Future Stars of Wrestling: “Mecca X – Beynefit For Bey” results: Vetter’s review of Chris Bey’s speech, Karrion Kross vs. Hammerstone, Ricochet vs. Rich Swann, Swerve Strickland’s appearance

By Chris Vetter, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Future Stars of Wrestling “Beynefit For Bey”
Streamed on FITE+
March 23, 2025 in Las Vegas, Nevada at Silverton Casino Hotel

There were wrestlers from all the major promotions slated to appear, and it was stated that everyone was donating their appearances and time.

* The show opened with a video package, showing Chris Bey over his FSW career, set to a rap song.

* To the arena! This is a casino and it appears to be a packed room with maybe 600 people in attendance. About 20 men are already in the ring for a battle royal. AJ Francis came out and was booed. He berated the fans and he vowed he was winning this. Then out came Disco Inferno, still looking very much like the last time I saw him a few years ago. He got on the mic and said he has been training and came out of retirement just to be in this match and to “teach these kids a lesson.”

1. A 20- to 30-man battle royal. The bell rang, and it took AJ all of 10 seconds to toss Disco Inferno. I have watched some FSW shows over the past year and I don’t see any of their recognizable top-tier talent in the ring. One commentator just said 750 people; the other commentator said 800. I won’t contest those estimates. Francis tossed a lot of kids who are all much smaller than him. He powerbombed a kid over the top rope onto five guys on the floor. I said 20 in the ring, but it could have been close to 30, but it thinned out quickly. Juni Underwood was eliminated; he competed on the Revolver show 24ish hours ago with Francis. Former TNA wrestler Sinn Bodhi was among the finalists. (He famously had just one match in WWE as “Kizarny.” We were down to three, and Francis tossed Bodhi, so it was just AJ and local wrestler Action Braxton, who looks a lot like Swerve Strickland. Braxton dumped Francis to win.

Action Braxton won a battle royal at 9:57.

Rey Mysterio appeared in a video, saying he sent this in from Europe and he wished Bey a blessed recovery.

* Back to the venue and Swerve Strickland was in the ring! And he got the crowd to chant “Bey’s house!” He said Bey is still so upbeat and passionate about pro wrestling. “The punishment in this ring knows no race, it knows no gender. Hopefully people can learn from Chris, and he can inspire the next generation,” Swerve said. He wasn’t dressed to wrestle; he noted he has a ruptured eardrum and isn’t cleared to compete against Kenny King as planned. King came to the ring and they cut promos on each other. Swerve vowed this singles match “is gonna get done, this year.”

2. Danny Limelight vs. Kenny King vs. Gregory Sharpe vs. Frankie Kazarian vs. Ice Williams for the FSW Title. I’ve seen plenty of Sharpe in Nevada and California indies. Ice is a WWE ID prospect so we got a great mix of guys in this one. Limelight has been champion here for more than 200 days; if you haven’t seen him lately, he’s really channeling Chavo Guerrero in looks and style. Ice and Danny brawled to the floor. In the ring, Kaz and King locked up, and you know they’ve done this dance before, as they worked each other’s arms. King hit a powerslam for a nearfall at 1:30. Sharpe hit a German Suplex on King. Limelight hit a huracanrana on Ice off the apron to the floor at 3:00. Nice!

Kazarian hit a springboard guillotine leg drop. Ice hit a flying elbow to the back of a head, then Ice hit a powerbomb for a nearfall. Ice and King argued. King hit a Tiger Driver on Shape for a nearfall at 5:30. King hit a spinebuster on Limelight for a nearfall. They did a tower spot out of the corner and everyone was down at 7:30 and we got a “This is awesome!” chant. Limelight hit a running penalty kick on Ice. Kazarian hit a Northern Lights Suplex. Danny flipped a few guys over the top rope to the floor. Sharpe dove onto several guys. Ice nailed a superkick and a faceplant on Sharpe, but Danny pushed Ice to the floor, and jumped on Sharpe for the stolen pin. That was fun.

Danny Limelight defeated Kenny King, Gregory Sharpe, Frankie Kazarian, and Ice Williams to retain the FSW Title at 9:51.

