NXT TV results (2/18): Moore’s review of Jaida Parker vs. Kelani Jordan vs. Karmen Petrovic in a Triple Threat for a shot at the NXT Women’s NA Title, Ricky Starks signing his NXT contract, Stacks vs. Shawn Spears

By John Moore, ProWrestling.net Staffer (@liljohnm)

Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Aired live February 18, 2025 on The CW Network

[Hour One] After a shot of the Performance Center crowd aired, the show cut to a NXT Vengeance Day recap package…

Vic Joseph, Corey Graves, and Booker T were on commentary. Mike Rome was the ring announcer…

A camera followed NXT Champion Oba Femi making his entrance (including  a shot of a random production guy yelling “hit his music” because he was intimidated by Oba). The commentary team brought up Oba getting attacked by Dion Lennox and the random developmental wrestlers at Vengeance Day. Oba said those four men made one big mistake, they didn’t finish the job.

Oba said they hit Oba with their best shot and he is still standing unfazed. Oba asked for them to show up and finish what they started. The lights went out and some new entrance music started playing. A spotlight focused on a person, and it wasn’t Dion Lennox, it was the TNA X Division Champion Quinn “Moose” Ojinaka. Moose came out to his old Austin Aries entrance music as opposed to The System music.

Moose and Oba faced off in the ring. The crowd chanted “Holy Shit!”. Moose said he just burst Oba’s bubble, because Moose is the one man Oba can’t rule over. Oba said that place where Moose is the man, that’s his bubble; because here Oba Femi is inevitable. Moose said Oba Femi vs. Moose needs to happen. Oba said not to worry, it will. Both men held up their title belts with Oba’s theme playing…

Separate shots of Jordynne Grace and (the unnamed) Ricky Starks were shown as they were arriving to the arena…

Jaida Parker made her entrance to new entrance music (which was kinda low energy compared to the GTA sounding Out Tha Mud theme)…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Holy crap! I kinda never thought I would see that happen. Moose step foot in a WWE ring. AEW and WWE have been apprehensive in bringing him due to some allegations in the past (which I don’t think moved past allegations and I’ve heard nothing but positive things in terms of Moose’s character.). If this is as far as it goes, NXT, then fine, but Moose is one hell of a talent who can step up to any big match situation. It’ll be interesting seeing him being the ring general against the developing Oba. Moose also needed a change of scenery because he has done EVERYTHING in TNA and then some. He’s done so much “everything” that he as a heavyweight currently holds what is essentially TNA’s cruiserweight championship. (I know Hannifan! “No limits!”, but come on now…).

Footage of Eddy Thorpe bragging to NXT GM Ava about beating Trick Williams from earlier today was shown. Kale Dixon and Uriah Connors were acting like dorks, showing up to hand Ava and Eddy generic flyers to their party. They said they would like Eddy to DJ their party.

Kale brought up being disappointed that Andre Chase couldn’t make it. Eddy said they should not associate with Chase or he’ll drag them down like Chase U. Uriah took offense to this and said that he and Kale would fight Eddy in defense of Chase. It looks like Ava is allowing this to happen somehow…

Karmen Petrovic and Ashante the Adonis made their entrance. Kelani Jordan’s theme was used to advertise the WWE 2k video game. Corey Graves dropped the usual obligatory line about NXT having the best women’s division in all of pro wrestling…

1. Jaida Parker vs. Karmen Petrovic (w/Ashante the Adonis) vs. Kelani Jordan. All three women traded quick pin attempts. Kelani dumped both opponents to ringside and hit them with an Asai Moonsault. Jordan tossed Petrovic into the barricade and dragged Jaida to the ring. Jaida dominated the right hand exchange in the ring. Jaida hit Jordan with a few snap suplexes for a two count.[c]

Back from break, Jordan and Parker traded right hands. Parker hit Jordan with an inverted suplex. Petrovic hit Jaida with a draping Frankendriver. Jordan hit Petrovic with a slingshot leg drop. Jordan reversed a Suplex into a leg drop for a nearfall on Jaida Parker. Jaida recovered and put Jordan in a Tree of Woe. Jaida hit Karmen with a Fallaway Slam after chopping Jordan.

