Wrestling Revolver “Bad Trip” results: Vetter’s review of Steve Maclin vs. Elijah (f/k/a Elias), Masha Slamovich vs. Matthew Palmer, AJ Francis vs. Jake Crist, Golden Ticket scramble match

By Chris Vetter, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Wrestling Revolver “Bad Trip”
Streamed on Triller+
October 19, 2024 in Dayton, Ohio at The Camulet Center

This is the second consecutive weekend in action for Revolver. This is a small gym they have run multiple times before and it’s packed but only holds maybe 250 fans. Bork Torkleson and Veda Scott provided commentary.

1. AJ Francis vs. Jake Crist. AJ got on the mic and said it’s his Revolver debut. He said Sami (Callihan) wanted him to come in a while ago, but AJ wanted him to give him a huge payday to come to Ohio. Crist’s music cut AJ off. AJ attacked from behind to open and they brawled on the floor. AJ shoved him off the top rope, with Jake landing over the guardrail and into the crowd at 2:30! AJ slammed him onto the apron. Jake dove back into the ring before the count-out, but AJ choked him in the ropes.

Jake fired up and hit some jab punches at 5:30 and a Dusty Elbow to the top of the head, but Francis hit a clothesline to knock him down. They traded punches. Francis hit a stiff kick to the face at 8:00. Jake hit a Slumdog Millionaire stunner, then an OsCutter for a nearfall. Jake hit some roundhouse kicks. He leapt off the top rope but AJ caught him and chokeslammed him hard to the mat for the clean pin! Good opener; Crist has lost a lot of weight in recent years and is moving better than he has in a decade.

AJ Francis defeated Jake Crist at 9:05.

* AJ got on the mic and said “Revolver is my jungle now.” He taunted someone in the crowd; he’s apparently a youtube star? He is a Black man named “BDE.” (I did find his youtube channel but I never heard of him.) BDE got in the ring and shoved AJ, so AJ shoved him to the mat. AJ set up for a chokeslam, but BDE hit a stunner!

John E. Bravo got in the ring, and he introduced Damian Chambers (w/Kayla Kassidy).

2. Jonathan Gresham vs. Damian Chambers (w/Kayla Kassidy, John E. Bravo). Gresham hit a huracanrana in the first minute, then a dropkick. He tied him in a mid-ring Octopus stretch at 1:30. Chambers snapped him throat-first on the top rope at 3:30 and he took control. Chambers hit an enzuigiri and he tied up Gresham’s legs. They traded chops. Gresham nailed a Brainbuster for a nearfall at 7:00, and he applied a Boston Crab, but Chambers reached the ropes. Chambers hit a forward roll DDT move for a nearfall. Neat move.

Gresham got a Crucifix Driver for a nearfall, then a huracanrana at 9:00 and he began stomping on the knees. Gresham applied a Figure Four Leglock, but Gresham tried to fight it being fully locked in. Gresham stood up, twisted the ankle, and Chambers was pinned; I don’t think he realized his shoulders were down! Veda immediately made that point. Decent match.

Jonathan Gresham defeated Damian Chambers at 9:35.

* The winner of the next match gets a Golden Ticket that is essentially a Money In The Bank briefcase, good for any match you want. Ace Austin appeared on a video screen “live from Germany.” He talked about how he used to be the holder of the Golden Ticket.

3. Myron Reed vs. JJ Garrett vs. Facade (w/Dani Mo) vs. Alan Angels vs. Davey Bang vs. Vincent Nothing vs. Crash Jaxon in a seven-way Golden Ticket scramble match. Angels does NOT have his Prestige Title belt. Bang is here but teammate August Matthews is not. Vincent is muscular and bald (think Giovanni Vinci); I’ve seen him just a couple times but I’m not as familiar with him as I am with everyone else in this one. Bang and Reed traded quick reversals, and Reed hit an enzuigiri. Jarrett is wearing his singlet that (intentionally) makes him look like Scott Steiner circa 1993. Vincent hit a punt kick to JJ’s back. Vincent suplexed Davey into a corner onto Facade at 3:30. Crash splashed Angels.

Crash and Vincent, the biggest guys in the match, were suddenly alone and they traded shoulder tackles. Angels jumped between them, which seems to be a mistake. Yep, they both chopped him to the mat at 5:00. Angels hit double low blows on them. He hit a low blow on Facade, too! Reed came off the top rope but Angels hit a low blow on him too! JJ hit a low blow on Angels! JJ hit a twisting dive to the floor on everyone. Myron hit a dive onto everyone at 6:30. Bang hit a top-rope corkscrew splash onto everyone. Facade hit a top-rope flip onto everyone on the floor. Facade pulled out a door from under the ring. In the ring, Facade hit a springboard senton. Myron hit a stunner on Facade, but Facade rolled to the floor.