3. AJ Aven & Fox Valentine vs. “The Rascalz” Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz vs. “Lights Camera Faction” Watson & Fresco vs. Damian Drake & Matt Vandagriff. The Rascalz came out last and got a big pop. Trey opened, and the Rascalz worked over Watson. I don’t think I’ve seen youngsters AJ and Fox before; they might be teens and they are tag champs but the belts aren’t on the line. Drake and Matt worked over these kids. Matt hit some European Uppercuts. Watson got in and hit a senton at 5:30. Vandagriff and Drake stretched Watson. Watson slammed Vandagriff and they were both down at 8:00. The commentators told us how we can donate via Venmo towards Bey’s medical bills.

Zack got in and hit some Superkicks. Fresco battled the kids. Everyone in the ring took turns hitting superkicks. Drake hit a top-rope Hidden Blade on Aven then a flip dive to the floor. Vandagriff hit a top-rope corkscrew dive onto everyone on the floor. Zack hit a moonsault to the floor. In the ring, Wentz hit a top-rope doublestomp to the collarbone and got the pin. Okay match; a bit more messy than the prior five-way.

Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz defeated AJ Aven & Fox Valentine and Watson & Fresco and Damian Drake & Matt Vandagriff at 10:42. 

Rob Van Dam came to the ring; he wasn’t dressed to wrestle. This was his first appearance in FSW. “What a turnout,” he said, and he called himself “Mr. PPV.” He said people ask him if he has another match in him, and he said yes, and he vowed it will be soon… but not tonight. He talked about Bey and how everyone is there to help him on his road to recovery. RVD then sat down at ringside to watch his girlfriend wrestle. Will he interfere?

4. Gypsy Mac vs. Katie Forbes for the FSW Women’s Title. I actually don’t know if I knew Forbes wrestled; I guess I thought she was only a valet. I’ve only seen Gypsy once before; she has dark black hair and wore a red top and bottom. She apparently just won this title and it’s her first defense. Standing switches to open, and they traded holds on the mat. Katie ‘twerked,’ and a commentator said he needed to quote Ron Simmons and say “Damn!” Forbes choked her in the ropes. Forbes hit a running buttbump in the corner at 6:30 and did a Rikishi-style Stinkface.

Gypsy Mac hit some clotheslines and a Facewash in the corner, and she did her own Stinkface for a nearfall. Forbes hit a guillotine legdrop for a nearfall. RVD jumped up and had a chair! He hopped on the apron and distracted the ref. Meanwhile, Forbes had a chair in her hands, but Mac hit a spin kick onto the chair. Gypsy Mac pointed her thumbs at her head (the RVD signature spot!) and hit a Five-Star Frogsplash for the pin! Decent match.

Gypsy Mac defeated Katie Forbes to retain the FSW Women’s Title at 10:10.

5. Alex Zayne, Ariya Daivari, and Nino Black (w/MK) vs. Rhino, Jai Vidal, and Bodhi Young Prodigy. Talented teen Bodhi opened against Daivari; the commentators noted BYP is still not yet 18. Zayne tripped Bodhi and slammed him on the ring apron at 3:30. Nino got in; I don’t think I’ve seen him. He hit a backbreaker over his knee on Bodhi. Ariya stomped on BYP on the floor and was booed. The crowd chanted “We want Rhino!” Daivari hit a uranage for a nearfall at 7:00. Jai got a hot tag and he’s a big babyface here, and he hit a flying forearm on Ariya.

Zayne entered and traded blows with Jai. Ariya got back in and applied a sleeper on Jai, and he hit the Magic Carpet frogsplash on Jai for a nearfall at 11:00. Jai hit a tornado DDT on Zayne and they were both down. Rhino finally tagged in for the first time and he nailed a shoulder tackle that dropped Nino. Zayne grabbed Rhino’s hair! Bodhi hit a flip dive to the floor. Jai hit a Claymore Kick on Ariya. Zayne hit a release German Suplex on Bodhi. Rhino and Black got up and traded punches. Black hit a frogsplash on Rhino for a nearfall at 15:00. Manager MK slid some doors into the ring. However, Rhino hit a suplex on Nino, then he nailed a Gore on Ariya. Rhino hit a Gore on Nino for the pin. What about the door?

Rhino, Jai Vidal, and Bodhi Young Prodigy defeated Alex Zayne, Ariya Daivari, and Nino Black at 16:42. 

* MK got in the ring and jawed at Rhino. The fans chanted “You f—ed up!” at MK, and of course, Rhino hit the Gore to send the heel manager through the door.

