NXT TV results (6/25): Moore’s review of Tag Team Turmoil for a shot at the NXT Tag Titles, NXT Champion Trick Williams vs. Shawn Spears in a non-title match, Tony D’Angelo vs. Nathan Frazer for the NXT Heritage Cup

By John Moore, ProWrestling.net Staffer (@liljohnm)

Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Aired live June 25, 2024 on USA Network 

[Hour One] Ava was outside of the Performance Center talking with a group of referees about how a lot of people from main roster, TNA, and all over the place have been showing up in NXT and thus causing a lot of problems in the Performance Center, NXT, and even the dreaded parking lot. Ava told them to tighten things up to prevent

Vic Joseph and Booker T were on commentary. Mike Rome was the ring announcer….

Tag Team Turmoil (A Gauntlet Match) started off the show. New Catch Republic and Enofe and Blade were the first two tag teams…

1. Tag Team Turmoil Match. New Catch Republic dominated early on. Blade took control with a double blockbuster. Enofe tagged in and got a two count after a double team blockbuster. Bate tagged in and got a double rebound shoulder block. Enofe reversed a Bitter End into a DDT for a nearfall. Dunne hit Enofe with a punch midair. Dunne and Blade hit Enofe with a double team finisher to eliminate them.

Humberto Carrillo and Angel Garza were the 2nd tag team. Garza and Carrillo worked on Bate with methodical offense to start the match, thus cutting the ring in half. Bate hit Carrillo with a huracanrana, but Angel dropped Dunne off the apron and slammed Bate. Dunne broke up Angel’s pin. Apollo Crews ran out for some reason to storm the ring. Referees dragged Crews to the back. The Distraction allowed Bate to hit Carrillo with a Tyler Driver for the victory.

Gallows and Anderson were the next team. The Good Brothers used double team moves to take down Dunne and Bate. The show cut to picture in picture.[c]

Back from break, Bate hit Anderson with a Helicopter Spin driver (a pretty long helicopter spin). Dunne tagged in. Gallows saved Anderson from a double team move. Bate hit Gallows and Anderson with a dive to break up a Magic Killer. Dunne rolled up Gallows for a elimination. OTM jawed with Gallows and Anderson on the ramp.

Duke Hudson and Andre Chase were the last team out. Chase hit Dunne with a Russian Leg Sweep. Chase hit Dunne with Chase U boots. Dunne recovered and dumped Chase to the apron. Dunne then hit Chase with Sheamus’s ten beats of the bodhran. Dunne glared at his old tag team partner Ridge Holland at ringside. Hudson tagged in and hit Dunne with a Uranage and then hit Bate with a Uranage on top of Dunne.

Hudson hit bate with a headscissors in the corner and then a Chase U Bionic Elbow. Bate and Hudson traded reversals. Hudson hit Bate with a twisting front slam for a two count. Bate hit Hudson with a deadlift suplex. A “big strong boy” chant ensued. Dunne and Chase tagged in. Dunne hit Chase with a German Suplex. Chase came back with a Gamengiri. Bate tagged in. Dunne hit Chase with a Sunset Flip. Bate hit Chase with a Suplex for a two count.

Bate dumped Chase to ringside. Holland tossed Chase aside to take a dive from Bate. Chase hit Bate with a high fly flow for the victory.

Andre Chase and Duke Hudson defeated New Catch Republic to win the Tag Team Turmoil Gauntlet in 17:00. 

A replay aired of Roxanne Perez talking trash to Karmen Petrovic about not being at her level…

Ethan Page was shown walking in the hallway of the performance center…

Booker T and Vic Joseph checked in on commentary. Vic announced the passing of the father of Roman Reigns and Rosey, the Wild Samoan Sika Anoa’i. An “in memory of…” graphic aired…

John’s Thoughts: Damn for the loss announcement. Rest in peace Sika. As for the tag team match. Solid opener that took a good amount of time. Lots of main roster tag teams but good for the home grown NXT team going over with New Catch Republic getting the out of surviving most of the match and Hudson getting involved. Looks like they are continuing to build towards a six person mixed tag between OTM and Good Brothers-Michin. Good to see Chase U get the win as they haven’t got a lot of in-ring time despite having lots of TV storytelling time.

Dante Chen offered Nathan Frazer to be his corner man in his upcoming Heritage Cup match. Frazer noted that he hasn’t talked to Axiom in days. Axiom showed up and said he has Frazer’s back in the heritage cup match. Chen said Axiom is Frazer’s tag partner and he won’t step in the way. Frazer and Axiom dapped it up to end the segment…

Ethan Page made his entrance in his usual Hawaiian shirt. Page talked about how WWE has already announced Je’von Evans vs. Trick Williams as the main event of Heatwave. Page noted that he was never eliminated from the battle royal that Evans won. Ethan also noted that he beat Evans in the main event of that night. Ethan said the main event should be scrapped due to that result. Ethan called out NXT GM Ava.

