Premier Wrestling Federation “War of the Wire” results: Vetter’s review of Colby Corino vs. Kaitlyn Marie in a barbed wire match, Ryan Galeone vs. Vinny Pacifico for the PWF Championship

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Premier Wrestling Federation “War of the Wire”
Replay available via IndependentWrestling.TV
September 29, 2024 in Newport, North Carolina at Carolina Wrestling Academy

The crowd was only about 100 at the promotion’s training center.

1. Curt Robinson vs. Rob Killjoy for the Crystal Coast Oceanic Championship. Killjoy is a 20-year veteran who looks like he’s a “Duck Dynasty” cast member. Curt is the young, good-looking babyface with a good physique. They worked each other’s left arm early on and traded quick, friendly reversals with a standoff at 2:30. Rob began tying up the legs. Curt hit a cheap shot punch at 5:00 as the ref was trying to separate them in the corner, and he took over. Curt got an Electric Chair drop for a nearfall. Rob hit a Mafia Kick for a nearfall at 7:30. Robinson slipped on a springboard move; Rob covered him for a nearfall. Curt hit a top-rope back elbow at 9:30. He hit a discus clothesline and they were both down. Curt hit an Exploder Suplex for a nearfall. They traded rollups for nearfalls. Curt hit a second-rope superplex and a fisherman’s buster; however, all four shoulders were down, and we have a draw!

Curt Robinson vs. Rob Killjoy ended in a double-pin at 13:21; Robinson retained the Crystal Coast Oceanic Championship.

* Killjoy got on the mic and asked for five more minutes. Robinson agreed to a rematch next month. Killjoy said next time, it should be best of three falls.

2. Tungsten Redd vs. Xavion Stokes vs. BK Westbrook vs. Trey Havoc in a four-way. I saw Stokes for the first time just a couple weeks ago and I came away impressed. Redd wears his butcher’s apron and has a mallet in his hands. BK is like a young, heel Adam Cole. Trey is bigger and makes me think of Keith Lee. Havoc and Redd brawled at the bell, while Stokes and BK paired off. Stokes hit some European Uppercuts on Redd. BK and Redd worked together to beat up Xavion. However, BK hit a springboard clothesline on Redd at 3:30. BK hit a top-rope crossbody block on Havoc for a nearfall. Xavion hit an enzuigiri on BK.

Xavion dropkicked Redd to the floor. Xavion got caught on the top rope as he went for a flip dive at 6:00; luckily the other three were there to catch him. In the ring, Xavion hit a top-rope flying forearm. BK hit a Death Valley Driver on Xavion for a nearfall. Redd and Havoc traded forearm strikes, and Trey nailed a decapitating clothesline. Redd hit a chokeslam on BK for a nearfall at 8:30. Xavion hit a spin kick to Redd’s head. Redd hit a modified Death Valley Driver and pinned Xavion. Decent match; too bad about that awkward dive attempt but they all recovered and kept going. Even though Redd won, he grabbed his mallet and began hitting everyone with it.

Tungsten Redd defeated Xavion Stokes, BK Westbrook and Trey Havoc in a four-way at 9:37.

3. Ella Envy vs. Cody Fluffman in an intergender match. I always compare the rotund, fun-loving Fluffman to Blue Meanie. Ella came out first and she stopped at the commentary table to kiss boyfriend BK Westbrook, then she jawed at the fans. They wore similar half-shirts that exposed their midriffs. He is MUCH taller and a lot heavier than her. She threw a punch to his stomach that hurt her hand (and I roll my eyes at that.) He steamrolled her on the mat, rolling over her body at 1:30. They pulled on each other’s hair and neither wanted to let go; this has been mostly comedy.

Ella dropkicked him as Cody was in the ropes and got a nearfall at 4:00. He dropped her with a punch to the jaw and she clutched her damaged chin. He hit some overhand chops and a Helluva Kick. He peeled off his shirt and hit a Death Valley Driver for a believable nearfall at 6:00. BK Westbrook hopped on the apron and jawed at Cody. Ella accidentally kicked BK; Cody rolled her up for the pin. Adequate comedy. Ella cried and threw a tantrum and she hugged BK.
Cody Fluffman defeated Ella Envy at 6:35. 

4. Clara Carter vs. Amanda Kiss. I don’t know if I’ve seen either before. Kiss has long red and black hair and she wore black and red as well; she has a wide smile that makes me think of DC’s Joker and Harley Quinn. Clara wore mostly blue and she had her dark hair in two braids. They traded punches, and Clara hit deep armdrags. Kiss kept her grounded and she hit a sliding clothesline for a nearfall at 3:30. Clara hit a German Suplex. They traded chops while on their knees. Clara hit a basement dropkick at 5:30, then a Flatliner, but she missed a Vader Bomb. Kiss immediately hit a spear for a nearfall. Clara applied a Crossface, and Kiss tapped out. Solid match.
Clara Carter defeated Amanda Kiss at 6:57.

5. “High Flying Star Machines” Bojack and Diego Hill (w/Papa Diego) vs. “Sigma Mills” LDJ and Sawdust in a No. 1 contender’s match. This match has ‘lucha rules,’ so rolling to the floor is equivalent to a tag. I am a huge fan of the HFSM, and this match is the reason I tuned in. HFSM won a prior matchup of these two teams. LDJ is bald and also has impressed me of late. Sawdust is a lumberjack character. LDJ and Bojack opened with a lockup, and LDJ was able to push the bigger Bojack into the corner. Bojack hit a Pounce at 3:00. Sawdust and Diego entered, and Hill immediately tied up the left arm. They sped up the action  and traded armdrags; they missed stereo dropkicks and had a standoff at 5:30.

