GCW “Blood On The Hills 3” results (10/19): Vetter’s review of Mance Warner vs. Ciclope for the GCW Championship, Chris Bey vs. Jimmy Lloyd, Jack Evans vs. Sidney Akeem

By Chris Vetter, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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GCW “Blood On The Hills 3”
Streamed on TrillerTV+
October 19, 2024 in Los Angeles, California at Ukrainian Culture Center

GCW has sold out this building multiple times and it holds perhaps 700 or so fans here. Dave Prazak, Emil Jay, and Jordan Castle provided commentary.

* The show opened with the same highlight package of the Art of War Games match, including Joey Janela being chokeslammed through a flaming table, and Allie Katch turning heel by attacking Effy.

1. Effy and 1 Called Manders vs. “Wolf Zaddies” Bad Dude Tito and Che Cabrera. Tito and Effy opened and they traded chops. Effy hit a Blockbuster for a nearfall. Manders and Cabrera entered, with Manders hitting some chops. Tito hit a snap suplex on Manders at 4:00, and the WZ worked him over. They hit stereo blows to the side of Manders’ head at 6:00. Effy finally got the hot tag and he punched the ZD and hit a double Fameasser legdrop. He hit Helluva Kicks on each opponent in opposite corners. He slammed Tito onto Che, and he got a nearfall on Che at 8:00.

WZ hit stereo F5 faceplant slams and they grabbed a door and set it in the corner. They did a team chokeslam on Manders, tossing him through the door for a nearfall, but Effy made the save. Tito tied Effy in a pendulum. Tito and Manders traded chops. Manders hit a decapitating clothesline at 10:30. Cabrera and Effy fought on the ropes. Manders hit a Road Warriors-style Doomsday Device clothesline on Che and pinned him. “What a rush!” Castle said. Good opener.

Effy and 1 Called Manders defeated Bad Dude Tito and Che Cabrera at 11:18.

* Effy got on the mic and was upset that Allie Katch turned on him last week. Effy said he heard her “lying through her teeth” the next day by claiming that “Effy only cares about Effy.” He noted how he’s hosted 10 “big gay brunches” for LGBTQ wrestlers.

* A highlight package aired of the Friday GCW show in suburban Denver.

2. Sidney Akeem vs. Jack Evans. Akeem (the former Reggie/Scrypts) remains undefeated (with one draw) in GCW. Evans had a good showing a day earlier in a loss against Gringo Loco. They shook hands before locking up. They traded offense while in a knuckle lock. Akeem hit a twisting crossbody block and a dropkick that sent Evans to the floor at 2:30. They brawled to the floor. Back in the ring, Sidney was in charge and hit a step-up mule kick on the collarbone for a nearfall at 4:30. Evans hit a Lionsault Press that sent Akeem to the floor. Evans hit a Sasuke Special to the floor on Akeem at 7:30. Akeem dove through the ropes and barreled onto Evans, with them both crashing deep into the crowd. In the ring, Sidney hit a top-rope flying kneestrike for a nearfall.

Sidney missed a top-rope 450 Splash but landed on his feet. Evans hit a spin kick to the head, then a corkscrew standing moonsault for a nearfall at 9:30. Akeem hit a running Shooting Star Press for a nearfall. Evans hit a Spider German Suplex, but Akeem rotated and landed on his feet. Akeem hit a top-rope Spanish Fly and they got a “holy shit!” chant. Evans caught him with a spin kick to the head. Akeem hit a top-rope moonsault press for a nearfall at 12:00, but Evans got a foot on the ropes. Evans went for a top-rope 450 Splash but Sidney got his knees up. Sidney hit his double backflip into a stunner and scored the pin. Every bit as athletic and high-flying as you’d expect. Really good action.

Sidney Akeem defeated Jack Evans at 12:54. 

* The courtroom video aired of The People vs. GCW. This was so well done.

3. “C4” Cody Chhun and Guillermos Rosas vs. “The Gahbage Daddies” Cole Radrick and Alec Price. I will reiterate that Radrick has lost his excess weight around the middle during his time off while healing from a leg injury and he has come back looking vastly better. Price and Chhun opened with basic reversals; both have recently been on AEW/ROH TV. They traded deep armdrags. Price hit a flipping senton at 2:00. Cole and Rosas entered and traded chops. C4 hit a team backbody drop on Price and began to work him over. Rosas hit a decapitating clothesline, and Chhun slammed teammate Rosas onto Price for a nearfall at 5:00. Cole got a hot tag and hit punches on C4, then a tornado DDT on Cody for a nearfall.