Jordan broke up Jaida’s nearfall with a Frog Splash. All three women soaked in NXT chants while recovering. Jordan hit Petrovic with a Pele Kick. Petrovic rallied with running strikes in opposite corners against both opponents. Petrovic hit Jaida and Jordan with delayed Frankensteiners. Petrovic got a two count on Jordan. Parker hit Petrovic with a chop. Jaida dumped Jordan to ringside with Hip-notic.

Jaida tackled Petrovic into the apron. Jaida draped Petrovic and hit her with the signature draping Banzai Drop to the gut. Ashante dragged Karmen to ringside. Parker hit a distracted Jordan with a Superplex. Jaida hit Jordan with a draping Banzai Drop. While Jaida was doing her signature strut, Ashante tossed Petrovic back in the ring. Petrovic stole the win on Jordan with a jackknife pin.

Karmen Petrovic defeated Kelani Jordan and Jaida Parker via pinfall in 11:29 to earn a future shot at the NXT Women’s North American Championship. 

Jaida went to attack Petrovic. Jordan pulled Jaida aside and the two women brawled into the crowd. Ashante and Karmen celebrated Karmen’s win in the ring…

Jordynne Grace was shown walking backstage. The camera then cut back to the ring, where Petrovic was being jumpped by Fatal Influence. Ashante yelled for security to run out heading into break…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Dammit Ashante! Git in there and help out yo gurl! Anyways, I liked that match from multiple fronts. From an in-ring perspective, I liked the development of all three women and these three WWE developmental types are showing they can carry a longer match without a veteran while drawing a good reaction from the crowd. I also liked that they logically utilized Karmen’s rom com story with Ashante as a device to give her a title opportunity.

Giulia and Stephanie Vaquer ran out during the break for the save, but Fatal Influence had the numbers advantage still. Jordynne Grace ran out and helped Giulia and Stephanie dump Fatal Influence to ringside. Grace took the mic and talked about how she wanted to be a part of the best women’s division in wrestling. Grace challenged Fatal Influence to a match against her, Giulia, and Vaquer…

Stacks was warming up backstage. Luca Crucifino and Adriana Rizzo asked Stacks if he was okay, even though Tony D was not around. Stacks said that Tony D would like them to handle business even if he can’t make it. Stacks asked Rizzo and Luca to follow his lead…

Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson made their entrance. Zaria and Sol Ruca made their entrance to Karrion Kross’s old TNA Theme (I always point that out because I always liked how it looked. Also shows how much better Royalty-free music can be compared to the rightfully criticized Def Rebel)…

2. “The Meta-Girls” Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson vs. Zaria and Sol Ruca. Lash and Jakara swarmed Sol with tandem strikes to give Jakara a nearfall. Sol hit Jakara with a suplex and standing backflip for a nearfall. Zaria tagged in and hit Jakara with a suplex for a nearfall. All four women traded hands in the center of the ring.

Lash gave Sol a Military Press while Zaria gave Jakara a Military Press for a powerhouse standoff. Sol dumped Lash to ringside. Jakara dumped Zaria to ringside wiht a Missile Dropkick. Jakara hit both opponents with a dive to ringside.[c]

Back from break, Sol was fending off Lash with strikes. Sol hit Lash with a springboard axe handle strike. Zaria and Jakara tagged in with Zaria having momentum. Zaria hit both opponents with corner splashes. Lash accidentally hit Jakara with a corner splash and walked into Zaria’s spear. Zaria got a nearfall on Jakara after a suplex. Sol tagged in and hit Jakara with a superkick after a Zaria German Suplex.

Lash broke up Jakara’s pin on Jakara. Sol hit Lash with a huracanrana. Lash caught Sol out of the air. Sol escaped a modified Gory Special with an arndrag on Lash. Jakara ran off Sol and hit Zaria with a Tornado DDT for a nearfall on Zaria. Zaria escaped Lash’s wheelbarrow and took down Jakara with a right hand. Lash and Zaria took each other out with stereo boots. Vic noted that Ava just booked the six person tag that Jordynne Grace asked for earlier.

Lash escaped Zaria’s Fireman Carry. Zaria tossed Jakara into Lash and hit Jakara with a Spear. Zaria hit Jakara with an F5. Sol tagged in and hit Jakara with a Sol Snatcher for the victory.

Sol Ruca and Zaria defeated Jakara Jackson and Lash Legend via pinfall in 11:38. 

