By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)
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Glory Pro Wrestling “Ascend” (Episode 67)
Taped February 16, 2025 in St. Louis, Missouri at South Broadway Athletic Club
Premiered March 9, 2025 via
This is their first new episode since Feb. 14, and this is the first episode of a new taping. This is one of the larger venues they use, and the crowd was maybe 200-250. We have a new commentary duo; it’s not Reed Duthie this week.
* We pick up where last month ended, watching the final seconds of Kody Lane defeating “Warhorse” Jake Parnell to win the Crown of Glory title. We then went backstage, where an exhausted Lane talked about his victory. He made an open challenge!
1. Kody Lane vs. Dak Draper for the Crown of Glory Title. The on-screen graphic just says “Draper” now, and he’s grown a mustache, as he comes to the ring to Nickelback’s “How You Remind Me.” The commentators said this will be a first-time-ever singles meeting. The commentators noted that Kody is 6’2″ but is shorter than Dak, who is closer to 6’4″. Dak knocked him down with a shoulder tackle at 1:30, then a top-rope twisting crossbody block. Kody hit his flying senton for a nearfall at 3:30. They brawled to the floor, where Dak suplexed Lane on the ring apron and was in charge. Back in the ring, Dak applied a Stretch Muffler at 7:00 and stood up, then he slammed Lane to the mat. Dak hit a Mafia Kick for a nearfall.
Dak hit a flying crossbody block that sent them both over the top rope to the floor at 8:30. In the ring, Dak again applied a standing Stretch Muffler and he essentially did an airplane spin before slamming Lane to the mat. Lane got a jackknife cover for a nearfall. Lane hit a springboard senton for a nearfall at 11:00, then a Lionsault Press on a standing Dak. Dak nailed a massive Blue Thunder Bomb for a nearfall at 13:00. Kody hit a plancha-style senton onto Dak on the floor! That seemed awfully dangerous. Both men were down on the floor. In the ring, Kody hit a Lionsault at 15:30 and was fired up. Dak nailed a second-rope fallaway slam and they were both down. Kody hit a Jay Driller! He hit a top-rope senton splash for the pin. Good match.
Kody Lane defeated Dak Draper to retain the Crown of Glory Title at 17:13.
Final Thoughts: I’m not a big fan of having just a one-match show that clocked in at 28 minutes, but I’m glad to have a new episode to watch. As always, I suggest more vignettes and highlight clips to make each episode closer to 50ish minutes. Hopefully we’ll have new episodes for the next four or so weeks and they can get back on track. There are only a handful of guys who were in ROH when Sinclair sold it to Tony Khan that I thought should have stuck around and didn’t — Draper and Flip Gordon immediately come to mind. I never once thought Draper was winning here, but they had a good match.
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