Defy Wrestling “Here and Now” results: Vetter’s review of Kenta vs. Bryan Keith for the Defy Title, Joey Janela vs. Nick Wayne in a 60-minute Ironman Match

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Defy Wrestling “Here and Now”
Replay available via Defy YouTube Page
May 10, 2024 from Seattle, Washington at Washington Hall

This show aired live and free on YouTube. The lighting was okay over the ring; the fans were in the shadows. Rich Bocchini and another man provided commentary, and Rich said we have a capacity crowd.

I joined a few minutes late and to my surprise, youtube did not let me “rewind” to the beginning of the show. 

1. Nick Wayne (6) defeated Joey Janela (5) in an ironman match at 60:00. Again, I tuned in late, but Wayne stalled on the floor after a quick exchange, and Bocchini said we were at the 10-minute mark. (Later in the match I saw the countdown clock on the wall.) Joey wrestled a day earlier in Massachusetts. They shook hands, when Wayne grabbed him, rolled him up, and scored a pin at about 13:00.  They traded forearm strikes, and Janela hit a dive through the ropes onto Wayne. He slammed Wayne back-first on the ring apron. In the ring, Joey applied a leg lock around the waist, and the crowd rallied for Wayne. Lots of stalling as Joey let the crowd taunt him. They brawled on the floor, as we topped the 20:00 mark.

Joey hit a dive through the ropes. In the ring, Nick twisted the left wrist and fingers. He switched to a Fujiwara Armbar, but Joey rolled him over and got a pin at 25:58 to tie it at 1-1! Joey got a German Suplex and scored a pin at 27:34 to take a 2-1 lead, and the fans chanted “F— you, Joey!” Wayne hit a flip dive to the floor. This is a short ring, but Joey hit a Dragon Suplex from the ring apron to the floor at 31:30! Joey picked up a third fall via countout and is up 3-1. Joey hit a Death Valley Driver for a nearfall; the commentators agreed it would be a challenge to come back from 4-1.

Joey set up a table on the floor, and they went up onto a short stage. Wayne hit a Spanish Fly (this stage is maybe 3-4 feet tall) and they bounced off the table and landed on the floor at 37:00. They both dove back into the ring to avoid count-outs. Joey has an ugly red scrape on his right shoulder from that bump off the table. Nick hit a Dragon Suplex; Joey hit a hard clothesline, and they were both down. They fought on the ring apron, where Nick hit a superkick, but he crashed head-first into the ring post. Joey began punching Nick on the floor, and Nick was now bleeding from the forehead.

In the ring, Nick went for Wayne’s World, but Joey shoved the ref into the ropes, causing Nick to fall and crash to the floor! Nick hit a top-rope fisherman’s suplex for a pin at 44:50, then a frogsplash for a pin at 45:03. Joey got a rollup for a pin; Wayne applied a Fujiwara Armbar and Joey tapped out at 45:41. (That’s four in a minute and it’s too many, too fast.)  So, just like that, it’s tied 4-4. They both crashed off the ring apron, with Joey landing on the floor and I’m not sure who got the worst of that one. The crowd started their “Nick, Nick, Nick f’n Wayne!” chant, and this time, Joey looks annoyed and ticked off. Joey hit a Burning Hammer for a pin at 49:07 to take a 5-4 lead. Joey missed a top-rope summersault onto the ring apron, and he crashed to the floor. Wayne hit a top-rope moonsault to the floor on Joey. He immediately hit a Wayne’s World Stunner for a pin at 52:36 to tie it at 5-5!

Nick hit a Wayne’s World stunner to the floor! In the ring, Wayne hit a crossbody block for a nearfall. Joey hit a Package Piledriver, then a Gotch-style piledriver, but only got a nearfall at 56:00, and the crowd popped for the kickout. Joey hit a top-rope doublestomp for a nearfall. Nick again applied a Fujiwara Armbar and the crowd taunted Janela to tap out; Joey grabbed the rope, but Wayne yanked him back to the center with the hold still applied. Joey escaped and got a rollup for a nearfall. Joey hit a superkick with just seconds left but he collapsed onto Wayne; Nick hooked both of Joey’s arms, rolled him over and scored the final pin at 59:58 to win 6-5. A perfectly timed finish.

