not really sure what the point of fabricating the timeline would be, so I could be way off on this. Putting all of that aside, Lawlor giving a very brief answer regarding the Von Erichs plays into my suspicion that he’s turning heel. And there’s nothing wrong with a storyline like this that people see coming. Everyone is so caught up in trying to pull off surprises, but there’s something equally appealing about seeing them up to have a good “I knew it!” moment.

Warner found Havoc in a parking lot and had the referee follow them. Havoc punched Warner several times and had his driver buddy throw moonshine in his face (the lid was closed the first time). Havoc came back by biting Warner on the nose and ear. Bocchini said the pair were fighting on the campus of Full Sail University and assumed the cops were on their way. Warner got Havoc in the back of a car and choked and bit him, then had his buddy drive away while he continued to work him over with punches… [C]

Bocchini narrated a video package with the message that MLW and AAA have united in a special partnership…

Warner and Havoc made their way back into the GILT Nightclub where the Falls Count Anywhere match continued. Warner stapled dollar bills to the head and shoulders of Havoc, who returned the favor by stapling a bill to Warner’s head. Warner wedged a chair into a corner of the ring, but Havoc ran him into it. Havoc performed a drop toehold onto a chair.

Havoc put Warner through a door board in the corner of the ring. Havoc followed up with a move onto the thumbtacks for a near fall. The wrestlers fought to the stage area where Havoc jabbed Warner with a fork. Havoc went for an Acid Rainmaker, but Warner ducked it, rolled him up, and pinned him.

Mance Warner defeated Jimmy Havoc in a Falls Count Anywhere in Orlando match.

Havoc got right up and continued to use the fork as a weapon on Warner…

The Contra Unit logo flashed. Jacob Fatu, Josef Fatu, Simon Gotch, and Ikuro Kwon stood in front of a Contra Unit banner. Samael said they had something special planned for Thanksgiving. He invited viewers to sit around their television and witness the end of a new hope for America. “Say goodbye to Ross Von Erich,” Samael said. Fatu closed the show by saying, “Hail Contra”…

Powell’s POV: You had to turn your brain off to fully enjoy the Warner vs. Havoc match. MLW tried to explain how both men were able to get vehicles, but there was no way to explain was how the ring was littered with thumbtacks, a door board, and other weapons when the wrestlers left the building, yet all those objects were still in place when they returned despite the fact that we saw two other matches take place in between their time in the ring. Oh well, it was still fun. The women’s division got off to an unexpected yet solid start, and I enjoyed the Hammerstone vs. James match more than the quiet live crowd. Check back for John Moore’s weekly audio review of MLW Fusion for Dot Net Members on Monday (it’s delayed this week due to the busy weekend).


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