Impact Wrestling Hit List: Ken Shamrock and Moose, Michael Elgin vs. TJP, Johnny Swinger vs. Owen Travers, Tenille Dashwood vs. Kiera Hogan vs. Madison Rayne, Daga vs. Chris Bey, fallout from Sami Callihan hitting Melissa Santos with a bottle

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Impact Wrestling Hits

Ken Shamrock and Moose press conference: The look of the press conference was low budget, but that’s the only knock. Moose has appropriately toned down the comedic side of his act for this feud and both men have done a great job of creating a big fight feel. This is the first time they’ve appeared together on camera and they added to the intensity of their feud. I wish everything in Impact Wrestling (and elsewhere) felt this realistic.

Sami Callihan apologizes, Brian Cage assaults a fan: The angle left me waiting until they got to the part where Callihan showed no remorse for hitting Melissa Santos with a bottle. He was immediately apologetic after the incident and we got more of the same with his prepared statement. Fortunately, they got there in the final clip of the show when Callihan intimidated Santos and told her that hitting her felt really good. That’s more like it.

Michael Elgin vs. TJP: A minor Hit for a well worked match that felt a bit underwhelming in the main event slot. But that’s fine given that they are winding down their run on Pursuit Channel before moving to AXS later this month.

Johnny Swinger vs. Owen Travers: The stuck in the past Swinger character is good for some light comedy. I get a kick out of it, but I hope they take the less is more approach with the character. Pro wrestling companies tend to fall in love with their comedy figures to the extent that the characters are overexposed and run into the ground prematurely.

Daga vs. Chris Bey for a spot in the five-way X Division Title ladder match at Bound for Glory: A minor Hit. Daga winning means that he and girlfriend Tessa Blanchard will both be challengers for the title at the pay-per-view. The match was well worked, though it was highly predictable given that Daga is the regular and Bey was likely in for the Vegas tapings. I still wish the X Division Title match at BFG was a singles match between Jake Crist and Tessa Blanchard, but I’m curious to find out if there’s a storyline reason why they didn’t go in that direction.

Jim Mitchell: A minor Hit in that it’s nice to have someone actually talking and thus walking confused viewers through the Havok vs. Su Yung feud. I still don’t have a feel for who they actually want fans to root for in this feud. Mitchell and Havok work for “you know who”, but Mitchell also said Yung is “his” favorite bride. I hope they get this straight so that viewers have an actual rooting interest and don’t just react to the spots at BFG.

Impact Wrestling Misses

Eddie Edwards and Kenny the Kendo Stick vs. Reno Scum: Impact has told every joke there is to tell with the kendo stick. Crazy Eddie and the kendo stick bit has never been clever and now it feels like it just won’t go away (see my previous comments about comedy acts). Meanwhile, Reno Scum come off like they are only a decade more current than Johnny Swinger, but they’re not in on the joke. They are talented guys, but it’s time to overhaul the look and gimmick.

Tenille Dashwood vs. Madison Rayne vs. Kiera Hogan: The big push of Dashwood is coming at the expense of Rayne and Hogan. And that would be fine if Dashwood had been established and was clicking, but that just hasn’t been the case. She came to Impact, beat both of these women in singles matches, and now beat them in a three-way. Dashwood continues to feel cold despite these wins and it still feels like Impact creative is banking on her being over from her WWE run even though we’re so far removed from when the Emma character was truly over in NXT.


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