NXT TV results (8/27): Moore’s review of the No Mercy go-home show with a Joe Hendry concert, Je’Von Evans vs. Joe Coffey, Wes Lee and Zachary Wentz meeting face-to-face

By John Moore, ProWrestling.net Staffer (@liljohnm)

Taped August 20, 2024 in Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Aired August 27, 2024 on USA Network

Entrances for the opening match took place…

Vic Joseph and Booker T were on commentary….

1. “Meta Four” Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson vs. “Fatal Influence” Fallon Henley and Jacy Jayne (w/Jasmyn Nyx).  Fatal Influence dominated early on. Lash eventually dumped both women outside heading into the break.[c]

Back from break, Lash was dominating the match. Jakara tagged in and hit Henley with a Hart Attack. Jayne broke up Jakara’s pin by shoving Lash into the pinfall. Jakara and Henley traded forearms in the middle of the ring. Jayne got a two count off Jackson. Jackson came back with a reverse X Factor. Legend tagged in. Jayne duped Legend to ringside. Nyx went for a cheap shot, but Legend caught Nyx with a big boot. Back in the ring, Jayne and Henley surprised Legend with their version of Meet in the Middle for the win.

Fatal Influence defeated Meta Four via pinfall in 10:04. 

A Wes Lee vignette aired, focusing on Lee’s career after Nash Carter (Zach Wentz) was released from NXT. Wes Lee and Zach Wentz was advertised as coming “face to face” later in this episode….

Karmen Petrovic made her entrance…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Solid opening match to put some heat on the new heel group. Logical result given that the new heel group just formed. Fatal Influence feels a bit directionless at the moment but hopefully they get in a feud to get them settled.

Vic Joseph plugged both NXT on CW shows featuring CM Punk an Randy Orton…

Ashante The Adonis showed up to hit on women who were hanging out with Eddy Thrope. After the women left, Adonis asked Thorpe if he was DJ’ing for getting with women or just for the music. Brooks Jensen entered a nearby room to hit a person with a white chair…

A tweet aired of Wendy Choo saying she has a surprise for Kelani Jordan, Sunday at No Mercy…

Izzi Dame made her entrance. A replay aired of Izzi Dame attacking ..

2. Karmen Petrovic vs. Izzi dame. Dame blocked a snapmare and took down Petrovic with a shoulder tackle and backbreaker. Dame got a two count after another backbreaker. Petrovic came back with a few kicks. Dame blocked a Thesz Press with a spinebuster for a two count. Dame put Petrovic in a Torture Rack. Petrovic escaped with a few knees. Petrovic hit Dame with a crossbody for a two count. Petrovic caught Dame with a Rolling sobat and Heel Kick.

Petrovic got a two count after a lariat combination. Dame came right back with a clothesline and bog boot. Dame got a two count off a boot pin. Dame caught Petrovic with a Yakuza Kick. Petrovic rolled up Dame for the surprise win.

Karmen Petrovic defeated Izzi Dame via pinfall in 4:10. 

Myles Borne and Charlie Dempsey were sparring in the locker room with Wren Sinclair trying to join in. Sinclair pointed out how she was the reason Dempsey is the Heritage Cup Champion. The show cut to Tony D’Angelo and the D’Angelo Family getting ready for an upcoming match…

John’s Thoughts: Follow up to last week’s angle and a way to give Petrovic a win without having to lose last week’s gauntlet. NXT seems to be high on Izzi Dame somewhat, but they haven’t really found a place to use her after Kiana James got called up. What is James doing these days too?

Sarah Schreiber had a sitdown interview with number one contender Jaida Parker. Parker talked about being a Division 1 Soccer player signed with WWE a year ago and after going through some matches she now has a chance to go after the NXT Women’s Championship. Schreiber wondered if Roxanne Perez was underestimating Parker. Parker said of course. Parker brought up her soccer accolades. She said when money is on the line, she’ll bring it. Ronxanne Perez showed up and told Schreiber to get off the set.

Perez mocked Parker for having similar stories to Lola Vice and Thea Hail in terms of getting to her level, but ending in disappointment. Perez said Parker has it all, but she’s not a prodigy. Parker said she’ll slap the taste out of Perez’s mouth. Parker then slapped the taste out of Perez’s mouth. Vic Joseph hyped up Perez vs. Parker at No Mercy…

The Tony D’Angelo Family made their entrance to Tony D’s old theme with Tony D in street clothes…

3. Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo,  Luca Crucifino, and Adriana Rizzo (w/Tony D’Angelo) vs. Charlie Dempsey, Myles Bourne, and Wren Sinclair in a Mixed Tag Match. Stacks used a drop toehold to send him into Crucifino for a two count. Borne tagged in and took a backslide for a two count. Wren tagged in, which meant Rizzo had to enter. Wren hit Rizzo with a X Factor for a two count. Rizzo dumped Wren to ringside. Two random guys called D’Angelo to the back heading into the break.[c]

Back from Break, the three Family member hit NQCC with stereo leg drops. Bourne caught Stacks with a Drop Toehold on the ropes. Dempsey tagged in, got some shots and a two count on Stacks. Dempsey worked on Stacks with Joint Manipulation and a Muta Lock. NQCC used quick tags to cut the ring in half on Stacks. Stacks got a two count off a rollup. Dempsey came back with a German Suplex. After Bourne tagged in, Dempsey accidentally punched him which lead to Crucifino catching the hot tag.

Crucifino dumped Dempsey to ringside. Wren got a cheap shot on Crucifino. Rizzo caught Wren at ringside when Wren attacked Crucifino. Luca and Stacks caught Bourne with a Shatter Machine to give Crucifino the pinfall.