Ava made her entrance and said that Ethan lives up to his “all ego” monniker. Ethan talked about always betting on himself and winning, warranting the All Ego name. Ava said Ethan isn’t going to like it when stars back her into a corner. Ava said Ethan has a point. Shawn Spears made his entrance. Spears said he can’t have Ava making rash decisions. Spears said he and Ethan came from the same area and he likes that Ethan is following in his footsteaps. Spears noted he beat Evans before Page.

Page pointed out Spears being eliminated by Evans in the battle royal. Spears said Ethan can’t make an elimination on his best day. Spears said he’s going to beat Trick Williams later in the show. Trick Williams made his entrance and told Spears to sit his ass down. Trick said it doesn’t matter who he faces, Evans or Page, at Heatwave. He said he knows one thing, people will be chanting “Whoop dat”.

Before he could say Trick, he was beat down by Page and Spears. Je’von Evans ran out for the save. Trick and Evans dumped Spears and Page to ringside. Security guards dragged Page and Spears to the back. Vic Joseph reminded viewers that Ava has put extra security on staff for the night…

New Catch Republic confronted Ridge Holland backstage. Dunne pointed out that Holland was supposed to go out on his own after leaving him and Sheamus, but he decided to join another group in Chase U. Holland walked off dejected. Hank Walker and Tank Ledger showed up and challenged New Catch Republic to a match, which Bate accepted…

Wes Lee made his entrance…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Decent segment to set up what may be a triple threat between Trick, Evans, and Page. Even though Trick doesn’t have many title defenses under his belt, the “not having to be pinned” angle could be a good way to put the title on Page. I wouldn’t mind that angle because it would be good to put heat back on Page after losing out of the gate and putting Trick back in chase mode against a credible heel.

Stevie Turner was talking to Ava’s assistant Robert Stone. Stone noted that Ava saw what he did with past clients and how he is a good asset. Stevie said he could be a better assistant because she volunteered to challenge Jordynne Grace, gave Ava a heads up on what Roxanne Perez was up to, and keeps Ava up to date with what is happening in the locker room. Stone said that makes Stevie a narc. Stevie didn’t know what “Narc” meant. Stone said that means “snitch”. Stone said Stevie could never beat him on her best day…

Joe Coffey and Gallus made their entrance…

2. Wes Lee vs. Joe Coffey. Joe turned Wes inside out with a clothesline. Wes came back with a Tornado DDT. Vic joked that Joe was more disoriented than Justin Timberlake at the Hamptons. Wes hit Joe with a signature combo. Joe came back with a front power slam for a two count. Wes rolled up Joe for a two count after sending him into the corner. Joe came back with a uppercut in the corner. Wes knocked Joe out of the corner. Wes then hit Joe with a Cardiac Kick for the victory.

Wes Lee defeated Joe Coffey via pinfall in 3:18. 

NXT North American Champion appeared on the crow’s nest and announced that Wes Lee earned a one-on-one title match against him at Heatwave for the title. Femi said he’ll see Wes at Heatwave…

Sarah Schreiber interviewed Tony D Angelo about his upcoming Heritage Cup title defense. Tony joked that he is looking forward to the afterparty. Tony D then said he knows that Nathan Frazer has more Heritage Cup experience, but Stacks and Luca gave him a good gameplan to keep the title with The Don. Tony D and the Family walked off…[c]

John’s Thoughts: The back and forth booking of Joe Coffey continues. They always tease pushing him strong, only to have him revert back to being a gatekeeper for more important talent (In a way, he’s kinda replacing Dijak in the role, but they also were both around doing the same thing when Dijak was still in NXT). Can’t complain about the Oba Femi vs. Wes Lee match though as that should be Oba’s biggest challenge yet and a extremely entertaining match with Wes being such a good in-ring guy.

An assistant delivered Duke Hudson an envelope with pictures from the end of last week’s match that he won (Is Duke so old fashioned that he can’t just go to Peacock or YouTube?). Ridge Holland quickly took the envelope away and said that it doesn’t matter because Duke already won the match. Andre Chase, Thea Hail, and Riley Osborne showed up to celebrate Chase U’s win in the Tag Team Turmoil…

Mike Rome handled the formal in-ring introductions for the upcoming Heritage Cup title match. Vic Joseph handled the rules explanation…

3. Tony D’Angelo (w/Luca Crucifino, Channing Lorenzo, Adriana Rizzo) vs. Nathan Frazer (w/Axiom) in a Rounds Match for the NXT Heritage Cup. Tony D hit Frazer with a side judo slam. Frazer came back with quick strikes. Nathan quickly ran the ropes and rolled up Tony D for the quick first fall. [End of Round 1]

Nathan Frazer pinned Tony D’Angelo in 0:40 of round 1 to go up 0-1. 

