WWE Raw results (10/9): Powell’s live review of the Fastlane fallout show with Becky Lynch vs. Tegan Nox for the NXT Women’s Title, Kofi Kingston vs. Ivar in a Viking Rules match, Raquel Rodriguez vs. Nia Jax

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Raw (Episode 1,585)
Omaha, Nebraska at CHI Health Center
Aired live October 9, 2023 on USA Network

[Hour One] Raw opened with a recap of the WWE Fastlane event… The Raw opening aired… Michael Cole and Wade Barrett checked in on commentary and announced Chad Gable vs. Bronson Reed vs. Ricochet in a Triple Threat for a shot at the Intercontinental Championship…

World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins made his entrance and was introduced by ring announcer Mike Rome (apparently filling in for Samantha Irvin). Rollins said adrenaline is a powerful thing.

Rollins said Shinsuke Nakamura took him to his limit at Fastlane. He said there were times during the match that he didn’t know if he could get back up or keep Nakamura down, but he did.

Rollins said he felt like he was on top of the world after he won the match. He said he went backstage afterward and he was reminded that his back is still broken once the adrenaline wore off. He said that being the World Heavyweight Champion is one of the great honors of his career.

Rollins paused and then a “Thank you, Rollins” chant broke out. “But I want you to know, I’m just getting started, baby,” Rollins said with a laugh. He spoke of his desire to sing, dance, and throw back a few cold ones instead of fighting for his life for one Monday night.

Drew McIntyre made his entrance and then smirked and waved at Rollins from ringside before joining him inside the ring. “You’re not out here to party, are you?” Rollins asked. McIntyre shook his head no. “You want a World Heavyweight Title match, don’t you?” asked Rollins. McIntyre shook his head yes.

Rollins said he just wanted one night and then got worked up and spoke about being a fighting champion. McIntyre told Rollins that the party is still on. He said others might jump him from behind, but he was looking him in the eye and telling him he wants a title shot. McIntyre said he wants Rollins as close to 100 precent as he can be and suggested they have the match at WWE Crown Jewel.

Rollins was surprised by the approach that McIntyre took. He asked the crowd if they wanted to see the match. The fans cheered. Rollins said they had one more reason to party because the match on. McIntyre started to leave, but Rollins told him the party was just getting started.

McIntyre said he had business to take care of in the back. He said that if anyone saw him out and about in Omaha, they should buy him a pint and a shot. McIntyre made his exit and then Rollins had the crowd sing his song.

Damian Priest attacked Rollins from behind. McIntyre looked back at the ring and watched while Priest chokeslammed Rollins. Priest motioned to the back.

Dominik Mysterio ran out with the Money in the Bank briefcase. McIntyre put his arm out and stopped Dom, who protested. McIntyre gave Dom a Glasgow Kiss and then threw the briefcase at the big screen. Rollins came back and cleared Priest from the ring…

Kofi Kingston was backstage warming up while Xavier Woods encouraged him. Ivar was shown preparing elsewhere while Cole said the Viking Rules match was up next… [C]

Powell’s POV: I’m all for Rollins vs. McIntyre, but I wonder creative if plans changed. After all, McIntyre was bothered by Cody Rhodes forgiving Jey Uso, which left me thinking that they were working toward McIntyre vs. Cody. But now that Cody and Jey won the tag titles, it seems like McIntyre was moved into title contention. Either way, Rollins vs. McIntyre should be a hell of a match, and McIntyre feels like the biggest threat yet to take the World Heavyweight Championship from Rollins.

There was a plug for the pre-order for Becky Lynch’s forthcoming autobiography… Entrances for the Viking Rules match took place…

1. Ivar vs. Kofi Kingston in a Viking Rules match. There were Viking shields on apron. Ivar dropped Kingston with a kick to the face to start. Kingston battled back and got a two count on the floor heading into an early break. [C]

A table was set up in a corner of the ring. Ivar performed a twisting power slam and followed up with a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall. Ivar went up top. Kingston cut him off by hitting him with one of the shields. Kingston pulled Ivar from the ropes by the beard and put him through a table that was set up on the floor.

