AEW Dynamite results (10/16): Barnett’s live review of Mercedes Mone vs. Queen Aminata for the TBS Title, Christian Cage vs. Jay White, Shelton Benjamin vs. Lio Rush, WrestleDream fallout

By Jake Barnett, Co-Senior Staffer (@barnettjake)

AEW Dynamite (Episode 263)
San Jose, California at SAP Arena
Aired live October 16, 2024 on TBS

A video package aired that showed Jon Moxley giving a motivational speech to his crew. He spoke about how he hated what AEW had become. He wanted AEW to be a land of opportunity, but it had become a land of egos and he can’t stand it anymore. He said he would burn it down and plant a new forest if he had to, and if you wanted to come with them, you could. But if you don’t, get out of the way or get destroyed. He looked at the camera and stated what the new paradigm is, and it’s very simple, you work for me now.

In the arena, Adam Cole’s music hit and he headed towards the ring. Cole started his storytime, and told his old crew of Roddy, Mike and Matt that he had to do it on his own. He said he could talk about his long recovery to get to the ring, but he didn’t think anybody wanted to hear it, and instead he would talk about the worst person he’s ever met MJF. Cole said he learned that sometimes you have to fight evil with evil, and that MJF would tell him that he betrayed him for no reason, but that wasn’t true. 

He then said everyone is now seeing the real MJF, the guy who he’s always been behind closed doors terrorizing AEW while he pretended to care about it. Cole called MJF fake from head to toe, including his hair. He called MJF a scared, insecure little boy. Cole told everyone to go on social media and trash MJF, because he pretends he doesn’t care, but he’ll be crying in his hotel room. He then said the locker room agrees with what he’s saying, and said he wanted to talk about them. 

Cole said the locker room is full of guys who are going to lead AEW in the future, and it makes him sick that some of them might look at MJF and see a path to success. He called following that path misery and loneliness, and swore with every fiber of his being that everybody hates him. Cole said he hated him, and everything he stands for. He said he hated how he looked and how his voice sounds, and the fact that he had to share the same building with him. Cole then said they were going to fight, and demanded MJF come to the ring now and they could make it happen. 

MJF’s music hit, but he never walked out. Instead, he appeared on the screen. MJF said he learned a lot in his young career, including that there are a lot of jackals in Pro Wrestling and he learned not to trust anyone. Then Adam Cole came along and taught him something different, but then stabbed him in the back and created a void that can never be closed again. MJF said he can’t trust again, and he knows Cole wants nothing more than to beat him within an inch of his life. He then said he would never get him in the ring, and he would continue to dangle the carrot of revenge in front of him to torment him. 

Cole then replied that he knew MJF better than anyone, and he promised with every fiber of his being that he would give him the greatest ass beating of his life and make him wish they never met. Cole posed on the stage and then walked to the back. 

Chris Jericho was interviewed backstage after WrestleDream by Renee Paquette. Video played of his match with Mark Briscoe, and he tried to cast the chaos of the match as Mark cheating to win. He demanded a rematch, and said he would become the two time ROH Champion, just like Jay Briscoe. Mark was then interviewed, and said Jericho was known for making stupid statements. He could let that slide, but he can’t abide by him using his brother’s name. Mark challenged Jericho to a Ladder War match next week. FTR then walked into the picture, and Briscoe said hey would take care of Big Bill and the bad apple. 

In the arena, FTR made their entrance. They were followed by Big Bill and Bryan Keith. 

1. FTR (Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler) vs. Big Bill and Bryan Keith: Harwood and Keith started the match. Keith got a hot start with a lariat and a big boot. They then exchanged chops and Dax went on the attack with a suplex. He made a tag to Wheeler, who performed a springboard attack into the ring. Keith managed to land a scoop slam in response, and made a tag to Big Bill. He backed Wheeler up into the corner and landed some big slaps to the chest. 

Wheeler slipped out of another slam attempt and landed a dropkick. He hit the ropes and got caught in a Bossman slam by Big Bill…[c]

My Take: A solid video package opener from Moxley. I’m not thrilled about the idea of some kind of promotional war, because they rarely work long term, but at least he’s not serving some higher power like Shane McMahon or something. Cole’s promo was solid, but navigating the character changes between himself and MJF was always going to be messy and this was no exception. They have their work ahead of them.

Big Bill missed a splash attempt into the corner and Wheeler was able to make a tag to Dax Harwood. He landed punches on both Bill and Keith. He attempted a lariat on Bill, but he didn’t budge and leveled Harwood with one of his own. Bill then went for a powerbomb, but Harwood blocked it and Wheeler made the save by coming off the ropes with a dropkick. Bill was staggered, but he clubbed Wheeler and landed a powerbomb on Harwood anyway. Keith tagged in to make the cover, but Wheeler broke it up. Bill and Wheeler fought on the floor, and Wheeler landed a tornado DDT. 

