TNA Bound For Glory results: Moore’s live review of Nic Nemeth vs. Joe Hendry for the TNA World Title with referee Frankie Kazarian, Jordynne Grace vs. Masha Slamovich for the Knockouts Title

By John Moore, Staffer (@liljohnm)

TNA Bound For Glory
Aired live October 26, 2024 on pay-per-view
Detroit, Michigan at Wayne State Fieldhouse

Pre-Show Notes

Tom Hannfan and Matthew Rehwoldt were on commentary. Jade Chung was the ring announcer…

Tom Hannifan welcomed viewers to the pre-show. He was cut off by Ash’s Personal Concierge making his entrance. The Concierge berated the crowd and introduced Heather by Elegance and Ash by Elegance to the ring. Heather and Ash by Elegance made their entrance. Xia Brookside and Brinley Reece then made their entrance. Tom Hannifan noted that Reece and Brookside have teamed before on TNA XPlosion against a few WWE developmental wrestlers…

1. Ash by Elegance and Heather by Elegance vs. Xia Brookside and Brinley Reece. Reece hit Reckless with a hip toss and then worked on Heather with wristholds. Reece tackled Heather to her corner and tagged in Brookside. Reece gave Brookside a wheelbarrow slam on Heather for a nearfall. Brookside hit Heather with a Monkey Flip followed by a Octopus Hold. Brookside slammed Heather to the mat for a two count. Reece tagged in and gave Heather a suplex.

Ash tagged herself in and berated Heather for not dominating the match. Reece suplexed Ash. Ash and Heather argued with Ash being condescending. Heather pulled Ash away to save her from Brinley’s baseball slide. Heather tagged back in. Ash draped Brinley on the apron to hit her with a tandem DDT and Double Stomp from both heels. Heather hit Brinley with a Basement Dropkick to give Ash a two count. Brinley rolled up Ash for a two count.

The heels cut the ring in half on Brinley while the crowd chanted “We want Xia”. Reece got a window of opportunity after a front flip into a clothesline. Xia caught the hot tag with Ash also tagging in. Xia and Ash traded Yay-Boo forearms with Xia dominating. Xia then hit Ash with a few huracanranas. Xia hit Ash with a few Meteoras to the back in the corner. Brinley tagged in. Xia hit Ash with a Codebreaker to give Brinley a nearfall.

Heather caught a blind tag. Reece rolled through a Crossbody and hit her with a TKO. The Concierge put Heather’s leg on the rope for a rope break. Xia argued with The Concierge to prevent interference. The Concierge threw his jacket on Xia. Xia choked The Concierge with his Jacket. Back in the ring, Heather hit Reece with a Super Spanish Fly. Ash hit Reece with Rarefied air for the victory.

Ash by Elegance and Heather by Elegance defeated Brinley Reece and Xia Brookside via pinfall in 8:42. 

John’s Thoughts:A fun opening tag match. The NXTNA relationship continues to prove beneficial to both NXT’s and TNA’s women’s divisions. In a way, TNA is a step above Level Up, allowing developmental women and men to work in front of meaningful crowds and against non-Performance Center wrestlers. Xia Brookside has been underutilized in TNA, mostly because she they had her clowning around in the PCO wedding story as a background character. I hope we see her more in the ring. The Heather by Elegance thing feels not only campy, but rushed, because this would have been a good story to pull out after Heather had some character development.

A hype package aired for the TNA World Heavyweight title match on Bound for Glory…

Separate shots of Joe Hendry and Nic Nemeth were shown as they were arriving to the arena “earlier today”…

Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt checked in on commentary. Hannifan hyped up the Hall of Fame and talked about how TNA wouldn’t be here if not for Bob Ryder. A video package aired, showing highlights from the late Bob Ryder’s tenure in TNA. The video included words from current and past TNA stars. AEW’s Jeff Jarrett and WWE’s AJ Styles even sent in some videos, talking about how important Bob Ryder was to them. The crowd chanted “Thank you Bob”.

Eric Young made his entrance with Ryder’s award in hand. Young went to the podium and talked about how large crowds like this were 20 years in the making. He said one man was responsible for that. Young said he’s proud to induct the incomparable Bob Ryder. Young said what TNA has been and will become, started on a boat in the Gulf of Mexico with three men, Jeff Jarrett, Jerry Jarrett, and Bob Ryder.

Young talked about Ryder liking wrestling all his life starting with ECW, then to WCW, then to TNA. Young talked about Ryder being one of the pioneers of the Internet Wrestling Community. Young talked about Ryder having many executive roles in TNA like Talent Relations. Young said he personally liked how if there was a problem with travel, Ryder will get it fixed in minutes. Young talked about how he respects Ryder as a friend even more.

