Maple Leaf Pro Wrestling “Forged In Excellence – Night Two” results: Vetter’s review of Konosuke Takeshita vs. Josh Alexander for the AEW International Championship, Athena vs. Gisele Shaw for the ROH Women’s Title

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Maple Leaf Pro Wrestling “Forged In Excellence – Night Two”
Replay available via Triller.TV
October 20, 2024 in Windsor, Ontario at St. Clair College

This venue is sold out with perhaps 1,500 to 2,000 fans. Mauro Ranallo and Don Callis provided commentary, with Sam Leterna doing in-ring announcing. Like on Saturday, lighting and production is top-notch.

1. Rohan Raja and Rohit Raju and Rocky Romero vs. Aiden Prince and “Jet Setters” Kushida and Kevin Knight. Prince and Raju opened. Kushida hit an armdrag on Rocky, and the Jet Setters made quick tags to work Romero’s arm. Raja entered and tied up Kushida’s arms on the mat at 2:30; he has a clear size advantage over everyone else in this match. The heels began working over Knight. Raja hit a brainbuster on Prince, then a Lungblower to Knight’s back, and they continued to work over Kevin. Prince made the hot tag at 6:30 and hit a spin kick on Raju, then a tornado DDT.

Kushida and Romero entered at 8:00, and Ranallo said they’ve shared the ring more than 100 times in their career! Knight hit a splash on Rocky for a nearfall. The RRs took turns clotheslining Kushida in the corner and suddenly all six were down. Knight hit a flying double clothesline. Prince dove through the ropes onto two guys. It allowed Knight to hit a top-rope assisted frogsplash to pin Raju. Good opener; not quite as good as Saturday’s six-man opener, but still quite good.

Aiden Prince and Kushida and Kevin Knight defeated Rohan Raja and Rohit Raju and Rocky Romero at 11:07.

* We saw footage from “earlier today” as both Konosuke Takeshita and Josh Alexander arrived at the building.

2. Classy Ali vs. El Reverso for the QPW Qatar Title. Reverso is dressed in red-and-white Canadian colors today with maple leafs on his trunks. Ali wore all black gear and a black leather jacket. Basic reversals early on, and Ali has a size advantage. Ali slammed him to the mat at 3:00. Reverso tied him in the Tree of Woe and he did a Petey-style “Oh Canada!” stomp on the groin. Ranallo just noted the Petey Williams connection. Reverso hit a Sliced Bread and they were both down at 5:30. He hit a top-rope moonsault for the pin! That’s a bit of a surprise, as Ranallo said Ali had “never been pinned before.” A merely okay match.

El Reverso defeated Classy Ali to win the QPW Qatar Title at 6:32.

* Backstage, Rohan Raja was pacing back and forth. He blamed his teammates for losing the opening match; HE didn’t lose!

* Footage aired of Laynie Luck and Harley Cameron beating up Kylie Rae in a locker room!

3. Laynie Luck and Harley Cameron vs. Kylie Rae and Miyu Yamashita. Yamashita got in the ring; the heels bickered and neither wanted to start, so Kylie started instead. Harley did a snapmare on Rae and celebrated a simple move; Rae immediately tied up Harley’s arm. Yamashita finally got in and hit a stiff kick to Laynie’s back at 3:30. Kylie hit a rolling cannonball for a nearfall. The heels began working over Kylie in their corner. Kylie hit a flying headscissors on Laynie at 6:30 and she made the hot tag to Yamashita. Miyu got in and hit a running clothesline on Cameron. Laynie and Miyu traded forearms, but it just ticked Miyu off, and she hit a German Suplex at 9:00. Rae hit a superkick on Cameron. Miyu nailed the spinning Skull Kick on Luck and pinned her.

Kylie Rae and Miyu Yamashita defeated Laynie Luck and Harley Cameron at 9:23.

* McKenzie Mitchell interviewed Josh Alexander in the locker room. Josh said he feels the pressure, especially with the AEW International Title on the line. He talked about being inspired by Bret Hart as a kid. He said he’s never been more motivated for anything in his life than this.