Rosas hit an assisted powerbomb on Radrick for a nearfall at 7:00, but Price made the save. Cody hit a pop-up powerbomb on Price, and suddenly everyone was down. Price hit a flying leg lariat, then a pop-up dropkick on Rosas and his Blockbuster on Chhun. Price hit a springboard dive to the floor on C4. Price hit a top-rope doublestomp Chhun, who was seated on Cole’s shoulders, and pinned him. Really good, fast-paced action.

Alec Price and Cole Radrick defeated Cody Chhun and Guillermo Rosas at 8:57. 

4. Megan Bayne vs. Juicy Finau. Finau wore a black single-strap singlet. Needless to say, Finau has the height and weight advantage on her. She opened with a shoulder block that didn’t budge Juicy. She hit a series of punches and backed him into a corner, but he easily shoved her down. She hit a Stinger Splash. She rammed his head into the top turnbuckle at 1:30 but it just angered Finau. He knocked her down with a hard back elbow. That looked brutal! He whipped her into a corner and was in charge. He hit a bodyslam and celebrated, and he kept her grounded. Bayne hit her leaping clothesline, then a dive through the ropes with them both barreling deep into the rows of chairs at 5:30.

In the ring, Bayne hit a top-rope crossbody block for a nearfall. Juicy hit a huge Samoan Drop and dragged her toward a corner. He missed a moonsault, and she hit a massive bodyslam! She hit a spear for the pin. That was a blast. (This is the sort of match that if it went longer, it would have been worse. This was perfect for what they were going for here.)

Megan Bayne defeated Juicy Finau at 7:14.

* A commercial aired for a death match tournament in November.

5. Richard Holliday and Parrow vs. Brooke Havok and Dark Sheik. A completely different look for Brooke today; no green full body suit. Instead she wore a black T-shirt that reads “c–t.” Holliday and Havok opened; he is much taller than she is. Parrow tagged in before a lockup, and he easily shoved Brooke to the mat. Havok hit some spin kicks to the thighs and a chop block. Parrow caught her and hit a fallaway slam at 1:30. Sheik entered and hit a top-rope crossbody block on Holliday. Parrow hit a chokeslam on Sheik, and the heels worked Sheik over. Holliday hit a series of bodyslams on Sheik at 4:30, then a guillotine leg drop for a nearfall. Parrow hit a running splash in the corner. Parrow hit a sit-out powerbomb on Sheik for a nearfall.

Sheik hit double knees to Parrow’s collarbone. Brooke hit a DDT on Holliday for a nearfall at 6:30. She set up for a Cross Rhodes but Holliday blocked it. Sheik and Havok hit a team suplex on Holliday. Sheik hit a low blow punch on Holliday. Sheik and Havok hit a team spinebuster on Parrow. Sheik hit a Sliced Bread on Parrow. Sheik hit a huracanrana on Parrow on the floor. In the ring, Holliday hit the 2008 swinging suplex and pinned Havok. Decent match, but it’s hard to buy that Havok can stand a chance against these bigger guys. She is SO much smaller than them.

* Richard Holliday and Parrow defeated Brooke Havok and Dark Sheik at 8:50.

* On a side note, fans began pelting Holliday and Parrow with garbage and debris. This is unacceptable and GCW really needs to stomp this out. I recall this happened last time they were here too. 

* A video package aired of the death match at the Colorado show 24 hours earlier.

6. Jack Cartwheel vs. Mr. Danger. This match aired hours after Cartwheel’s taped match on AEW’s Battle of the Belts. They traded quick reversals at the bell and each got a nearfall early on. Mr. Danger hit a springboard moonsault to the floor at 1:00. In the ring, Danger hit a flipping senton for a nearfall. Jack hit some deep armdrags and his rolling Death Valley Driver, then his own standing moonsault for a nearfall at 2:30. He applied a cross-armbreaker, but Danger reached the ropes. Danger hit a springboard Canadian Destroyer at 5:30 and they were both down. He hit an enzuigiri, then a springboard clothesline for a nearfall.

