9/1 Impact Wrestling TV Results: Powell’s review of Eddie Edwards vs. Eric Young for the Impact World Championship, Ace Austin and Madman Fulton vs. Dez and Wentz, Sami Callihan vs. Rob Van Dam, Taya Valkyrie vs. Rosemary at Wrestle House

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Impact Wrestling TV
Taped in Nashville, Tennessee at Skyway Studios

Aired September 1, 2020 on AXS TV

Impact opened with a recap video package… Josh Mathews and Madison Rayne were on commentary. Mathews noted that Deonna Purrazzo had invited the Impact roster to a black tie affair coming off her Ironman match win over Jordynne Grace…

1. Sami Callihan vs. Rob Van Dam (w/Katie Forbes). Mathews recapped RVD’s loss to Eddie Edwards last week and questioned whether Father Time had caught up to RVD. Callihan knocked RVD to ringside to start the match and then ran him into the ring post. Forbes twerked in front of an uninterested Callihan, but it provided a distraction for RVD to take a cheap hot.

Later, Callihan was about to give RVD a piledriver, but he was distracted by Forbes. She tried to slap Callihan, who blocked it, but RVD delivered a kick to the back of Callihan’s head. RVD followed up with a split-legged moonsault for a near fall. RVD went up top, but Callihan cut him off and performed a hangman’s neckbreaker and covered him for a two count.

Callihan set up for another piledriver, but Forbes got in the ring and distracted him again. RVD tried to backdrop Callihan, who went for a rollup, only to have RVD sit down. Callihan used his legs to hook the arms of RVD into a pin and then got the three count.

Sami Callihan beat Rob Van Dam.

After the match, Callihan went to ringside where he was taunted by Forbes. Callihan walked toward her, which allowed RVD to attack Callihan from behind. RVD and Forbes put the boots to Callihan. RVD rolled Callihan into the ring. Forbes got a running start and slammed her ass into the face of Callhan. RVD held a chair in front of Callihan, then Forbes repeated the move. Forbes held the chair while RVD dropkicked it into the face of Callihan…

Powell’s POV: When Mathews played up the question of whether Father Time had caught up with RVD, I assumed that he was going to win the match. Instead, he got a ton of help from Forbes and still lost, which makes it look like Father Time has caught up with him. Worse yet, Callihan looked like a dope for repeatedly falling for Forbes distracted him over and over again.

Mathews and Rayne spoke about the black tie affair. They agreed that she would be hard-pressed to find anyone dressed appropriately. They hyped upcoming matches…

Backstage, Hernandez beat Fallah Bahh in an arm wrestling contest and told him to pay up. Bahh left when Reno Scum showed up. Adam Thornstowe and Luster the Legend told him that they searched the building and there was no sign of Heath. They asked for Hernandez’s wad of cash for taking out Rhino. Hernandez complied… [C]

A video package aired on the Rosemary, John E Bravo, and Taya Valkyrie saga with individual comments from all three. Valkyrie accused the duo of betraying her. Rosemary said they were just starting to get on the same page. Bravo said he might walk away without either woman…

The Wrestle House opening aired. A group of the wrestlers stood outside Johnny Swinger’s bedroom door. They told him it was time to pay up. Kylie Rae suggested they try being nice. Susie said that was a great idea and promised Swinger they wouldn’t make fun of him. Swinger came out after the others promised not to pick on him. Swinger walked out dressed like Crazzy Steve. There were clown jokes told at his expense. Tommy Dreamer informed Bravo that he would be the special referee of Valkyrie vs. Rosemary…

Reno Scum and Rhino made separate entrances for a match. Reno Scum attacked Rhino on the ramp, but he fought them off…

2. Rhino vs. “Reno Scum” Adam Thornstowe and Luster the Legend. Rhino fought the duo alone while the broadcast team played up the Heath For Impact hashtag. [C] Late in the match, Thornstowe took off his studded belt and wrapped it around his fist while the referee was distracted. A cameraman placed his camera on the apron, then entered the ring. The cameraman was Heath, and he performed the Wakeup Call on Thornstowe before leaving the ring. Rhino covered Thornstowe and the referee made the count.

Rhino defeated Reno Scum in a handicap match.

