1/19 WWE Smackdown TV taping spoilers: Full coverage of the taping for Thursday’s television show (spoilers)

Dot Net reader David Wallace is at the WWE Smackdown television taping in Dayton, Ohio at Wright State University’s Nutter Center and is passing along the following report on the taping for Thursday’s television show. Refresh the page for his latest updates.

Roughly half the Nutter Center was tarped off. The crowd was pretty quiet during the Main Event taping. It’s never a good turnout for anything but Raw here. Lots of unicorn horns in the crowd…

Chris Jericho opened Smackdown. A Highlight Reel recap from Raw was shown. Jericho said he is the Savior of the WWE. Insert New Day (minus Francesca). They grilled him about his crime against the trombone. They asked the crowd to partake in a moment of silence in remembrance of Francesca. Jericho told them they’re going to be in a six-man tag match and introduced their opponents The Usos and Dolph Ziggler for the opening match…

1. The Usos and Dolph Ziggler defeated Big E, Kofi Kingston, and Xavier Woods. The babyfaces won in about 13 minutes with a triple superkick on Xavier Woods…

2. Becky Lynch beat Alicia Fox (w/Brie Bella). Charlotte and Ric Flair were commentary. Becky won via submission with the Disarmer…

Miz TV with Dean Ambrose, who compared the Last Man Standing match to an amusement park, and explained all the “rides” he’s gonna take KO on – the ring apron, the barricade, and the announce table. Ambrose said he’s gonna put Owens through the announce able and be the last man standing. Owens came out and said he’s more of a zoo enthusiast. He said he’s obsessed with the IC Title. He said Ambrose would be unconscious and he would become the champ. Ambrose challenged him to fight. Miz attacked Ambrose. Owens came to the ring and hit Miz with a Popup Powerbomb. Ambrose recovered, attacked Owens, hit Dirty Deeds, and led the crown in a 10 count…

3. Bray Wyatt over Ryback. Wyatt won with Sister Abigail after interference from the other Wyatt Family members…

4. Titus O’Neil over Stardust. Titus won with a sit out spinebuster with Stardust coming off the top rope…

Kalisto was interviewed backstage by Renee Young. League of Nations beat up Kalisto afterward…

Roman Reigns came out for his handicap match against League of Nations. He cut an in-ring promo about how he’ll overcome the odds at the Royal Rumble…

5. Roman Reigns beat Sheamus, Rusev, Alberto Del Rio, and King Barrett by DQ. Reigns won when the League of Nations members all attacked him. The Usos ran out for the save. The League took out the Usos, Reigns fired up. Cue the Wyatt Family sounder, and they surround the ring. Reigns took out Luke Harper and Erick Rowen. Braun Strowman knocked Reigns out of the ring. Reigns was taken out by Harper and Rowen on the outside. They threw him back inside the ring to take Sister Abigail from Bray. The Wyatts posed and the lights went out to end the taping.

In what was presumably a dark segment, R-Truth came out to check on Reigns. Reigns took the mic and said Truth comes out when he’s not supposed to. It’s a rib on Truth!! It’s his birthday. The whole locker room came out and Reigns led the crowd in singing Happy Birthday. Reigns clowned Truth by telling the the crowd he turned 50. They closed the show with R-Truth’s What’s Up song. A great ending.


Readers Comments (1)

  1. nice wwe romen riegns is best in the world

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