By John Moore, Staffer (@liljohnm)
NXT Roadblock
New York, New York at The Theater at MSG
Aired live March 11, 2025 on The CW Network
[Hour One] Separate shots of Oba Femi, Moose, Stephanie Vaquer, and Giulia were shown as they were arriving to the venue… Vic Joseph, Corey Graves, and Booker T were on commentary. Mike Rome was the ring announcer…
Nathan Frazer and Axiom made their entrance first. TNA Tag Team Champions, Matt and Jeff Hardy, made their entrance…
1. “The Hardy Boyz” Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy vs. Nathan Frazer and Axiom for the TNA Tag Team Championships. Both teams soaked in “this is awesome” chants to start the match. Axiom and Matt locked up. Matt and Axiom started the match with methodical technical wrestling while the fans took turns chanting “TNA” and “NXT”. Matt got the advantage and hit Axiom with a sitout power bomb in the corner after some “delete” head slams into the corner. Jeff tagged in and hit Axiom with a leg drop combo for a nearfall.
Matt tagged in and got a nearfall on Axiom after Jeff hit him with a clothesline. A picture-in-picture showed Je’von Evans taping his wrist up backstage. Frazer tagged in. Fraxiom swarmed both Hardys with Kicks. Frazer hit both Hardys with a Suicide Dive with Axiom following up with a dive of his own. Frazer followed up even more with a Flip Dive on both Hardys. Axiom hit both Hardy Brothers with a Triangle Moonsault heading into break.[c]
Back from break, both Matt and Frazer were recovering. Jeff and Axiom tagged in. Jordynne Grace was shown doing pushups backstage in the picture in picture. Axiom managed to end Jeff’s rally with a Juji Gatame. Jeff came back with a Falcon Arrow for a nearfall on Axiom. Frazer went for a Suicide Dive, but Matt caught it and turned it into a Side Effect on Frazer. Axiom escaped a Twist of Fate, but Matt tagged in and the Hardy’s hit Axiom with a Plot Twist.
Matt got a nearfall. Axiom reversed a Twist of Fate from Matt and crotched Jeff on the top rope. Axiom hit Jeff with a Super Spanish Fly. Frazer hit Jeff with a Phoenix Splash. Matt shoved Axiom into Frazer to break up the pinfall on Jeff. Jeff took down Frazer with a kick. Jeff hit Fraxiom with a Whisper in the Wind. Jeff hit Frazer with a Twist of Fate. Frazer kicked out at two. A “this is awesome” chant ensued.
Frazer knocked down Jeff. Jeff blocked a dive with boots. Axiom got a backslide on Jeff for a nearfall. Axiom accidentally hit Frazer with a diving kick. Matt hit Axiom with a Twist of Fate. Jeff hit Frazer with the Swanton Bomb for the victory.
Jeff Hardy and Matt Hardy defeated Nathan Frazer and Axiom via pinfall in 12:08 to retain the TNA Tag Team Championships.
Jaida Parker was chatting with Mickie James backstage. James advised Parker to go out and take. James hyped up Parker for Stand and Deliver season. Parker said she was locked in…
Roxanne Perez made her entrance…[c]
John’s Thoughts: Another fun match in the Hardy’s nostalgia run. A boost to TNA in the TNA-WWE relationship with WWE giving TNA a clean win over WWE champions (albeit, WWE are also pushing Matt and Jeff as “back in WWE” due to their longtime history). What I like in the Hardys latest run is they aren’t destroying their bodies, but are putting on stellar matches by perfecting the formula of the tag team match. Only thing that took this match down a little notch was with the TNA tag belts only being on the line, the finish was kinda telegraphed. The finish to the Oba vs. Moose match looks telegraphed for the same reason too! (And I sure as well damn hope that telegraph will be subverted, but I 1000% don’t expect WWE to have Moose go over, even though I think he’d be pretty fun to have as a top guy in the company off rip).
Stacks was chatting with Luca and Rizzo backstage, blaming himself for letting an injured Tony D go out and lose the title. Tony D showed up and told Stacks that emotion is a sign of weakness. Tony D said that they are all at their best when they have a gameplan. Stacks said he already spoke to Ava and he Luca and Rizzo are facing Brooks, Niko, and Izzi. Tony asked where he’s in all this. Stacks said he was just worried about Tony’s back. Tony said his back is fine, but he’s ok and will sign off on next week’s match…
Jordynne Grace made her entrance…
2. Roxanne Perez vs. Jordynne Grace. Grace got an early inside-out suplex in and got a nearfall. Grace ran on Perez and knocked Perez off the apron. Perez reversed a Wrecking Ball kick and slammed Grace’s leg into the apron. Perez slammed Grace’s knee into the steel steps. Moose was shown warming up backstage. Perez yelled and pummeled Grace with clubbing blows. Perez got a one count.