Young talked about Ryder not having immediate family to spend holidays at. Young talked about having Ryder stay at his home during the holidays and Young saw him as family. Young said Ryder loved the 3 F’s: Football, Friends, and Food. Young said that Brazilian Steakhouses are losing a lot of business with Ryder gone. Young talked about Kazarian claiming to be the King of TNA, but the true King is Bob MF’ing Ryder. Young then ended his speech by raising the award and starting a “Thank You Bob” chant…

John’s Thoughts: Classy speech and a awesome celebration of life. Memoriam segments are tough for everyone and Young did a good job framing this in a happy tone as opposed to a somber tone. Ryder is an unsung legend in TNA and I’m happy he got to get his flowers. Rest in Heaven Ryder!

Hannifan and Rehwoldt checked in on commentary and sent the show to a Rhino highlight package…

Tommy Dreamer made his entrance in a suit. Tommy talked about inducting The Dudleys into the Hall of Fame and then ate a 3D the next day. Dreamer said he inducted Raven in the Hall of Fame and then immediately ate an Even Flow DDT. Dreamer said he hates whoever made the term “always a bridesmaid, never the bride”. Dreamer hyped up Rhino. He talked about Rhino having a weird neck. Dreamer then named all of Rhino’s championships that he won in ECW, WWE, and TNA.

Dreamer started a Gore chant with the crowd. Dreamer said Rhino looks tough in the ring but is softer in the back, giving advice to young wrestlers and loving the crowd. Rhino talked about Rhino saying every year that it’ll be the year for the Detroit Lions. Dreamer said Detroit will now induct their Rhino. Dreamer then welcomed Rhino to the podium. Rhino made his entrance in a red suit. The crowd chanted “you deserve it”.

Rhino said he doesn’t deserve it, WE deserve it. He talked about how Detroit made him. He said he was born here, raised here, and he will be dead and buried here in the best state in the crowd. Rhino said it was a wonder they found a suit that fits Dreamer. Rhino joked that Dreamer mocked Rhino’s red suit. Rhino said red is his favorite color. Rhino then said for the ladies he likes blonde. He then clarified that his girlfriend was blonde. Rhino thanked his brother and daughter.

Rhino talked about how his daughter told him she loves him despite him not being home. Rhino talked about Jim Cornette discovering him and getting him a WWE tryout. Rhino talked about botching a splash, but Cornette praised him because Rhino sold it as a headbutt. Rhino named off ECW legends that helped him. He then thanked WWE, Triple H, Jim Ross, and Pat Patterson for believing in him. He thanked Edge and Christian for always being a friend. He said he also sees Dreamer as a brother.

Rhino thanked Johnny Swinger. He thanked D’Amore for training him. Rhino then thanked his former tag partner Heath Slater. He said Heath is a great father and husband. Rhino talked about Heath giving him hope when Rhino’s brother was going through cancer treatments. He said it’s moments like that why he sees Heath as a family member. Rhino said he always believed in God. He said he’s guilty of only mentioning God when he needs sometimes, but God is important to him.

He said his faith taught him to leave the world better than he entered it. Rhino then ended his speech with a Gore chant…

John’s Thoughts: Solid intro by Dreamer. A good and humble speech by Rhino. It’s always cool to hear Rhino talk as a regular person and I’m surprised he always reverts back to the worn out grunting animal dude. He’s well spoken. It was cool to see him give props to the people closest to him. The heartfelt moment came when he took a large part of his allotted time to dedicate it to Heath Slater who obviously carried him through one of the toughest parts of his life.

An ad aired for a movie that is sponsoring Bound for Glory…

Steve Maclin approached Eric Young and praised him for a good speech for Bob Ryder. Maclin said he’s sorry he couldn’t help Young when the Northern Armory attacked him. Young said it’s fine. Young said he’s going to make sure that Williams and Icarus don’t interfere later on and told Maclin to take care of Josh Alexander…

Separate shots of Jordynne Grace and Masha Slamovich were shown as they arrived to the arena…

Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt checked in on commentary and explained the rules of the Call Your Shot gauntlet (Essentially, the same as the Royal Rumble)…

Frankie Kazarian was number 1 with Zachary Wentz coming out as number 2 (which might as well also be number 1…

2. The TNA Call Your Shot Gauntlet Match. Wentz hit Kazarian with a sweep and dropkick. Kazarian came back with right hands. Wentz hit Kazarian with a German suplex. Kazarian hit Wentz with a Guillotine Leg Drop. Wentz held on the top rope to prevent elimination. Wentz hit Kazarian with a slingshot Codebreaker. Out at number 3 was Jake Something. Something hit Wentz with multiple clotheslines and countered a leapfrog by giving Wentz a chest check. Something and Kaz teamed up on Wentz.

