Big E on the Mr. McMahon documentary, Vince McMahon’s impact on pro wrestling

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet) interview with Big E
Host: Kyle Odegard
Podcast available via

Big E on the Netflix documentary on Vince McMahon: “It’s obviously someone who has been a massive figure in the industry I’ve made my career in the last 15 years. He’s someone that I worked with closely over the years, so I think all of us who worked with him are interested to see how the story unfolds. I’m sure there are things about his life that I’m not even aware of that will come to light in this doc.”

Big E on Vince McMahon’s impact on wrestling: “It’s really hard to tell the story of our industry without him, for better or worse. I’m intrigued to see how it all unfolds with this documentary. There are a lot of different ways that people feel about him. And it’s also this blending of an on-screen character and an off-screen character. Where does that line begin? Where does that line end?”

On a memorable moment from his time working with Vince McMahon: “The first thing that comes to mind, as far as being memorable, is when he was involved in the KofiMania storyline, essentially saying Kofi isn’t good enough for the spot. A lot of people in his position, a lot of billionaires, are hands off, and he’s someone who’s been really hands-on. He’s someone who’s always around, someone who’s had his hands in this industry for quite a long time.”


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