Valhalla showed up and drove from the broadcast table onto Kingston. Xavier Woods ran out. Valhalla charged Woods, who ducked, causing her to tumble over the barricade. Ivar took out Woods with a crossbody block against the barricade.

Back in the ring, Kingston went for Trouble In Paradise, but Ivar stuffed it and slammed Kingston through the table set up in the corner. Ivar went up top and performed a moonsault that led to the pinfall…

Ivar defeated Kofi Kingston in 11:10 in a Viking Rules match.

Powell’s POV: Ivar and Kingston continued to work well together, and the vikings should win Viking Rules matches.

Shinsuke Nakamura was interviewed by Byron Saxton on the backstage ring set. Nakamura wasn’t very interested in answering questions. Ricochet showed up and attacked Nakaura until he was pulled back by a pair of producers…

Raquel Rodriguez made her entrance for her match against Nia Jax… [C]

Damian Priest held up JD McDonagh by his neck against the wall in Judgment Day’s goth clubhouse. Rhea Ripley, Finn Balor, and Dominik Mysterio intervened. Balor told McDonagh he caused enough problems over the weekend. Priest questioned where Balor and Ripley were earlier.

Ripley informed Priest that he she got him and Balor a rematch for the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Titles next week. Ripley told McDonagh to prove himself by taking care of McIntyre. Priest told McDonagh that he wants him to take care of McIntyre, but part of him wants to finish him off after McIntyre breaks him in half. Priest told McDonagh to get out…

Nia Jax made her entrance…

2. Nia Jax vs. Raquel Rodriguez. Jax went right at Rodriguez and was dominant to start the match. Jax ran Rodriguez threw the ropes and into the ring post, causing Rodriguez to tumble to the floor. Jax followed and shoved her back first into the apron and then ran her into the barricade. [C]

Rodriguez put Jax down with a big boot. She tried to follow up by hoisting up Jax on her shoulders, but she collapsed under Jax’s weight. Jax dragged Rodriguez to the corner and set up for her Annihilator finisher, but Rodriguez slipped under Jax and powerbombed her. Rhea Ripley ran out and threw Rodriguez out of the ring to end the match.

Nia Jax fought Raquel Rodriguez to an apparent no-contest in roughly 7:15.

Ripley went after Jax. Rodriguez returned to the ring and roughed up Ripley, who dropped her with a headbutt. Shayna Baszler ran to go after Jax. Ripley barked at Baszler, who then put her down with a German suplex and then drilled her with a knee to the face…

Powell’s POV: I’m not surprised we didn’t get a clean finish to that match. Are they setting up a four-way match for the Women’s World Championship?

Drew McIntyre was pacing backstage when Seth Rollins showed up and let him know that Adam Pearce made their match official for Crown Jewel. Rollins asked McIntyre what his problem was and noted that he stopped helping people, but then he played the knight in shining armor tonight.

McIntyre recalled saying that if it doesn’t involve his business, then he doesn’t get involved. He said the World Heavyweight Championship is his business. He said he didn’t want Judgment Day to be a Bloodline sequel on Raw due to the numbers game.

Rollins told McIntyre that he doesn’t have to worry about Judgment Day. “They couldn’t take this title from me and neither can you,” Rollins said before walking away…

New Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions Cody Rhodes and Jey Uso were shown walking backstage… [C]

Jackie Redmond caught up with Shayna Baszler and asked her about what’s been happening with Jax, Rodriguez, and Ripley. Baszler said that when she’s in the ring, she’s the baddest one in there. She stormed away and Akira Tozawa walked near her and then backed away in his comedy moment of the week…

[Hour Two] Michael Cole stood in the ring and introduced Jey Uso and Cody Rhodes, who made separate entrances. Cody stopped when he saw a young fan who was dressed like him and let the boy touch one of the tag title belts.

