WWE executive Paul Levesque (a/k/a Triple H) takes questions from ProWrestling.net’s Jason Powell and other members of the pro wrestling media and promotes Saturday’s NXT Takeover: XXX event. The topics include NXT and WWE ThunderDome, the allegations made against Patrick Clark, Renee Young’s run with WWE, whether they looked into holding SummerSlam on a boat, Lars Sullivan’s workout videos, the possibility of Randy Orton in NXT, what he’s learned during the pandemic, whether there will be a new head writer of NXT, Karrion Kross’s rise in NXT, overall television viewership compared to demographics, Bronson Reed, and much more (49:55)…
Join John Moore for NXT Takeover: XXX coverage on Saturday and his live review of NXT TV every Wednesday night at ProWrestling.net. Dot Net Members also hear his exclusive NXT audio reviews each week and will also hear an audio review after Takeover on Saturday night.
Click here for the August 19 Paul “Triple H” Levesque conference call.
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