Ricky Starks released by AEW

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Ricky Starks is a free agent. Mike Johnson of PWInsider.com reports has been released from his AEW contract and is free and clear to sign elsewhere.

Powell’s POV: I’m not sure what caused Tony Khan to finally give in and release Starks, Malakai Black, and Miro. Perhaps it’s as simple as saving the company a small fortune. If it is cost cutting, it will be interesting to see just how far the cuts go.


Readers Comments (10)

  1. Good riddance to dead weight. Hopefully fenix and baker are fired next and any other sulkers pining for world traffiking entertainment

  2. WWE may get some “names” back, but I’m not sure what Starks, Miro, or Black have to offer that the E doesn’t already have.
    All three are good. None of them are compelling characters.

    Fenix may be the only real catch because Rey is long in the tooth and it doesn’t look like the E has confidence in any of their current luchadores. Plus Fenix/Penta can offer something different in the tag division.

    • Starks could be since he’s never had a real booker package and push him.

      Miro would be much fun to use as a much more capable monster than someone like Stroman.

      • Greatest, I always enjoy watching you exhibit how miserable you are by never missing a chance to post ‘OMG ANYTHING AEW/TONY KHAN DOES IS SOMETHING I HAVE TO SAY SUCKS!” crap, but this is also a favorite of mine when it comes to WWE marks or ‘AEW IS BAD NO MATTER WHAT’ idiots such as yourself.
        You say nothing good about anyone when they are in AEW, oftentimes making sure you slam ’em, and then once they MAY be headed to WWE, it’s ‘OH WOW HE’S/SHE’S SO GOOD!”.
        Idiot. And again, you’re dismissed.

  3. That petty, coked out twat waited until after the Royal Rumble to release Black, Miro, and Starks. what a god damn bottom feeding piece of shit.

  4. If Tony needs some help as to who to cut I’d be happy to provide him a list. The roster is overstocked with 160 pound runts (including Leo Runt) that would get thrown out of every bar and truck stop in America. They just aren’t believable.
    If he needs a team to feed to Shelton and Lashley I’d suggest the new duo of Wheeler Yuta and Brian Keith, “THE FACTION JOBBERS!”
    Starks is great, but WWE won’t have a clue as to what to do with him. They’ll use him like they use Jobmelo Hayes. Malakai might end up like Andrade. They’ll probably put him with Karrion Kross and that will go nowhere. Miro just isn’t that interesting without Hot Legs as his manager. It’s going to be tough for all of them.

  5. Yeah, not a good business move, right? LMAO>..your ignorance knows no bounds

  6. LOVE that Tony doesn’t do the “non-compete” crap. I wish all of ’em, and AEW, luck. I think Miro would be received insanely well if he shows up on RAW, but the shine won’t last long. Starks in the WWE would be good for a payday, but not sure what they could do with him. Black would be awesome anywhere.

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