Cole asked Jey and Cody how it felt to be champions. Jey said he’s a two-time Undisputed Tag Team Champion. He excitedly said that Cody is his partner. Cole recalled Cody bringing Jey back to WWE and noted that they were champions less than two months later.

Cole asked Cody what defending the tag titles does to his original goal of finishing the story. Cole said everyone has watched the documentary and added that he and Cody had long, personal conversations about Cody finishing the story. Cole asked if Cody was content with this and whether he’s afraid of trying again because he failed the first time around.

Cody started by talking about his excitement of being a tag team champion. Cole said that’s great and then pushed him to answer whether his story would be coming close to winning the WWE championship just like his father did. Cody took a long pause and didn’t get a chance to answer.

Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn made their entrance to a different theme. Zayn said he hadn’t heard that song in a minute. Zayn recalled Jimmy and Jey Uso holding the tag titles longer than anyone in history, only to be beating by him and Owens in the main event of WrestleMania.

Zayn also noted that Cody and Jey beat The Judgment Day and said he was there to sincerely congratulate Cody and Jey. Zayn said he had to admit that there were mixed emotions. Zayn said that he couldn’t help but feel that he and Owens should be holding those titles.

Owens said he didn’t have mixed emotions. He said he’s not happy to see Cody and Jey holding the tag titles. Owens said he wants the titles back. Owens said he would like to look them both in the eye and challenge them to a tag team title match. Owens said he knew that if he did, they wouldn’t accept because Jey couldn’t handle losing the titles to him and Zayn twice.

Cody said they were all friends and Owens was wrong because they did accept the tag title match for later in the show. Cody offered a handshake, which Zayn accepted…

Powell’s POV: I loved the way that Cole grilled Cody. It was a logical question to ask even if we didn’t get the answer. But we are getting a really big tag team title match that I didn’t expect to see tonight.

Backstage, Chad Gable had Otis chop his chest while Maxxine Durpri winced. Gable said he had to be in tip top condition as he went after the Intercontinental Championship.

Bronson Reed showed up and said Gable wouldn’t get anywhere near the Intercontinental Title. Reed said Gable should tell his daughter not to watch because he’d be taking another heartbreaking loss…

Ricochet made his entrance for the Triple Threat match and was attacked from behind by Shinsuke Nakamura on the stage. A group of producers and officials ran out while Cole questioned whether Ricochet would be able to compete in the Triple Threat… [C]

Cole said the Undisputed Tag Team Title match was made official for later in the show…

3. Bronson Reed vs. Ricochet vs. Chad Gable (w/Maxxine Dupri) in a Triple Threat for a shot at the Intercontinental Championship. Cole noted prior to the match that Ricochet was able to compete despite being attacked by Nakamura, but he added that he couldn’t be 100 percent.

BREAKING NEWS ALERT!!! Cole announced that next week’s Raw will be the season premiere. That means tonight is the season finale! Okay, they never talk about the season finale for some reason, and the season premiere feels completely random, but whatever. Does NXT get a season premiere?

Reed sent both men to ringside. Reed went for a move from the apron, but Ricochet caught him with a knee to the face. Gable grabbed Ricochet and gave him a Full Nelson Suplex onto Reed. Gable and Dupri did the dorky “thank you” pose heading into a break. [C]

Reed splashed both opponents in the corner. Cole said the winner would challenge Gunther for the Intercontinental Title next week. Reed scooped up both opponents and gave them a double Samoan Drop.

A short time later, Gable performed an impressive suplex on Reed, who rolled to the floor. Ricochet dove onto Reed at ringside. Ricochet went to the ropes and dove at Ricochet, who rolled him into an ankle lock. Ricochet escaped and dropped Gable with a knee strike.

Ricochet went up top and was cut off by Gable, who tried to suplex him. Ricochet landed on his feet, but he sold knee pain. Gable set up for his finisher. Reed broke it up and ended up hitting the Tsunami on Ricochet and pinning him…

Bronson Reed defeated Ricochet and Chad Gable in 9:35 in a Triple Threat to earn a shot at the Intercontinental Championship next week.