Back in the ring, Harwood and Wheeler landed the Shatter Machine on Keith and got the win. 

FTR defeated Big Bill and Bryan Keith at 8:40. 

La Faccion Ingobernable was shown watching the match on television. The Outrunners then made their way to ringside. They celebrated and shook hands before having an 80s pose off. In the back, The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn were interviewed by Renee Paquette. Billy Gunn said they were going to the gym because they had the best bodies in AEW. Caster and Bowens started talking about racking up more wins and how they wanted more and more, but they were interrupted by MVP and Shelton Benjamin. MVP said when they were ready to get serious, he wanted to have a conversation with them. He handed them a business card and walked off. 

In the ring, Justin Roberts said the next contest was for the TBS Championship. Mercedes Mone made her way to the ring with Kamille. We then saw a video of the backstage interaction that set up this match where Queen Aminata told Mercedes she was rude. Queen Aminata then made her ring entrance. 

2. Queen Aminata vs. Mercedes Moné for the TBS Championship: Aminata mocked Mercedes early on, which angered Mone. They traded some pinfall reversals early on for some fast two counts. Aminata then landed a fallaway slam to show off her power. She attempted to follow up with a baseball slide on the apron, but Kamille pulled Mercedes to safety. Aminata then landed a headbutt to Kamille, which allowed Mercedes to regain her composure and send Aminata into the steps. She then delivered a running knee strike with Aminata’s head resting against the steps…[c]

My Take: The opening match was fine, but it was just kind of there. I’m hoping Mercedes can find her groove in AEW soon. She’s an incredibly talented performer but she hasn’t popped off the screen in AEW in the same way and it would be nice to see her regain that swagger and confidence.

There were a couple of mechanical issues, but they quickly regained control with a slick Air Raid Crash from Aminata. She then attempted a backslide for a two count. Aminata followed up with a wicked swinging neck breaker for a near fall. She then applied a submission, before using a body scissors to roll Mercedes around the ring. Aminata continued the offense with a suplex. She then charged into the corner, but Mercedes got her feet up. She then landed a double knee strike. 

Mercedes followed up with a backstabber into a Statement Maker, and got the submission win. 

Mercedes Moné defeated Queen Aminata at 8:49

After the match, we saw a WrestleDream video package that focused on The Young Bucks vs. Private Party. Both teams were then interviewed backstage at the same time by Renee Paquette. Private Party congratulated them and said they almost had them, and wanted another opportunity. Matt Jackson admitted he was wrong about them being midcarders, and they took them to the limit. 

Nick then spoke up and said they weren’t getting another shot and they were done with them. Stokely Hathaway then walked up and chided them for not accepting him in their corner at WrestleDream. He said they had been in AEW since the Obama Administration and had nothing to show for it. He offered his services again, and said they would remain bums without him, and thought Zay was more of a singles star anyway. They looked at each other after he walked off and said if that’s what it takes….[c]

My Take: Another title defense for Mercedes, but I never bought into Aminata posing any threat. She needs a hot program to wake up her character and the TBS Title.

The Young Bucks, Jack Perry, and Kazuchika Okada were shown backstage. They celebrated the birthday of Kenny Omega and mocked him for having 20 feet of his intestines removed. The camera panned away to show a cake made up for Kenny, and then Jack Perry dumped a bucket of offal on top of it. He told Kenny to get well soon, or die, because he doesn’t care either way. 

In the arena, Orange Cassidy made his entrance with Rocky Romero and Kyle O’Reilly. They were followed by The Young Bucks and Kazuchika Okada. 

3. The Young Bucks (Nick and Matt Jackson) & Kazuchika Okada vs. The Conglomeration (Orange Cassidy & Kyle O’Reilly & Rocky Romero): KOR and Okada started the match. Okada landed a big boot and made a tag to Nick Jackson. With some help from Orange Cassidy, KOR landed some kicks on Nick to take control of the match. KOR and Cassidy then dove on Matt and Okada on the floor, and Romero landed a hurracarrana on Nick…[c]

Orange Cassidy attempted a sunset flip on Okada, but he wasn’t able to pull him down and Okada dramatically flipped him the bird. Cassidy tagged KOR, who entered the match and landed kicks to Nick Jackson and applied a guillotine choke to Okada. Matt Jackson came of the ropes with an elbow drop to break it up. Romero entered the match to even out the blatant interference. He landed some lariats, but got caught in a tombstone piledriver by Okada. 

The Bucks pumped up their shoes, which gave KOR an opening to tag Orange Cassidy. Cassidy landed a double hurracarrana on the Young Bucks and a missile dropkick on Okada. A moment later he spiked Matt Jackson with a tornado DDT. He lined up for an Orange Punch, but got blindsided by Wheeler Yuta to cause a DQ. 

