TNA Impact results (10/10): Moore’s review of Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy vs. Ace Austin and Chris Bey, Josh Alexander vs. Eric Young, Leon Slater vs. Jason Hotch vs. Laredo Kid for a shot at the X Division Title

By John Moore, Staffer (@liljohnm)

TNA Impact (Episode 1,057)
Taped in Nashville, Tennessee at Skyway Studios

Aired October 10, 2024 on AXS TV

Highlights from TNA Impact aired…

Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt were on commentary. Jade Chung was the ring announcer…

Entrances for the opening match took place…

John’s Thoughts: As I mentioned before, NXT’s Women’s division is TOO cluttered. Both companies actually truly benefit from this relationship. WWE gets to send over a bunch of talented wrestlers who can’t get TV time on Tuesday nights. TNA’s Knockouts division was looking thin and now that you have people like Sol Ruca showing up regularly, or even Wendy Choo being “on loan” in an actual active tag team on the roster, TNA’s knockouts division is looking great coming off the working relationship.

1. Masha Slamovich, TNA Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace, and NXT’s Sol Ruca vs. NXT’s Wendy Choo, Rosemary, and Tasha Steelz. Grace pressured Choo into the ropes and gave her an inside out suplex. Grace hit Choo with a World’s Strongest Slam and Vader Bomb for a two count. Choo held on to the ropes to prevent Grace from hitting her finisher.

Choo rallied with tackles and sent Grace into her corner to tag in Rosemary. Grace used a Judo roll to tag in Ruca who got a two count off Rosemary. Ruca hit Rosemary with a high kick and X Factor. Ruca mocked Rosemary by riding her like a skateboard. Rosemary dumped Ruca to ringside after a Steelz distracted her. Steelz then went on to Twerk near her face, Fortnite teabag style (Yes, I know women don’t have “teabags”, I’m just referencing Fortnite).

Rosemary worked on Ruca on the ropes with a few forearms and her Upside Down stretch. The heels then used tags to isolate Ruca. Steelz got a two count off Sliced Bread. Steelz then went back to cutting the ring in half on Ruca. Ruca caught Rosemary with a high kick, back elbow, and (wow) a nice looking Sol Snatcher outta nowhere.

John’s Thoughts: I was afraid that Ruca’s Sol Snatcher would eventually be predictable and telegraph, but she’s soooooo athletic that she can hit that move from anywhere.

The Snatcher gave Ruca a window of opportunity. Ruca got the hot tag to Slamovich. She hit Steelz with a few strikes and a Liger Kick. Masha blocked a Stratisfaction and reversed it into a power bomb for a two count. Masha then hit Choo with the Snow Plow. Grace tagged in. Grace tagged in and hit Steelz with a Grace Driver for the win.

Jordynne Grace, Sol Ruca, and Masha Slamovich defeated Tasha Steelz, Wendy Choo, and Rosemary via pinfall in 7:00.

The babyface team posed in the center of the ring to celebrate their win.

John’s Thoughts: Uhm? Mixed thoughts here. Great TV match to go out of your way to see. Sol Ruca is quite the attraction with all the innovative moves she can pull out. What confuses me is both TNA and NXT’s booking of Rosemary and Wendy Choo. They always lose! No heat (and that tepid reaction to a well worked women’s match at NXT No Mercy proves it because that energetic sat on their hands for only that match). And they’re regulars on both shows. I’m happy for Rosemary being a regular on WWE television, but they book her like crap. TNA too, because she was actually getting a push before crossing the line.

Gia Miller interviewed Josh Alexander who was standing next to Sinner and Saint (Judas Icaris and Travis Williams). Gia asked Josh why he attacked Eric Young and not take his advise. Josh said it looks like Gia was not being impartial. Josh said Steve Maclin and Eric Young shouldn’t have gotten in his business. Josh said he understands why, because Josh is the hottest talent in TNA and pro wrestling.

Josh said that Maclin is a failed TNA Champion and Eric Young saw his best success forever ago. Josh said he did follow EY’s advise and found some new blood in Sinner and Saint to take under his wing. Josh said they have all the talent in the world and they all come from his home country of Canada.

