Beyond Wrestling “The Septemberists” results: Vetter’s review of Gal vs. Ray Jaz vs. Armani Kayos vs. Marcus Mathers vs. Tyree Taylor vs. Rex Lawless in an elimination match, Drew Gulak vs. Draeger

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Beyond Wrestling “The Septemberists”
Replay available via IndependentWrestling.TV
September 28, 2024 in Westerly, Rhode Island at Paddy’s Beach Club

This show was just released this week on IWTV. This is an outdoor show at a beach, and it appears cold and a bit miserable; the wind is howling in the mics. Drew “Denver Colorado” Cordeiro provided commentary. Unfortunately, the crowd might legit be 40 as the weather has clearly kept people away. Kids were wearing hoodies to stay warm. Only one new face in the lineup; everyone else here are fairly regulars.

1. 50 Cal & Bobby Orlando vs. Channing Thomas & DJ Powers vs. “The Prodigal Sons” Lucas Chase & Sammy Diaz vs. “Waves & Curls” Traevon Jordan & Jaelyn Brandyn in a four-way tag. Only one heel team, and no Sidney Bakabella tonight with Channing, either. Diaz and Channing started, but Channing tagged in Bobby before locking up, so those two traded friendly reversals and had a standoff. DJ and Lucas entered at 2:00, and Chase hit some hard clotheslines and a powerslam. 50 Cal entered and hit a dropkick on Channing. Traevon entered for the first time; Channing tagged in Jaelyn. Of course, Jaelyn fell to the mat to let his teammate pin him, but the other six guys broke it up at 4:30.

The six babyfaces took turns bobyslamming DJ, and the ref even hit one on DJ. Fun comedy. Chase and Diaz beat up Channing. DJ yanked on Chase’s hair, allowing Channing to hit a clothesline on Chase. Channing and DJ began working over Lucas. 50 Cal got in, but the heels now began working him over. Traevon dove to the ground onto a lot of guys at 10:00. Jaylen did a dive to the ground. In the ring, Traevon hit a frogsplash, but Lucas made a blind tag. Diaz and Chase hit front-and-back strikes on DJ. DJ hit a Lungblower on 50 Cal for a visual pin, but 50 Cal wasn’t the legal man! Bobby Orlando hit a flying stunner on DJ Powers for the pin. Fast-paced action and I admire the work ethic in front of so few fans.

 Cal & Bobby Orlando defeated Channing Thomas & DJ Powers and Lucas Chase & Sammy Diaz and Traevon Jordan & Jaelyn Brandyn in a four-way tag match at 11:20.

2. Jake Gray vs. Rain Conway. My first time seeing Conway; he wore an ugly blue, purple and red singlet. He seems taller than average with short, curly brown hair, and appears to be in a foul mood. Jake, the handyman gimmick, is a recent graduate. Conway did an amateur wrestling takedown move and playfully slapped at the back of Jake’s head. Basic offense as he stomped on Gray and kept him grounded. Gray hit a shotgun dropkick at 4:00. Conway hit a backbreaker over his knee and a suplex for a nearfall. Jake hit a Lungblower to the chest, then a mid-ring Sliced Bread for the pin. Acceptable, especially being as I am presuming that was among the first matches for Conway.

Jake Gray defeated Rain Conway at 5:32.

3. Paris Van Dale and Tiara James vs. Little Mean Kathleen and Notorious Mimi. PVD and Tiara are the heels and they came out first. Mimi (NXT’s Sloane Jacobs) had her huge angels’ wings and she’s lucky they didn’t fly away in this wind. Tiara and LMK opened. Tiara hit a legdrop that sent LM throat-first onto the ropes, and the heels worked over Kathleen. Mimi got a hot tag and hit a 619 onto both opponents and got a nearfall at 5:00. She hit Helluva Kicks in opposite corners on each heel. The babyfaces ran up the chests of the heels in the corner. LMK hit a Vader Bomb for a nearfall. LMK then hit a bulldog to pin Paris. Acceptable; shorter than it should have been.

Little Mean Kathleen and Notorious Mimi defeated Paris Van Dale and Tiara James at 6:05. 