The match ended in a no contest at 10:18

After the match, Pac and Claudio attacked Romero and O’Reilly. The Elite got out of the ring. Moxley and Shafir entered the ring and they all pummeled Cassidy. Top Flight got involved but were quickly beaten down and dispatched. Dark Order then ran into the ring past The Elite and shamed them for not fighting. Dark Order quickly got dismantled and Moxley stared at The Elite while he choked out Evil Uno. Marina Shafir then choked John Silver with a belt. 

Moxley got on the microphone and said if you are associated with AEW, make no mistake about it, you are under attack. He said if you didn’t like what happened on Saturday or what you saw tonight, it’s just the cost of doing business. The announce team attempted to summon outrage but didn’t do a great job of it. The Elite were shown walking through the back. They were confronted by Danile Garcia and Private Party, who asked how they could just watch and let that happen. Matt Jackson said it was none of their business. Garcia and Private Party promised to have each other’s backs. 

We then got a video package that focused on MVP and Shelton Benjamin’s conversation with Swerve Strickland at WrestleDream. Back in the arena, Lio Rush made his ring entrance with Leila Grey. He was followed by Shelton Benjamin accompanied by MVP. 

4. Shelton Benjamin vs. Lio Rush: Benjamin and Rush danced around each other, but Shelton used his power advantage to shove Lio around the ring. Rush attempted a kick, but Benjamin caught it and flipped him around before landing a shoulder tackle. Rush used his agility to land some kicks and sent Benjamin to the floor. Rush attempted a dive, but Benjamin jumped on the apron and landed a knee strike before he could execute. He then shoved Rush out of the ring to the floor, and landed an overhead belly to belly suplex…[c]

My Take: I remain unmoved by Mox and company beating up one notable talent, and the scrubs that try to make the save. If they want to elevate what Moxley is doing it has to start involving other talents that feel like they have the reputation that allows them to challenge him. If the goal is to set The Elite up to eventually turn towards helping save AEW…..oh brother.

Benjamin continued to have his way with Rush until he landed a rather clumsy springboard stunner. He then followed up with a series of high impact dives through the ropes and out to the floor. Rush then landed a cutter as Shelton got back into the ring. He then took to the top rope, but couldn’t execute a frog splash. Benjamin landed a rebound kick on Rush. After a reversal, Rush fired back with a kick and a tornado DDT for a near fall. He then climbed to the top again, but Shelton popped up and pulled Rush back into the ring with an arm drag. 

MVP shouted from the floor to finish things. Benjamin then landed a series of release german suplexes and a huge superkick. He then followed up with an elevated flatliner and a exploder powerslam for the win. 

Shelton Benjamin defeated Lio Rush at 11:25

MVP left his business card with Lio Rush as Shelton celebrated his victory. He then said Lio Rush opened his mouth in his youthful exuberance, and Shelton Benjamin shut it with his skill and wisdom. MVP then addressed Swerve Strickland and told him he needed to reconsider his position or this would be his future. He asked him to finish the conversation between himself and the standard of excellence Shelton Benjamin. 

Excalibur revealed that Darby Allin has been unreachable since WrestleDream. He then introduced a video that Darby recorded last week that advertised some signed photos of himself and Tony Hawk that are being sold for the Skatepark Project charity…[c]

My Take: That was a very solid performance from Shelton Benjamin. I can see a number of strong matchups for Shelton in AEW that could show off Shelton’s skill and athleticism.

Swerve Strickland was asked about MVP’s challenge. Swerve agreed to take on Shelton Benjamin anywhere, but warned him that he’s the most dangerous man in AEW and he better not miss. In the ring, Tony Schiavone announced a special press conference, and asked for Don Callis to come down to the ring. He was flanked by Brian Cage and Lance Archer. 

Callis said he executed the greatest trade in the history of pro wrestling when he acquired Lance Archer. He then said he had gotten a taste for titles, and had decided that he wants Tag Team Gold. He then said Cage and Archer would be forming a tag team to capture the titles. Callis then introduced Konosuke Takeshita and Kyle Fletcher as men that have been talked about all week. They made their way to the ring and got some boos. 

He then said Takeshita will be a true International Champion, and would defend against all comers all over the world. Takeshita then got on the microphone and addressed “all wrestlers of the world” and said if they wanted his title they could come and take it. Callis then demanded respect for Kyle Fletcher, and invited him to the microphone. Fletcher said everyone was asking him why, and the problem is that everyone wants to talk about Will Ospreay when the Don Callis Family is having the biggest night of its life. He then said if people wanted to know why he did it….too bad. 

