Powell’s Ring of Honor TV Review: Bully Ray and Silas Young vs. Best Friends, Sumie Sakai vs. Madison Rayne for the WOH Championship, Shane Taylor vs. Josh Woods, Jeff Cobb destroys prospects

By Jason Powell, Prowrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Ring of Honor TV
Taped July 21 in Atlanta, Georgia at Center Stage
Aired in syndication on September 1 and Mondays on the FITE TV app

The show opened with a recap of Cody and The Young Bucks winning the ROH Six-Man Tag Titles last week with the Kingdom protesting about the illegal man being pinned… The ROH opening video aired… The broadcast team of Ian Riccaboni and Colt Cabana checked in and hyped Best Friends vs. Bully Ray and Silas Young…

1. Sumie Sakai vs. Madison Rayne for the Women of Honor Championship. Ring announcer Bobby Cruise delivered in-ring introductions for the title match. Mandy Leon sat in on commentary for the match. Both women were down heading into a commercial break. [C] Rayne performed a cutter for a two count and expressed frustration over not getting the win. Sakai came back and hit Smash Mouth and scored the clean pin. Sakai dropped to her knees and bowed to Rayne, who then hugged her…

Sumie Sakai defeated Madison Rayne to retain the Women of Honor Championship.

Powell’s POV: A decent match. There’s nothing particularly exciting about Sakai as the champion, but I suspect she will continue to gain the respect of fans and become more popular the longer she holds the strap.

Footage aired of the Josh Woods and Shane Taylor feud… Ring entrances for their match took place… [C]

2. Shane Taylor vs. Josh Woods. Woods went for a suplex, but Taylor elbowed his way free. Woods hit him with a couple of knees, but Taylor dumped Woods to ringside. Woods complained from the start about Taylor having a loaded glove and sold big whenever Taylor hit him. Woods came back with a nice suplex for a two count heading into a break. [C]

Woods went for a cross arm breaker and was able to apply the hold. Woods ripped off the glove of Taylor and pulled out an object. Woods barked that Taylor hit Woods with the object. Referee Paul Turner took the object away from Woods and indicated that he was going to give Woods the win by DQ, but Woods wanted the match to continue. Seconds later, Taylor hit Woods with his finisher and pinned him…

Shane Taylor pinned Josh Woods.

Powell’s POV: Woods looks like a bit of a dope for being obsessed with proving that Taylor was cheating when he could have focused on getting the submission win, but at least he proved that he was right. I like Taylor vs. Woods as a mid-card program, but it seems like they have long gaps between their matches.

SoCal Uncensored members Christopher Daniels, Frankie Kazarian, and Scorpio Sky delivered a brief promo to set up next week’s Kazarian vs. Mark Briscoe match… The Jay Lethal and Jonathan Gresham video package aired to set up their 30-minute iron man match for next week’s television show… [C]

3. Charles Sanders vs. Marcus Kross in a Top Prospect Tournament match. The wresters shook hands before the match. Kross delivered a few nice kicks and then the crowd erupted when Jeff Cobb came out. Cobb beat up both wrestlers and the referee called for the bell.

Charles Sanders fought Marcus Kross to a no-contest when Jeff Cobb interfered.

Cobb cleared both wrestlers from the ring and then Eli Isom ran out and threw punches that Cobb no-sold. Cobb performed an impressive twisting slam on Isom and then got right back to his feet… [C]

Powell’s POV: So ROH is basically holding their Top Prospect Tournament earlier than usual to give Jeff Cobb something to interrupt. Seriously, they’re not showing brackets or anything that would make a viewer think they are actually serious about the tournament. I’m all for Cobb destroying people and making a big splash, but I wish they weren’t being so lazy about the tournament. Most importantly, though, Cobb is coming off like a major league badass.

Caprice Coleman sat in on commentary with Riccaboni and Cabana for the main event. Colt seethed before Bully Ray even came out. Bully walked out to no music and then jawed at Cabana while Riccaboni tried to keep Cabana calm. Bully barked at the cameraman to keep the camera on him while adding, “They don’t draw money.” The “Best Friends” duo made their entrances…

4. Bully Ray and Silas Young vs. “Best Friends” Trent Barreta and Chuckie T. The Best Friends were off to a good start when Ray reached up from the floor and pulled Barreta into the ring post while the referee was distracted. [C]

Barreta was isolated by the heels until he made a late hot tag. T worked over Young and performed Sole Food and a falcon arrow on Young for a two count. Best Friends worked over Young and did their hug bit. Ray ran in and clotheslined both men. Ray barked at Young to get to their corner for the tag. A weary Young obliged, but Ray dropped off the apron. Ray and Young jawed at one another with Ray telling him that he would learn a lesson. Best Friends performed a stomp dudebuster on Young and then Barreta pinned him…

Best Friends beat Bully Ray and Silas Young.

Riccaboni hyped the Iron Man match between Lethal and Gresham for next week’s show…

Powell’s POV: I continue to be annoyed by the lack of promo time and character development that the Best Friends act gets on ROH television. The company acts like everyone should know them rather than taking the time to actually explain who they are and what they are about. Anyway, I like the possibility of Young becoming a babyface in a feud with Ray. The only problem is that Ray already has issues with Cabana, Cheeseburger, and Flip Gordon. It’s a nice problem for Ray, but I would hate to see a Young turn get lost in the shuffle. Overall, an entertaining hour of television with Cobb making another big impact by destroying three men. Haydn Gleed will be by with his members’ exclusive audio review.


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