Cartwheel hit a German Suplex, then he clotheslined Danger to the floor. Jack hit a Sasake Special to the floor at 7:30. However, he missed a top-rope Shooting Star Press. Danger hit a top-rope Swanton Bomb for a believable nearfall. Danger hit some guillotine leg drops. He went for a springboard flip, but Jack got his knees up to block it. Jack hit his top-rope Phoenix Splash and scored the pin. That was stellar for the time given. Mr. Danger has really stepped up in his opportunity to have singles matches in recent weeks.

Jack Cartwheel defeated Mr. Danger at 9:18.

* Jack got on the mic and said he “cartwheels with joy” and these fans are his family. He called out a friend, Lewis, in the crowd. Lewis got on the mic and invited a woman into the ring! You know what’s gonna happen! Lewis dropped to his knees and proposed. “Will you be my tag team partner forever?” She said yes! This was fun!

7. “Los Desperados” Gringo Loco and Arez vs. “Fly Forever” Epydemius Jr. and Spider Fly. I’ve seen Epydemius Jr. lately in the Texas indy scene. Arez opened with Epydemius Jr., who wore gold-and-black gear and a mask, and they traded quick lucha reversals. Loco and Spider Fly entered at 1:30; Spider Fly also wears a mask and he is in blue-and-yellow gear. My first time seeing him, and he hit a head-scissors on Loco. Arez ran up the backs of both opponents at 3:00. Spider Fly hit a neat springboard armdrag on Arez. FF hit stereo dives to the floor on Arez and Loco. In the ring, FF began working over Loco as the crowd chanted “Lucha Libre!”

Los Desperados began working over Spider Fly and hit some quick team offense. Loco hit a flipping axe kick on the back of Spider Fly’s neck at 7:00. Arez hit a Falcon Arrow, and Loco hit a split-legged moonsault on Spider Fly. Cool sequence. Spider Fly hit a head-scissors takedown. Spider Fly and Epydemius Jr. climbed to the top of the same corner and hit stereo moonsaults in opposite directions to the floor at 10:00. In the ring, FF worked over Arez. Spider Fly hit a Lungblower to the chest and a twisting press for a nearfall, but Loco made the save. Loco hit a reverse Samoan Drop. Epydemius Jr. hit a Michinoku Driver on Loco.

Arez hit a Pele Kick at 12:00. Arez hit a tilt-a-whirl Lumbar Check for a nearfall, and suddenly all four were down, and we again had a “Lucha Libre!” chant. Loco hit a superkick on Epydemius Jr. Arez hit a sit-out powerbomb for a nearfall at 14:30 while Loco hit a Styles Clash. FF hit stereo 450 Splashes for nearfalls. Epydemius Jr. hit a twisting dive to the floor. Spider Fly hit a dive into a huracanrana on the floor. Loco hit a Base Bomb while Arez hit a second-rope pump-handle powerbomb move and they got stereo pins. That was a blast. Very impressive GCW debuts for Fly Forever. Fans pelted them with crumpled-up bills.

Arez and Gringo Loco defeated Spider Fly and Epydemius Jr. at 17:07.

8. Chris Bey vs. Brohski Jimmy Lloyd. Jimmy came out first, got on the mic, and demanded the fans show him some damn respect. He proclaimed the Mets would beat the Dodgers; he was pelted with more garbage and this is unacceptable. There are beer cans being thrown in. Brett, you are losing control here. The crowd shouted “shut the f— up!” Bey hit a shotgun dropkick at the bell. He hit a Thesz Press and a flying forearm, and Lloyd rolled to the floor at 1:00, but Bey hit a plancha on him. In the ring, Jimmy hit a running boot that sent Bey to the floor. He slammed Bey on the ring apron.

In the ring, Lloyd hit a leg drop as Bey was in the ropes at 3:30. Bey hit some quick kicks and a second-rope elbow drop, then a frogsplash for a nearfall. They avoided each other’s moves, and Lloyd hit a Radio Silence flying leg lariat for a nearfall at 5:30. He hit a Facewash kick in the corner. Bey nailed the Art of Finesse springboard stunner and scored the pin. Fine match; these two really worked well together and I’m okay with it being on the short side.