Powell’s POV: A good three-way. So we’re getting the loaded tag team title match tonight and then Gunther vs. Reed next week. WWE is giving away some big matches on television.

NXT Women’s Champion Becky Lynch was interviewed by Jackie Redmond in the backstage area and asked her about her health. Lynch said she’s not 100 precent and has stitches in her arm. She worked in a plug for her book and then said she would be like a wounded bear when she faces Tegan Nox.

Xia Li confronted Lynch and asked, “What about me?” Li asked when it will be her turn. Lynch said she’s not a hard woman to find and walked away. Li said she would find Lynch…

Drew McIntyre made his entrance and had to bring that stupid sword with him. Cole hyped McIntyre vs. JD McDonagh for after the break… [C] Cole hyped Royal Rumble tickets going on sale… JD McDonagh and Dominik Mysterio made their entrance…

4. Drew McIntyre vs. JD McDonagh (w/Dominik Mysterio). McDonagh was aggressive to start, but he ran to ringside once he realized it wasn’t fazing McIntyre. Back in the ring, McIntyre performed a crazy high back body drop. McIntyre set up for his finisher, but Dom distracted him.

A short time later, Dom shoved McIntyre into the ring post. McDonagh took advantage of the distraction, but he only got a one count. McIntyre battled back and put McDonagh down with a Claymore Kick for the win…

Drew McIntyre defeated JD McDonagh in 4:00.

Damian Priest was shown watching the match in the goth clubhouse. Rhea Ripley told him that she had an idea… [C]

Powell’s POV: McDonagh got some opportunistic offense, but McIntyre had to go over strong given that he’s challenging for the title at Crown Jewel.

The broadcast team recapped Gunther beating Tommaso Ciampa from last week’s Raw, which was followed by Johnny Gargano making the save…

Wade Barrett’s interview with Ciampa and Gargano from earlier in the day was shown. Ciampa said the fans made their DIY tag team undeniable in NXT. Gargano said they talked about “what if” for seven years and how far they could take things if they teamed on Raw. Gargano said everything happens for a reason and he thinks this is finally their moment.

Barrett asked if DIY would team up on Raw. Before they could answer, Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci burst into the room and attacked Ciampa and Gargano…

Cole told Barrett that if he needed to stand his ground if he was going to stir things up during interviews…

A Tegan Nox video package aired. It chronicled the torn ACLs she suffered and she said she’s lucky to be there. She said she’d been through enormous setbacks and crushing disappointments, and said now she’s just there to win…

Jackie Redmond interviewed Tegan Nox on the backstage Gorilla set. Nox said it’s not just a championship match for her, it’s to show the world how good she is. Natalya showed up and said Nox was born to do this and told her to knock it out of the park. Nox hugged Natalya and then made her entrance… [C]

Mainstream headlines regarding WWE Fastlane were shown…

Ricochet was walking through the backstage area searching for Shinsuke Nakamura. Adam Pearce told Ricochet that he had Nakamura removed from the building. Pearce announced Ricochet vs. Nakamura in a falls count anywhere match for next week, which pleased Ricochet…

NXT Women’s Champion Becky Lynch made her entrance. Cole noted that the winner of the NXT Women’s Title match will defend the title against Lyra Valkyria on NXT Halloween Havoc night one…

5. Becky Lynch vs. Tegan Nox for the NXT Women’s Championship. Mike Rome delivered in-ring introductions for the title match.

[Hour Three] Cole noted that Lynch had eleven stitches in her right arm from her Extreme Rules match against Tiffany Stratton. Both wrestlers traded pin attempts and reversals early on. A hair extension fell onto the mat. Lynch picked it up and dangled it in front of Nox before tossing it onto the middle rope. The referee snatched it up.

Nox caught Lynch with a kick to her bad arm. Cole said Nox seemed to realize that the injury could be Lynch’s kryptonite. Lynch caught Nox on the ropes and knocked her to the floor. Lynch performed a baseball slide kick under the ropes.