* Janela got on the mic and put over Nick. He said next time they face, he wants to do it at All Elite Wrestling. (Interesting statement. I haven’t heard any buzz he’s set to return, and I don’t think that’s the case, but hinting he’s open to it?)

2. Marina Shafir defeated Vert Vixen to win the Defy Women’s Title at 6:08. Marina is in a blue top and bottom, and as per usual, she tossed her socks into the crowd and was barefoot. Bocchini said this is Vert’s 16th title defense. Vert hit a Mafia Kick right at the bell, then a dive to the floor. She hit some chops, then a snap suplex on the floor. In the ring, Vert hit a rolling stunner for a nearfall at 2:30. They got up and traded forearm strikes. Vert hit a hard slap to the face; it seemed to anger and wake up Marina, who hit some quick kicks.

Vert yanked her to the mat by her hair and got booed! Rich said she is approaching 600 days as champion as Vert hit a Pedigree at 4:30. Marina applied a front guillotine choke. Vert nailed a “Game Over’ brainbuster for a nearfall. Marina applied the “Mother’s Milk” headlock submission hold on the mat! Vert tried to get a foot under the ropes. The ref checked on Vert and called for the bell! The crowd popped and was shocked as we have a new champion! “The crowd is in a state of shock,” Bocchini said.

* “Whose house?” hit and the crowd POPPED as Swerve Strickland walked out of the back, with his AEW World Title around his waist. He has a fur jacket on and is clearly not dressed to wrestle. “It’s good to see nothing has really changed; you still get loud as a mother f—-er up in here,” he said. He mentioned winning the title and got a “you deserve it!” response. He said he needed to come to Defy Wrestling to celebrate his title win. He said his unlikely road to the AEW title only occurred because of places like Defy. He also put over Nick Wayne and Joey Janela, then praised Marina for winning her first title. A fun segment and the crowd loved the surprise appearance.

* Guillermo Rosas joined commentary.

3. “Sanity” Axel Tischer and Big Damo defeated “Midnight Heat” Ricky Gibson and Eddie Pearl to retain the Progress Tag Team Titles at 15:20. Gibson’s shiny bald head is similar to Eric Young; Pearl has short curly black hair and they have a 1980s throwback vibe. Pearl got on the mic and vowed they were going to win the titles. Gibson added that they would take them back to the best state, Oregon, drawing more boos. Damo (Killian Dain) and Tischer (Alexander Wolfe) have a notable size advantage. Axel and Gibson opened with a feeling-out process and standing switches. Axel hit a deep armdrag at 3:00 and he bit Gibson’s hand! Sanity hit a Hart Attack clothesline. Damo hit a guillotine leg drop for a nearfall. Axel hit a powerslam on Gibson for a nearfall at 5:30.

Axel hit a Lungblower ot Pearl’s back, and Sanity remained in charge. MH began working over Damo in their corner, but they couldn’t Irish Whip him. Axel hit a German Suplex on Pearl, then a butterfly suplex on Gibson at 7:30. MH began working over Axel in their corner and they kept him grounded. Axel pulled down the back of Gibson’s trunks so his butt was hanging out. Damo finally got the hot tag at 12:30 and hit some punches, then a slingshot senton. Gibson’s butt was still hanging out from his trunks. Damo dove through the ropes onto both of Midnight Heat! In the ring, Damo hit a Vader Bomb for a nearfall. Axel hit an enzuigiri. Gibson hit a guillotine legdrop onto Axel. Damo hit a powerslam for the pin. Fun match.

