Powell’s TNA Impact Hit List: The Hardys vs. Brian Myers and Eddie Edwards, Ace Austin and Chris Bey vs. AJ Francis and KC Navarro in a tornado tag match, Heather Reckless vs. Gisele Shaw

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

TNA Impact Hits

Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy vs. Brian Myers and Eddie Edwards vs. Brian Myers and Eddie Edwards: The Hardys performing their greatest hits continues to get over with the live crowds. Myers and Edwards did a nice job of selling for the tag team legends. Jeff’s problems during his AEW run were self-inflicted and one can only hope that he’s in a better place. It would be great to see the Hardys have one more good run. Edwards and Myers are challenging for the TNA Tag Team Titles tonight at Victory Road. Given that the Hardys won this match, one would think that they will be next in line for a shot at the titles regardless of who wins at Victory Road.

Joe Hendry and Josh Alexander: Hendry had a fun Breaking Bad inspired song about Alexander that the live crowd had fun with. Alexander played it well as a heel by not going over the top with his reaction. While it’s fine for some heels to act outraged by Hendry’s songs, Alexander is the type of high end heel who played it right by acting annoyed rather than drifting into a hammy over the top reaction. That said, I hope Hendry’s “Walking Weiner” nickname doesn’t catch on. It was cute in the moment, but it’s not the type of thing the company should want fans chanting consistently about one of their top stars.

Steve Maclin vs. Hammerstone: A good match between the two heavyweights. I guess I need to stop being surprised by Hammerstone taking losses given that he lost a five-minute match as a surprise opponent for Oba Femi on Tuesday’s NXT and then took a rollup loss in this match. Jake Something come out afterward and having a moment with Hammerstone that suggested they will be allies was an interesting development. Are they teaming up for one match tonight at Victory Road or will they become a regular team? Perhaps the tag team division would be a good spot for both of men since they both feel underutilized as singles wrestlers.

Ace Austin and Chris Bey vs. AJ Francis and KC Navarro in a tornado tag match: A crowd pleasing match with the popular babyface champions going over with a double pin on the massive Francis. Navarro and Francis haven’t shown much chemistry as characters yet, but it’s good to see Navarro getting a regular spot on the show as the replacement for Rich Swann in First Class.

Heather Reckless vs. Gisele Shaw: A solid debut match for Reckless. My first thought was that given the news that Shaw was granted her release, interference of Ash By Elegance and The Concierge felt unnecessary. Ultimately, it ended up telling a story that played out throughout the show.

Ash By Elegance vs. Xia Brookside: Just about the time I was wondering if Heather Reckless and Xia Brookside playing the same plucky underdog role, Reckless helped Ash steal the win over Brookside. The Concierge offered Reckless a makeover, so this has the potential to be a fun role for Reckless.

TNA Impact Misses

Jonathan Gresham video package: So they still haven’t given up on the awful poison ink gimmick? Yikes. Overall, this was another good edition of Impact.


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