Myron hit a dropkick on Garrett. JJ tossed a chair at Myron, then he hit a doublestomp on Myron. Angels hit a Death Valley Driver on Garrett onto sideways, open chairs at 10:00! Ouch! Facade hit a rope-assisted stunner on Angels for a nearfall. Bang hit a suplex on Facade. Dani Mo hopped in the ring and hit a Canadian Destroyer on Bang! Vincent grabbed Dani by her hair! He hit a Michinoku Driver on her through a board bridge, earning a “holy shit!” chant. In the ring, Angels hit a chairshot across Crash’s back, but Crash no-sold it and we got a “you f—-ed up!” chant. However, Angels hit a Halo Kick on Crash. Crash hit a pop-up powerbomb on Angels. Myron Reed snuck in the ring, kicked Crash out of the way, and stole the pin on the prone Angels!

Myron Reed defeated JJ Garrett, Facade, Alan Angels, Davey Bang, Vincent Nothing, and Crash Jaxon in a seven-way Golden Ticket scramble match at 12:10.

4. Masha Slamovich vs. Matthew Palmer. Good to see Palmer is good to go; he had to pull out of a show in Texas last Sunday after getting injured on the (10/12/24) Saturday Revolver show. Palmer came out first and berated the city and badmouthed Masha. He attacked her from behind. She hit a clothesline for a nearfall, then a stiff kick to his spine and a running penalty kick to his chest. She hit a twisting dive through the ropes, but he caught her and hit a Razor’s Edge across the guardrail at 2:00! Ouch! Palmer again came over and jawed at Veda Scott on commentary. He continued to beat up Masha at ringside and tossed her into the guardrail.

In the ring, Palmer hit a dropkick for a nearfall. They hit simultaneous running crossbody blocks and were both down at 5:00. Masha hit her rolling Koppo Kick and got a nearfall. He went for a Razor’s Edge but she escaped. She hit a doublestomp to his chest for a nearfall at 7:00 and she applied a rear-naked choke but he quickly escaped and he hit a spinning back suplex for a nearfall. She hit a running Bulldog Powerslam, going from one corner to the other. Palmer hit a powerbomb for a nearfall at 8:30. Veda left commentary and jumped on the apron. Matthew swung wildly at Veda and missed; Veda punched Palmer! Veda got a Victory Roll and scored the pin on Palmer!

Masha Slamovich defeated Masha Slamovich at 9:46.

* Palmer dragged Veda Scott into the ring and set up to powerbomb her! Sami Callihan came to ringside and ordered Palmer to stop! However, Palmer hit a piledriver on Veda! He rolled to ringside and punched Callihan and left. “What the hell has come over Palmer?” Bork shouted. (It is widely known that Veda is married to Mike Bailey, who is NOT here tonight.) Veda was helped to the back. (A man replaced her on commentary; I didn’t catch his name.)

5. Elijah vs. Steve Maclin (w/Rickey Shane Page, Alex Colon, Dark Pledge). They stood across from each other and appear to be roughly the same height and size; Maclin might have a slight muscle mass advantage. (Did these guys ever fight in NXT a decade ago?) Maclin conferred with his RED stablemates before he eventually locked up with Elijah. Elijah dropped him with a shoulder tackle at 2:00. Elijah slammed Maclin’s head on the ring apron and was in charge early on. Elijah did the Old School tightrope walk into a chop to the shoulder at 4:30. He hit a flying shoulder tackle that sent Maclin to the floor. Elijah followed, and they brawled at ringside.

Elijah mule-kicked Maclin, who wound up flipping and landing in the front row. They brawled into the crowd, and Maclin hit a chairshot across Elijah’s back. Lighting is just so-so out here; you can see but it’s certainly not ideal. They got back in the ring, where Maclin hit a suplex for a nearfall at 9:00. He choked Elijah in the ropes, and Dark Pledge hit a blow on Elijah, too. Elijah hit some jab punches, but Maclin hit a backbreaker over his knee for a nearfall. Elijah hit a Mafiak Kick at 12:00, then a Stinger Splash in the corner and a Spinebuster for a nearfall. Elijah hit a second-rope superplex, but Maclin hit a suplex and got a nearfall.

Maclin came off the ropes but Elijah hit a jumping knee to the chin and got a nearfall at 14:30. Maclin tied him in the Tree of Woe and hit a spear to the exposed ribs for a believable nearfall. Elijah got a backslide for a nearfall, then a piledriver for a nearfall at 16:00, but Maclin got a foot on the ropes. They got up and traded forearm strikes. Maclin accidentally hit a running kick on the ref! Elijah hit a Tombstone Piledriver for a visual pin but the ref was down. Dark Pledge rolled into the ring and hit Elijah on the back. It allowed Maclin to hit a running knee on Elijah, and they both stomped on Elijah. Maclin picked up Elijah’s guitar. However, Casey Jacobs came to ringside and brawled with Dark Pledge by the entrance; it was wayyyy too dark to see them. Elijah picked up his guitar and smashed it over Maclin’s head and scored the pin.

Elijah defeated Steve Maclin at 19:47.

* Intermission. They showed the Moose-Jake Something-Brick Savage three-way from last week’s show. It was really good, too! Veda returned to commentary when the show resumed.