4. Jake Something vs. Stu Grayson vs. Alex Zayne vs. “Psycho” Mike Rollins vs. Trevor Lee vs. Sheldon Jean in a scramble. I’ve seen Rollins just a few times; he has a great physique with short, dark hair. All six brawled at the bell. Jake hit a double shoulder tackle and was suddenly alone in the ring. Sheldon attacked him from behind. Lee hit a roundhouse kick to Jean’s chest at 1:30. Zayne hit a head-scissors takedown and a rolling cannonball into a corner. Stu hit a dropkick on Zayne. Sheldon hit a leg lariat on Mike. On the floor, Sheldon rammed Jake head-first into the ring post at 4:00. Sheldon was in charge in the ring, and he knocked Stu off the corner onto the guardrail at ringside. Jean hit a Mafia Kick on Zayne at 6:00.

Lee hit a step-up enzuigiri. Jake and Stu hit stereo back suplexes, but then they argued with each other. They each hit a belly-to-belly suplex. Finally, Stu and Jake were alone in the ring and traded forearm strikes, and Stu hit a brainbuster at 8:30. Lee hit a top-rope double crossbody block, then a flying kick on Zayne for a nearfall. Lee suplexed Mike onto the ring apron. Sheldon hit a Mafia Kick on Zayne at 10:30, then a brainbuster move for a believable nearfall. Jake hit a chokeslam on Sheldon Jean. Stu hit a backbreaker over his knee on Jake! Rollins started hitting bodyslams on each opponent, and he began piling up opponents and got a nearfall at 12:30, and we got a “This is awesome!” chant. Jake tossed Stu onto several guys on the floor. Rollins rolled up Zayne out of nowhere for the pin! That was great stuff.

“Psycho” Mike Rollins defeated Jake Something, Stu Grayson, Alex Zayne, Trevor Lee and Sheldon Jean in a scramble at 13:25.

Another commercial aired for TNA’s Bound For Glory, then Ranallo ran down the lineup for AEW Dynamite on Wednesday. (They did the same thing on Saturday’s event; if this is what it takes to be allowed to use contracted talent, I’m all for it.)

5. Mike Bailey vs. El Phantasmo. Quick reversals to open and ELP hit a head-scissors takedown, and they both kipped up to their feet with a standoff at 1:00. Bailey hit his Speedball kicks to the ribs and thighs, and Phantasmo rolled to the floor to regroup. In the ring, ELP hit a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, then he whipped Bailey back-first into a corner. Bailey hit a second-rope missile dropkick at 5:00. Bailey hit a variety of kicks, but he missed a running Shooting Star Press. ELP hit an enzuigiri. Bailey hit a huracanrana, a penalty kick, and he went for a moonsault kneedrop, but ELP got his legs up to block it. Both guys writhed on the mat after that knee-on-knee collision. “That was bone-on-bone impact,” Mauro said. They got up and traded forearm strikes.

Bailey nailed a Crane Kick, and he set up for the Flamingo Driver at 8:30, but ELP escaped. Phantasmo did an Airplane Spin into a stunner to the mat, and Bailey rolled to the floor, and we got a “This is awesome!” chant. ELP hit a plancha to the floor. Bailey immediately dove through the ropes onto Phantasmo. Bailey hit his springboard moonsault to the floor and they were both down at 10:30. Bailey missed a flip move but landed on his feet. ELP missed a Lionsault but he also landed on his feet. On the floor, Phantasmo hit a tornado DDT. ELP hit the Lionsault in the ring for a nearfall at 12:00. Bailey hit a moonsault kneedrop to the lower back!

Phantasmo hit the CR2 (modified Styles Clash) for a believable nearfall, and the crowd rallied for Bailey. ELP hit his frogsplash for a nearfall at 14:30 and we got another “This is awesome!” chant. Bailey missed a moonsault kneedrop on the ring apron; he collapsed to the floor and sold pain in his knees. ELP hit a top-rope moonsault to the floor and we got a Ranallo “Momma Mia!” In the ring, Bailey hit a superkick, a Tornado Kick into the corner, and he hit the Flamingo Driver (modified One-Winged Angel) for the clean pin. That was tremendous.