4. Alec Price vs. Matt Quay. I’ve seen Quay a few times; he has reddish hair in a mullet. Price attacked with a kick at the bell and a face-buster move over his knee. He slammed Quay’s head into the mat. Quay hit a clothesline and a bodyslam at 1:00. He hit a dive to the ground. Price hit a cannonball in the corner, then some running kicks into the corner. Price mounted Quay and hit some punches, then some hard knee lifts. They traded rollups, and Quay slammed him to the mat at 5:00, and they were both down. Price hit a superkick. Quay hit a neckbreaker over his knee for a nearfall.

Price hit a dropkick that sent Quay to the ground at 7:30. Price followed to the ground and rubbed Quay’s face on the sand. He dragged him on the sandy soil, which I’m sure does NOT feel good. Price whipped Quay into a pole, too. Price charge and accidentally hit the pole. Price hit a powerslam onto the sand at 9:00. They got back into the ring, but Quay collapsed, and Price seemed unclear how to proceed. Quay hit a superkick and a top-rope summersault slam, then a springboard elbow drop at 10:30. Price hit a running knee to the side of the head and scored the pin. Good action, and once again, Price showed great vicious intensity.

Alec Price defeated Matt Quay at 11:36.

5. Krule vs. Brother Greatness (w/Tyree Taylor, Lucas Chase, Sammy Diaz). This is quite the size difference. The Church of Greatness were sent to the back before the bell! Krule hit a kick at the bell. BG hit some chops that Krule no-sold, and Krule dropped him with one hard chop. Krule hit a hard clothesline, then a chokeslam at 2:00. He hit a second chokeslam, flipping BG so he landed on his stomach. He hit the Implant Buster faceplant for a nearfall, but Krule pulled him up at the two-count! Chase and Diaz returned to ringside, but Krule beat them up on the ground. Tyree also returned and stood toe-to-toe with Krule, and Tyree was holding a chain in his hands, contemplating hitting Krule.

BG dove off the top rope onto Krule on the ground! In the ring, BG hit a top-rope bulldog, then a running knee to the head for a nearfall at 5:30. Krule again slammed him face-first to the mat, but again picked him up before the pin! He twisted BG’s neck. However, while the ref was distracted, Marcus Mathers jumped in the ring and hit Krule over the head with a chair! BG hit a Lungblower to the chest and scored the shocking pin!

Brother Greatness defeated Krule at 6:30.

6. Drew Gulak vs. Draeger. Draeger, like Jake Gray earlier, is a recent graduate, and I’ve compared his look to Vaudevillain Simon Gotch. A lockup to start, and Drew dropped him with a shoulder tackle, and he grounded Draeger. More mat reversals with Drew dominating. Gulak hit a clothesline, then another one to the back of the neck for a nearfall at 5:30. Drew bodyslammed him, with Draeger’s feet hitting the ropes, causing him to land awkwardly; I don’t know the point in that at all. Drew hit a German Suplex for a nearfall at 7:00. Draeger applied a Camel Clutch and cranked on Drew’s head. Draeger hit a powerslam. Gulak locked in a Dragon Sleeper on the mat, and Draeger immediately tapped out. Decent veteran-vs.-rookie match.

Drew Gulak defeated Draeger at 10:15.

7. Bryce Donovan vs. Aaron Rourke. Both guys are on quite a roll of late. Bryce came in through the crowd, rather than the back. The wind was picking up so Bryce put his hair in a ponytail, and it appears it is raining, too. Rourke rolled to the floor and got under a woman’s umbrella. Bryce chased him around ringside. These fans at ringside are diehards. They got into the ring and tied up for the first time, and Donovan hip-tossed him across the ring at 1:30. Rourke hit some helluva kicks and a missile dropkick. He low-bridged the top rope so Bryce fell to the floor. He dove through the ropes, but Bryce caught him and chokeslammed him onto the apron at 3:00. In the ring, Bryce hit a pump-handle back suplex. He hit a Maia Kick at 5:30. (I must reiterate how the fans at ringside are wearing rain jackets that are blowing in the wind. True diehards here.)