After the match, Heath removed his face mask and smiled, then hugged Rhino. Scott D’Amore and two security guards headed to the ring. Heath left with the security guards in hot pursuit. D’Amore spoke with Rhino off-mic…

Powell’s POV: More of the same with Heath repeating his WWE storyline. It was kinda cute the first time around, but I hoped for more than kinda cute and repeat storylines for Heath in his post WWE run.

Moose was shown watching an EC3 video. EC3 threatened to send the TNA Title back to Moose in pieces if he didn’t find him in a certain amount of time. Moose approached a man in the hallway and told him to call the police because there was a hostage situation. The man informed Moose that EC3 was on the other side of the building. Moose told the man to call the cops, then headed off in search of EC3. Once Moose walked away, the man removed his jacket to show off that he was wearing an EC3 “control your narrative” t-shirt… [C]

Powell’s POV: The man was also wearing an EC3 jacket. I guess Moose was too distraught over the possibility of his meaningless title belt being destroyed to notice.

“The Good Brothers” Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson were holding court for some unidentified men backstage. Anderson told a story that involved the two of the and “Uncle Allen” (AJ Styles) in New Orleans. The story involved Gallows falling asleep while standing up in a crowded bar. The men laughed way too hard. The Rascalz showed up and the men told them that they had to hear their story. They remained serious and spoke about their upcoming match…

Back at Wrestle House, Swinger, Cody Deaner, and Cousin Jake offered advice to Bravo. Deaner and Jake said never to take any advice from Swinger. Larry D opened the fridge. The Deaners asked if D stole their beer. Acey Romero showed up and told them to back off. D said they had no proof. The teams fought in the house while Dreamer shrugged his shoulders and said “match time.” Romero slammed Cody onto a coach, then let out a war cry.

Cody looked up at him and said, “It’s a couch, idiot,” then went back to fighting him. Cody was about to take a television off the wall to use as a weapon, but Dreamer asked him how they would watch Impact on AXS TV, so he left it there. The fight also included a brief game of pingpong between Romero and Cody. The gags continued.

Eventually, Cody found a beer bottle under D’s bed. Cody got pissed and said D took their beer. D said he didn’t know where it came from. Cody gave him a DDT on the floor. Romero shoulder blocked Deaner. D got up in Lawrence D mode. Jake took out both opponents. Susie showed up and had some Su Yung style video effects, which scared Jake. Susie left the room. Dreamer entered the room and took a look inside and acted horrified. Dreamer named Susie the winner of the match. He raised her hand, which had blood on it. Dreamer ran off…

Powell’s POV: I hope the landlord shows up and evicts everyone from Wrestle House. I know there are fans who enjoy sports entertainment silliness, but I think this type of zaniness turns off more people than it turns on.

3. Ace Austin and Madman Fulton vs. Dez and Wentz. Wentz was isolated by the heels. Austin used a playing card to cut in between the fingers of Wentz. Fulton tagged in and applied a sleeper hold on Wentz while standing on the middle rope. Fulton dropped him into the ring and covered him for a two count.

Dez took a hot tag and worked over both opponents. Dez double stomped the back of Austin and covered him, but Fulton broke up the pin. Fulton charged at Dez, who pulled the top rope down, causing Fulton to tumble to ringside. Dez catapulted Austin into a superkick from Wentz, who followed up with a double stomp and then perfomred a suicide dive onto Fulton.

Dez and Wentz performed more dives onto Fulton. Dez and Wentz went to the top rope. Wentz performed a moonsault onto Fulton while Dez simultaneously performed a Swanton onto Austin and pinned him…

Dez and Wentz defeated Ace Austin and Madman Fulton.

After the the match, Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin made their entrance. Shelley said Dez and Wentz looked great. He said they weren’t there to steal their thunder or lighters. Shelley recalled Dez and Wentz issuing an open challenge that led to their match at Slammiversary. Shelley said they had no way of knowing they would show up. He thought they might be more prepared if they knew who they were facing.