Chris Bey defeated Brohski Jimmy Lloyd at 6:46.

9. Starboy Charlie vs. Scorpio Sky. This is Sky’s GCW debut. (Frankie Kazarian wrestled at the last GCW show in this venue a few months ago.) Charlie tied up Sky and sat on Sky’s back in a cocky, arrogant manner. Sky wound up doing the same cocky seated move to Charlie. Charlie hit a baseball slide dropkick to the floor, then an Asai Moonsault at 6:00. In the ring, Sky hit a discus clothesline and the crowd chanted “SCU!” Charlie hit a running Shooting Star Press for a nearfall at 8:00, then a uranage and a corkscrew splash for a nearfall. Sky hit a Dragonscrew Legwhip and they were both down. They traded chops while on their knees. Charlie hit a spin kick to the face at 12:30, but he missed a top-rope Shooting Star Press; Sky immediately rolled him up for a nearfall. Sky then hit a TKO stunner for the pin. That was really entertaining.

Scorpio Sky defeated Starboy Charlie at 12:52. 

10. Rina Yamashita vs. Ciclope. Rina is replacing Mance Warner, who had to miss the show. He has the clear weight and overall size advantage. A door was already set up in the ring and they took turns teasing putting the other through the door, until Rina finally hit a spear to send him crashing through it at 3:00. They brawled on the floor and she got another door from under the ring and set up a door bridge. She hit him over the head with chairs as they got back into the ring and she was in charge. He hit a shotgun dropkick at 9:30.

Ciclope ripped open a bag that had several gusset plates; this is about to get gross. He shoved one into her forehead and she was instantly bleeding. Ciclope stood on a chair and mimicked La Parka’s hand motions, including playing air guitar on a chair. Ciclope dumped out a bag of tacks on the mat, and he hit a spinebuster onto the tacks for a nearfall at 14:00. Rina now grabbed a gusset plate and jabbed it into Ciclope’s forehead. She applied a testicular claw, so he grabbed a gusset plate and shoved it into her groin area, too.

Rina hit a German Suplex into the pile of tacks. He hit a second-rope DDT and they were both down; he made a cover for a nearfall at 19:30. The action here had come to a standstill. He picked her up and slammed her back-first through a door in the corner. Ciclope hit a back suplex onto the tacks for a nearfall at 21:00. He missed a moonsault and landed stomach-first on the mat. Rina hit a Trash Compactor piledriver along her back for a nearfall. They began trading thudding headbutts. He forcibly kissed her; she kicked him in the face; he clotheslined her then hit a Razor’s Edge for a nearfall at 23:30.

A masked man suddenly appeared and shoved Ciclope off the top rope to the floor. He removed the mask and it is Miedo Extremo. He hugged Rina, then he kicked her and he powerbombed her over the top rope and through a double decker door bridge on the floor. More garbage was thrown into the ring. The ref called for the bell, as Miedo threw a chair at Ciclope’s head. He zip-tied Ciclope’s hands behind his back and hit another unprotected chairshot to the head, then two more. “This is more than enough,” Emil said, and I fully agree. Miedo hit some more chair shots and I’ve lost count of how many unprotected chairshots to the head.

Ciclope vs. Rina Yamashita went to a draw/no contest at 25:16.

Final Thoughts: Outside of the New York/New Jersey shows, Los Angeles seemingly gets the best GCW shows and that was definitely the case here. I was so sour on the show last Sunday, but I really liked Friday’s show in Denver, and this event topped Friday. Arez/Loco’s lucha tag match was really entertaining and takes best match. I’ll go with Akeem-Evans for second place, and I’ll narrowly go with Cartwheel-Danger ahead of Scorpio-Charlie. While I’m made my objections clear to intergender matches, Megan Bayne and Juicy Finau did a great job here of putting together a compelling match.

No, I did not like the main event at all. I don’t like hardcore matches in general. But my biggest complaint is the lack of response to garbage being thrown into the ring. This is NOT happening at other GCW shows, but it is happening here and it needs to stop. Toilet paper is one thing, but when you start throwing beer cans, that is when a wrestler, or a fan, will get hurt. It would only take one word from Brett Lauderdale or Dave Prazak and it would stop immediately.


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