4. Danhausen defeated Randy Myers at 10:10. The eccentric Myers has green hair and always makes me think a flamboyant version of DC’s Joker, and I admittedly am not a fan. Danhausen immediately ‘cursed’ him and it’s clear this is going to be all comedy. They brawled on the floor and went into the balcony level. (This isn’t the short stage that Janela and Wayne brawled on.) It’s really hard to see. They got back into the ring, where Danhausen hit a bulldog at 5:00. They hit simultaneous clotheslines and were both down. Danhausen hit a German Suplex and he got his jar of teeth, but Myers blocked him from opening the jar. Danhausen eventually opened the jar, dumped it down Myers’ throat, kicked Myers in the cheek, and scored the pin. Okay; the crowd liked this a lot more than I did. Myers kissed him afterward.

5. Kenta defeated Bryan Keith to retain the Defy World Title at 30:57. They appear to be roughly the same height. (I was surprised at how short Keith felt when I saw him wrestle live last year.) A feeling-out process to open; as they broke, Kenta slapped him in the face at 3:00 and that drew a reaction. They began trading stiff forearm strikes. They brawled on the floor, and Kenta rammed him back-first against the ring at 6:30. In the ring, Kenta hit some knee drops on Keith’s right knee, and he twisted the right leg. They got up and Keith hit some forearm strikes. Kenta responded with some spin kicks to the thigh, then a Dragonscrew Legwhip at 9:30, and Kenta applied a Figure Four.

Kenta switched to a heel hook, but Keith reached the ropes at 12:00. They got up and they traded roundhouse kicks to the chest. Kenta hit another Dragonscrew Legwhip. Kenta punched the forehead but it just angered Keith, who began hitting forearm strikes. Keith hit a Helluva Kick at 15:00, then an Exploder Suplex, and they were both down. Kenta hit a Dragonscrew Legwhip in the ropes, and Keith collapsed and clutched at his sore right knee. Kenta kicked at the knee then hit a DDT. Keith hit a belly-to-belly into the corner at 18:00. Keith nailed a running knee for a believable nearfall. Keith set up for a sunset flip but Kenta bent over and slapped him in the face. Kenta placed Keith’s feet on the ropes and hit a DDT at 20:00.

Kenta hit a hesitation dropkick in the corner, then a top-rope double stomp to the chest for a believable nearfall. Keith hit a stunner for a nearfall. He hit a leaping headbutt in the corner. Keith set up for an Emerald Tiger Driver, but Kenta blocked it. Kenta applied a half-crab on the damaged right knee at 23:00, and he grounded Bryan. Kenta hit a Falcon Arrow for a nearfall. They traded open-hand slaps. Keith caught him with a hard knee strike to the chin, and they both collapsed. Keith hit a standing powerbomb with a jackknife cover for a nearfall at 26:30. Kenta pushed Keith backward into ref Scarlette Donovan, and she collapsed. Kenta immediately hit a low blow uppercut.

Kenta got the title belt but Keith avoided being hit by it. Keith hit the Emerald Tiger Driver, but we didn’t have a referee! Keith tried to revive ref Scarlette. Kenta nailed Keith in the head with the title belt. He nailed the Shining Wizard for a believable nearfall at 30:00 and the crowd popped for the kickout. Keith hit some open-hand slaps, but Kenta grabbed him, put him on his shoulders, and nailed the Go To Sleep knee strike for the pin. A really good match, and the crowd was deflated, wanting to see Keith win it.

Final Thoughts: This five-match show reached just over three hours, and it was book-ended by two great matches. I’ll narrowly go with main event for best match, as I felt there was a LOT of suspense over who was winning this one. I’m sure Defy officials love that Kenta is carrying that Defy title belt with him all the time in NJPW. I’ve written this before, but it feels like Kenta’s best matches the past two years have been in the United States. The show-opener was really good too, and they made the hour fly by. I didn’t like that we had four pinfalls in a one-minute span (they could have just let Nick tie it at 3-3.) I have already read a lot of “indy match of the year” chatter on the Defy Twitter/X page. It was really good, but again, I figured Nick Wayne was winning here.

The Swerve surprise was fun, the Marina title win was a shocker, and I’ve always loved Damo and Tischer. Maybe I’ve seen too many Danhausen matches in the past two weeks, but this one fell flat to me compared to his other matches. A very good show. I hope Defy leaves this posted on Youtube.


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