Trey Miguel made his entrance at number 4. Trey cleaned house. Trey and Wentz swarmed Something with kicks and soaked in cheers. Alexander Hammerstone was number 5. Wentz and Trey used hands to back down Hammerstone. Hammerstone suplexed Trey and power bombed Wentz on Trey. Kaz tried to gas Hammerstone up, but was lifted. Hammerstone and Something teamed up and gave Kazarian a double clothesline.

Rohit Raju made his return to TNA at number 6. Rajusuplexed Trey on Something. Hammerstone the punched Rohit to the mat. Laredo Kid was out at number 7. Kid hit a long missile dropkick on Hammerstone. Kid was the first eliminated when he was shoved by Hammerstone off the top rope. Hammerstone no sold right hands by Trey. Trey stood on the apron and eliminated Trey by giving him a Military Press on Kid.

Sami Callihan was out at 8. Callihan eliminated Hammerstone. Kazarian clawed at the face of Callihan. John Skyler was number 9. Rehwoldt noted that it was Skyler’s birthday. Kazarian held on the rope to prevent from being eliminated by Skyler. The wrestlers paired off and brawled. Bhupinder Gujar was number 10. Bhupinder gave Skyler a spinebuster. Bhupinder skinned the cat when Raju tried to eliminate him. Trent Seven came out at number 11. Seven came in and hit Skyler with a DDT.

Seven waved around a Detroit Pistons towel. KC Navarro made his entrance at number 12. Navarro did Sami’s Thumbs Up thing, but was power bombed by Sami for doing so. The match was at 12 minutes at this point. TNA Hall of Famer Rhino made his entrance at 13. Rhino quickly eliminated Bhupinder, Raju, Skyler, and Callihan. Hannifan noted that Rhino has tied Chris Sabin with 13 Bound for Glory appearance. Tasha Steelz made her entrance at 14. Steelz gave Navarro a cutter. Rhino blocked a cutter by Tasha. Tasha gave Rhino a pie face and then clapped her cheeks in front of Rhino.

Lei Ying Li (Xia Li) made her entrance at 15. Lei eliminated Tasha with a reverse Roundhouse. Jason Hotch was number 16  Hotch ate Seven’s Bop and Bang but then came back with a stomp on Seven. Wentz eliminated Navarro with a dropkick. Leon Slater was number 17.  Slater cleaned house. Kazarian crotched Slater on the top rope. Li rallied with Forearms on Kazarian when he disrespected her. Li hit Kazarian with a reverse roundhouse.

Kazarian drew boos by hitting Li with a lariat and eliminating her after. Jonathan Gresham made his entrance at number 18. JDC Johnny Curtis was number 19. JDC eliminated Leon Slater. AJ Francis was out last. He eliminated Gresham with a kick. AJ then eliminated Seven with a Uranage. Kazarian eliminated Hotch. Wentz was eliminated by AJ. AJ, JDC, Kazarian, and Rhino were the final 4. Rhino hit Kazarian with a Gore.

Gore eliminated JDC. Francis hit Rhino with a Gore. Rhino hit AJ with a clothesline to eliminate him. The last fall must be won by pinfall. Kazarian picked up the win after a low blow.

Frankie Kazarian won the Call Your Shot Battle Royal in 26:37 of total match time to win the Call Your Shot Trophy.

The referee handed Kazarian the trophy (which looks better than that high school participation toy trophy that they used to use)…

Hannifan and Rehwoldt checked in on commentary and hyped up Bound for Glory…

John’s Thoughts: A solid Royal Rumble style match and a step above your usual TV battle royal. All the wrestlers were allowed to have some shine and highlights in this match. A few minor surprises with people like Rohit Raju or Bhupinder Gujjar showing up for the first time in a while. I’m surprised there wasn’t any NXT involvement, as pulling the NXT card is an instant surprise-pop. What kinda hurt this match a bit was TNA laying it on so thick the last two weeks that Frankie Kazarian will win the match. They also telegraphed that Kazarian will use that trophy to insert himself in the main event.