He said they have the Killer Instinct that Young doesn’t have. He said their faction name will be the “Northern Armory”. TNA told everyone to take a seat to see him take down a TNA legend later tonight…

Tom Hannifan plugged upcoming segments…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Standing next to Josh made them look better than their Local Competitor look. Looking forward to see how this team goes. I wouldn’t be surprised if they are just the cannon fodder stepping stones for babyfaces to face Josh, but I hope they’re more than that and not just another version of The Good Hands.

TNA Champion Nic Nemeth made his entrance. Nemeth pumped up the crowd and said he loves being TNA Champion. He said we now know the main event for Bound for Glory. Nemeth said he’ll be putting his belt on the line at Bound for Glory. Say his name, and he APPEARS! I believe in Joe Hendry! Clap Clap! Joe Hendry made his entrance in a light blue formal suit.

Hendry soaked in We Believe chants. Hendry talked about how he’s the number one contender to the TNA World Championship. He said he beat Josh Alexander and Frankie Kazarian; and now he gets to face a champion like Nemeth. Hendry said Nemeth was a champion everywhere he goes and in Hendry’s opinion, one of the best pro wrestlers to lace his boots. He said Nic is the man and world champion, but something else is true.

He said there’s two words everyone is chanting and it’s not Nic Nemeth, it’s “We Believe”. Nic said it looks like a lot of people believe in Joe Hendry. Nic said he thinks Hendry is a good kid who he’s watched Hendry every step of the way. He said there’s a mutual respect he expects from Hendry. Nic said even Shawn Michaels believes in Joe Hendry.

Joe said he does have one question. He said there’s one legend who has been believing in Nic Nemeth and Joe Wondered how John [Bradshaw] Layfield is going to effect their match at Bound for Glory? Nic said Joe is reading the situation wrong. He said Joe doesn’t have to worry about JBL; but what Joe should be worried about is facing the man who has stolen the show for 25 years.

Nic said he doesn’t plan on losing the TNA title anytime soon. AJ Francis and KC Navarro made their entrance to interrupt. AJ soaked in loud boos. Francis said he and Navarro are confused as to why Nic and Hendry think they are the main event of BFB because First Class is the true main event. AJ called the crowd country bumpkins from Trashville Tennessee.

AJ hyped up how he’s the man that “made Joe Hendry”. AJ pointed out that before AJ showed up Hendry was wrestling pre-show matches, and now he’s heading to main event of Bound for Glory. The crowd chanted “We Believe” and AJ said he knows that the crowd believes that BBQ sause is toothpaste. AJ said the people believe in him now, but they only believe in him because AJ made songs about him.

AJ said since he’s been really busy he doesn’t remember what songs he meant. He said was it the one to the Creed song? He then asked if it was the one that sounded like AJ’s TNA theme. AJ Francis said he wanted to talk to Nic Nemeth. He said that First Class is the main even on all TNA shows. Nic said he’s a nice guy. Nic then said who could be his tag team partner. Joe did his signature pose to accept the offer.

TNA Director of Authority Santino Marella made his entrance. He said everyone is creating a ruckus in the ring before BFG, and Santino likes it. Santino booked Nic and Hendry vs. First Class for later in the show…

Tom Hannifan plugged upcoming segments…[c]

John’s Thoughts: D’Amore was a wonderful booker, but what I like about Santino Marella filling in his on-air character role is that he doesn’t take over segments and allows the wrestlers to shine. He, simply takes the Teddy Long approach by booking tag team matches (He doesn’t have Da Undertaker tho). As I predicted a few weeks ago, they are bringing JBL in as a variable to the build to Hendry vs. Nemeth. Do they turn Nic heel to have a louder and straightforward? Or is this a way to have Joe Hendry always having to look over his shoulder.