Grace reversed a Jackknife pin into a Rear Naked Choke. Perez escaped by attacking Grace’s injured knee. Grace hit Perez with a front slam. Grace’s knee gave out during a Vader Bomb attempt. Perez attacked Grace’s injured legs, using the turnbuckle bars as fulcrum.[c]
During the break, both women were pretty much even, with Perez focusing her attack on Grace’s knees. Both women traded Boo-Yay strikes. Grace gave Perez a series of body slams while selling the legs. Perez came back with a rollup for a two count. Grace reversed Perez into a Package Power Bomb for a nearfall. Perez escaped a Kinniku Buster attempt. Grace rolled through a crossbody.
Perez escaped a Fireman Carry and hit Grace with a Superkick and Chop Block. Perez hit Grace with a Frog Splash for a nearfall, but Perez went right into a crossface. Perez turned it into a Fishhook STF. Grace escaped with a pin attempt. Perez got a two count after a backslide. Grace hit Perez with a Death Valley Driver. Grace fired up and hit Perez with a Grace Driver for the victory.
Jordynne Grace defeated Roxanne Perez via pinfall in 11:27.
The commentators kept talking about how Grace has entered “beast mode” (I’m guessing their either inspired by Beast Wars or Marshawn Lynch)…
Separate shots of Moose and Oba Femi walking backstage were shown. While Oba was walking, he passed by The Undertaker. Taker told Oba that he’s been watching him and he’s impressed. Taker said he doesn’t have to tell Oba how important this match is, but he will tell Oba to go out and defend his yard. Oba and Taker fist bumped to end the segment…
John’s Thoughts: Grace did get her win back as expected with Perez getting the win in a title defense last time. I’m kinda surprised they didn’t go with the false finish finisher kickout fest at the end. I’m not complaining as it is a strong credibility boost to Jordynne Grace. Perez doesn’t lose anything as she’ll get a credibility reset on the main roster. Meanwhile, I’m curious as to where Grace figures into the main title picture once the dust settles on the Giulia vs. Vaquer match? We’ll only be able to tell once that match happens.
A hype package aired for the Trick Williams vs. Eddy Thorpe NXT Underground match. While Trick was training in the streets he said “f*ck that” in terms of Eddy thinking he’ll have an advantage. Trick said he’ll knock Eddy’s ass out cold…
TNA X Division Champion Quinn “Moose” Ojinaka made his entrance first. NXT Champion Oba Femi made his entrance. Mike Rome handled the formal in-ring championship match introductions…
John’s Thoughts: Dang, Undertaker talking to him and this placement on the card? Ain’t no way Oba’s losing with all dat plot armor.
3. Oba Femi vs. Moose for the NXT Championship. Oba got an early shoulder tackle and beat his chest. Moose quickly dumped Oba to ringside. Oba used a clothesline to trip Moose on the apron. Moose knocked Oba back off the apron with a big boot. Oba came back at Moose with a uranage on the ring apron.[c]
Oba escaped a hold with a boulder toss. Moose rolled to ringside to avoid being pinned after a slam. Moose used a whip to send Oba into the steel steps. Stephanie Vaquer was shown warming up right next to her North American Championship. Moose caught Oba with a pump kick. Moose went for a Mero-style springboard crossbody but Oba used a uppercut to hit him out of the air. Oba hit Moose with a Death Valley Driver for a nearfall.
Moose dragged Oba to the top rope. Moose hit Oba with a Superplex, but Oba no sold it out of desperation into a Suplex. Both men took time to recover on the mat. Both men showed fighting spirit with forearms in the center of the ring. Oba withstood a pump kick and turned Moose inside out with a clothesline. Moose reversed Oba and hit Oba with a Power Bomb for a nearfall.
[Hour Two] Oba Military Pressed Moose to ringside with Vic pointing out how much of a big dude Moose is. Moose beat the ten count at nine. Oba and Moose took each other out to ringside. Moose tossed Oba into the ring post and then put him through the announce table with a Uranage. A “holy shit” chant ensued. Moose hit Oba with his signature flip spear for a nearfall. Moose went for another spear, but Oba reversed it into a Power Bomb for the victory.
Oba Femi defeated Moose via pinfall in 13:36 to retain the NXT Championship.