Mike Bailey defeated El Phantasmo at 16:16.

* Backstage, QT Marshall, Bully Ray and Harley Cameron spoke. Harley did the lines from “Do you know who I am?” to “Get the tables!” She stormed off and Bully Ray looked perplexed. “What just happened here?” he asked QT. Funny; Harley is comedy gold.

6. QT Marshall and Bully Ray (w/Harley Cameron) vs. Bhupinder Gujeer and Raj Dhesi. Bully Ray tagged out before locking up, so QT and Dhesi (f/k/a Jinder Mahal) opened, and Dhesi hit an armdrag and a bodyslam. QT beat up Gujeer, and Ray crotched Gujeer around the ring post at 3:30. Bully Ray grounded Bhupinder in the ring and stomped on him. They got up and Ray hit some jab punches on Gujeer at 7:00. Gujeer hit an enzuigiri and they were both down. Dhesi got a hot tag and hit some clotheslines in the corner on QT. He hit a Stinger Splash on both heels. Raj hit the “Sands of Time” lungblower to the chest for a believable nearfall on QT at 9:00. Gujeer hit a jumping knee to QT’s jaw. QT clotheslined himself and Raj to the floor.

Ray walked over to Scott D’Amore’s MOM in the crowd and jawed at her. (He did this yesterday, too.) A former Detroit Red Wings player named Darren McCarty came over. Ray and Darren brawled. Momma D’Amore chopped Bully Ray! McCarty threw Ray into the ring. Harley got on the ropes to do D-Von’s part in the “Wassup!” flying groin strike. However, Dhesi wound up pushing her off the ropes, and she hit the Wassup flying groin strike on Bully Ray! Gujeer wound up hitting a second-rope spear to pin QT Marshall. Decent action.

Raj Dhesi and Bhupinder Gujeer defeated QT Marshall and Bully Ray at 12:21.

* Backstage, McKenzie interviewed Mike Bailey. He said he’s hurt from his loss to Konosuke Takeshita on Saturday, but he persevered and beat ELP tonight. We then went to a video package highlighting Athena’s ROH run.

7. Athena vs. Gisele Shaw for the ROH Women’s Title. Mat reversals early on, and Gisele applied a crossface. Athena hit a dive through the ropes, but Shaw slammed her on the edge of the ring at 3:30, and Athena writhed in pain. Shaw worked her over at ringside. Athena hit some blows to the back, then rammed Shaw’s head into the ring post 5:00. In the ring, Athena kept Shaw grounded. Athena hit a senton at 9:00 and some punches to the forehead. Gisele hit a sit-out powerbomb and they were both down. Shaw hit some European Uppercuts and a spinebuster for a nearfall at 11:30. Athena hit a back suplex; Gisele hit a half-nelson suplex; Athena hit a Mafia Kick to the face and a bodyslam for a nearfall. Gisele hit a powerslam for a nearfall at 13:30. Shaw went for a springboard stunner but Athena blocked it. Athena hit a springboard crossbody block. They traded more blows.

Shaw hit a Sabin-style Cradle Shock for a believable nearfall at 15:30, and they were both down, and we got a “This is awesome!” chant. Athena hit a Shotgun Dropkick into the corner. Shaw missed a flying elbow, and Athena immediately hit a superkick. Athena crossed Gisele’s arms and hit a powerbomb for a believable nearfall at 18:00. Athena applied the crossface and she jawed at Gisele to give up. Gisele rolled through and applied her own crossface! Gisele tied her in a modified Sharpshooter! Athena escaped and reapplied the crossface. Shaw escaped and nailed a spear, then a backbreaker over her knee and a Flatliner but only got a nearfall at 21:00. Shaw hit an OsCutter for a nearfall. Athena flipped Gisele face-first into the middle turnbuckle. Athena nailed the ‘O-Face’ flying stunner for the pin. That topped all expectations.

