Live Pro Wrestling “Teddy Goodz Final Match” results: Vetter’s review of Anthony Greene vs. Teddy Goodz for the Live Pro Title, Eddie Edwards vs. Ichiban, Tommy Dreamer vs. Brett Ryan Gosselin

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Live Pro Wrestling “Teddy Goodz Final Match”
September 22, 2024 in New Bedford, Massachusetts at Greater New Bedford Regional Vocational Technical High School
Streamed on the IndependentWrestling.TV

This show was released on IWTV on Wednesday.This show is in a fieldhouse — slightly larger than a high school gym — and attendance could be 600-800 or more with the risers across from the hard camera completely full; this venue is packed. The lineup of this show was largely a mystery; the commentators had no idea who was coming out for most of the matches. (Update: before the main event, the commentators said the crowd was more than 1,000 and I won’t dispute that.)

1. Tommy Dreamer vs. Brett Ryan Gosselin. BRG came out first, wearing a fur jacket, and he cut a heel promo. Dreamer got a nice pop and he carried a kendo stick to the ring. These two have fought in Live Wrestling in recent months. Dreamer offered a handshake; BRG slapped it away. Dreamer went for a Mafia Kick but BRG rolled to the floor to regroup. They brawled at ringside, and Dreamer let kids at ringside chop BRG’s chest at 1:30. Tommy placed the ring bell over BRG’s groin and ‘rang the bell.’ (I truly believe this doesn’t hurt BRG one iota, but it’s always a crowd-pleasing spot.) As they got back into the ring, BRG dropped Tommy throat-first on the top rope and he took control.

BRG hit an ax-handle blow to the head for a nearfall at 3:30. He did the ‘Fargo Strut’ and was loudly booed. He whipped Tommy into the corner and got a nearfall. This crowd is hot. Dreamer hit a stunner for a nearfall. BRG hit a drop-toe-hold onto an open chair for a nearfall at 7:00. BRG hit a uranage onto a folded chair for a nearfall. Brett grabbed the kendo stick and he struck Tommy with it. Tommy grabbed it and hit Brett with it, then Tommy hit a DDT for the pin. Fine opener; BRG created the movement but Dreamer took several back-bumps, too.

Tommy Dreamer defeated Brett Ryan Gosselin at 8:48.

2. Eddie Edwards (w/Alisha Edwards) vs. Ichiban. Alisha got on the mic and said she grew up here, this was her high school… and she had to leave this dump to succeed. Massive boos, of course. Standing switches; Edwards is thicker and has the size advantage. Eddie backed Ichiban into a corner and hit some loud chops. Ichiban hit some deep armdrags and a dropkick at 2:30, then his series of “One!” punches in the corner. Alisha choked Ichiban in the ropes, and Eddie hit a bodyslam and he took control.

Ichiban hit a stunner at 7:00. He hit a top-rope crossbody block for a nearfall. Alisha hopped on the apron to distract Ichiban. Ichiban pushed Eddie into Alisha and Ichiban got a rollup, but the ref was checking on Alisha. Eddie immediately got an inside cradle and scored the pin. Good while it lasted.

Eddie Edwards defeated Ichiban at 8:29.

The Godfather came to the ring, wearing a red hat and red vest. He told the crowd it’s time for everyone to come aboard,” and the crowd shouted, “Hooo train!” He reminded us that “pimpin’ ain’t easy.” He thanked the crowd for supporting him for all these years. “I would have had some girls here, but they are working,” and that got a laugh. Music interrupted him! Thrillride, a white, heavyset guy in a white T-shirt got in the ring. “I don’t know who the hell you are, but you are about to make the biggest mistake of your life,” Godfather said to him. Thrillride spoke. John Cena Sr. came out, in a suit. The crowd sang “John Cena’s dad!” as John Cena Jr.’s theme played. He really does a great Mr. McMahon impersonation. Cena ordered to “ring the bell!”

3. The Godfather defeated Thrillride. Godfather punched Thrillride, who rolled to the floor and left, and the ref counted him out. Acceptable.

The Godfather defeated Thrillride via count-out at 0:30.

