Powell’s Impact Wrestling Hit List: Sami Callihan, Jake Crist, Dave Crist, and Madman Fulton vs. Tessa Blanchard, Daga in an Extreme Rules match, Rich Swann, and Tommy Dreamer, Ken Shamrock vs. Joey Ryan, Moose vs. Willie Mack, Michael Elgin vs. Fallah Bahh

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

The Impact Wrestling Hit List will normally run on Wednesdays. Due to some unexpected computer issues, this week’s Hit List was delayed until today.

Impact Wrestling Hits

Michael Elgin vs. Fallah Bahh: A strong match with Elgin’s suplexes and power moves looking even more impressive than usual due to the size and girth of Bahh. And this was a case of Bahh gaining something in defeat. Bahh continues to be a great utility player for Impact in that he’s a lovable comedy figure who can also deliver impressive matches like this on when he’s asked to.

Sami Callihan, Jake Crist, Dave Crist, and Madman Fulton vs. Tessa Blanchard, Tommy Dreamer, Rich Swann, and Daga in an Extreme Rules match: Callihan was good throughout his backstage championship celebration aside from all OVE’s apparently inability to drink beer without creating a bunch of foam in the bottle (sorry, that alcohol abuse annoyed me). The actual match felt like something we’ve seen before or close to it, but I like the idea of putting Swann over to put him in line for a title shot.

Ace Austin, Eddie Edwards, and Alisha Edwards: The silliness of everyone other than Alisha knowing what Austin was up to is finally over and that worthy of a Hit at this point. While the whole thing made Alisha look like an oblivious dope, Austin did make the most of the situation and came out of it a real player within the company. Did Eddie really want to have a three-way with his wife and his kendo stick?!?

Petey Williams vs. Bhupinder Singh: A soft Hit for the post match segment with the legless referee performing a 619 and a 450 splash on Singh. The actual match was fine albeit completely forgettable.

Impact Wrestling Misses

Ken Shamrock vs. Joey Ryan: Did this match occur just because someone wanted to bill this as The World’s Most Dangerous Man vs. The World’s Most Dangerous Manhood? I mean, I kinda get it if that’s the case, but the match just didn’t do anything for me. I get a kick out of the Ryan gag in small doses, but it works with certain opponents and Shamrock just wasn’t one of them at this early point in his latest run with the company.

Moose vs. Willie Mack: A soft Miss for a match that came in a bit below expectations. The match was given plenty of time, but it just wasn’t a hot followup to Moose’s big win over Ken Shamrock at Bound For Glory (Moose appeared on last week’s show in a segment taped at a golf course). It felt like Moose should have beaten someone in decisive fashion and received some promo time rather than be in a match that seemed designed to protect Mack to some extent even though he did the honors.

Taya Valkyrie vs. Madison Rayne in a non-title match: A well wrestled match, but still a minor Miss for the oddball heel vs. heel approach. I did like the way that Valkyrie used the match to avoid facing Jordynne Grace.


Readers Comments (1)

  1. Miss:
    The announce team saying they didn’t notice the missing legs. I mean, come on!

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