John’s Thoughts: Yeah, I was hoping, but I knew it wouldn’t happen. Oba went over. While the build was very rushed, I thought they did good with that little time to make this match feel important enough. I hope this isn’t Moose’s last match in WWE or NXT as he’s done everything there is to do in TNA and really feels fresh in the new setting. One thing that I’ve seen him do over the years, and he did here, was make his opponent look very strong, which Oba did here. Can we maybe give Moose a Stand and Deliver match somehow? We’ll get a clearer picture of thing most likely next week on Impact when the dust settles from TNA Sacrifice this week.
An instagram video was shown of Zaria training with Sol Ruca. Zaria said it was time to train her way. Both women were smashing things in a smash room. They also did axe throwing. Zaria’s Australian, so they ended the video by drinking out of a shoe…
Ricky Saints ran into Ava chatting with the Fatal Influence trio. Fatal Influence left after Saints showed up. Saint asked for a match against Ridge Holland for next week, which Ava agreed to. Ethan Page passed by Ricky to talk trash on his way to the ring. All Ego Ethan Page made his entrance…[c]
Je’von Evans made his entrance. Both men wore tank tops and slacks to sell the street fight stipulation…
4. Je’von Evans vs. “All Ego” Ethan Page in a New York Street Fight. Immediately after the bell, Page caught Evans with a Mafia Kick. Evans came back with some ground and pound. Evans used a kick to dump Page to ringside. Evans hit Page with a Suicide Dive. Giulia was shown warming up backstage next to her championship belt. She had her hair dyed blue. Page dodged a chair shot from Evans. Page brought chairs in the ring and hit Evans in the back with one of the chairs.
Evans grabbed a chair and hit Page a few times with it. Page used punches to block a suplex. Evans dropkicked Page’s face into a chair in the corner. Evans then used a huracanrana to send Page into a set up chair for a two count. Evans dragged a table from under the ring to fire up the crowd. Evans set up the table against the corner. Both men traded stereo moves.
Evans gave Page a Blue Thunder Bomb on top of a chair for a nearfall. Evans teased a Pile Driver on top of set up chairs, but Page reversed and used a straitjacket slam into the chairs on Evans to get a two count. Page hit Evans with a running power slam into the table in the corner for a nearfall.[c]
Evans caught Page with a phenomenal looking slingshot clothesline. Page hit Evans in the jaw with a right hook. Page hit Evans with an Ego’s Edge for a nearfall. Evans rallied with right hands with Page returning fire. Evans dumped Page to ringside and tossed him against the barricade and steel steps. Evans hit Page with a Van Daminator chair to the face.
Evans sent Page from the apron through a table at ringside with a leaping Cutter. Evans put Page against the announce table and hit Page with a top rope clearing dive. Evans hit Page with a corkscrew splash for a good nearfall. Evans wrapped a chair around the neck of Page. Page dodged it and chucked the chair at Evans to knock him down. Evans reversed a Twist of Fate and hit Page with a Cutter on top of the steel chair. Evans did a springboard and hit Page with a cutter (with a chair wrapped around Page’s neck) for the victory.
Je’von Evans defeated Ethan Page via pinfall in 14:41.
After the match the lights went out. Spotlights focused on Dion Lennox and the random 3 other developmental wrestlers in the crowd. Lennox and the dudes rushed Evans in teh ring and beat him down. They hit Evans with a pop up Shield Bomb to stand tall and end the segment…
John’s Thoughts: A good hardcore match that was given a decent amount of time. A good mixture of grit with Evans mixing in his hops and high flying ability. All without going too overboard, which is fine. Only thing I would have hoped for a bit more was Je’von’s glass jaw coming into play, as that was a good achilles heel he had going into his recent matches against page. I hope this isn’t the end of their feud, because it would be abrupt and they had such a hot thing going. I hope he isn’t being positioned to face Dion Lennox and his Temu Shield gang, who feel very cold at the moment. They are even colder than Retribution, when they tried to be the new invading faction in WWE. Who are these guys? One’s a former bookworm. The other guys? Eh?
