Limitless Wrestling “Bissell Brothers Bash” results (3/21): Vetter’s review of Channing Thomas vs. Donovan Dijak for the Limitless Title, Dirty Dango vs. Ace Romero, Anthony Greene vs. Aaron Rourke

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Limitless Wrestling “Bissell Brothers Bash”
Replay available via IndependentWrestling.TV
March 21, 2025 in Portland, Maine at Brick South at Thompson’s Point

The venue is a large factory. There was a huge crowd, maybe 600. Bissell Bros is apparently a local brewery. The lighting was just so-so, and the hard camera looked over a ring post; I hate that view. (You never see WWE, TNA, MLW, AEW etc. use that view for the hard camera.) The volume went in and out to the point that I might turn off the sound entirely if it doesn’t clear up.

I am excited about this lineup, as they have brought up a lot of top-tier talent from the Virginia/North Carolina indy scene.

1. Zak Patterson vs. Conan Lycan. Zak is an incredibly muscular kid; think Brian Cage at age 22, and he’s a talented Canadian (which makes him a heel here.) Zak came out first; Conan charged into the ring and tackled Zak and we’re underway. The commentators just said there are more than 1,000 people here; that might be a slight exaggeration but it is a LOT. Lycan slammed him on the ring apron. In the ring, Zak grounded him. Zak nailed a second-rope superplex for a nearfall at 3:00, and he locked in a half-crab. Conan hit a twisting splash off the ropes and they were both down. (The sound has a lot of feedback; it’s disappointing it sounds so bad because this is a great lineup. Just like that, the commentators vanished. Are they trying to fix it?)

They got up and traded forearm strikes. Conan nailed a Blue Thunder Bomb for a nearfall and they were both down at 6:30. Zak hit a running knee for a nearfall. Conan hit a top-rope corkscrew moonsault press, but Zak put Lycan on his shoulders and hit an F5 for a believable nearfall at 8:30. (The feedback is still awful; I don’t use that word lightly.) They traded rollups, and Zak hit a bucklebomb. Lycan hit a massive top-rope 450 Splash for the pin. A very good hard-hitting big-man match.

Conan Lycan defeated Zak Patterson at 10:36.

2. Aiden Aggro (w/J-Heru) vs. Alec Price. Audio completely vanished as Aggro walked to the ring; from a production standpoint, this has just not been good. Aggro is a top heel here, and Boston native Price got a nice pop. (I am turning the sound down to a low level. I can’t handle this feedback.) Aggro rolled to the floor at the bell. (Even with the sound low, I can hear it going in and out, and the feedback. Awful.) In the ring, Aggro hit a shoulder tackle and we had a standoff. Price hit a springboard crossbody block at 3:00. On the floor, Price hit a superkick. Aggro flipped Price into the ring  post. J-Heru pushed Price back into the ring, where Aggro stomped on him. Aggro hit a clothesline and a Falcon Arrow for a nearfall at 5:00.

Price bounced on the top rope and hit an armdrag. Aggro hit a Helluva Kick in the corner that knocked Price to the floor at 8:00. Aggro bodyslammed Price onto the ring apron, hit a running knee on the floor, and remained in charge. In the ring, Aggro mounted Price and repeatedly punched him. Price hit a tornado DDT for a nearfall at 12:00. Price nailed a springboard Blockbuster, then a Swanton Bomb for a nearfall, but J-Heru hopped on the apron and distracted the ref. Price dove onto J-Heru on the floor. Price got back in the ring and went for a Surprise Kick, but Aggro avoided it, got a rollup, and the flash pin! Good match.

Aiden Aggro defeated Alec Price at 14:12.

* I have turned up the sound and it’s a bit better now. Troy Nelson and Sam Leterna are on commentary. Okay it sounds like the feedback issue is largely resolved. International pop sensation B3cca sang her way to the ring; the Shooter Boys joined her to ringside. Sam’s mic is way too low, but at least the feedback is gone.

