1/18 Moore’s Impact Wrestling Barbed Wire Massacre III review (video included)

By John Moore, ProWrestling.net Staffer (@liljohnm)

Impact Wrestling Barbed Wire Massacre III
Aired January 18, 2018 on Twitch TV

Since I’m watching this on delay, I’d direct you to Impact Wrestling’s YouTube channel where the full match is uploaded. Ohio Vs. Everything came out first. Sami Callihan threw the Puerto Rican Flag on the ground while the Crist Brothers threw around the Mexican Flag. Out next were the four LAX members…

1. Santana, Ortiz, and Homicide vs. Jake Crist, Dave Crist, and Sami Callihan in Barbed Wire Massacre III. The OVE guys tried to do their thumbs up thumbs down thing but were punched by LAX. OVE came back with pump kicks. LAX teased whipping OVE into the barbed wire, but the OVE managed to stop on a dime and roll under the ring. OVE taunted the booing fans on the outside. Santana cleared the barbed wire and hit OVE with a Tope Con Hilo.

Ortiz joined Santana in the brawling on the outside by hitting OVE with chairs and crash lids. Homicide and Callihan had a fork sword fight. Callihan was first to make contact with the fork. They dropped the forks and were apprehensive due to the barbed wire. Callihan won the brawl and tossed Homicide into the wire. Ortiz gave Callihan unprotected lid shots to the head. Callihan responded wiht a middle finger. Ortiz came back by tossing Sami into the barbed wire.

Dave tossed around Ortiz. Santana tackled Dave Crist into a barbed wire board. Homicide and Jake brawled. Homicide held on to the barbs to prevent his body into going into it. Homicide pushed Jake into the barbed wire and jabbed him with a fork like Abdulla the Butcher. Callihan was working on Homicide with wires at a different part of the ring. Dave Crist was visually bleeding in the shoulders. OVE tossed chairs at Homicide’s head. Homicide yelled “f*ck you!!!”. OVE suplexed Homicide on a barbed wire chair.

Ortiz ran in to save Homicide. Homicide saw the wound on the back of Dave and poured a bottle of Patron Tequila on it. Sami Callihan ran in and gave Homicide a Patron mist. Callihan gave Homicide a snap DDT on the trash can lid leading to a nearfall. Ortiz hit Jake with a Suplex from Chairs to a barbed wire board. Homicide had the advantage over Callihan. Callihan escaped a Gringo Killer causing Homicide to fall on the wire. Callihan gave Homicide a front suplex onto the barbed wire. Santana and Ortiz gave Callihan a double suplex inthe middle of the ring for a nearfall since the referee was checking on Homicide who was trapped in barbed wire. Konnan grabbed the wire cutters to free Homicide. [C]

Jake Crist was the latest person to get tangled in the wire. This time, Ortiz used the wire cutters to unlock some wire so that they can wrap Jake in a barbed wire coil. Ortiz carried a barbed Jake Crist and gave him a death valley driver into more wire. Jake was visually bleeding since he wore a white suit. Jake had an adrenaline rush as he gave Ortiz a spear into a table on the outside.

OVE gained the upper hand. Callihan gave Santana a tombstone on the barbed wire chair. Santana broke out of the pin. The crowd was chanting huge for LAX. Sami Callihan set up some tables and a ladder. OVE put Santana on the tables while OVE escalated the ladder. Konnan ran in and saved Santana with a barbed wire bat. Santana carried bamboo skewers and jabbed them into the head of Dave Crist in a spot straight from the Ultima Lucha Tres. Santana gave Dave a superplex into the tables leading to the pinfall win.

The Latin American Exchange defeated Ohio Vs. Everything via pinfall in 17:01.

Homicide took off his extra layers to celebrate his win. The replay showed the Lucha Underground skewer spot. LAX celebrated in the ring while tired. Jeremy Borash closed out the show…

John’s Thoughts: Ye-ouch. That was the exact spot that I witnessed live at the Lucha Underground Season 3 finale where Sami Callihan did that exact wooden skewer spot into the head of Brian Cage. I told the person next to me “My head hurts from that and I hope it was a magic trick” because of how disgusting it was.

As for the match, I could have done without the unnecessary chairshots to the head. I saw Callihan do these matches in Lucha Underground without the unnecessary concussive shots to the head (albeit, others in LU weren’t as safe). That said, this was a good and rightfully disgusting match. OVE and LAX deserve lots of props for continuing to raise the bar every time they wrestle and I hope this is the end of the feud or else they’ll end up killing themselves. The barbed wire stuff served it’s purpose for violence and I give the teams credit for not going too overboard with bloodbath spots. The PopTV show had a good opening match and the rest was a waste of time due to the stretched out material. This Barbed Wire match is worth watching (see above) but I’d throw in the warning that if you are weak in the stomach you might consider not watching this and I’d totally understand. I’ll be back later on today or tomorrow with my Impact Wrestling Audio Review for the members of Dot Net.

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