Lynch dove off the apron, but Nox moved and Lynch crashed into the barricade. Nox dove at Lynch from the apron and then rolled her back inside the ring and covered her for a two count. [C]

Lynch went for her Disarmer finisher, but Nox blocked it. Lynch held on as she got back to her feet. Nox pulled Lynch into the corner aggressively, causing the back of Lynch’s head to hit the middle turnbuckle. Nox rolled up Lynch for a two count.

Nox went up top was cut off. Lynch set up for a superplex, but Nox threw punches at her and then slipped under and tripped up Lynch, who was tied up in a tree of woe. Nox splashed Lynch in the corner and then covered her for a two count.

Nox put Lynch in her own Disarmer, but Lynch leaned into a pin to force her to release the hold. Lynch caught Nox with a couple of kicks from the apron and then hit her with a missile dropkick that led to a two count.

Nox came right back with a fallaway slam for a near fall. Nox hooked Lynch into a crucifix pin for a two count. Lynch went for the Disarmer, but Nox countered into a pin for a two count. Lynch finally applied the Disarmer and got the submission win.

Becky Lynch defeated Tegan Nox in 14:30 to retain the NXT Women’s Championship.

After the match, Lynch and Nox shook hands and then bumped fists…

Powell’s POV: A quality back and forth match. Nox was able to show off her ring work, but the big question continues to be whether she can click as a personality.

Adam Pearce told Candice LeRae and Indi Hartwell that Johnny Gargano was banged up. He said he was still waiting to hear on Tomasso Ciampa.

Rhea Ripley showed up and told LeRae and Hartwell to leave. Hartwell protested, but LeRae talked her down. Ripley told Pearce she wants to get her division in order and told Pearce to make a singles match between her and Shayna Baszler happen next week… [C]

Natalya approached Nox backstage and told her that she did an amazing job. Nox was frustrated and said she lost. Kayden Carter and Katana Chance showed up and offered their support.

Chelsea Green and Piper Niven showed up. Green asked if they were having a pity party. She also told Natalya not to interfere with her again or else. Natalya asked or else what. Niven stepped up and said Natalya would have deal with her. Natalya told her to name a time and place. Niven said next week on the season premiere of Raw…

The broadcast team listed the following matches for next week’s Raw in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: Cody Rhodes and Jey Uso vs. Damian Priest and Finn Balor for the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Titles, Gunther vs. Bronson Reed for the Intercontinental Title, Women’s World Champion Rhea Ripley vs. Shayna Baszler in an apparent non-title match, and Ricochet vs. Shinsuke Nakamura in a falls count anywhere match (and apparently Piper Niven vs. Natalya)…

Powell’s POV: I missed it earlier, but I rewound to confirm that Drew McIntyre and Rhea Ripley were talking in the background during the Ricochet and Adam Pearce segment. Thanks to Dot Net reader “Timelord” in the free site’s comment section for pointing that out.

Backstage, Drew McIntyre approached Jey Uso and said that when he shows his true colors, he’ll be right there to stop him. Jey said he had five minutes for McIntyre. Sami Zayn showed up and asked if they were all good. Both men said they were and then McIntyre walked away. Jey told Zayn he appreciates that he always has his back, “but tonight is go time, Uce.” Jey held up the title belts…

Kevin Owens made his entrance and then Sami Zayn came out to his more familiar ska theme (after they played a different song earlier)… [C]

A Ludwig Kaiser video package aired. He said he doesn’t compare himself to other superstars. He said his competition are famous works of art. He said he is living art. Kaiser said he is European elegance and is an A+ specimen…

Powell’s POV: I’m all for creative doing more with Kaiser. It’s a little odd to see what felt like a vignette for a singles push when they seem to be starting up Kaiser and Vinci’s feud with DIY. It will be interesting to see how Gunther’s character reacts to this video.