3. B3cca (w/w/Aaron Ortiz, Anthony Vecchio) vs. Gabby Forza. Gabby is thicker and she’s a powerhouse. I know I’ve seen them fight in mixed tag matches before. They immediately brawled at the bell, and Forza easily shoved her into a corner. They brawled to the floor. I just checked, and these two have been in five prior matches before (including two Rumbles) but yes this is a first-ever singles match. In the ring, B3cca hit a top-rope missile dropkick for a nearfall at 2:30. B3cca hit a basement dropkick to the back and remained in charge. B3cca hit a Frankensteiner at 4:30, then an X-Factor for a nearfall. Gabby tossed B3cca off the top rope to the mat, and she hit a clothesline and a Bulldog Powerslam, then a clothesline in the corner.

The Shooter Boys grabbed Gabby’s ankles! B3cca hit some forearm strikes. Gabby held B3cca above her head in a Gorilla Press and tossed B3cca over the top rope and onto the Shooter Boys at 7:30! Forza slammed B3cca face-first on the apron and tossed her back into the ring, getting a nearfall. B3cca hit another Frankensteiner at 9:00, then a second-rope elbow drop for a nearfall. B3cca hit a doublestomp to the chest for a nearfall. Gabby hit an Alabama Slam at 11:00. The Shooter Boys hopped on the apron; B3cca got a rollup for a nearfall. Gabby cut B3cca in half for what was definitely going to be a pin, but the Shooter Boys jumped in the ring and attacked Forza, causing the DQ. Good match. (I also want to reiterate that the sound issues that plagued the first two matches have been resolved.) Gabby hit a Rikishi Driver on one of the Shooter Boys.

Gabby Forza defeated B3cca via DQ at 11:35. 

4. “Swipe Right” Brad Baylor and Ricky Smokes (w/Ms. Susanna) vs. “High Flying Star Machines” Diego Hill and Bojack. I don’t know this valet but she is reminding me of WWE’s Scarlett Bordeaux in her looks and well, um seductive mannerisms. Diego and Bojack are among the N.C.-based stars here; Diego is a great high-flyer, while Bojack is the 300-pounder and agile for his size. “This is a huge match,” a commentator said. Diego and Smokes opened and traded fast-paced reversals, and Diego hit a dropkick that sent Smokes into his corner. Brad tagged in, but Diego hit two rolling suplexes. Bojack tagged in at 1:30 and hit a delayed vertical suplex on Brad, then a backbreaker over his knee, and the HFSM were in charge early on. Diego hit a moonsault, launching himself off of Bojack’s chest at 3:00. Brad grabbed Diego as Hill got too close to the corner, and it allowed the heels to begin working over Hill in their corner.

Brad hit some elbow drops at 5:00, and he dropped Diego with a European Uppercut. Diego hit a top-rope corkscrew press on his standing opponents at 6:30. Bojack got the hot tag and hit some shoulder tackles, and a bodyslam on Smokes and a massive senton! Ouch! Bojack hit a twisting neckbreaker on Baylor. Susanna hopped on the apron and distracted Bojack with a sexy dance. Smokes leapt off the top rope but Bojack caught him and hit a Blue Thunder Bomb for a nearfall. Baylor yanked Bojack off the apron to the floor at 9:00, and SR whipped Bojack into the ring post. Diego hit a springboard dive onto Smokes, but Baylor tripped Diego as he was getting in the ring. The heels immediately hit the Super Swipe (team uranage) and pinned Diego. A great match for the time given.

Brad Baylor and Ricky Smokes defeated Diego Hill and Bojack at 10:04.

(I want to point out here that I see Hill, Bojack and the other guys from N.C. have a show in the Northeast on Sunday, so they are making a weekend out of this trip. Hopefully they got a Saturday match somewhere, too.)

* Ace Romero came to the ring. He has reportedly lost more than 100 pounds now; he still must be between 280 and 330 but he looks healthier than I’ve ever seen from him. (He is looking a lot like the former WWE team Authors of Pain right now.) Brian Black came to the ring in a suit and said “JDC” Dirty Dango has other commitments tonight. Ace got on the mic and said he is in the best shape of his life, and he wanted a fight, and was willing to fight Black. However, Dango attacked Ace from behind and we’re underway!