Tony D came back with a Belly to Belly suplex. Tony then hit Nathan with Hockey Punches. Nathan tried to come back, but Tony D hit Nathan with a Uranage for a pinfall. [End of Round 2]

Tony D’Angelo pinned Nathan Frazer in 1:10 of Round 2 to tie the match 1-1. 

Nathan dumped Tony D to ringside with a dropkick. Tony reversed a Suicide Dive and tossed Nathan into the the steel steps, heading into regular commercial. [Round 3 Ended during the commercial]

[Hour Two] The show cut back mid-Round 4. Frazer hit Tony D with a dive at ringside and a slingblade in the ring for a nearfall. Frazer rolled up Tony D for a nearfall. Tony D came back with a spinebuster for a nearfall himself. Tony D power slammed Frazer into a Tree of woe. Tony D sent himself into the ringpost after Frazer used his core to sit up. Frazer hit Tony D with a missile dropkick to end the round. [End of Round 4]

Tony D hit Frazer with a right hand and corner lariats. Booker noted that Tony D was favoring his shoulder. Frazer hit Tony D with a superkick for a two count. Tony D reversed a top rope Dive into a spinebuster for a two count. Frazer used an inside cradle for a two count. Frazer landed on his feet during a belly to belly and dropkicked Tony D to ringside.

Frazer dropkicked Tony D into the steel steps, hurting Tony D’s injured shoulder. Tony D broke the ten count. Joseph noted that Tony D can lose the title via countout. Frazer hit Tony D with a Coast to Coast for a good nearfall. Tony D met Frazer on the top rope. Frazer knocked Tony D off the top rope. Frazer hit Tony D with a Phoenix Splash, but Tony D was saved by the bell running out. [End of Round 5]

Frazer reversed a backdrop into a nearfall. Frazer got another nearfall out of a rollup. Frazer hit Tony D with a Final Cut. Tony D dodged a Phoenix Splash. Tony D met Frazer at the top rope and hit him with a Super belly to belly Suplex. Tony D hit Frazer with a Uranage for the victory.

Tony D’Angelo defeated Nathan Frazer via pinfall 1:09 into Round 6  to retain the NXT Heritage Cup. 

Trick Williams dapped it up with Jevon Evans in the locker room. Evans said he has Trick’s back in his match against Shawn Spears. Trick said he appreciates it, but Evans should focus on his Heatwave match. Trick said he also gets a little bit cautious when people offer to have his back in the past. Evans said it’s fine. Both men did a unique handshake to end the segment…

NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez made her entrance…[c]

John’s Thoughts: A great Heritage Cup match and one of the best on NXT since the title moved to the United States. People sleep on Tony D’s in-ring acclimation and ability because the guy is so good with the acting and character work. The guy is a bit of a savant as he was putting on great matches against Pete Dunne a few years ago having less than 5 TV matches in his wrestling career (and he was a collegiate athlete with zero pro wrestling experience). In a way, he’s sorta elevating the cup because unlike Noam Dar, the sports entertainment isn’t getting in the way of the innovative match concept (it would be terrible if we got weird mafia stuff, crowbars, or bribes during this “pure rules” concept).

Vic Joseph plugged Indianapolis striking a deal with WWE to hold a upcoming Summeslam and WrestleMania event…

Karmen Petrovic made her entrance. Before the bell rang, Lola Vice made her entrance to join commentary…

4. NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez vs. Karmen Petrovic in a non-title match. Petrovic blocked Perez with a extended foot. Perez dumped Petrovic from the top rope. Perez hit Karmen with a Russian Legsweep for a two count. Perez hit Petrovic with a stomp to the chest for a two count. Perez put Petrovic in a submission wile taunting Vice. Perez then put Petrovic in a backbreaker submission. Petrovic reversed it into a two count.

Petrovic hit Perez with a Rolling Sobat and clothesline. Petrovic hit Perez with a kick combo. Perez got a leg up to block a kick. Perez hit Petrovic wtih Pop Rocks for the victory.

Roxanne Perez defeated Karmen Petrovic via pinfall in 3:45. 