Jey Uso and Cody Rhodes made separate entrances…

6. Cody Rhodes and Jey Uso vs. Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn for the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Titles. Mike Rome delivered in-ring introductions for the title match. Zayn backed Cody into the corner and teased a clean break before chopping him. Cody spun Zayn around and returned the favor. Their partners ran in and the teams jawed at one another heading into an early break. [C]

All four men ended up fighting at ringside. Cody knocked Zayn down near the barricade while Owens had Jey on the broadcast table and threw punches at him. Owens and Zayn returned to the ring while Cody and Jey regrouped on the floor.

Jey tried to return to the ring, but Owens knocked him off the apron. Owens went to ringside and fought with Jey, which led to both men tumbling over the broadcast table. Cody and Zayn entered the area and also fought on and around the table. [C]

Cody took a hot tag and performed some of his signature moves on Zayn, including a Cody Cutter, which resulted in a near fall. Zayn came back with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count.

Zayn went for his Helluva Kick finisher, but Cody cut him off and put him down with CrossRhodes. Cody had the pin, but Owens returned to the ring to break it up. Jey and Owens tagged in and traded superkicks. Jey dropped Owens with one and covered him for a two count.

Jey went for a top rope splash and landed on his feet and performed a somersault when Owens avoided it. Owens put him down with a kick and a Stunner and had the pin, but Cody broke it up.

Moments later, Zayn performed a flip dive onto the champions at ringside. Owens rolled Jey inside the ring. Owens went up top and attempted a Swanton, but Jey put his knees up. Jey superkicked Owens once he stood up. Zayn ran in and ate. superkick. Cody put Zayn down with CrossRhodes.

Cody and Jey performed a double superkick on Owens. Jey propped up Owens and then Cody hit him with a Cody Cutter. Jey covered Owens and got the three count.

Cody Rhodes and Jey Uso defeated Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn in 21:20 to retain the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Titles.

After the match, a graphic listed Cody and Jey vs. Damian Priest and Finn Balor for the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Titles for next week’s season premiere edition. Cole and Barrett ran through the previously advertised matches for next week’s show (and once again left out Natalya vs. Piper Niven). They replayed the “Cody 1D” finisher that put an end to the match.

In the ring, Cody and Jey offered handshakes to Zayn while Owens was down at ringside. Owens entered the ring and shook hands with Cody. Owens walked up to Jey and shook his hand. Owens hugged Jey and then held up his arm to close the show…

Powell’s POV: A fun main event. I expected Judgment Day interference or something along those lines, so it was a pleasant surprise to see a clean finish to a big television main event.

Overall, this was a good PLE fallout show in that they hit on the key developments from the event and turned the page to move on to some fresh matchups. I will have more to say about this episode of Raw in my weekly same night audio review for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons).

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Readers Comments (13)

  1. Is this really the end for “Judgement Day” McDonagh or do they have something else in store for him.

  2. Seems like they played the wrong Zayn song by his reaction.

  3. Hey hang on! Were my eyes deceiving me? While Adam Pearce was telling Ricochet about the Falls Count Anywhere match next week – was that Drew McIntyre talking to Rhea Ripley in the background??

  4. Becky: “I need better hair.”


  5. 1. BLood money PPV again? Great.
    2. The virtue signaling self-rigtheous pieces of crap who claim to be SO wonderful as people watch WWE, a show that takes money from a country that has human rights violations everyday. Sad. But, welcome to the liberal community.

    • Drink, everyone! The angry fanboy used his favorite “self-righteous” description again.

    • Chris Jericho’s wife was at the J6 insurrection and the Young Bucks are as far right wackadoos as you can be.

      • That’s right up his alley. Mike the angry fanboy complains about liberals, CNN, the plight of the white man, etc. on a regular basis. If memory serves, he even used to label others as “self-righteous” and accused them of virtue signaling for voicing their opposition to WWE running in Saudi Arabia. So, basically, he’s a hypocritical fanboy d-bag.

  6. The Lynch vs Nox bout was awful. I’m surprised it wasn’t cut short. They must have really high expectations for Nox because she did not deliver. I guess they ran out of content to fill the third hour, speaking of which, will Raw go back to two hours when the USA Network deal comes to an end.

  7. Thanks for the shout out in the report, Jason.

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