Sabin said he had two questions for Dez and Wentz. First, he wanted to know if he could party with them. Second, he wanted to know if they wanted a tag title match next week. Dez and Wentz huddled and were attacked by Austin and Fulton. Shelley and Sabin entered the ring to run off the heels. The broadcast team played up the possibility of Sabin and Shelley vs. Dez and Wentz for the tag titles next week…

Powell’s POV: A good match with a surprising outcome. The broadcast team did a nice job of building up Austin and Fulton throughout the match so that it was a bigger surprise and so that it packed the most punch when Dez and Wentz were victorious. I like the logic that Shelley used by acknowledging that Dez and Wentz had no way of knowing that he and Sabin would accept their open challenge at the pay-per-view while saying they would be more prepared this time around. It makes Shelley and Sabin look like fighting champions while also explaining the need for a rematch.

Backstage, Deonna Purrazzo took issue with the way Fallah Bahh and Willie Mack were wearing. Purrazzo approached Kimber Lee and invited her to be her special guest. She said she was worried that Jordynne Grace was going to try to crash the party. Moose interrupted and asked if they’d seen EC3… [C]

Rohit Raju was checking out his X Division Title belt when TJP interrupted. Raju gave him a medical mask while saying “safety first” and then TJP put it over Raju’s face. TJP was looking for an X Division Title match. Raju said Chris Bey had a rematch coming. He suggested that TJP tried to bump off Bey to take the title shot from him. TJP rhymed Raju’s words and closed by saying okay…

4. Rosemary vs. Taya Valkyrie at Wrestle House. John E Bravo was the special referee and the other Wrestle House wrestlers surrounded the ring. Valkyrie talked smack and said she’s not afraid of Rosemary or her father being the devil. Rosemary mocked Slamtown and said it was a cesspool. They traded slaps and the match was on.

Valkyrie picked up an early two count. Rosemary came back with a suplex and got a two count of her own. Rosemary speared Valkyrie, who came right back with a clothesline. They stood up and traded simultaneous kicks that resulted in both women falling to the mat. Valkyrie dodged a spear in the corner and then her her Road to Valhalla finisher and scored the clean pin.

Taya Valkyrie defeated Rosemary.

Powell’s POV: This was more straight forward than a lot of the Wrestle House matches even with Bravo as the special referee.

After the match, Bravo tried to check on Rosemary, who told him not to. She said he did the right thing by calling it fair and square. Rosemary said they could all go home now because there was nothing left to be done. Bravo took a bite of an apple and then said there was one more thing left to be done. Bravo pulled out a ring. Rosemary said they lost. He said she lost a wrestling match and that means he is Valkyrie’s manager, but he wants Rosemary to be his wife. Valkyrie walked over and said it was okay with her. Bravo popped the question. Rosemary asked if he knows she’s a demon, then accepted. The wrestlers cheered.

There was a rough cut to the wrestlers talking about it at ringside. Kylie Rae asked if they could get back to the Impact Zone. Rosemary said that’s a question for Valkyrie, who consented. The cameras cut to the Deaners, who wondered whether Larry D and Acey Romero really took their beer. Cameras cut to Crazzy Steve, who admitted to taking the beer. In the ring, the wrestlers put their hands together and did a Wrestle House cheer before apparently being teleported away…

Powell’s POV: It’s over! It’s finally over!!! On the same night that Dez and Wentz acted more serious. I want to believe that Impact creative is intends to focus on their strength of delivering a good, straight forward pro wrestling product. But history suggests that probably won’t be the case, as they always like to have some type of sports entertainment silliness going on. Anyway, the proposal means we’re going to have the latest pro wrestling wedding one of these weeks.

Kimber Lee stood in the ring and hosted the black tie affair while several wrestlers stood around the ring. Lee introduced Knockouts Champion Deonna Purrazzo, who delivered a promo about being the greatest technical wrestler in the world.

Jordynne Grace made her entrance. She said she wasn’t there to ruin the proceedings, she was there to congratulate Purrazzo for taking her to the limit. Grace told her to enjoy her title reign because it wouldn’t last long.

Tenille Dashwood made her entrance and spoke on the stage. She acted like she was touched that everyone gathered for her return. She wondered how they knew. She said every night is about her, so it makes sense. Dashwood said she was coming for Purrazzo’s title.

Dashwood said she’s not Grace, she’s someone who Purrazzo has never beaten. Grace walked to the stage and confronted Dashwood while mocking her for not showing up for work for months at a time. Purrazzo got upset in the ring.