Sarah Schreiber interviewed Wes Lee, Tyson Dupont, and Tyriek Igwe. Wes talked about how NXT has become unpredictable, like random people showing up, or people getting jumpped in the parking lot. Sarah left Wes to interview (the unnamed) Ricky Starks. Starks said that a “NXT contract” has a nice ring to it. Starks said he’ll answer any questions that Sarah haves in a bit. Wes Lee wasn’t happy in the background and had to be held back by Tyson and Tyriek…

The show cut to an Undertaker training session from the WWE LFG show. Taker was teaching developmental wrestlers Yay-Boo punches. They also showed Mickie James working with the developmental women…[c]

John’s Thoughts: While I think that the sum of Sol Ruca and Zaria are less than it’s parts. Sol was clicking as a rising singles star and Zaria came into WWE as a monster badass. They are at least putting on entertaining matches, so I can’t complain there. Logical hype moment to showcase both powerhouses in Lash and Zaria here. WWE really seems to be dragging their feet on the Meta Girls callup, as they’ve just been spinning their wheels on the NXT show after having a pretty impressive run when featured on the main roster.

[Hour Two] NXT GM Ava made her entrance with a NXT contract in-hand. (Still unnamed) Ricky Starks made his entrance to the NXT 2Chainz intro theme. Vic said this was the biggest signing in recent NXT history. Ava introduced “the hottest free agent in professional wrestling himself”. Ricky said “that’s me”. Ricky said that he hasn’t been here long, but NXT has been amazing so far.

He said before he signs, there are things he wants to get off his chest. He said that people see NXT as “the dream”, but he sees NXT as “the reality”. Ricky said main eventing every NXT PLE is reality. Winning the NXT Championship is reality. Ricky said the reality is that he is in NXT. He said he’s going to do what he does best, show up and show out because the revolution will begin.

Former fellow AEW wrestler All Ego Ethan Page made his entrance. Page said he’s impressed. Page said that Ricky shocked the world and is about to sign his NXT contract. Page said he totally expects that Ricky has a clause in his contract to get a title match as his debut match. Page said he commends Ricky for taking a page out of the Ethan Page playbook; but there is only one Ethan Page right here.

Ricky said it looks like Page is nervous at the spotlight not being big for both of them. Ricky said that Page is wearing his insecurity tighter than his jacket. Ricky said he’s taking NXT to another level. Page said Ricky will not reach that high bar that Page set in NXT. Ricky asked Page to let them celebrate him signing while Page should celebrate his win at Vengeance Day.

Ricky said that Je’von showed that he got that dog in him, and people like Je’von always come back around to whoop dat ass. Page said that Ricky is another star coming to the defense of Je’von Evans. While Page was about to continue to gloat, Evans showed up and brawled with Page through the crowd. Ricky said he wasn’t wrong about Evans showing up. Wes Lee made his entrance to cut off Starks.

Wes said that Starks needs to understand that there are rules around here, and that rule is you don’t disrespect Wes Lee. Wes said he wants to be the person that shows Starks the ropes in NXT. Ava said she can make that happen. Ricky asked if everyone is mad around here all the time. Ricky then challenged Wes to a match next week. Wes told Ricky to sign the contract.

Ricky said that next week Wes will be welcomed to the Revolution. Wes tried to jump Rickey, but Ricky dumped Wes to ringside with a right hand. Ricky signed his contract while Wes had to be held back by Tyson and Tyriek. The camera panned to the contract to show that Stark’s new WWE name is “Ricky Saints”…

Sarah Schrieber interviewed Nathan Frazer and Axiom about getting jumpped after their most recent title defense. Frazer was fired up and Axiom said they have no clue why they were attacked. No Quarter Catch Crew showed up to confront Fraxiom. Frazer pointed out how Myles and Tavion don’t deserve a title match against them. Myles said they want a match against probably the greatest tag team champions now and of all time. Heights got in the camera and challenged TNA Tag Team Champions Matt and Jeff Hardy to a match…

Shawn Spears, Izzi Dame, Brooks Jensen, and Niko Vance made their entrance. A replay aired of Izzi betraying Tony D last week…[c]

John’s Thoughts: They really took their sweet time with holding back that WWE Name Generator name. It’s not bad. I have no clue why they wouldn’t allow him to use Starks when we have a lot of wrestlers who have established names outside of WWE keep their names (like All Ego in that segment). It will take a bit of getting used to, but Ricky Saints feels like it should be easy to adjust. Solid segment to make Ricky feel like a big deal. Not the biggest fan of them presumably feeding Wes Lee to him, given that Wes Lee is finally starting to click as a heel.

