Powell’s Impact Wrestling Hit List: Sami Callihan and Dave Crist vs. Tessa Blanchard and Tommy Dreamer, Moose vs. Fallah Bahh, The Rascalz vs. Rob Van Dam, Willie Mack, and Rich Swann, The Deaners vs. Desi Hit Squad

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

My apologies for not writing Impact Wrestling Hit Lists for the two previous shows. I blame a busy birthday weekend two weeks ago and then one of the busiest pro wrestling weekends ever over SummerSlam weekend. I’m caught up and back on track now, but I make no promises for what will be a busy Labor Day weekend…

Impact Wrestling Hits

Moose vs. Fallah Bahh: Bahh continues to show great versatility. He’s always fun in comedy segments and he’s also shown the ability to flip the serious switch when the situation calls for it. It’s a testament to him that he continues to shine in various roles and despite losing sidekicks KM and then Scarlett Bordeaux. This was a good match and I hope we see more from these two.

Tommy Dreamer’s talk with Tessa Blanchard: Dreamer delivered a gem of a promo while incorporating Tessa’s grandfather, father, and stepfather in a good, believable way. He also put over Tessa in a big way by talking about how she inspires people and wants to change the business. Dreamer did an excellent job with his promo and set the table nicely for the two of them teaming together in the main event.

Sami Callihan and Dave Crist vs. Tessa Blanchard and Tommy Dreamer:Dave hitting a low blow on Blanchard, who then no-sold the move, was good for a laugh, especially thanks to Tessa’s bewildered reaction. It got a little silly during the final sequence as Dave had to sell a couple of quick kendo stick shots for what seemed like forever before Tessa went to the ropes and finally leapt off to hit her finisher. Overall, though, I’ve been impressed by the way Impact has booked Blanchard against the men. Callihan has framed it well in the past, and Dreamer also did a nice job in his promo. I can’t say I want to see Tessa win the Impact World Championship, but they’ve won me over as far as her potentially defeating Jake Crist for the X Division Championship. I’ve openly stated that intergender wrestling isn’t really my thing, but it’s been handled so well in this case that I’ve enjoyed seeing Blanchard wrestle against the OVE members.

The Rascalz vs. Rob Van Dam, Willie Mack, and Rich Swann: As much as I groaned over last week’s (and every week’s) smoke circle segment, it was fun and logical to see the The Rascalz act awestruck by their pot smoking hero RVD. It fit their persona and even made RVD feel more legendary. The spot fest style match is what you would expect from the six men involved and that’s a good thing if you enjoy the style.

The Deaners vs. Desi Hit Squad: A good match between the mostly comedy teams. I actually can’t say the match quality surprises me. Both teams have looked good the few times they’ve been asked to do more than comedy. Things will be reverting back to comedy now that the Deaners won this match and the DHS will be forced to be their servants, but it’s nice to be reminded that both teams can go when they’re given the opportunity do so.

Kiera Hogan and Madison Rayne vs. Jordynne Grace and Alexia Nicole: The match dragged a bit when the heels isolated Nicole, but it set up nicely for the hot tag and Grace’s big offensive flurry. The late match spot with the babyfaces appearing to be on the verge of winning only to find out that Hogan wasn’t the legal person in the ring for her team when Nicole had her pinned was solid. Rosemary got the big pop for her post match attack on the heel duo, so all of this worked nicely.

Impact Wrestling Misses

Eddie Edwards, Alisha Edwards, and Ace Austin: The dynamic of Austin trying to screw Eddie’s wife is odd and yet simple enough to follow. But it also requires viewers to believe that the wrestlers don’t watch their own show. After all, Austin openly boasts about how he plans to sleep with Eddie’s wife and yet Alisha is none the wiser. Then again, there’s a very good chance that Alisha has a cable system that doesn’t carry Pursuit and she probably has better things to do than watch Twitch on a Friday night, so perhaps Impact is the exception to the rule (I’m kidding?).

Jessicka Havok and Su Yung: This feud may end up working, but at this point I’m not really sure who they want fans to cheer. I think they are going with Yung as the babyface, but nothing has really changed to nudge fans in her direction. Havok falling into a “trance” due to Yung’s entrance music playing when she could have pinned Taya Valkyrie to win the Knockouts Championship last week was one of the dumbest thing I’ve seen on television this year. Some will argue that Impact deserves a little credit for at least trying to explain it when we see wrestlers in all promotions freeze when entrance music plays, but it’s just a moment that should have been avoided and every company should find ways to avoid repeating this eye rolling sequence.


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