ROH on HonorClub results (3/20): Robinson’s review of Komander vs. Dark Panther for the ROH TV Title, Top Flight vs. QT Marshall and Aaron Solo, Kevin Knight vs. AR Fox, La Catalina vs. Viva Van

By Sam Robinson, Contributor (@altaine)

Ring of Honor on HonorClub (Episode 108)
Taped March 5 in Sacramento, California at Memorial Arena and March 12 in Fresno, California at Save Mart Center
Streamed March 20, 2025 on HonorClub

Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman were on commentary. Justin Roberts, Bobby Cruise, and Arkady Aura worked as the ring announcers…

*Unless otherwise noted, all matches started and ended with the Code of Honor handshake…

1. Mistico, Fuego, and Neon vs. Hechicero, Volador Jr., and Rudigo. Late in the match, Mistico hit a springboard double back elbow and Fuego and Neon hit springboard head scissors and then they all dove at the rudos on the outside. They dove onto the rudos on the outside again. After some lucha reversals Fuego got the best of Rugido with a pop up wrist lock takeover. Fuego too quick for Hechicero with some matrix avoidance and another wrist lock takeover.

Neon tagged in and hit a springboard head scissors on Rugido, a wristlock takeover on Volador and a double jump springboard head scissors on Hechicero. Mistico and Rudigo in, and Mistico hit a running head scissors. Mistico ran circles around Volador and Hechicero for a bit until a top rope head scissors and a wrist control arm drag. Hechicero got his tilt a whirl backbreaker reversed by a wrist lock takeover. Neon and Fuego dove onto rudos on the outside. Mistico went around the world and locked in an armbar on Rudigo for the tap out victory.

Mistico, Fuego and Neon defeated Hechicero, Volador Jr and Rudigo by submission.

Robinson’s Ruminations: Fun lucha trios action. I wonder how much longer we have the luchadors here in ROH. It’s starting to lose its luster a little bit since we don’t really know anything about any of these competitors other than the little tidbits the announcers give us.

2. Viva Van vs. La Catalina. Van did get an entrance this time. The women traded wrist lock takeovers and leg sweep trips for a standstill. Catalina hit some shoulder tackles and a fisherman’s suplex with bridge for a two count. Van ran the ropes crossways and hit a rolling kick to the face to get a two count. Van locked in a rocking horse, but couldn’t hold it and stomped on the head of Catalina. Catalina got a rollup nearfall and then hit a short shining wizard for another two count. Catalina hit some clotheslines and a forearm in the corner and a modified cannonball for another tow count.

Catalina tried for an electric chair but Van rolled through and stomped on Catalina and got a two count nearfall. Van hit a springboard crossbody for a two count. Catalina and Van fought in the corner over an electric chair, but Catalina got a trip and drop kick to the back. Catalina hit a butterfly facebuster for a two count. Catalina went up top but Van cut her off and hit a modified iconoclasm. The women rolled through some pinfall attempts and Catalina locked in a neck and arm submission for the tap out victory.

La Catalina defeated Viva Van by submission.

Robinson’s Ruminations: Probably the best outing I’ve seen from Van. Apparently she and Catalina have teamed before, so there was plenty of familiarity.

3. The Beast Mortos and Dralistico vs. Eli Theseus and Gabriel Aeros. Dralistico hit an early shoulder block and then some chops. Dralistico stomped in the corner and hit a running superkick before going Tranquilo on the ropes above. Dralistico hit a big spin kick and tagged in Mortos. Mortos hit a snap powerslam and a huge discus clothesline. Mortos hit a chop on the other jobber that sounded like a gunshot and Dralistico hit a springboard codebreaker for the cocky cover pinfall.

The Beast Mortos and Dralistico defeated Theseus and Aeros by pinfall.

Robinson’s Ruminations: A squash match.

A recap video that was narrated by the announcers aired on Komander that showcased his ROH TV Championship victory and his big moves. The video shifted to show Dark Panther and his big moves…

Robinson’s Ruminations: A great little video package to hype the main event.

4. Kevin Knight vs. AR Fox for a shot at the ROH TV Title. “AR Fox” chanted the crowd before the code of honor handshake. Knight hit an early knee drop to the arm of Fox and posed. After some mirror reversals and mirror move attempts like an arm drag and a dropkick, we got the stalemate and another handshake. Fox hit a skin the cat dropkick in the corner and hit a huge over the ropes crossbody dive on Knight on the outside.