5. Ace Romero vs. Dirty Dango (w/Brian Black) in a street fight. Dango hit a flip dive to the floor on Romero, and they brawled in front of the crowd. (Yeah this crowd is massive. It very well might be in the 1,000 to 1,200 range.) Ace set up for a dive, but Dango cut him off with a trash can lid to the head at 3:00. (The commentators are calling him Dirty Dango, not JDC). They brawled down the aisle and we could really see all the fans, as the commentators reiterated the 1,200 attendance number. Romero splashed Dango up against a wall at 5:00, and they returned to the ring.

Romero tossed some chairs and a table in the ring and made a board bridge. Dango hit a leg drop that sent Ace through the board bridge at 8:00. Black helped bring more boards into the ring. However, Ace speared Dango through a door in the corner, then he hit a package piledriver for the pin. Good brawl; the right amount of weapons but no blood or disgusting weapons, either.

Ace Romero defeated Dirty Dango at 9:28.

* We are told a full 30-minute intermission? That’s too long. It is 7:41 CST so I’m flipping to Smackdown for a bit! Ace got on the mic and said he is down 200 pounds in the past year! It’s obvious it was a lot, but I didn’t know it was that much. They left the hard camera running…

* Okay it is now 8:05 and we’re back. Zilla Fatu is injured — again! — and is off the show, so who will step up and face Anthony Greene? Greene got on the mic and told the fans he just traveled 24 hours from India to be here tonight, and he belittled Zilla for cancelling a week in advance. He’s upset he’s getting booed. He mentioned Dezmond Cole (big pop!) but he’s injured, too. Out of the back came “Evil Gay” Aaron Rourke!

6. Anthony Greene vs. Aaron Rourke. Rourke got in, hit a Meteora, and we’re underway. The commentators noted these guys just fought each other recently. They went to the floor and fought at ringside. In the ring, Greene hit some chops and took control. Rourke hit a cartwheel-into-a-clothesline at 5:30, then a neckbreaker over his knee and he was fired up. Green hooked both arms and hit a swinging slam for a nearfall at 8:00. They got up and traded forearm strikes, and Greene hit a superkick, then a bucklebomb. Rourke hit a Trash Compactor piledriver along his back for a nearfall at 9:30.

Greene nailed a second-rope RKO stunner for a believable nearfall at 11:00, and he was incredulous he didn’t win there. He missed a moonsault, and Rourke immediately hit a Code Red and a split-legged moonsault. Rourke then hit a regular top-rope moonsault for the pin. Good action. Greene has really become polished with his frequent NOAH tours.

Aaron Rourke defeated Anthony Greene at 12:06. 

* Rourke got on the mic and noted he has a WWE ID contract and he isn’t sure how much time he will have left on the indy scene, so he called out the winner of tonight’s main event. He wants a title shot in April!

7. A Battle Royal. The winner of this match will earn a title shot! The Bissell Brothers were introduced and thanked for putting on the show. Participants are: Hazard, Seabass Finn, Ashley Vox, Alexander Lee, J-Heru, Perry Von Vicious, Jose Zamura, Bear Bronson, Paris Van Dale, Jason Maverick, Dave Dyer, Calvin Strain, the Bucking Boy Bandit, Cousin Larry, BK Westbrook, commentator Troy Nelson, Spike Nishimura, LJ Cleary, and Milo Mirra. They each got their own entrance so I think I have everyone, although I don’t know some of them so I may have some names slightly wrong. I’m only counting 19, though.

Finn put a fishing net over Spike and swung her around; this is dumb — he’s just too talented for a silly gimmick like this. Perry (think Chris Hero) swung Finn around and his legs knocked several people down. Paris hit a DDT on Ashley, but Ashley eliminated Paris; Hazard then eliminated Ashley and was loudly booed. Bear Bronson and Maverick are the same size and build and they brawled while everyone remaining was down, and Bear tossed him. Two guys then tossed Bear. Bear and Maverick continued to fight on the floor. Cousin Larry is probably late 50s. Troy Nelson got tossed and returned to commentary.

