1/12 MLW Fusion results: Powell’s review of Shun Skywalker vs. Lince Dorado for the MLW Middleweight Championship, Davey Boy Smith Jr. and The Billington Bulldogs vs. Alex Kane, Myron Reed, and Mr. Thomas

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Major League Wrestling Fusion (Episode 162)
Taped October 30, 2022 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 2300 Arena
Streamed January 12, 2023 on Pro Wrestling TV

The show opened with Cesar Duran making his entrance. He stood on the stage and said MLW came to him for help and they need him. Duran spoke about extreme power and concluded by saying “just you wait” before he dropped the microphone… The Fusion opening aired…

The broadcast team was Joe Dombrowski and Matt Striker. Ring announcer Tim Barr handled the introductions for the opening match. A tale of the tape was shown…

1. Shun Skywalker vs. Lince Dorado for the MLW Middleweight Championship. Early in the match, Skywalker teased a standing moonsault, but stopped when Dorado put his knees up. Skywalker countered into another move and slammed Dorado the mat before covering him for a two count.

Skywalker applied a Gory Special. Dorado broke free and then went on the offensive with various strikes before Skywalker cut him off. Skywalker ended up slide kicking Skywalker to the floor. Dorado went up top and performed a crossbody block onto Skywalker on the floor heading into a commercial break. [C]

Back in the ring, Dorado performed another top rope crossbody block for a near fall. Skywalker came back and looked like he was going for a suplex but instead slammed Dorado face first to the mat and covered him for a near fall.

Dorado came back and went for a 619, but Skywalker ducked it. Skywalker performed a double underhook slam for a convincing near fall. Skywalker went up top and was cut off by Dorado, who tied him up in the tree of woe before hitting him with a baseball slide kick.

Dorado applied a cross arm breaker. Skywalker got between Dorado’s legs and then powered him up and slammed him to the mat violently. Both men stayed down for a bit. Both men got to their feet and traded strikes. They eventually ran the ropes and Skywalker put Dorado down with a kick. Skywalker followed up with a standing moonsault for a near fall.

Skywalker picked up Dorado for his SSW, but Dorado countered into a pin for a near fall. Dorado put Skywalker down with a DDT and then went up top and performed a shooting star press and got the three count…

Lince Dorado defeated Shun Skywalker to win the MLW Middleweight Championship.

Sam Laterna interviewed Lince Dorado on the stage. Dorado said everyone who means something was there. He said he nearly died in the ring in 2300 Arena back in 2017 and then played to the crowd. Cesar Duran walked out with champagne. Dorado took a drink. Duran told Dorado that they had a lot to talk about and then headed to the back with him…

Powell’s POV: A strong match. The live crowd didn’t really choose sides. They were fairly quiet and reacted mostly to the big spots. I’m not sure if it was the lack of a heel and babyface dynamic or what it was, but they did seem invested in the match. I’m not surprised that Skywalker’s title reign was brief given that he’s not an MLW regular. Dorado is a good choice to be the new champion and I’m already looking forward to his inevitable title defense against former champion Myron Reed. I’m not sure what to make of Duran being fired as the matchmaker and now returning.

“Bomaye Fight Club” members Alex Kane, Myron Reed, and Mr. Thomas delivered a backstage promo. Kane spoke about having possession of the Opera Cup, which Thomas was holding. Kane spoke about the various countries that expressed interest in hosting the Opera Cup tournament. Thomas suggested Canada. Kane asked who the hell has ever come out of Canada. Thomas mentioned England instead. Reed said they don’t even have a queen anymore. Cesar Duran showed up and suggested Mexico. Kane said Mexico was missing one thing – Bomaye. He got Duran to say it a few times and then they put a Bomaye Fight Club jacket on him… [C]

Powell’s POV: This felt like a spot for Bomaye Fight Club to actually talk about their main event match rather than rambling on about the Opera Cup tournament and attempting to break Muhammad Ali’s record for yelling Bomaye.

Dombrowski recapped Duran’s return and explained that he’s promoting his own lucha matches. Footage aired of Hugo Savinovich introducing Duran as the booker of the year and referring to him as his idol. Savinovich handed Duran a giant pencil as his award. Duran said he’s not the booker of the year, he’s the booker of the decade and booker of the century.

Duran said he’s done it all on his own and didn’t need a bunch of bots, a trust fund, a daddy to take care of his business, or for his daddy to die for him to become what he is. Duran tossed aside the giant pencil and said he’s not a booker, he’s a promoter. He spoke about champions and then introduced MLW Featherweight Champion Taya Valkyrie, who said they’ve known each other for years. Duran looked into the camera and said the best is yet to come…

Powell’s POV: There were some comical digs at both companies in there. While I don’t think it’s a wise for various reasons for WWE or AEW to fire shots at one another, I do think it makes more sense for a promotion in MLW’s position to be more rebellious and have a little fun with it. I also came away with a better understanding of Duran’s new role. Apparently, he’s no longer the matchmaker, he’s more of a manager or, using their lingo, a promoter of talent. Does that mean Valkyrie is now a heel in MLW?

An Alexander Hammerstone video package aired. He said he thinks there are some dream matches to have in 2023. He said he lives for the big fights and wants to show the world that the company is a force to be reckoned with… [C]

Davey Boy Smith Jr. and The Billington Bulldogs were shown warming up backstage…

Dombrowski announced that Cesar Duran would reveal “a top Mexican headliner” who will be unveiled next week. Plus, Fusion will also feature Jacob Fatu vs. Ben-K…

Entrances for the main event took place…

2. “New British Bulldogs” Davey Boy Smith Jr. and “The Billington Bulldogs” Mark Billington and Thomas Billington vs. “Bomaye Fight Club” Alex Kane, Myron Reed, and Mr. Thomas. BFC had an entourage with them at ringside. Dombrowski noted that Mark was 19 and had his first match at age 14. Thomas Billington performed an early missile dropkick. The broadcast team said it seemed like he was looking to Davey for approval.

Thomas Billington went up top for a move on Myron, but Mr. Thomas shoved him to the mat. Mr. Thomas tagged in and worked over Thomas Billington. Kane checked in and was getting the better of Thomas Billington heading into the final break. [C]

Mark eventually tagged in and performed a big dive onto Bomaye Fight Club members and their entourage at ringside. In the ring, the Bulldogs handed Thomas to Smith, who was on the middle rope. Smith powerslammed Thomas from the middle rope and pinned him to win the match…

“New British Bulldogs” Davey Boy Smith Jr. and “The Billington Bulldogs” Mark Billington and Thomas Billington defeated “Bomaye Fight Club” Alex Kane, Myron Reed, and Mr. Thomas.

The babyfaces celebrated their win… A brief video hyped next week’s Jacob Fatu vs. Ben-K match…

Powell’s POV: Mark is slender while Thomas has filled out more and emulates a lot of Dynamite Kid’s signature moves. They both appear to have natural builds and here’s hoping it stays that way. I look forward to watching their development and it was fun to see them team with Smith. Overall, this was a fun episode with the title change in the opening match and the new Bulldogs in the main event. Plus, I’m looking forward to seeing what’s next for Duran, though I guess we’ll never know what the blueprint and his past relationship with Karlee Perez was all about. I will have more to say in my weekly MLW Fusion audio review for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons).


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