Roxanne Perez hit Lola Vice with a spinning backfist. Vice returned the favor by knocking out with her own spinning backfist. Lola Vice picked up the NXT Women’s Title and walked backstage…

John’s Thoughts: Simple tv match with Petrovic continuing to show improvement. Weird that they are building towards a heel vs. heel feud between Lola Vice and Perez. I noted before that Vice seems a bit young in her development and would be better suited for the mid-card women’s title (notably when they had her with her not-Money in the bank that NXT creative had no plans for).

Noam Dar was on facetime speaking to the rest of Meta Four. He said he appreciates everything Oro, Jakara, and Lash have been doing while he was out. Dar noted he was out due to Ethan Page tearing up his tendon. Dar said he likes Oro avenging him while he’s been out and that’s why Oro is his main man. Oro said it makes him smile every time he gets called that. Oro talked about how Meta Four makes him smile. he said when he was in Nigeria, he never thought he would be in a place like this.

He said when he was 6 his dad almost died in a car accident and literally ran through a wall of fire, which burned and scarred up 60% of his dad’s body. Oro noted that he grew up in Switzerland due to his dad having to move to Switzerland for surgery for his burns. Oro said that separated him from his mom too. He said with his Dad in Surgery and mom gone him and his brother were in foster care. He said it was tough growing up in a place in a place where he and his brother looked and sounded different from everybody else.

He said he never felt like he fit in with anybody all his life until he met Meta Four. He said he won’t rest until he beats down Page for taking down his main man. Dar raised a cheers for Oro’s heartfelt speech…

Booker T and Vic Joseph checked in on commentary. Booker looked a bit frozen, because he couldn’t deliver his line (my guess is that Oro’s story about growing up with his brother really shook Booker). Vic even had to give Booker a wholesome pat on the back to tell him he understands and they need to continue the show. The camera quickly cut to Gallows and Anderson beating down Lucien Price and Bronco Nima. Michin Yim and Jaida Parker had to be pulled apart…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Nice monologue from Oro to give him both character development while also allowing the audience to empathize with him from his presumed real life story. This beats his old night clubber persona that they tried to push him as several times. I thought the story was heartwarming, especially with him crediting Meta Four with providing him his first real family in his life. Growing up light skinned black, I totally relate to the “not feeling you belong” thing growing up, but I feel bad that Oro had an unfortunate string of tragedy on top of that. I assume it hit Booker T in the heart too because he broke character and was holding back tears. Prayers to Oro, his brother, and family too for having to go through such a though life. Takes a family of warriors to come out of that as good as Oro did.

A referee told Ava that it looks like OTM were injured from the attack from the Good Brothers. Ava also told Carlee Bright that she can have a match against Wendy Choo after Choo attacked her recently. Lola Vice then showed up in the GM office and laid the women’s title on Ava’s desk and said that Roxanne Perez can show up to the office to get her title back…

Entrances for the next match took place…

5. Damon Kemp (w/Charlie Dempsey, Myles Borne) vs. Tavion Heights. Vic noted Kemp being a number one ranked amateur wrestler in high school and top wrestler in the University of Minnesota. Heights hit Kemp with a shoulder breaker to start the match. Dempsey helped “pop” Kemp’s shoulder back in place. Kemp came back with a Belly to belly. Kemp hit Heights with a Angle Slam for a nearfall. Kemp used a headbutt to block a belly to belly.

Kemp was gloating in front of Dempsey and Borne. Heights hit Kemp with a suplex and power slam for the victory.

Tavion Heights defeated Damon Kemp via pinfall in 2:58. 

Kelly Kincaid interviewed NXT Women’s North American Champion Kelani Jordan. Jordan talked about how last week’s victory against Michin was a confidence booster. She said she wants to be a drama free champion. She said Sol Ruca has a good vibe about her while Ariana Grace doesn’t. She said she’s looking forward to whoever faces her. Before Kelly could close the interview, Jaida Parker showed up and challenged Michin to a street fight next week…

Ariana Grace made her entrance…[c]

Brinley Reece was psyching up Enofe and Blade after their loss. Enofe said the positivity would help if they can win matches. Izzy Dame showed up to talk trash and mock Reece for being extra positive…

Axiom was consoling Nathan Frazer after his recent loss (A-Kid also really likes wearing his turtleneck shirts when in street clothes). Axiom said they can watch tape and look forward to their upcoming title defense. Frazer said he actually has to prep for his upcoming WWE Speed match and get his back fixed…

Sol Ruca made her entrance…

6. Sol Ruca vs. Ariana Grace. Sol worked on Grace with a legscissors alligator roll. Sol then hit Grace with a side headlock. Sol hit Grace with a X Factor. Sol hit Grace with a slingshot Codebreaker. Sol then mocked Grace by riding her back like a surfboard. Grace tripped Sol to ringside to reverse a slingshot move. Sol got a two count off a Small Package. Grace hit Sol with a top rope elbow drop and running knee lift for a nearfall.

