Matt Hardy and Reby Hardy appear at Survivor premiere party, Jonny Fairplay and Conrad Thompson launch “Survivor” podcast

-Matt Hardy and Reby Hardy made a surprise appearance at Jonny Fairplay’s Survivor premiere party at Reboot Arcade Bar in Winston-Salem, North Carolina on Wednesday. The couple mingled with fans and played video games.

-In related news, Fairplay and “Something to Wrestle With” and “What Happened When” podcast co-host Conrad Thompson launched the new weekly “Survival of the Fairest” podcast that can be heard at

Powell’s POV: My inside sources tell me that Conrad wanted Survivor contestant Yau-Man, who once kicked Fairplay’s ass, but he ended up settling for Fairplay as the co-host. I feel Conrad’s pain, as I’ve had the same issue with the Dot Net Weekly audio show.


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