Suddenly, the cast of Wrestle House teleported into the ring (yes, really). “Wrestle House? How did they get here?” Mathews asked. Lee grabbed Kylie Rae, but Susie stopped her from hitting Rae, who superkicked Lee. Purrazzo threw a fit at ringside about her black tie affair being ruined…

Mathews hyped the Impact World Title match as coming up next… [C]

Powell’s POV: Please let this be the last time that anyone in Impact Wrestling ever teleports again. Scratch that. Please let this be the last time that anyone in all of pro wrestling ever teleports again.

Backstage, Gia Miller interviewed Brian Myers, who said he beat Willie Mack fair and square last week. Myers said he was going to offer Mack a huge opportunity next week by offering him a handshake. Moose showed up and asked Myers if he’d seen EC3. Myers said he saw him down a hallway. Moose headed off. Myers got upset because Moose didn’t say thank you…

Mathews and Rayne hyped The Motor City Machine Guns vs. Dez and Wentz for the Impact Tag Titles, Chris Bey vs. TJP, and Locker Room Talk with Madison Rayne and guests Kylie Rae and Susie for next week’s show…

Ring entrances for the main event took place…

5. Eddie Edwards vs. Eric Young for the Impact World Championship. Young clotheslined Edwards with the top rope heading into an early break. [C] Young remained on the offensive for a stretch. Edwards battled back and set Young on the top rope and chopped him.

Edwards went to the ropes and set up for a superplex, but Young fought him off and knocked him down. Young dropped an elbow from the ropes on Edwards and covered him for a two count. Young showed frustration over not getting the pin.

Edwards rallied with a big boot that sent Young to the floor. Edwards performed a tope, then clutched his knee at ringside. Mathews questioned whether Edwards could deliver the Boston Knee Party finisher. Back in the ring, Edwards performed a tiger driver for a two count. Edwards sent Young to ringside and then dove onto him. Edwards continued to sell the knee injury.

Young picked up the Impact title belt. The referee took the belt away from Young, who grabbed a hockey mask out of the corner and hit Edwards with it. Young performed a piledriver on Edwards and pinned him to win the match and the title.

Eric Young defeated Eddie Edwards to win the Impact World Championship.

After the match, Young clipped the knee of Edwards and then put him in a leg lock. Security ran out. Young released the hold while Mathews and Rayne labeled his actions as disgraceful. Young walked to the stage and held up the title belt…

Moose entered a locker room with EC3’s symbol on it and asked, “What the hell is this?” The camera showed a billboard with a collage of Moose photos on it. Moose noted that one of the photos was from earlier today. He found a map and said he knew where he had to go. Moose ripped the billboards down and found a note that read, “You have been warned”…

Powell’s POV: Young winning the championship following his disappointing WWE run will bother some fans, but I don’t have a problem with it. He’s reinvented himself and he has a strong legacy in Impact. I think most fans accept wrestlers who are not utilized well in other promotions rather than view them as scrubs. I strongly prefer what they’ve done with Young as opposed to Heath reliving his WWE run. Plus, it sets up Young eventually being challenged by Rich Swann, so their blood feud will now involve the Impact World Championship.

The presentation of the main event left a lot to be desired in terms of building it up throughout the course of the show. While they advertised the match, they just didn’t make it feel like a big deal, which is baffling considering that it resulted in a title change. Impact found plenty of time for Wrestle House, but we never heard from the champion or challenger. The match seemed big enough on paper that they could have built it up throughout the night by having the other wrestlers chime in with predictions on the outcome. There are plenty of ways to build up a match, but they didn’t do anything for this title match.

Overall, the title change put this show over the top. There was way too much Wrestle House for my liking, but this appeared to be the end of it, and I enjoyed the main event as well as the way they set up next week’s Impact Tag Title match. My audio review of this episode is already available for Dot Net Members. John Moore’s Impact Wrestling Hit List will be available on Wednesday.


Readers Comments (1)

  1. I am very happy to see Eric Young win the belt. His new character is great. He plays a silly fool so well but the maniac is better. Goodbye WrestleCrap House. More of the Swing man, please!!

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