6. Ricochet vs. Rich Swann. Ricochet was replacing Brian Cage, who had to cancel. The commentators said Ricochet was only slated to appear here, not wrestle. They shook hands and we got a bell. Standing switches to open and Swann hit an armdrag at 1:00. They sped it up, avoided each other’s moves and had a standoff. Swann offered a knuckle lock, which of course led to Swann dancing instead of locking up. Ricochet danced a bit too… but then he attacked Swann, stomped on him at 4:00, and was loudly booed! They fought to the floor and they looped the ring. Ricochet hit a slingshot senton as he got back into the ring at 8:00. The crowd chanted “You are bald!” at Ricochet. Ricochet remained in charge and he jawed at the crowd.

Swann hit a leaping clothesline and they were both down at 11:00. They got up and Rich hit some jab punches, a swinging neckbreaker, and a step-up mule kick. Ricochet hit a discus clothesline and a running Shooting Star Press for a nearfall, and he was frustrated he didn’t win there. Swann nailed a Frankensteiner, then a Lethal Injection for a nearfall. He hit a 450 Splash for a nearfall. Swann hit some Yes Kicks and a Buzzsaw Kick to the jaw at 14:30. Ricochet hit an eye poke, a Northern Lights Suplex and a Death Valley Driver for a nearfall. Swann hit a superkick. Ricochet hit a Poison Rana; Swann hit a Poison Rana; Ricochet hit a Hidden Blade to the back of the head, then one to the jaw for a nearfall. That was great.

Ricochet defeated Rich Swann at 16:39.

7. Brooke Havok vs. Jada Stone vs Brittnie Brooks vs. Mazzerati in a four-way. I just saw Jada wrestle from Maine on Friday; it just speaks volumes how in-demand the top talent are. Brooks recently returned from a knee injury. This is also Mazzerati’s return; she apparently was in a car crash and was out of action. They all went for rollups in the opening seconds. Jada hit a standing moonsault for a nearfall. Mazzerati and Brooke traded offense. Mazzerati hit an Eat D’Feat on Brooke. Brooke hit a swinging neckbreaker on Brittnie at 4:30 for a nearfall.

Brittnie hit a running knee on two women in the corner and got a nearfall at 7:00. Jada hit a top-rope missile dropkick on Brooks. Mazzerati hit a Northern Lights Suplex for a nearfall. Havok hit a Swanton on Mazzerati for a nearfall, and suddenly they were all down at 9:00. They all got up and traded punches. Jada hit a German Suplex on Brooke. Jada and Brittnie traded forearm strikes. Brittnie nailed the Eye of the Hurricane swinging slam and pinned Jada. Good action.

Brittnie Brooks defeated Brooke Havok, Jada Stone, and Mazzerati in a four-way at 10:20.

8. Ace Austin vs. Lio Rush vs. Johnny Morrison in a three-way. A commentator wondered what name Morrison would use; he’s had a few! The bell rang and they hugged. Lio rolled to the floor rather than lock up, so Johnny and Ace traded some reversals. They cornered Lio to get him involved, but Rush did some of his misdirection offense to avoid it. Lio grabbed a mic at 4:00 but the crowd shouted profanities at him. Lio was upset and said he’s leaving! Ace got on the mic and said Lio “sounds a lot like a little bitch,” and the crowd chanted “Little bitch!” Johnny attacked Ace and said “I’ve known Chris the longest and I think he would want me to win.”

Johnny and Ace hit stereo spin kicks to the head; Lio ducked in and tried to steal a pin, and the crowd again taunted Lio with a “little bitch!” chant. Lio hit a clothesline on Ace, then a stunner. This crowd was all over Lio, who was really bothered by it. Lio stomped on Ace and was in charge. Lio dove through the ropes at 9:00 and nailed Johnny. Ace hit several clotheslines in the corner on Lio. Johnny hit a Moonlight Drive twisting neckbreaker on Ace for a nearfall. Morrison tied up Ace on the mat. Ace hit a guillotine legdrop at 12:30. Lio hit an awkward mid-ring Spanish Fly on Ace for a nearfall. Johnny hit a springboard spin kick. He hit a running knee on Ace, but he missed Starship Pain. Lio nailed a frogsplash on Johnny, but Ace immediately hit The Fold on Lio; he covered Rush and Johnny for the pin. Fun match.

Ace Austin defeated Lio Rush and Johnny Morrison in a three-way at 15:46. 