Diego nailed a spin kick on Sawdust. LDJ got a blind tag and struck Diego, and SM began working Diego over. Diego and Sawdust traded chops. Diego hit a dropkick for a nearfall at 8:00. The HFSM now began working over Sawdust, with Diego hitting a running Shooting Star Press. He launched off Bojack’s back to hit a moonsault on Sawdust. Diego and Sawdust traded forearm strikes. Sawdust hit a flapjack at 10:00. Bojack and LDJ both tagged in; LDJ’s clotheslines didn’t budge Bojack. LDJ hit a springboard stunner on Bojack for a nearfall. HFSM hit a team uranage-and-lungblower move fo a nearfall at 12:30. Sawdust hit a Saito Suplex on Diego for a nearfall.

LDJ hit a German Suplex on Bojack! Sawdust hit a plancha to the floor on Bojack. SM hit a team Flatliner move on Diego for a nearfall, and SM were shocked they didn’t get the win there. Bojack hit a pop-up powerbomb on LDJ. Bojack hit a second-rope superplex on Sawdust, and Diego immediately hit a Mamba Splash for a believable nearfall. However, BK Westbrook jumped in the ring and he attacked the referee! The ref threw out the match. (My guess is this will result in a three-way tag match for the tag titles). By far the best match of the show so far.
Bojack and Diego Hill  vs. LDJ and Sawdust ended in a no contest at 15:14. 

6. Ryan Galeone vs. Vinny Pacifico for the PWF Championship. Galeone is really tall and I always describe him as a mix of Mike Knox and Luke Gallows; he towers over Vinny, who is muscular but of average height. They brawled early on, and they went to the floor at 3:30 and fought in front of the fans. In the ring, Galeone hit a splash and took over. Vinny hit some running back elbows into the corner at 7:30. Vinny hit a DDT out of the ropes. He hit an Angle Slam for a nearfall at 9:30.

Galeone hit two roundhouse kicks to the head and got a believable nearfall. He hit a Tombstone Piledriver for a nearfall at 11:30. Pacifico hit a stunner for a nearfall. He hit a Tower of London stunner out of the corner for a nearfall at 14:00. Galeone hit his springboard summersault, crashing his weight onto Pacifico, and scored the pin. Solid match. Galeone has been a good champion here.
Ryan Galeone defeated Vinny Pacifico to retain the PWF Title at 14:37.

7. Tenshi X and Jon Davis vs. Dylan Crossley and Jak Tatum. Former teammates Tenshi X and Crossley have been feuding in recent months. Tenshi’s team came out first but were attacked from behind. Davis showed up at 2:00 as Tenshi’s surprise partner and that popped the commentators. Tatum hit some stiff kicks to Tenshi’s back, and the heels kept the smaller Tenshi grounded. Tatum hit a snap suplex for a nearfall at 5:00.

The heels pulled Davis off the apron so he wasn’t there for a hot tag. Tenshi finally hit a superkick on Tatum at 10:00. Davis finally got the hot tag and the big indy veteran hit some forearm strikes on the smaller heels. Davis hit a Chaos Theory and a spinebuster. Davis hit a brainbuster on Crossley. Tenshi slipped on the ropes (second one tonight) when setting up for a 450 Splash, so he wound up just collapsing on Crossley for the pin. Solid tag match.
Tenshi X and Jon Davis defeated Dylan Crossley and Jak Tatum at 13:10.

8. Colby Corino vs. Kaitlyn Marie in a barbed wire match. Multiple barbed-wire boards were set up in the ring. I admittedly don’t care for intergender hardcore matches. Kaitlyn wore a black T-shirt and blue jeans; she’s dressed for a fight. She hit a crossbody block that sent him through a board in the corner for a nearfall at 1:30. They fought on the floor and she used a staple gun to staple dollar bills to his body. (I hate this, largely because Corino just has to sit there and patiently hold still while she does this. Nothing looks ‘more fake’ in pro wrestling than this.) Back in the ring, she hit a stunner for a nearfal at 4:00. He got a gusset plate and shoved it into her skull; just gross.

Kaitlyn bodyslammed him onto a barbed-wire board and got a nearfall at 7:30. He hit a Death Valley Driver onto a barbed-wire board bridge for a nearfall. Kaitlyn whipped him into the corner, and Colby’s head struck a chair wrapped in barbed wire at 10:30. She hit a German Suplex. She hit a spinebuster for a nearfall at 13:30. She dumped a bag of thumb tacks in the ring, but he hit a Samoan Drop on her, sending her into the tacks. He missed a senton and he also landed on tacks.

Corino’s forehead and white T-shirt is covered in blood. They traded forearm strikes on their knees, then while standing. He picked up some board debris and struck her with it, then an Air Raid Crash onto board debris for a nearfall at 16:30. She dumped lighter fluid on a board bridge and set it on fire, then she superplexed him onto the board. (As usual, the fire went out immediately.) She hit a piledriver and scored the pin. The crowd was fully into this match.
Kaitlyn Marie defeated Colby Corino in a hardcore match at 19:03.

Final Thoughts: Unsurprising, Diego/Bojack vs. LDJ/Sawdust was really good and worth checking out. That opener was really good and I’ll give that second. Despite my objections, the main event is third. I wish they had drawn better, but everyone worked hard.


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