The show cut to Ash by Elegance and the Concierge trying to give Heather Reckless a makeover, but all they did was yell at her for having tacky clothes and makeup. Ash started to take Heidi’s normal  clothes off. The concierge said that Heather needs red lipstick. Ash said that Heather needs lip fillers and they need to go see Dr. Finkelstein. Ash and Concierge then did a “botox” chant before ending the segment…

Entrances for the next match took place. Josh told Sinner and Saint that he doesn’t need them at ringside and told them to go to the back. Eric Young wore his usual Dr. Doom mask before the match. Hannifan plugged that Young now has a show on AXS, a vinyl records show…

2. Josh Alexander vs. Eric Young. Alexander dominated the opening Collar and Elbow sequence. Young rallied back with right hands. Hannifan noted that Josh Alexander vs. Eric Young was a world title match at BFG two years ago. Alexander came back with a right hand and knee. Alexander caught Young with his signature crossbody through the bottom ropes to dump him to ringside.[c]

Josh worked on Young with methodical offense. Young came back with right hands and a Northern Nights Suplex for a two count. Josh hit Young with a lariat and put him in a headlock. Young escaped with a modified Stunner. Young rallied with clotheslines. Young hit Josh with a Power Slam for a nearfall.

Josh escaped a Pile Driver. Josh gave Young Angle style chained Suplexes. Young came back with a delayed Death Valley Driver. Sinner and Saint ran out and crotched Young on the top rope. Young recovered and pushed Alexander off the top rope. Young gave Josh a signature signature elbow drop for a two count. Young gave Josh a German Suplex. Travis Williams gave EY a Knee Plus while the referee was distracted. Alexander pinned Young.

Josh Alexander defeated Eric Young via pinfall in 10:05.

Young attacked Josh after the match, but Icaris and Williams ran back to help Josh beat down Young. Icaris and Williams hit Young with their double team jump kick finisher. Steve Maclin was shown laid out backstage. Alexander wrapped a chair on the leg of Alexander. Alexander pilmanized Young’s leg with a diving knee…

John’s Thoughts: Well worked match that served it’s purpose of pitting Josh Alexander against babyfaces now that he’s still a fresh new heel. Not a big fan of the distraction finish, because the fans know Josh can win matches by himself and it’s good to establish Sinner and Saint as something he needs to pull out when he’s in trouble (I would have done an eye rake or low blow for a more protected win). What I did like though was Travis Williams hitting Young with one finisher shot to knock him down. Gives Williams’s move a little bit of credibility. Icaris and Williams looked good in their post match attack.

Gia Miller caught Jordynne Grace in the hallway. Gia asked Grace what she was looking for? Grace asked Gia where Masha Slamovich was? Gia didn’t know, and both women went to check rooms. Queue in the cinematic camera and generic ambiance music. Gia and Grace found a room that was lit in red for some reason.

On the wall, there were 8 x 10 photos of all of Slamovich’s opponents with X’s over their face. Grace shrugged and walked away while Gia ran away in fear…

Hannifan plugged upcoming segments…[c]

Mike Santana made his entrance from the crowd for a promo segment. Santana called out Moose and told him to look in his eyes. He said he’s tired of having to deliver message to a damn camera. Santana said where he comes from, they handle business face to face and put they hands to work.

He said he did that two weeks ago in Moose’s locker room. He said everything he does in life is with intent and purpose. Santana said when you think you’re safe, Santana will come from you at any angle. He said he’ll turn his promo upside down. Santana said all Moose did by costing him a world title shot. Santana said all that did was give him a new purpose, him making the System’s life a living hell. Moose interrupted. Moose said Santana doing that caused him to get the best security money can buy.

Some indie wrestler security guards walked out and formed a wall in front of Moose. They were wearing goofy looking white T-Shirts which are probably System merch. Moose said Santana walks around like a tall guy acting like a gangsta from the streets. Moose said Santana is nothing but a dumbass. Santana talked about Moose being the man with the sneak attacks.

Santana then mocked Moose’s ghetto ass looking guards. Santana said he can smell the fear from the ring. He said Moose has every right to fear him. Santana said Moose went to the same journey as Santana a few years ago. He said Moose like Santana, same struggles, creating something from nothing; but the only difference is Santa still puts in work around the blocks he ran on, the same person that rolled with the same people he came up, paying the price to get to where he is today.