9. Karrion Kross (w/Scarlett) vs. Hammerstone. Kross got a big “welcome back!” chant, and the commentators said this is the first time these two have fought in seven years! A lockup and a feeling-out process early on, with Hammerstone applying a headlock on the mat. Hammerstone hit a Northern Lights Suplex at 3:30, then a series of clotheslines in the corner. Hammerstone charged in but he collided with the ref at 5:30! “It’s a bit early for that, isn’t it?” a commentator said. Funny because it’s true! Kross got the mic, made sure it was on, and hit Hammerstone with it. They crossed over the guardrail and into the crowd. We lost the signal from the building…

We briefly got the signal back at 10:00 and they were in the ring holding chairs, but we lost the signal right away. Terrible timing on this. The signal is back at 12:00! The commentators immediately noted that the equipment was messed up. Hammerstone hit a chair shot across Kross’s back. I had to refresh the page, and they were trading forearm strikes. Hammerstone hit a missile dropkick, then a TKO stunner for a nearfall at 15:30. Hammerstone hit a standing powerbomb for a nearfall, then a German Suplex, but Kross popped to his feet and hit some clotheslines and a stunner. Hammerstone hit a pendulum sideslam for a nearfall, but Karrion kicked out, locked in a sleeper on the mat, and after a few seconds, Hammerstone tapped out. Yes, it was too bad we lost maybe five minutes in the middle of the match, but we got to see the final six-plus in its entirety.

Karrion Kross defeated Hammerstone at 18:29. 

Kross got on the mic and said “It’s real good to be home.” He teased Hammerstone for hitting him with a chair on a benefit show and the crowd laughed. He thanked the crowd for watching online, and he hugged Hammerstone. Out of the back came Danny Limelight, who said they only returned because of the benefit show, and the crowd booed Danny. He was livid that he has been champ for 200+ days but wasn’t in the main event. Danny threw a punch, but Kross blocked it and hit a back suplex on Danny. Hammerstone then hit the pendulum slam on Danny. Kross said he’s bringing out “The man of the hour!”

Chris Bey walked onto the stage, joined by girlfriend Brittnie Brooks, who had a bouquet of flowers. She held his hand as he gingerly walked down the ramp to the ring. Unsurprisingly, he has lost his muscle mass but he had a wide smile on his face. Brooks helped him up the ring steps and opened the ropes for him. Kross hugged Bey and handed him the mic. Hammerstone hugged him, too, and the crowd chanted “Bey! Bey!”

Bey took off his glasses and wiped away some tears. The crowd chanted, “Thank you, Bey!” Everyone in the ring had dropped to a knee except Chris. “I love each and every one of you so much,” he said. He called Ace Austin to come to the ring, too, and they hugged. “I hate standing here looking like a crybaby, but for you, you can see me as honest and pure as I am, because you’ve seen me since I started here.”

He asked if he should stop and let them go home, but they urged him to continue. “I honestly believe, because of each and every one of you, and everyone in the back, is why I’m standing here right now,” he said. “Love is a real thing, and all my life, all I’ve ever truly loved — until I met her (Brooks) — was professional wrestling. And professional wrestling has let me be me, and connect with my heroes who shaped me into the man I am today, and for that, I must say thank you. But look around. Look right, look left, look behind you. Look at the card we had tonight. That’s the power of love.”

We got another “Thank you, Chris!” chant. He continued, “Thank you to all of you for creating this special night, where people from across the world, from all companies, could create something so special and will live in my heart forever. Don’t be afraid to be emotional. A lot of you have cried in front of me. I love you all, even AJ Francis. (Crowd laughter). But I truly don’t know what to say, other than … (pause for cheers and a “you deserve it!” chant) .. I deserve the injury? The love? You all scared me for a minute!”

Until I figure out what I really want to say, I will leave it at this. I love you, I love you, I thank you, I am nothing without you. Thank you.”

Bey again hugged everyone in the ring, and they went to another video package of him in the ring.

Final Thoughts: What a fun show. Swann-Ricochet was a blast and easily best match of the night. I’ll narrowly go with Ace Austin’s three-way over Danny Limelight’s five-way for second place. A lot to like here. It’s pretty cool to see wrestlers who are in WWE, TNA, AEW and some top free agents all interact in this special fundraiser show.

The final segment was just great. Bey showed such grace and thanks. He had a wide smile and was so happy with the love he felt in that room. What a great way to close such a special show.

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