A bunch of random tag teams like Hank and Tank and Briggs and Inamura were left beat up in Gorilla Position. Ricky Saints walked in and said things look crazy around here…

The Tony D’Angelo Family sans Tony D made their entrance…

3. Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo (w/Luca Crucifino, Adriana Rizzo) vs. Shawn Spears (w/Izzi Dame, Brooks Jensen, Niko Vance). Stacks jumped Spears right after the bell and dominated the first minute. Spears turned the tables after a draping DDT. Spears worked on Stacks with methodical offense. After a few minutes, Stacks made a comeback with a slingshot Codebreaker. Security got in-between Rizzo and Dame. Vic noted that there was extra security at ringside to keep order.

Stacks hit Spears with a spinebuster. Stacks hit Spears with a missile dropkick. Spears hit Stacks with an Ushigoroshi. Spears hit Stacks with a running Death Valley Driver for the victory.

Shawn Spears defeated Channing Lorenzo via pinfall in 5:07. 

TNA X Division Champion Moose walked into NXT Heritage Cup Champion Lexis King backstage. King bragged about beating Moose’s stablemate JDC last week. Moose shut up King, who was asking for a X Division title shot. Moose said that all King had to do to get a title shot was ask. King said that he’ll beat Moose for the most prestigious title in TNA next week in his home town where he’s undefeated…

The title panned over to Andre Chase berating Kale Dixon and Uriah Connors for speaking on his behalf. Dixon talked about how Eddy Thorpe was talking crap about Chase. Chase was about to show his old Bobby Knight-like anger, but then got depressed again. Andre Chase then made his entrance in casual clothes and looking depressed…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Logical to have Spears get the win to kick off the run of this new heel faction with some heat. Spears has been off TV from an in-ring perspective enough. We’ll see how he does, but they did bring him back to WWE eating losses and putting people over. This is obviously leading to Tony D making a return to face Spears for revenge. Will Spears drag Ridge Holland into the picture (they do have history with Spears trying to recruit Ridge during his sad dad days).

Andre Chase was still in the ring depressed. Eddy Thorpe made his entrance…

4. Eddy Thorpe vs. Andre Chase. Eddy and Andre started with a collar and elbow. Chase rallied with chops. Eddy stomped on Chase in the corner. Chase came back with a crossbody for a nearfall. Chase hit Eddy with a huracanrana. Chase hit Eddy with a thrust kick and cannonball from the apron. Chase got a bit fired up by the crowd, but shook it off.

Eddy hit Chase with a kick and axe handle for a nearfall. Kale Dixon and Uriah Connors arrived in the Chase U section wearing Chase U shirts. Eddy hit Chase with a PK for a nearfall. Chase reversed a suplex with a suplex of his own. Connors and Dixon jumped the barricade to support Chase at ringside. Chase hit Eddy with a Side Effect for a nearfall. Eddy rallied with a kick combination.

Chase came back with a boot, right hand, and legsweep. Chase fired up the crowd. Chase was about to do his Chase U boots, but stopped due to PTSD. Eddy slammed Chase to the mat by the hair for a nearfall. Thorpe hit Chase with the Manifest Destiny DDT for the victory.

Eddy Thorpe defeated Andre Chase via pinfall in 4:24. 

Eddy celebrated his win. The lights went dim and Trick Williams appeared on the big screen. Trick said Eddy thinks this is over, but if Trick is going down, he’s dragging Eddy with him. The segment ended with Trick’s theme playing…

Vic Joseph hyped a six women tag team match for after the break…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Not sure how this “new” Chase U thing is going to pan out with Chase, Connors, and Dixon, but everything Andre Chase touches turns into sports entertainment gold, to where I will always give him the benefit of the doubt of making a story fun. Eddy Thorpe looked good his first match off his big win off one of the top babyfaces in NXT. I hope they simply don’t just give Trick his win back, and that they find a way to protect Eddy (because I really think he’s finally found a character that works for him and I wouldn’t want to see the former BFD’s momentum get halted).