Santana said Moose did nothing, other than forgetting where he came from. Santana asked Moose to prove to everyone that he’s the face of the franchise. Moose said he did forget where he came from, because it allowed him to be a three time world champion. He said he didn’t need the fans and all he did was trust the system. Moose said he’s a prize fighter and will only fight Santana with a huge cut of the box office income.

Moose said he’s an attraction, but Santana is nothin’ but a poor Puerto Rican kid from the projects. Before Santana could go after Moose, JDC, Bryan Myers, and Eddie Edwards jumped Santana from behind and laid him out for Moose. Ace Austin and Chris Bey ran out to fend off The System. Matt and Jeff Hardy ran out to even the numbers. Jeff and Matt gave a guard two twist of fates.

Santino Marella walked out and booked Mike Santana vs. Moose for Bound for Glory. Santino said Myers and Eddie better watch the match between JDC and The “Hard” Boys (which drew a mild chuckle from the crowd). Santino said that match will have BFG implications. Santino asked if they wanted to see The Hardys vs. ABC now. The crowd cheered and Santino called for a referee…[c]

John’s Thoughts: A bit of a long promo segment, but Moose has grown to being a decent talker and Santana is finally getting a chance to cut longform promos, which he proved he can during the time Konnan was out in LAX. Santana is one of the better “faction hunters” as his hunting of The System is doing a good job both building him up and giving him a hero arc (Past faction hunters of the pact include: Bullet Club Hunter Yoshi Tatsu was ineffective, Elite Hunter Frankie Kazarian would pop up randomly and not do much. Bloodline Hunter Matt Riddle started okay but then he got released, Honor No More Hunter Heath Slater was highly effect, but Honor No More would get bullied by everyone including Scott D’Amore).

3. “The Hardy Boyz” Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy vs. “ABC” Ace Austin and Chris Bey. Matt pressured Bey to the corner. Bey then reversed a suplex into a side headlock takedown. Both men traded takedowns with Bey mocking Matt’s version 1 pose. Ace and Jeff tagged in. Ace hit Jeff with a sweep combo and La Magistral for a two count. Hardy rallied back with Blockbusters.

Jeff hit Ace with a corner slingshot dropkick. Matt tagged in and Jeff hit Ace with Poetry in Motion. Matt and Jeff then cut the ring in half on Ace wit quick tags. Bey caught the tag and rallied with various strikes. Bey hit Jeff with a Missile Dropkick for a two count. Jeff hit Bey with a Jawbreaker and reverse enzuigiri to get the tag to Matt.

Ace blind tagged in and slammed Bey to the mat for a nearfall. ABC used tags to cut the ring in half on Bey. Matt managed to bring in Jeff who rallied on Ace with clotheslines. Jeff put Ace in a few pinfall variations. Jeff and Matt hit Bey with The Pot Twist. Myers and Eddie ran out for the DQ.

The Hardy Boyz vs. ABC ended in an apparent no-contest in 8:16.

Myers and Eddie used their title belts to lay out both teams. Santino made his entrance and quickly booked The System vs. The Hardyz vs. ABC in Full Metal Mayhem (TNA’s Tables, Ladder, and Chairs match). for the tag titles at Bound for Glory…

John’s Thoughts: Good match while it lasted with the older Hardy team hanging in there with the younger tag team. Matt and Jeff also seem to be in better shape in that they are moving at what may be their normal speed (Matt and Jeff were limping a lot of times during their AEW run). Full Metal Mayhem does have me a bit anxious for the Hardyz though. The Hardy brothers did invent that match and we remember how crazy those old TLC matches were. Matt usually takes better care of himself. But it’s people like Jeff Hardy (or the talented Darby Allin of AEW) who I’m more afraid of jumping off a roof or something.

Entrances for the next match took place. Mike Bailey joined the commentary team. Before the match, The Good Hands walked out with Jason Hotch cutting the promo this time. Hotch told the hillbillies in the crowd to shut up and listen to what he hast to say. Hotch said he’s going to beat two ham sandwiches.

Skyer cut Hotch and whispered something to him. Hotch said “We” will win the X Division title. Skyler said the title will then be with these “Good Hands”..