Main Show Review

Jade Chung introduced singer Ilona to sing the National Anthem…

A intro video aired for the show…

Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt were on commentary. Jade Chung was the ring announcer…

Entrances for the X Division title match took place. Hannifan noted that Mike Bailey has lost to Vikingo once before at Game Changer Wrestling…

1. “Speedball” Mike Bailey vs. El Hijo Del Vikingo for the TNA X Division Championship. Bailey and Vikingo soaked in “This is awesome” chants. Vikingo and Bailey shared a honorable handshake. Vikingo and Bailey struck a fighting pose. Both men then had a martial arts exchange. Both men then traded chain wrestling and rollups. Both men landed at a stalemate after trading Shotgun Dropkicks. Vikingo dumped Bailey to ringside with a huracanrana and followed up with a Suicide Dive.

Vikingo buckled his leg and Hannifan noted that Vikingo was hurting on the injured leg that kept him out of commission for months. Bailey used an Indian Deathlock on Vikingo’s injured leg. Vikingo got to the rope for the break. Bailey hit Vikingo with a Mafia Kick and Vader Bomb Meteora for a nearfall. Bailey went back into a TKD Fighting Pose and worked on Vikingo with Tae Kwon Do kick variations.

Vikingo got a breather after hitting Bailey with a Superkick. Vikingo continued to sell his injured knee. Vikingo did a kick flip off Bailey and dodged a right hand with a Tiger Feint. Vikingo hit Bailey with a Slingshot Missile Dropkick. Both men eluded each others’ Baseball Slides. Viking did a tightrope on the barricade and did an Old School right into a Dragonrana (Vikingo is so smooth. I’d be afraid in the front row that he would fall on me, but this guy is pretty flawless with his balance). Bailey recovered and hit Vikingo with a corkscrew Asai Moonsault.

Vikingo avoided a Shooting Star Press. Bailey hit Vikingo with the Green Tea Plunge (Spanish Fly) for a nearfall. Vikingo hit Bailey with a Kick and locked in a Triangle on Bailey. Vikingo hit Bailey with a Monkey Flip when Bailey was about to escape. bailey hit Vikingo with a Dragon Screw on the injured knee. Bailey body slammed Vikingo. Bailey hit Vikingo with a Shooting Star Press for a nearfall.

Bailey faked out Vikingo with Chamber Thrust Kicks. Vikingo countered a Tornado Kick with a Trouble in Paradise Spin Kick. Both men beat the ten count. Bailey and Vikingo traded fighting spirit chest slaps. The match reached the ten minute mark at this point. Bailey pulled out the heelish move by faking the slap into kicking Vikingo’s injured leg. Bailey chambered his way into a Karate Kid pose.

Bailey hit Vikingo with a Daniel LaRusso lookin’ Crane Kick. After setting Vikingo up, Bailey hit Vikingo with Ultima Weapon. Vikingo kicked out of Bailey’s finisher. Vikingo countered Bailey’s other finisher into a Canadian Destroyer. Vikingo caught Bailey with a corner meteora. Bailey rolled to ringside, but Vikingo did a tightrope on the ropes and hit Bailey with a Corkscrew Moonsault. Bailey kocked Vikingo off the apron with a Gamengiri.

Vikingo avoided a standing Ultima Weapon. Vikingo stood on the ringpost and hit Vailey with a crazy Panama Sunrise from the top rope. Bailey recovered to avoid Vikingo’s finisher. Vikingo dragged Bailey to the top rope. Bailey hit Vikingo with Meteorain (Superplex) for the victory.

Mike Bailey defeated El Hijo Del Vikingo via pinfall in 14:55 to retain the TNA X Division Championship.

John’s Thoughts: I like how most of Bailey’s finishers are named after stuff from Final Fantasy 7. Meteorain is one of my favorite Limit Breaks from that game. Anyways, I digress. The match looked fire on paper and you had no doubt that both men will deliver. Smart to protect Vikingo with the injury which also added to the story of the match. Vikingo does also maintain credibility by kicking out of Ultima Weapon. It’s also cool to see that Vikingo is just as crazy as ever with his balance coming off his big injury. Bailey showed a bit of heel tendencies here which is fresh for him. Hannifan noted that Vikingo won one match against Bailey at GCW. I hope that we can get a rubber match down the road, and maybe 5 more minutes of insane spots.

Tom Hannifan welcomed the French Broadcast team to the show. The commentary team ran through some upcoming matches…

Entrances for the Knockouts Tag Team Title match took place. Hannifan noted that Wendy Choo has the opportunity to become the first active WWE wrestler to win a title in TNA…

2. “Spitfire” Jody Threat and Dani Luna vs. Wendy Choo and Rosemary for the TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championship. Spitfire used tags to cut the ring in half on Roesmary.



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