4/11 WWE Superstars taping spoilers

wwesuperstarslogoDot Net reader Julie Netchaev attended the WWE Raw show in Los Angeles, California at Staples Center on Monday and sent the following report on the WWE Superstars taping.

1. Ryback defeated Damien Sandow. Sandow came out to a lot of cheers back to coming out in the robe with the towel. Sandow had most of the offense in the match, but Ryback won with Shellshocked. Ryback was booed to the back and people applauded Sandow all the way out.

2. Dolph Ziggler beat Tyler Breeze. Both had a decent enough reaction, but Dolph was the obvious favorite. They had a pretty back and forth match from what I saw of it. Granted, I had to stand up to let people by several times, but there were some near falls that had us wondering if we were going to finally see Breeze bring his string of losses to an end, but almost as soon as my son mentioned that, Dolph hit the zig zag and got the pin. As Breeze was walking out Lilian Garcia was on her way out for the start of Raw.


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