Brooks Jensen spoke in the darkness and said he found direction after Spears gave him direction. Niko Vance said that this group’s mission is to purge the weak, slaughter the feeble, and reshape NXT into how they envision it. Izzi Dame said four hearts are now one to reach the zenith of NXT. Izzi and Niko called themselves a culling. Spears said he took their gold last week, and next week the rest of them will take The Family’s heart. A graphic showed that their group’s name was now “The Culling”…
Sarah Schreiber interviewed Eddy Thorpe in the crowd about his match next week against Trick Williams in NXT Underground. The crowd showered him with loud boos. Eddy said he saw the training video, but Trick doesn’t know what he’s getting into. Eddy said he’s the king of the Underground who hit a man who doesn’t like to be hit. Eddy said Trick was going to choke like the New York Knicks. Trick Williams showed up and beat up Eddy. Trick dragged Eddy to ringside and tossed him all over the place. Trick stood tall after dumping Eddy from the ring with a clothesline…
A Chelsea Green tweet was shown where she was hyping up her match against Sol Ruca for next week…
Separate shots of Stephanie Vaquer and Giulia were shown backstage…[c]
NXT Women’s North American Champion Stephanie Vaquer made her entrance first. NXT Women’s Champion Giulia made her entrance next. Corey Graves noted that both women faced once before in the Stardom promotion. Mike Rome handled the formal in-ring championship match introductions. Vic kept dubbing the match “the biggest women’s match in NXT history”…
5. NXT Women’s Champion Giulia vs. NXT Women’s North American Champion Stephanie Vaquer in a Title vs. Title match. Giulia and Vaquer started the match with a collar and elbow that Giulia dominated. Both women traded forearms. Giulia floored Stephanie with a right forearm. Both women ended at a stalemate after going for signature slams. Giulia got an early two count which Stephanie reversed into a heel hook.
Giulia rolled to ringside to break the hold. Giulia caught Stephanie with a Missile Dropkick. Vaquer used a headscissors to dump Giulia to ringside. Stephanie hit Giulia with a Plancha heading into the break.[c]
During the break, the New York crowd booed Giulia for stopping Booker T’s favorite move. They then cheered her when she performed Booker’s favorite wrestling hold, the pelvic thrust faces smashes to the mat, on Stephanie. Stephanie sent Giulia into the bottom buckle and hit her with a meteora. Stephanie then hit Giulia with Booker’s favorite modern wrestling hold, the pelvic thrust face smashes into the mat.
The crowd chanted “Booker T” at the move. Giulia reversed Steph at the top rope and hit her with a Superplex. There were five minutes left at the top of the hour. Giulia hit Stephanie with a Side Suplex and Running Michinoku Driver for a two count. Vaquer tangled Giulia in the ropes and hit her with a rope assisted Dragon Screw. Stephanie hit Giulia with her finisher, the Package Shoulder Breaker for the nearfall.
Giulia reversed a Corkscrew Moonsault into a Rings of Saturn. Vaquer got a leg on the rope for a break. Stephanie rolled up Giulia for a two count. Giulia hit Vaquer with a running knee for a two count. Stephanie hit Giulia with a few Savate Kicks after escaping Giulia’s finisher. Stephanie hit Giulia with two Package Shoulder Breakers for the victory.
Stephanie Vaquer defeated Giulia via pinfall in 11:22 to become the new dual NXT Women’s Champion and NXT Women’s North American Champion.
Vic noted that Stephanie Vaquer is the first woman in WWE since Becky Lynch to hold women’s singles titles. Stephanie Vaquer posed in the ring as confetti shot out. NXT closed…
John’s Thoughts: A fun and well worked match from both women. The rushed build raised eyebrows and if I’m remembering correctly, I believe people are saying that Giulia has been working through that nagging wrist injury that has plagued her before she joined WWE while she was wrestling in Marigold. If taking the belt of her was to give her some rest to heal, that isn’t a bad decision (though it does suck that it might cost her a spot during WrestleMania weekend). Either that or a callup? (which I don’t think is the case as I think both Giulia and Vaquer could use a little more seasoning in NXT, solely to fine tune working in the United States while also boasting NXT as a brand).
While there might be the injury suspicion, a bunch of matches and feuds were rushed on this week’s show. This was a good show on paper that delivered, but I can’t help that it would have been even better if not for the time crunch and commercial breaks that come with working a television show as opposed to the freeform PPV time slot. Did they just want to push TNA aside temporarily and set up some NXT-only matches for Mania weekend (which I think would cost them a bit of interest, especially if they are keeping Matt and Jeff off the card. Those two are legit ticket movers). I guess the Stand and Deliver picture will be much clearly once we get past this show and TNA Sacrifice, so next week’s NXT is key.
After Fatal Influence got pushed off for a second time, I’m predicting they interfere in the main event to cause a no contest.
I was wrong.
I just want them to move past Fatal Influence because their Temu Attraction act felt cheap and never clicked. Dead on arrival.
Best wresting TV show of 2025 this far. Wow 2 hours of NXT FLIES by