4/18 WWE Superstars taping spoilers from London

wwesuperstarslogoDot Net staffer Haydn Gleed and Dot Net reader Chris Mangalaparathy are at the WWE Raw event in London, England at 02 Arena. They are passing along the following combined report on the WWE Superstars taping. Refresh the page for their latest updates.

As usual, the set in the UK is a taxicab and phone box. Haydn wants to include a big shout out to his friend Dale, who went to WrestleMania, and Raw the night after mania, Los Angeles last week, and landed back in the UK at 10am this morning and is now with him at the arena for this Raw…

As they were showing highlights of WrestleMania, any visual of Roman was heavily booed…

1. Big Show beat Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas in a handicap match. Tornado tag rules apparently. Great reaction for Show, but he was the first guy out for the night. At one point in a comedy spot, all three members of the Social Outcasts were trying to push Big Show, but he pushed them all to the mat. In the end, Big Show won with a double chokeslam and a double pin. Total comedy match, and the crowd loved it…

2. Kalisto beat Tyler Breeze to retain the U.S. Title. Back and for match to start with Tyler gaining the momentum. Kalisto performed a great 450 splash and the crowd counted along with the referee’s three count, but Breeze had his hand on the rope. Kalisto eventually won with a neck breaker type move after a number of close falls…

This concluded the Superstars taping.

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