Suddenly at 7:00, we were down to just four! BK Westbrook, Milo Mirra, J-Heru and Hazard. BK hit a top-rope elbow drop on J-Heru, but J-Heru tossed BK, and we’re down to three. Milo tossed J-Heru. Hazard (think a young Nick Gage) berated the crowd as he beat down on Mirra. Milo got on his pogo stick and jumped in the ring, but Hazard caught him with a superkick. Hazard got on the mic and said he “runs this now” as he punched Milo, whose arms were tied in the second and third rope. The Bissell Brothers appeared and freed Milo’s arms! One of them chokeslammed Hazard. Milo then clotheslined Hazard over the ropes to the floor to win.

Milo Mirra won the Battle Royal at 12:24. 

8. Channing Thomas (w/Sidney Bakabella) vs. Donovan Dijak for the Limitless Title. Joining Thomas and Sidney to ringside were Anthony Greene, Aiden Aggro and J-Heru! As is usually the case, Dijak has the height and overall size advantage, and Channing stalled in the ropes before they locked up. Dijak immediately applied a headlock, and he hit a hip-toss at 2:00. They went to the floor, but the heels stood between Channing and Dijak, so the ref ejected all three of them. However, Channing attacked Dijak from behind, and they continued to fight on the floor. They got in the ring at 4:00, where Channing stomped on him. Channing hit a dropkick that sent Dijak from being seated on the top turnbuckle to the floor at 6:00.

In the ring, Channing was in charge and he choked Dijak in the ropes, and Sidney (the only heel left at ringside) hit a suckerpunch. Channing applied a Camel Clutch but Dijak escaped at 8:30. Dijak hit a back suplex and they were both down. Dijak backed Channing into a corner and hit some hard overhand chops, then he hip-tossed Thomas across the ring for a nearfall at 11:00. Dijak hit a Death Valley Driver for a nearfall and a buzzsaw kick. Channing hit a swinging leg lariat for a nearfall at 13:30. Channing hit a sliding German Suplex out of the ropes. Dijak nailed a top-rope Choke Bomb for a believable nearfall at 15:30, but Channing immediately hit a fisherman’s suplex and they were both down.

Channing hit a piledriver on the ring apron at 17:00 and they both fell to the floor, and the crowd gave them a “holy shit!” chant. Channing rolled into the ring; Dijak dove in to avoid a countout. Dijak hit a flip dive to the floor on Channing! In the ring, Channing hit an enzuigiri, and they traded punches. Dijak hit his discus Mafia Kick at 18:30. Anthony Greene, J-Heru and Aiden Aggro returned to ringside and were booed. Several babyfaces appeared and brawled with them to the back. Sidney got in the ring; Channing accidentally hit a low blow kick on Sidney! Dijak nailed Feast Your Eyes for a visual pin, but Sidney pulled the ref to the floor! And we lost the signal from the building. Really? Now? We returned… just to see Channing get the pin. What a terrible time to have it freeze. The commentators said the heels threw a fireball at Dijak’s eyes.

Channing Thomas defeated Donovan Dijak to retain the Limitless Title at 20:50.

* The heels were going to keep beating on Dijak, but Ace Romero returned to the ring and hit a package piledriver on J-Heru.

Final Thoughts: A really good night of action, even with the production miscues. I presume the main event will play fine in a replay without that lost signal so fans should see the full end of the main event. I’ll go with Swipe Right vs. the HFSMachines for best match, ahead of the main event. Greene-Rourke takes third. But I’m a fan of nearly everyone on this roster, and there were a lot of talented men and women in that battle royal I wish had a major match, too.

The crowd was big and into the show. Again, they claimed 1,200, and I won’t dispute that too much.

I think we really saw here why promotions do a dark match… to make sure all the equipment is working correctly. Those first two matches were good action but the production failures hurt my enjoyment of them. So, I’m so glad they ironed out and eliminated those issues. A match between Jada Stone and Ella Envy didn’t take place and I was looking forward to that one. This show aired live on IWTV and should be posted on their website later this weekend.


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