Callis said the crowd didn’t deserve an answer, but what they needed to know is that the Callis family has never been stronger. Backstage, Mariah May was interviewed by Renee Paquette. She complained about journalists not having any questions for her at the PPV presser on Saturday. Mariah then addressed her competition, and demanded to know why no one wanted to face her. Britt Baker has strep throat, Thunder Rosa is in the UK, Mina is still in Japan, and she still hasn’t had her celebration. May asked what Christopher Daniels does around here, because everyone was afraid of competition. 

Anna Jay walked up and got in May’s face. She said he wasn’t afraid, and wanted her shot. Christopher Daniels tried to split them up, but got slapped in the process by Jay. She apologized and May walked off. 

Swerve vs. Shelton Benjamin was confirmed for two week from now.

My Take: Takeshita and May are taking on all comers. It’s an interesting position for two heels to be in, but I don’t mind it. The Callis family is still cold outside Takeshita, but we’ll see if Fletcher can turn things around. He’s not particularly good on the microphone yet, but hopefully Callis can help him reach the next level.

Ricochet was interviewed by Renee Paquette. He said he wasn’t pinned at WrestleDream, and wanted the shot that Takeshita had screwed him out of twice now. Ricochet said his greatness was defined by his matches, and said anybody can step up to him because he would be at Collision this Saturday. In the backstage are, Moxley and Company continued abusing the undercard before driving off in a pickup truck. Evil Uno looked into the camera and said they would be ready to fight BCC anywhere and everywhere they show up. Top Flight then pulled the cameraman over and said they were coming for the Trios Titles  at Collision. 

In the arena, Switchblade Jay White made his ring entrance. He was accompanied by the Bang Bang Gang. Christian then made his entrance with Nick and Shayna Wayne. 

5. Christian Cage vs. Switchblade Jay White: The match started somewhat slowly as Christian gathered himself on the floor. Once things got started Jay White quickly took control and applied an Inverted STF. Christian reached the ropes and then rolled to the apron. Nick Wayne tried to introduce a chair, but Juice Robinson stopped him. The referees saw Juice with the Chair, and ejected the Bang Bang Gang from ringside. They grabbed Nick Wayne and beat his ass, and dragged him to the back with them. Shayna Wayne followed them…[c]

My Take: Jox Moxley has to go through Dark Order and Top Flight to gain control of AEW? Nothing quite like encountering lighter than expected resistance to your violent overthrow of the company.

Christian was in control with a chin lock. White fought to his feet, but got tossed to the floor for his trouble. Christian pursued and attempted to throw White into the steps, but he reversed and Christian careened over the steps. Both men traded punches in the ring until Christian landed a kick to the gut. He hit the ropes, but White countered with a back body drop. White then tossed Christian into the corner and pulling the turtle neck over his eyes for punches and chops.

White then landed a DDT and covered for a near fall. Both men battled on the apron, where Christian dropped to the floor and landed a reverse DDT. He then returned to the ring and tossed Jay White into the second turnbuckle. He followed up with a Tornado DDT and covered for a near fall. Christian then backed up in the corner for a spear, but Kip Sabian showed up at ringside to offer a distraction. 

He quickly fled into the crowd when Hangman Page showed up, but the referee didn’t see Page and he hid near the ring apron. White landed a Uranage and covered for a close near fall. Hangman still laid in wait on the outside. White set up for a Bladerunner, but Cage reversed into a Killswitch for a close near fall. Both men fought into the corner, and White managed to land a saito suplex, followed by another snap suplex into the ropes. He then placed Cage on the top turnbuckle, but Cage shoved him back into the ring. 

Cage landed a diving headbutt for a near fall. Kip Sabian jumped up on the apron again as Jay White pulled in Christian for a Bladerunner. That opened the door for Hangman Page to demolish Jay White with a Buckshot Lariat. Christian covered and got the win. 

Christian Cage defeated Switchblade Jay White via pinfall at 15:02

After the match, Christian grabbed his contract and headed to the back. White recovered in the ring as the show went off the air.

My Take: This was a good match, but deeply unserious with all of the shenanigans throughout on the floor. The ref had to pretend he was deaf to avoid missing Hangman performing the Buckshot Lariat, and Kip Sabian apparently thought he was helping by continuing to distract the referee from Page’s presence, despite ostensibly being down there to screw over Christian Cage in some way. A goofy finish to an otherwise entertaining match when it was just the two performers doing their thing.


Readers Comments (2)

  1. Who’s the notable talent Moxley’s misfits beat up? Pockets? What a joke. This stuff is Russo level bad. Moxley needs to quit watching b movies and Khan needs to realize he can’t book

  2. “I’m hoping Mercedes can find her groove in AEW soon. She’s an incredibly talented performer but she hasn’t popped off the screen in AEW in the same way and it would be nice to see her regain that swagger and confidence.”

    She’s been garbage the whole time. She routinely botched her signature spots in WWE and has always been atrocious on the mic. She no longer has a professional company making her shit look like gold.

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