Live Pro Wrestling “Sunset Slam 2” results: Vetter’s review of Erik Chacha, Jermaine Marbury, and a partner vs. AJP, Steven Lust, and TJ Crawford, Richard Holliday vs. Teddy Goodz

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Live Pro Wrestling “Sunset Slam 2”
September 15, 2024 in Middletown, Rhode Island at Rejects Beer Co.
Streamed on the IndependentWrestling.TV

This show was released Saturday on IWTV. I am familiar with everyone in this lineup, and I’ll note that Liviyah, TJ Crawford and Ryan Clancy all just had AEW/ROH matches this month.

* This is an outdoor show in a parking lot, and there aren’t any fans across from the hard camera. It looks like a gorgeous day to be in Rhode Island! There isn’t a cloud in the sky, and lighting is certainly not an issue. It appears we have maybe 150 people watching at a tavern near a lake (or the Atlantic Ocean.)

1. DJ Powers vs. Pedro Dones. Heel teen Powers (think Kale Dixon) carried a crown to the ring. They took turns playing to the crowd. Some basic offense early on and DJ rolled to the floor at 2:00 to regroup. Back in the ring, Pedro hit some chops and a shoulder tackle. Powers snapped Pedro’s arm around the ring post as they fought in the parking lot. Back in the ring, Powers was in charge. Powers hit a suplex for a nearfall at 7:00. Pedro hit a backbody drop; he peeled down the straps of his singlet and was fired up. He got a rollup and scored the pin. Decent opener and they got the crowd going.

Pedro Dones defeated DJ Powers at 9:17.

2. TJ Crawford (w/AJP) vs. Jermaine Marbury (w/Benny the Basketball.) The bell rang, but AJP hopped in the ring, so Benny also hopped in the ring. Benny hit Jermaine! He took off the mask and it was Steven Lust in the mascot outfit. Eric Chacha ran into the ring and made the save. Jermaine got on the mic and made a tag match to be our new main event.

TJ Crawford vs. Jermaine Marbury never started.

3. Ashley Vox vs. Liviyah. Vox came out first and established she is a heel. Again, Rookie wrestler Liviyah has long blonde hair, appears to be under age 20, and she’s listed as a second-generation wrestler. She lost to Abadon on ROH TV a week ago. Basic reversals early, and Vox rolled to the floor to stall. In the ring, Vox hit a low blow uppercut that Liviyah no-sold. Liviyah hit a dropkick for a nearfall at 2:30. Vox took control and hit a running boot. Liviyah hit a Russian Legsweep at 5:30. Liviyah hit a second-rope missile dropkick and they were both down.

LIviyah  hit some back elbows and a bulldog for a nearfall. Ashley hit a discus clothesline for a nearfall at 8:00. Ashley got a chair but the ref confiscated it. Liviyah hit a stunner and a Lungblower to the chest, but Vox rolled to the floor. Liviyah hit a baseball slide dropkick. Back in the ring, Liviyah charged and crashed shoulder-first into the corner; Vox immediately got a rollup with a handful of tights for the cheap pin. Solid match; Liviyah has worked with some good female talent in her young career.

Ashley Vox defeated Liviyah at 9:10.

4. Danny Miles vs. Ichiban. Ichiban grounded him with a headlock to open, then a leglock around the neck. Miles stomped on him and took charge. Ichiban hit a head-scissors takedown at 6:00, but Miles immediately slammed him head-first into a turnbuckle. Ichiban fired up and hit a top-rope flying chop to the head, then a stunner for a nearfall. Miles hit a gutbuster over his knees for a believable nearfall at 10:00. Ichiban hit a Canadian Destroyer for a nearfall. Miles hit a low blow mule kick with the ref out of position, then the Mark Henry “World’s Strongest Slam” for the cheap pin. A mild upset.

Danny Miles defeated Ichiban at 11:56.

5. CPA vs. Brett Ryan Gosselin. BRG came out first, wearing his black fur jacket. He took the mic and was loudly booed. He said no one wants to fight him anymore, and he belittled CPA. CPA came out, peeled off his button-down shirt, and of course, he has an identical one on underneath. BRG hit a superkick, and he hit some running back elbows in the corner. He hit a suplex for a nearfall at 2:30. CPA hit a missile dropkick and they were both down. CPA hit his comedy 619 at 5:00, then a stunner. He peeled off his shirt (to reveal a third shirt!) He set up for the Numbers Cruncher but BRG raked the eyes to escape. BRG hit a spear for a believable nearfall, and he jawed at the ref and shoved him. The ref hit a stunner on BRG! CPA hit the Numbers Cruncher (Death Valley Driver) for the pin. I always say this… CPA is a fun undercard comedy act.