4. “The Undisputed Kingdom” Mike Bennett and Matt Taven vs. “Waves & Curls” Traevon Jordan and Jaelyn Brandyn. Taven and Jordan opened; they hugged before locking up with basic standing switches. Jordan tried to make him dance; Taven wasn’t into the silliness. Taven hit a dropkick at 2:00. W&C began hitting some quick team moves on Bennett. Brandyn launched off Jordan’s back, Hardy boy style, and slammed onto Taven in the corner at 5:00. Taven slapped Jaelyn in the face, and the UK began working Jaelyn over. Bennett hit a bodyslam for a nearfall. Brandyn up and hit a series of chops on Bennett, but the UK kept him in their corner.

Taven missed a frogsplash at 10:00. Jaelyn hit an enzuigiri on Taven. Jordan got the hot tag and he hit some clotheslines on Taven and a superkick on Bennett, and he was fired up. He hit a frogsplash on Taven for a nearfall at 11:30 but Bennett made the save. Bennett hit a Death Valley Driver, and Taven hit Just The Tip of The Knee for a believable nearfall. Bennett was on the floor and he tripped Jordan and dragged him to the floor. Taven got an inside cradle on Brandyn; Bennett pushed on Taven’s back for added leverage, and Taven got the tainted pin. Good match

Mike Bennett and Matt Taven defeated Traevon Jordan and Jaelyn Brandyn at 13:15. 

* Taven got on the mic and put Waves & Curls over. The crowd shouted that they cheated; Taven responded that “they had to cheat to beat these guys.” Taven said he’s a “proud papa to be part of their journey.” All four hugged and the crowd cheered… but then Bennett and Taven hit low blows and left. The heel commentator loved this.

5. Channing Thomas (w/Sidney Bakabella) vs. Vincent. Yes, this is AEW’s Vincent, wearing his white robe and snapping his fingers on the way to the ring. Channing stalled at the bell, then they had an intense lockup, but Channing rolled to the floor at 1:00. In the ring, Vincent dropped him with a shoulder tackle, and Channing went right back to the floor. Vincent followed, and they brawled at ringside. In the ring, Vincent hit a swinging neckbreaker at 3:30, then a senton, for a nearfall. Channing hit a backbreaker over his knee and he began to stomp on Vincent.

He mockingly did Vincent’s arm motions and finger snaps, and he kept Vincent grounded. Channing locked in a Camel Clutch at 7:30. Vincent hit a Flatliner for a nearfall. Vincent went for a sunset flip; Channing sat down and grabbed Sidney’s arms for added leverage but only got a nearfall. Channing speared Vincent into the corner at 10:30. Vincent got a jackknife cover for a nearfall. Vincent hit Sidney and shoved Bakabella off the apron, then he hit a bulldog on Channing for the pin. Decent match.

Vincent defeated Channing Thomas at 13:23.

6. DJ Powers vs. Alec Price vs. Danny Miles vs. Richard Holliday in a four-way. DJ barked at everyone in the ring at the bell, so they all took turns punching him, and DJ fell to the floor. Price hit a huracanrana on Miles, then a springboard crossbody block on Miles. Powers hit a German Suplex on Price. Holliday hit a Guerrilla Press on DJ, tossing him to the floor onto Price at 2:30. Miles hit a side slam on Holliday for a nearfall. Holliday hit a backbreaker over his knee on DJ at 5:30. Price hit a springboard missile dropkick on DJ, then a suplex on Miles. Alec hit his series of kneestrikes on Miles.

Powers hit a neckbreaker over his knee on Price. Holliday hit his 2008 swinging suplex on DJ, but DJ rolled to the floor to avoid being pinned. Miles hit a rolling cannonball in the corner on Holliday. Price hit a dive to the floor on everyone at 8:30. He hit a top-rope flying leg drop in the ring on Holliday. However, Powers pushed Price to the floor and he covered Holliday to steal the pin. Really good action while it lasted. This definitely could have gone longer.

DJ Powers defeated Alec Price, Danny Miles and Richard Holliday at 9:03. 

7) Ryan Waters, Love, Doug, and “Perfect Strangers” AJP and Steven Lust (w/Craig Costa) vs. Jora Johl, Gal Barkay, Eric Chacha, and Donnie Staxx. I don’t know Waters or Staxx. Staxx is a thin Black man (similar in looks to Carmelo Hayes) and he wore pink pants. Ryan Waters is older, heavier, and looks a bit like AEW’s Butcher (when Butcher still had hair). All eight brawled at the bell. Jora hit a delayed vertical suplex on AJP at 3:00. Chacha hit a series of kicks on Lust (think Elias-meets-Damian Sandow). Staxx entered and hit a missile dropkick. The heels began working over Staxx in their corner.