Athena defeated Gisele Shaw to retain the ROH Women’s Title at 23:50.

8. Konosuke Takeshita vs. Josh Alexander for the AEW International Title. Ranallo listed all the prior men who have held this belt. Josh is wearing Bret Hart-inspired pink-and-black. They immediately went to the mat and tied up each other. Alexander knocked him down with a shoulder tackle at 3:00, and he applied an anklelock, and he locked in a Sharpshooter at 5:00, but Takeshita reached the ropes. Takeshita hit a DDT on the ring apron. Back in the ring, Konosuke was now in charge, hitting a second-rope flying senton or a nearfall at 8:00. He hit a brainbuster for a nearfall. Josh hit a backbody drop and he went back to the ankle lock; Takeshita escaped and went to the floor to regroup. In the ring, Alexander hit his flying crossbody block in the ropes, then a forward Finlay Roll and a diving kneedrop to the back of the head for a neafall at 12:00.

Takeshita snapped off a huracanrana, then a flip dive over the ropes and barreled onto Josh, and they were both down on the floor. Takeshita hit a second-rope superplex. He went for a frogsplash, but Josh got his knees up to block it at 14:30. Josh missed a moonsault, and Takeshita immediately hit a running knee, and they were both down. Josh hit some forearm strikes and went back to the anklelock. Josh hit a powerbomb backbreaker over his knee at 16:30 and went back to the anklelock. Takeshita hit a Poison Rana! Josh hit an Exploder Suplex and he peeled down the straps of his singlet. He hit a German Suplex, then another; Takeshita hit his own German Suplex, and another! Josh hit a German Suplex on the ring apron, earning another “Momma Mia!” from Mauro. Takeshita hit a brainbuster on the entrance ramp, earning a “holy shit!” chant. They both ducked back in at 20:30 to avoid being counted out, and we got a “fight forever!” chant.

Takeshita hit an enzuigiri. Josh got an inside cradle for a nearfall, then a discus clothesline. Takeshita hit a Blue Thunder Bob for a nearfall. Josh put Takeshita on his shoulders and spun him to the mat for a nearfall at 22:30. Takeshita clocked Josh with a forearm strike that dropped him. Josh got up but his chops were weak, and Takeshita hit another forearm that dropped Josh. Josh applied an ankle lock! Takeshita hit a German Suplex, then a Jay Driller, but Josh kicked out at one at 25:30! Josh hit a spinning Tombstone Piledriver for a believable nearfall. Josh hit a C4 Spike piledriver, but Takeshita got a foot on the ropes. Josh went back to the ankle lock and he stomped on the damaged ankle. Josh hit a German Suplex that became a Buckle Bomb at 28:00! Ouch! They fought on the top rope, and Takeshita hit a clothesline off the top rope, then a jumping knee to the chin for a believable nearfall! They traded more forearm strikes. Takeshita hit the Raging Fire (spinning Falcon Arrow) for the pin. Tremendous. “What a match!” Mauro shouted.

Konosuke Takeshita defeated Josh Alexander to retain the AEW International Title at 29:28.

* Don Callis got in the ring and sang the praises of Takeshita, and told anyone they should step up to the plate and face his man. Ricochet came down the ramp and hit a handspring-back-elbow, then a Fosbury Flop to the floor on Takeshita.

Final Thoughts: We all knew how great Takeshita was, but to have back-to-back nights like this, going from beating Mike Bailey on Night 1, then beating Josh Alexander on Night 2, was just so impressive. While I liked the Bailey match more, this was equally as impressive. Bailey-ELP takes second, with Athena-Shaw taking third. That’s a strong top three matches on this show. That scramble was really good for honorable mention.

The Reverso-Ali match did not work for me, but everything else was fine. The Harley-Bully Ray dynamic worked for me; that was a match that could have been bad, but it was well laid out and it worked. I can reiterate all the points from night one… great commentary, great production (lighting, sound, etc.) and a hot crowd made this a standout show.

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