3. Laredo Kid vs. Jason Hotch (w/John Skyler) vs. Leon Slater for a shot at the TNA X Division title. All three men started off with dodges and ended with stereo stalemate dropkicks. Kid hit both opponents with a top rope flip dive. Kid hit Slater with a Frog Splash.

Kid ad Slater traded kicks. Hotch hit both opponents with double chest boot drops. Slater hit Kid with a springboard back elbow. Slater hit Hotch with a Swanton 450 for the win.

Leon Slater defeated Jason Hotch and Laredo Kid via pinfall in 3:42 for a future shot at the TNA X Division Championship.

Hannifan plugged Bailey vs. Slater for next week…[c]

Rehwolt and Hannifan were about to do their show recap, but Jordynne Grace made her entrance to interrupt. Grace took the mic and called out Masha Slamovich. Masha made her entrance. Grace talked about Masha putting up her “Kill wall”. Grace said she thought that Masha was past that.

Masha talked about putting on the greatest match everyone has seen in their match. Masha said after that Grace tried to keep Masha close. Masha told Grace that she knew she spoke English just to stay the center of attention, yet hid it from everyone. Grace said she accept Grace’s title challenge.

Masha said said after Masha becomes champion, Grace will find out what it means to be in Masha’s shadow. Masha handed Grace a envelope which had Grace’s photo with an X on it…[c]

John’s Thoughts: The promo was fine, but the logic was a bit off to me. How does not snitching to people about Masha’s accent make Grace the center of attention. Wasn’t Masha the one who decided to hide it from everyone (To me, that’s Grace respecting Masha’s privacy). Hopefully they can come up with better logic, or a good ol contract signing. That aside, Masha and Grace did put on one hell of a match during Masha’s undefeated streak. Definitely looking forward to that.

The following matches were plugged for next week: PCO vs. Rhino, Nic Nemeth vs. Matt Cardona, and Mike Bailey vs. Leon Slater for the X Division Championship…

First Class were already in the ring. Hendry and Nemeth made their entrance. Before Hendry cut cut his signature pre-match promo, Navarro and Francis jumped him. Nic Nemeth ran out to stop the double team. Hannifan said the match will start during picture-in-picture..

4. Nic Nemeth and Joe Hendry vs. “First Class” AJ Francis and KC Navarro. The show was in-progress back from PIP commercial. Nemeth was working the heat spot, being isolated by First Tag. Nemeth rallied with shortarm right hands, but AJ gave Nemeth a whip. Nemeth knocked down Navarro off the apron and hit AJ with a hanging DDT.

Navarro and Hendry tagged in. Nemeth gave AJ a superkick which allowed Hendry to give Francis a Death Valley Driver. Both men blocked each other’s Uranage finishers. Hendry gave AJ Nemeth’s finisher, The Danger Zone (Zig Zag), and tagged in Nemeth. Nemeth caught AJ with a superkick. Navarro tagged in and gave KC a few superkicks. Nemeth hit Navarro with the Standing Ovation Uranage. Nemeth hit Navarro with the Fameasser for the win.

Nic Nemeth and Joe Hendry defeated First Class via pinfall in roughly 6:18 (time estimated due to match happening during Picture-in-Picture).

Nic and Joe respectfully celebrated their win to close the show…

John’s Thoughts: Simple and sweet. The story progression being Hendry and Nemeth stealing each other’s finishers. Curious to see how this ends up with them either keeping the title on Nic. Or have Hendry “finish his story” which they’ve been telling for a long time. The slow build to Hendry being the protagonist of TNA. The System also seem to be a better place now that TNA is not shoving them down our throats. Adding Johnny Curtis to the group and giving Alisha Edwards a bulk of the mic time has freshened them up.

A decent enough show. Matches were a bit slower because they had to balance them out with longer promo segments to set up for Bound for Glory. Though, Bound for Glory doesn’t feel like TNA’s biggest show of the year which they’re billing it as. They actually did a better job with Slammiversary with those cool cinematic profile pieces during their “Road to Slammiversary” matches for the TNA World Title.




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