Really quick tags, with Waters hitting a bodyslam at 8:30 and jawing at the babyfaces on the apron. The commentators said Staxx went to school here. Gal tagged in at 10:30 and he hit a big boot on Lust. Doug and Staxx fought on the floor. Chacha hit a second-rope elbow drop. Perfect Strangers hit a team Russian Leg Sweep move on Staxx. Waters hit a powerslam. Lust hit a superkick on Jora at 13:00. Doug hit a Rebound Lariat. AJP hit a swinging neckbreaker on Chacha. Gal nailed a Blue Thunder Bomb on Doug for the pin. Decent. I would want to see more of Staxx, but admittedly the older Waters didn’t impress. Doug and Costa argued after the match, and Costa hit a uranage on Doug.

Jora Johl, Gal Barkay, Eric Chacha, and Donnie Staxx defeated Ryan Waters, Love Doug, AJP, and Steven Lust at 14:10.

Bobby Cruise did ring introductions for the main event. Smart Mark Sterling came to the ring, and he proclaimed he is the most famous wrestling attorney. He ripped into this city, and he can’t wait to get home to his “mansion in New York City.” He introduced Anthony Greene as “his new client.” Greene is about to leave on a Japan tour and Sterling vowed he would make this belt a world title. Sidney Bakabella and Paul Crockett joined commentary.

8. Anthony Greene (w/Smart Mark Sterling) vs. Teddy Goodz for the Live Pro Title. Teddy took time to high-five fans at ringside. Goodz also has a title belt. An intense lockup to open. Goodz hit some hard chops. Greene hit a back suplex at 3:30, and he tossed Goodz to the floor, where Sterling choked Teddy. In the ring, Greene stomped on him and stayed in charge. He hit a hard clothesline for a nearfall at 6:30. They got up and traded forearm strikes, and Teddy hit a clothesline at 9:30. Sterling pulled the ref to the floor during a pin attempt, so the ref ejected Sterling. Teddy dove to the floor on Greene.

Back in the ring, Goodz hit a backpack stunner for a nearfall at 11:30. Goodz got pushed into the ring, knocking the ref out. Taven, Bennett, and Sterling ran into the ring and they all beat up Goodz. Waves & Curls returned to the ring and beat up Taven and Bennett, and hit stereo dives to the floor on them, and they all brawled to the back. Sterling slid a chair into the ring. Greene swung the chair, but it hit the top rope and ricocheted on his head. Goodz hit a flying leg drop, but Sterling again pulled the ref from the ring and struck the ref. Bakabella, DJ Powers and Channing Thomas hit the ring and attacked Teddy. Little Mean Kathleen ran into the ring and hit her second-rope bulldog on Channing! Greene kicked LMK!

A chair was set up in the corner. Bakabella got on the mic and told Goodz they were going to end him, once and for all. Bobby Cruise hopped on the apron and ripped off Bakabella’s wig. “The Devil’s Doormen” Brandon Webb and Frankie Vain hit the ring and attacked the heels. They slammed the heels through doors set up in the corners. Goodz speared Sterling through a door in the corner at 18:30. Greene missed a top-rope moonsault, and Goodz immediately hit a stunner for the pin. A fun match and the chaos with all the interference added to this match, rather than detracted from it.

Teddy Goodz defeated Anthony Greene to win the Live Pro Wrestling Title at 19:09.

* Goodz hugged LMK and The Devil’s Doormen. The locker room emptied and everyone stood at ringside, and the crowd chanted, “Thank you, Teddy!” He got on the mic and he thanked the crowd. “I know what everyone is wondering… when’s the next match?” He said he had this vision to retire the day he found out his wife was pregnant. He pointed to several guys at ringside and said something nice about each of them. He said he went to his first match in 1990 and knew he was going to be a wrestler. He said he snuck out to wrestle and his parents didn’t know he was wrestling. He said this is the greatest moment in his wrestling career, to have all his family and friends here. He concluded that he doesn’t know what will happen to the belt, but he’s NOT defending it.

Final Thoughts: A fun show built around the main event, and I liked how they worked the Undisputed Kingdom-Waves & Curls stuff feud into that match, too. Goodz got a great send-off and the crowd was totally into it. I will go with the UK-W&C match for second best, with that fast-paced four-way taking third.

The biggest surprise is no women’s match; there are so many talented women out there, it always stands out when a show doesn’t have a single female competitor.


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