Ricky Saints was chatting with GM Ava backstage about how insane things are in NXT. Ethan Page approached Ava and Ricky and said he thought he was done with Je’von Evans. Wes Lee pulled up to yell at Ricky. Ava got in between them. Security guards showeed up to hold Evans back. Ava booked Page and Lee vs. Evans and Saints for next week…

The show cut to a Matt and Jeff Hardy twitter promo. Matt said he was flattered at the challenge. Jeff accepted NQCC’s challenge. Jeff said the Hardy’s are still innovating, influencing, and modifying the craft of pro wrestling. Jeff said that sounds like an axiom for Fraxiom. Matt and Jeff hyped up facing NQCC next week. Vic Joseph said the match was made official…

The following segments were advertised for next week’s NXT: The Hardy Boyz vs. Myles Borne and Tavion Heights for the TNA Tag Team Championships, Stephanie Vaquer vs. Karmen Petrovic for the NXT Women’s North American Championship, Moose vs. Lexis King for the TNA X Division Championship, and Ricky Saints and Je’von Evans vs. Ethan Page and Wes Lee.

Stephanie Vaquer, Jordynne Grace, and Giulia made their separate entrances heading into break…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Stacked show next week with NXT going on the road again. Very smart to put Matt and Jeff Hardy on the show in a showcase match. Doesn’t give a way too much having them face more of a developmental team in NQCC. Easy nostalgia pop. Matt and Jeff are also arguably the most popular act in TNA due to their WWE history, and in 2024 they have proved to be an actual needle mover in terms of filling up any building that TNA advertises them for. It’s an easy pavlovian side effect. Who doesn’t feel the urge to automatically do the Jeff Hardy dance anytime that classic theme plays.

Fatal Influence made their entrance…

5. Giulia, Stephanie Vaquer, and Jordynne Grace vs. “Fatal Influence” Fallon Henley, Jacy Jayne, and Jasmyn Nyx. Vaquer and Henley started the match, with Henley isolating Vaquer in the heel corner. Giulia tagged in and worked on Nyx with strikes. Giulia dared Nyx to come at her with a right hand. Nyx countered a right hand with a dodge and hit Nyx with a Northern Lights Suplex for a nearfall. Grace tagged in and hit Nyx with an Alabama Slam into a German Suplex.

Jayne tagged in. Jayne rolled up Grace a few times for some nearfalls. Henley and Nyx saved Jayne from a Razor’s Edge. All six women faced off and traded hands in the center of the ring. The babyfaces dumped all three heels to ringside. Grace hit Fatal Influence with a Suicide Dive and got a nearfall on Jayne. Vaquer tagged in and dodged a running Senton. Vaquer hit Jayne with Booker T’s favorite wrestling move, the pelvic thrust face smashes to the mat.

Henley blocked a 619, which allowed Jayne to hit Vaquer with a running kick heading into break.[c]

Fatal Influence cut the ring in half on Vaquer back from the break. There was five minutes left at the top of the hour. Steph hit Henley with a Jawbreaker and got a window of opportunity after hitting Henley with a slap. Jayne tagged in and knocked Giulia off the apron. Stephanie tagged in Grace for the hot tag. Grace hit all three opponents with consecutive body slams.

Grace hit Nyx and Jayne with a Northern Lights. Grace hit Jayne with a Kinniku Buster for a nearfall. Grace hit Jayne with a World’s Strongest Slam. Jayne dodged a Vader Bomb and hit Grace with a jumping knee for a nearfall. Henley tagged in and hit Grace with a Blockbuster. Nyx tagged in and kicked Grace. Giulia and Vaquer broke up the pinfall. Henley countered Vaquer with a Suplex.

Giulia hit Henley with a Brainbuster. Giulia hit Jayne with a Saito Suplex. Henley tripped Giulia on the apron and tossed her into the steel steps. Vaquer hit Henley and Jayne with a crossbody at ringside. Grace hit Nyx with the Grace Driver for the victory.

Jordynne Grace, Stephanie Vaquer, and Giulia defeated Fatal Influence via pinfall in 13:05. 

While the babyfaces celebrated, Vic Joseph dropped the “best women’s division in pro wrestling” line yet again (for what felt like the 20th time this night)…

The show cut to GM Ava entering her office which was thrashed. Her assistant Robert Stone was knocked out on the floor. The words “no one is safe” was spray painted on the GM office wall. NXT closed after the WWE signature aired…


Readers Comments (5)

  1. Ricky SAINTS??!!
    I didn’t know he’s from New Orleans!

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