Sol rallied with axe handle strikes and a springboard axe handle. Vic noted that it looked like Sol slipped, but still managed to do a springboard. Sol slipped in the corner, but recovered. Sol hit Grace with a Sol Snatcher for the victory.

Sol Ruca defeated Ariana Grace via pinfall in 4:15. 

Vic Joseph announced Kelani Jordan vs. Sol Ruca for the title at Heatwave…

Roxanne Perez ranted in front of Ava for having to pick up her title in her office. Ava then booked Roxanne Perez vs. Lola Vice for the Women’s Title at Heatwave…

John’s Thoughts: Good developmental match with a bit of a botched finished. One thing developmental wrestlers need to learn that I notice is a common problem is to try to improvise a bit after botching a move instead of going immediately for a redo. No harm, no foul though as they are still learning. Sol continues to look like a future big star with her athleticism, innovation, and development.

Kelani Jordan told Sol Ruca that she’ll se her at Heatwave while walking backstage. Fallon Henley, Jacy Jayne, and Jasmyn Nyx were talking to each other about being overlooked. Jayne said maybe they should team up and do something about that…

Michin vs. Jaida Parker and Roxanne Perez and Lola Vice Facing off were announced for next week…

Entrances for the next match took place. All Ego Ethan Page joined Booker and Vic on commentary…

7. NXT Champion Trick Williams vs. Shawn Spears in a non-title match. Spears ducked out early on and went to ringside. Trick chopped Spears against the barricade. Spears came back with a Thesz Press in the ring. Trick came back with chops. Spears escaped a choke bomb. Both men took each other out with a boot. before the show could cut to picture-in-picture, Oro Mensah ran out and attacked Ethan Page again.[c]

[Overrun] Back from break, Spears had Trick in a Crossface. Trick broke up the hold with a rope break. Trick Hulked Up through some punches and a chop, even doing Hulk’s “You” thing. Trick hit Speas with crescent kicks and a flapjack. Spears countered a Book End and hit Trick with a reverse overdrive for a two count. Trick and Spears traded kicks. Spears hit Trick with a backstabber.

Trick came right back with a Book End. Brooks Jensen (who’s been going by Ben Buchanan)  tried to run in the ring and was pulled away by security. Jensen tossed Vic’s candy bowl while being dragged. Jensen accidentally attacked Trick with the announce table cover. In the ring, Spears hit Trick with a running Death Valley Driver for the win.

Shawn Spears defeated NXT Champion Trick Williams via pinfall in a non title match in 8:19. 

Spears sat cross legged in the ring after the match while Trick was knocked out…

Stevie Turner and Robert Stone were arguing in the GM’s office over several people having claims to the title. Ava then booked Trick Williams vs. Shawn Spears vs. Je’von Evans vs. Ethan Page in a Fatal Four Way for the NXT Title at Heatwave…

John’s Thoughts: While I did assume a fatal four way after last week’s obvious foreshadowing in the closing shot, I was surprised in a good way that they had Spears win this week (because they did a good job subverting the obvious foreshadowing in the promo segment earlier in the show). A really beneficial win for Spears, who took a bunch of L’s early in his return to WWE. Now Spears has pinned two of NXT top babyfaces in Evans and Trick. I assume he’s going to be pinned at Heatwave, but good job by NXT creative by not booking him as a damaged “good hand”.

The Brooks Jensen work-shoot angle is both interesting and weird. Weird in that it’s so obvious it’s a work shoot, but they are having all the characters in the show including Oba Femi and Wes Lee last week acting like it’s “not a part of the script”. Also weird that by doing that it also takes away the viewer’s suspension of disbelief that they are watching a sporting event (where a sporting event would at least address a “fan” invading their show). Jensen is a talented guy, so I am happy to see that he’s at least getting TV time and a bit of a push.

Jensen has also been going by the name Ben Buchanan online and working indie shows with his dad, Bull Buchanan (John Cena’s old “Booyah” tag team partner when Cena and B2 were like the white Acclaimed), to sell the work shoot. A solid episode of NXT this week without any big main roster crossover or TNA appearances. Yes, there were main roster teams (and a random ass Apollo Crews appearance), but it was more mid-card card fillers. It’ll be interesting to see the the ratings given that this show was riding off the star power of their home grown developmental wrestlers.

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