6. “Lykos Gym” Kid Lykos & Lykos II vs. “Dub Club” RJ Reynolds & Ryan Matthias vs. “The Rascalz” Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz in a three-way tag. The UK-based Lykos Gym are touring the United States; they competed in Deadlock Pro in North Carolina a week earlier. Trey and Zack carried the tag title belts they won in GLEAT in Japan two weeks ago. The Dub Club are trained by the Rascalz and this is their third straight Revolver show. Matthias has longer hair and the sides of his head are shaved. Lots of jawing until Kid Lykos and Reynolds finally locked up at 1:30. KL hit a shoulder tackle and paused to soak in some boos. RJ hit some dropkicks.

Matthias entered and traded quick mat reversals with Lykos II. Lykos II hit a moonsault to the floor on the Dub Club while Kid Kykos hit a dive in the ring on the Rascalz. KL applied a half-crab on Reynolds at 5:00. Reynolds hit a snap suplex on Lykos II. Reynolds hit a tornado DDT. Wentz got a hot tag at 8:30 and he traded quick offense with Kid Lykos. Trey hit a flying double knees on Lykos II, and the Rascalz hit some quick team offense. The Rascalz hit stereo flip dives to the floor onto their four opponents.

The Dub Club hit a team shoulder-breaker move over their knees. Nice. KL hit a jumping knee on Matthias. Lykos II hit a Code Red at 11:30. Trey hit a swinging back suplex, but KL jumped in and stole the pin attempt for a nearfall. Wentz hit punches on both of Lykos Gym. Lykos II hit an Arabian Press for a nearfall. Wentz hit a doublestomp, and Trey got a jackknife cover for the pin. That was fast and furious. The Dub Club are showing a lot of promise and definitely have the same style as their trainers.

Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz defeated Kid Lykos & Lykos II and RJ Reynolds & Ryan Matthias in a three-way tag at 13:32.

7. Mads “Krule” Krugger vs. (Madman) Fulton. They immediately grabbed each other by the throat and they traded boots to the chest. Krule hit a clothesline that sent Fulton to the floor. Krule went for a dive but Fulton cut him off with a forearm then a DDT to the thin mat at ringside, and they brawled in front of the fans. Krule pulled out an extra link of guardrail and made a horizontal bridge out of it between the ring and the regular guardrails. They teased suplexing each other onto the bridge. Krule finally slammed Fulton back-first on the guardrail bridge at 7:00 and it bent severely.

They traded Stinger Splashes in the ring at 8:30, and Fulton hip-tossed him across the ring. Fulton hit a running powerbomb onto a door in the corner at 10:00. Fulton slammed door debris across Krule’s head. Krule hit a suplex. Krule hit a backbreaker over his knee. Fulton hit a chokeslam for a nearfall at 12:30. He hit another one, but Krule immediately sat up (Kane/Undertaker style.) They grabbed chairs and began hitting each other. Krule dropped Fulton face-first across an open chair and scored the pin. Violent. Decent big-man match. Krule hit more chairshots after the bell, and he tossed the ref across the ring, too. Krule nailed a con-chair-to, too. He dragged Fulton to the back by his long braids.

Mads “Krule” Krugger defeated Fulton at 13:49. 

8. “RED” Alex Colon, Rickey Shane Page, and Dark Pledge vs. Akira, KC Jacobs, and Joe Dred in a Beer Garden Death Match. Beer bottles, kegs and drinking-related weapons were set up at ringside, such as a door with cut-open beer cans glued to it. Dark Pledge is wrapped in foam and plastic wrap. Funny. I haven’t seen Joe Dred before. All six immediately brawled. The babyfaces beat up Dark Pledge, who is fairly immobile because of all that wrap. They threw garbage cans at each other and hit each other with glass bottles. Akira repeatedly stabbed Dark Pledge in the forehead at 4:00. This is gross and just not for me. Akira picked up a ref and used his feet as a ram to strike a heel at ringside. Everyone was bleeding heavily from their foreheads.

Akira and RSP brawled in the ring, and Akira applied a crossarm breaker, but Colon made the save. Colon picked up a keg and hit an opponent with it and got a nearfall at 10:30. RSP tossed Colon on top of the keg. I will again stress how everyone is bleeding heavily from their foreheads; this is really gross. Akira hit a German Suplex on RSP for a believable nearfall at 14:00. The ring was suddenly filled with garbage and debris. Akira dove off the top rope onto several guys on the floor at 18:30. RSP hit a top-rope flip dive onto everyone. Dark Pledge and KC Jacobs fought on a ladder in the ring, and Pledge superplexed him through a board bridge for the pin. An acquired taste, I guess.

Alex Colon, Rickey Shane Page, and Dark Pledge defeated Akira, KC Jacobs, and Joe Dred in a Beer Garden Death Match at 21:57.

Final Thoughts: I really enjoyed this show until the main event. Those of you who love a death match will probably really enjoy that match, too. I’ll go with the three-way tag match featuring the Rascalz for best match, and the seven-way scramble for second. Elijah-Maclin was a good big-man match and takes third.


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