CPA defeated Brett Ryan Gosselin at 6:33.

6. Ryan Clancy vs. Channing Thomas. Sidney Bakabella has been “banned from Rhode Island” so he’s not here. The ref found some brass knuckles on Channing and confiscated them. Clancy got a rollup at the bell for a believable nearfall. Clancy hit a bodyslam at 2:00, and he clotheslined Channing to the parking lot. In the ring, Channing dropped him throat-first across the top rope at 4:00 and he took control. Channing hit a fisheman’s suplex for a nearfall at 6:30. Clancy fired up and hit a Russian Leg Sweep, then a top-rope crossbody block. He hit a back suplex, but Channing struck him with a weapon in mid-air. He collapsed onto Clancy and got the cheap pin.

Channing Thomas defeated Ryan Clancy at 9:19.

7. Teddy Goodz vs. Richard Holliday. Goodz is on his retirement tour; I think his last match just took place between this match on Sept. 15 and now. They shook hands; Holliday tried a cheat shot but Goodz blocked it. They brawled to the parking lot. In the ring, Holliday choked him with a swimming ‘noodle’ and he whipped him with it. Holliday tied him up on the mat. He did a slingshot that sent Goodz’ throat onto the bottom rope at 7:00. Holliday came off the ropes but Goodz caught him with a punch to the stomach. Goodz hit a clothesline and was fired up, and he hit a uranage for a nearfall at 9:00. Holliday threw him into the middle turnbuckle. Goodz hit an Iconism slam out of the corner for a nearfall.

Goodz dropped a ‘People’s Elbow’ for a nearfall. Channing landed awkwardly and pretended he hurt his knee, but then he attacked Teddy and got a nearfall. Holliday hit the 2008 swinging suplex for a believable nearfall at 11:30. They hit simultaneous clotheslines. They got up and traded forearm strikes. Goodz hit a leaping knee to the chin. Goodz hit a spear, then an Iconoclasm, then a backpack stunner for a believable nearfall at 14:30. Holliday accidentally splashed the ref and Goodz hit a stunner for a visual pin but we had no ref! The ref got knocked down again. Holliday hit another 2008 suplex but we still don’t have a ref. Holliday shoved the ref; the ref shoved Holliday. Goodz superkicked Holliday, hit a stunner, and scored the pin.

* Goodz got on the mic and thanked the fans for coming. He told the crowd his last match is “next week” (so, Sept. 22.) He thanked Holliday and they hugged. Goodz said he will still be putting on events even though he won’t be wrestling anymore.

* Time for the main event! Who is the mystery tag partner for Jermaine Marbury’s team? The heels taunted them, saying they don’t have any friends and couldn’t find a partner. So, it looks like we are starting out as a handicap match…

8. Jermaine Marbury, Eric Chacha, and a mystery partner vs. TJ Crawford, Steven Lust, and AJP (w/Sweatboy). With his dark, bushy beard, Lust looks like a cross between Damian Sandow and Elias. I knew Chacha was short but he’s a full head shorter than Marbury. TJ was going to start but he tagged out at the bell. Marbury hit some chops on AJP; the sun was setting and making it difficult to see from one of the ringside cameras. The babyfaces worked over AJP early on. Lust hit a Mafia Kick on Chacha, then a senton for a nearfall at 4:00. The heels began taking turns working over Chacha in their corner.

It is unclear if the babyfaces will get a third man or if this will remain a handicap match. The crowd chanted “Defense!” and Chacha finally hit a back suplex on TJ at 8:30. TJ intentionally superkicked the ref! The heels circled Chacha.

Benny the Basketball arrived! He got in the ring and hit some clotheslines. AJP and Lust hit chop blocks on Benny. “Handyman” Jake Gray (a trainee I’ve seen a few times) got into the ring and he hit a double clothesline. Jake hit a low blow on TJ. He took off his handyman outfit and he was wearing a ref shirt! Benny hit a chokeslam on TJ. Jermaine hit his Eurostep stunner on TJ. Chacha hit the Mamba Splash, and all three babyfaces covered TJ for the pin. Okay comedy to close out the show and the fans enjoyed it.

Jermaine Marbury, Eric Chacha, and Handyman Jake Gray (w/Benny the Basketball) defeated TJ Crawford, Steven Lust, nad AJP at 11:57.

Final Thoughts: A decent show. Holliday-Goodz was really, um, good. I really don’t know why Teddy has decided to retire at age 42; he certainly hasn’t slowed down. That was easily best match of the show. I’ll go with Channing-Clancy for second best and the Dones-Powers opener for third.


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