Bryce hit a fallaway slam, and Aaron rolled to the ground. Rourke dropped Bryce throat-first on the top rope, then a shotgun dropkick at 8:00. Rourke hit a flying Lungblower to the chest for a nearfall. Bryce hit a Black Hole Slam for a believable nearfall. He was frustrated and began jawing at fans. Bryce whipped Rourke’s head into the turnbuckles. Rourke hit a face plant or a nearfall at 10:30, but he missed a top-rope 450 Splash. Bryce hit a chokeslam for a believable nearfall, then a hard clothesline for a believable nearfall, and Bryce was frustrated. He repeatedly stomped on Bryce in the corner and he jawed at the ref. Bryce missed a Helluva Kick, and Aaron hit a dropkick. He twisted Bryce’s left leg and did several Dragonscrew Legwhips, then he applied a Figure Fourk, but Bryce reached the ropes at 13:30. Rourke dove through the ropes onto Bryce on the ground. In the ring, Bryce hit a powerbomb and a diving forearm strike. Rourke hit a spin kick to the head. He went to the top rope but Alec Price appeared to distract him! Bryce shook the top rope to crotch Rourke. Bryce then hit his twisting Death Valley Driver for the cheap pin. That was really good. In a neat moment, Rourke stopped and hugged a kid who seemed legit upset that Aaron had lost.

Bryce Donovan defeated Aaron Rourke at 15:26. 

8. Gal vs. Ray Jaz vs. Armani Kayos vs. Marcus Mathers vs. Tyree Taylor vs. Rex Lawless in a Royal Rumble-style elimination match. On paper, Kayos seems really out of place here among these guys, as I would not be surprised to see any of the other five in a main event match. Gal and Marcus Mathers opened. Gal is stronger and easily shoved Marcus to the mat. He hit a Mafia Kick. Marcus hit a mule kick. (The weather is somehow getting worse!) They fought to the ground and traded chops. Ray Jaz entered at 3:00, so the heels worked together to beat up Marcus and they hit a team suplex. They got nearfalls and barked at the ref. Tyree Taylor entered at 6:00 and he hit shoulder tackles on Jaz and Gal, then a powerslam on Gal. He hit some overhand chops on Jaz. Taylor hit a discus clothesline and pinned Gal. Tyree hit a running back elbow on Marcus in the corner. Rex Lawless got in the ring at 10:00 (hey, he’s a full minute late!), and he immediately traded punches and forearms with Taylor.

Jaz hit a German Suplex on Lawless. Tyree hit a stunner on Gal across the top rope. Lawless hit a backbreaker over his knee on Marcus for a nearfall at 11:30. Lawless hit a running boot in the corner. Armani Kayos was our final entrant at 13:00 and he hit a head-scissors takedown. Lawless hit a hard Mafia Kick on Kayos. Taylor hit a headbutt on Lawless. Lawless hit a chokeslam powerbomb to pin Taylor at 14:15. Mathers hit a discus clothesline on Kayos. Kayos hit a stunner on Marcus, then a Sliced Bread. Kayos hit a buttbump on Gal. Kayos hit a moonsault on Lawless for a nearfall.

Rex hit a piledriver on Kayos; Jaz jumped on Kayos to steal the pin at 17:18. Lawless was irate at this. Mathers hit a top-rope crossbody block on Rex. Mathers hit a Blue Thunder Bomb on Jaz for a nearfall. Jaz hit a Northern Lights Suplex on Mathers for a nearfall. Mathers got a rollup to pin Jaz at 18:59! Rex immediately hit a spear on Mathers for a nearfall, as they are our final two. Mathers hit a superkick, then two more, then a running knee to the chin for a nearall. Rex hit a chokeslam bomb for a nearall at 21:30. They fought on the ropes, and Marcus hit a second-rope superplex, then a brainbuster for the pin! A very good match, and I must again add that they were fighting some ugly weather. (I also fully expected Krule to get even with Mathers and cost him the match, so the pin here was a surprise.)

Marcus Mathers defeated Gal, Ray Jaz, Armani Kayos, Tyree Taylor and Rex Lawless in a Royal Rumble-style elimination match at 22:31.

Final Thoughts: The weather didn’t play nice, but that was a very good main event. Five top-notch talents in that one. I don’t mean to sound like I’m bashing Kayos, but he really felt out-of-place with the others in this match, and he didn’t stick around long once he got in. I will go with the Rourke-Donovan match for best of the show, ahead of the main event. Price-Quay was good for third.


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