Later, Fox hit a running back elbow and a rolling cutter for a really close two count. Knight hit a huge drop kick and a tossing DDT variant for a two count. Fox avoided a pendulum DDT and then they fought on the top rope. Fox hit an iconoclasm, a cutter and then a swan dive from the top rope for another close two count. Knight got a rollup for two count, and then the men traded some more roll ups as we heard Justin Roberts give us a one minute warning. Knight tried a springboard move, but Fox locked in a crossface. Knight tried to roll up Fox, but Fox pushed back into the crossface and modified into a straight jacket, but Knight got to the ropes and scrambled to the middle of the ring. Fox tried to cover Knight again, but as Ref Aubrey was counting two, the bell rang and time expired.

AR Fox and Kevin Knight fought to a time limit draw.

After the match, Fox was holding up his hand asking for five more minutes as the show cut to black.

Robinson’s Ruminations: Really good match, and it sucks that it had to go to a draw for some reason.

5. Satnam Singh vs. Sid Ellington. Ellington tried a shoulder block and a running dropkick that had zero effect and Singh got a knee up on a charge and stopped Ellington in his tracks. Singh hit a huge chop, and Biel tossed Ellington across the ring and would have tossed him out if not for the ropes. Singh chopped Ellington again and threw him across the ring again too. Singh hit a headbutt. Singh threw Ellington into the corner who avoided a charge and got up on the top of Singh only to get press slammed onto the actual turnbuckle. Singh hit a chokeslam and got the pinfall.

Satnam Singh defeated Sid Ellington by pinfall.

Robinson’s Ruminations: Ellington looks like Darby Allin’s long lost cousin, another scrawny emo kid. He did a good job of getting tossed around by Singh here.

A quick recap aired of Top Flight’s recent matches and victories…

6. QT Marshall and Aaron Solo vs. “Top Flight” Dante and Darius Martin (w/Leila Grey). Solo and Darius did some quick reversals before Darius hit a dropkick. Dante tagged in and Top Flight hit a double STO on Solo. Marshall tagged in to boos and “QT Sucks” chants. Late in the match, Top Flight tried to throw Solo and Marshall into each other but Solo jumped it and they hit some big strikes and a neckbreaker back suplex combo on Darius for a two count nearfall. Dante hit a huge flying kick to send Marshall to the outside. Solo hit a step up enzuigiri to send Dante outside. Marshall back in and he hit a handspring enzuigiri. Dante blocked a powerbomb by hitting a huracanrana to the outside to put him and Marshall outside. Darius locked in a STF Variant the announcers called a Jawbone Lace and got the tap out on Solo.

“Top Flight” Dante and Darius Martin defeated QT Marshall and Aaron Solo by submission.

Robinson’s Ruminations: A fine tag match, nothing wrong with it, but not the most dynamic Top Flight match I’ve ever seen. The match had a nice looking finish though, as the Jawbone Lace is a nasty looking submission.

“The Outrunners” Truth Magnum and Turbo Floyd came out onto the stage with Durango the Omaha mascot. They talked about the NCAA basketball tournament. The Infantry came out onto the stage and defended the opponent’s of the Mavericks. The Outrunners left poor Durango on the stage by himself. The Infantry called the crowd cows. The Outrunners came back with a trashcan and a lid and beat The Infantry with them and the Infantry fled. The Outrunnersdid their elbow drop to the trashcan on the stage…

Robinson’s Ruminations: Um, that was a segment that happened. Does someone backstage have a good chunk of change on the NCAA tournament?

7. Komander (w/Alex Abrahantes) vs. Dark Panther for the ROH TV Title. Just a trip each and the luchadors popped up into a stalemate. “Lucha” chanted the crowd. Late in the match, Komander missed a baseball slide and hit an Asai moonsault on the outside. Back in the ring, Komander tried a double jump moonsault but Panther got the feet up. Panther hit his middle rope dropkick but Komander rolled to the ropes and got a hand on the ropes to break the nearfall.

A short shoulder tackle sent Komander to the outside and Panther dove at him head first with a nasty looking dive. Back in the ring, Panther got a two count nearfall. Panther tried the monkey flip again, and got dumped outside again. Komander went to the other side of the ring and hit a huge rope running twisting plancha dive to the outside. Komander tossed Panther inside and hit his rope walking shooting star press to get the pinfall…

Komander defeated Dark Panther by pinfall to retain the ROH TV Title.

After the match, Panther took the belt away from Komander and then put it around the waist of Komander…

Robinson’s Ruminations: That was a very good main event. Lots of good neafalls. Lots of spectacular moves. My weekly ROH on HonorClub audio reviews are available exclusively for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons).


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