The Tony D’Angelo Family defeated NQCC via pinfall in 11:09. 

Kelly Kincaid interviewed Pete Dunne about his loss last week. He said he wasn’t going to whine like Trick Williams did after his loss. He said he was going to beat Trick within a inch of his life…

Security entered the ring. Separate shots were shown of Wes Lee and Zachary Wentz arriving from backstage. Vic noted that the security was there to keep order between the two former friends…[c]…

John’s Thoughts: Good win for The Tony D family. Did I miss something? Are those random dudes someone I’m supposed to know? Vic Joseph didn’t mention who they were either, so I couldn’t figure out who they were. Tony D’s set up for a feud with Oba Femi, but we never were introduced to those random dudes who pulled Tony D aside.

Ethan Page met up with NXT GM Ava. Page joked that he was in the principal’s office again. Ava talked about how Page is not supposed to interfere in matches like he did last week. Page said she should suspend him so he doesn’t have to defend his title at No Mercy. Ava said he still has to defend his title and he needs to leave her office so she can figure things out…

Zachary Wentz made his entrance to the Rascalz theme. Security guards were in the ring. Wes Lee came out next. Wentz talked about how every tag team in wrestling breaks up, but why MSK? Wentz talked about Lee pissing away nine years for their friendship. Lee talked about being the bigger star, how Wentz is just here for the NXT rub. Lee said that he and Wentz are at different levels. Wentz said nobody was more proud of Lee than him. He said that MSK was one of the best teams in NXT history.

Wentz said he admits that he ruined all that. Wentz said that Lee was able to become the main event superstar that he wants to be. Wentz said that he saw the picture of Lee wondering what to do next, but that motivated him, after two years to come back and be reunited with his brother. Lee said that they could have won the titles and the nostalgia would have been okay for a little bit. Lee talked about it not being 2022 anymore. Wentz said Lee is one of the sensitive people on the planet.

Wentz talked about how when he and Trey made their entrance recently, Wes was about to quit NXT for the third time. Wentz talked talked about how when Wes went through his back surgery, Wentz gave Lee food while Lee’s wife was at work. He talked about texting Lee at 1 in the morning when Lee had self doubts, when he didn’t think he’ll come back. Wentz talked about not being able to be on the cameras with Lee, but behind the scenes, Wentz was always’s Lee’s brother.

Lee said whatever Wentz needs to think about himself, on Sunday, Wentz will discover that they are on separate levels. Wentz talked about how Lee underestimated him their entire lives. He said as much as he wished Lee to survive, he’ll wish that Lee fails on this Sunday. Wentz talked about how he and Trey did what he and Lee never did, win the TNA Tag Titles. Lee told Wentz to shut up and he’s going to prove why he’s a WWE Superstar and Wentz is a TNA wrestler. Wentz said this Sunday this WWE Superstar is going to get his ass whooped by a TNA wrestler…

Joe Hendry met up with Trick Williams and Trick mentioned that he believes in Joe Hendry. Hendry said he’s going to give Williams the first title shot after he beats Page. Williams told Trick to whoop dat Trick in Page…

Kelani Jordan was shown walking backstage…[c]

An ad aired for No Mercy…

John’s Thoughts: Awesome promo segment with Zach Wentz doing his best character work of his career. Yes, he can do one hell of a Michael Kelso impersonation, but it was good to seem him flip the switch in a serious sense. Wentz has only been back in NXT for a short time, but this is some Trick-Melo level of build, especially if you’ve been following the career of the Rascalz since their TNA time together. I also liked Wentz admitting that he screwed things up and owned up for it. Made him more of a babyface in this situation.

NXT Women’s North American Champion Kelani Jordan made her entrance. Jordan took a mic and called out Choo to send out her “demonic little friend”. Wendy Choo appeared on the screne and set out a hooded woman. TNA’s Rosemary made her entrance. Holy Crap!!!

4. Kelani Jordan vs. Rosemary. Rosemary choked Jordan into the corner. Jordan did a few dodges and hit Rosemary with a dropkick. Jordan got a two count off a grounded crossbody. Rosemary hit Jordan with her Upside Down move. Rosemary caught Jordan with a Forearm and Exploder Suplex for a two count. Rosemary put Jordan in a Rear Naked Choke. Jordan used elbows to escape. Both women traded forearms.

Jordan caught Rosemary with a Pele Kick. Jordan rallied with axe handles and a kip up. Rosemary escaped a Overdrive, but Jordan hit Rosemary with a Flatliner. Rosemary no sold a slam and hit Jordan with a Spear for a two count. Rosemary blocked a right hand. Jordan came back wit ha Axe Kick  and the One of a Kind Moonsault for the victory.

Kelani Jordan defeated Rosemary via pinfall in 4:25.

The lights went out and Spotlights focused on Jordan with Wendy Choo’s theme playing. Choo surprised Jordan with a Rear Naked Choke. Choo posed over Jordan with the North American Title…

Backstage Oro Mensah was consoling Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson after their loss. Oro talked about how his dad always told him that you only need one percent to be better than last time. Lexis King showed up and told Oro that these girls don’t care about Oro’s dad. Lexis said that the real father of Meta Four was Noam Dar. Oro talked about how how that’s funny for somebody that lacks a father figure. King punched Oro and referees ran in to pull both men apart…[c]

John’s Thoughts: The Pillman joke is low, but it hits hard. Back to the match, awesome to see Rosemary get time in WWE. She’s very talented and definitely deserves her spotlight in the biggest wrestling company in the world. Yeah, no build, but that’s how things have to go with this cross-promotion thing.

A Chase U classroom skit aired. The class cheered Ridge Holland and Andre Chase. Duke Hudson and Riley Osborne were disappointed that they let Chase U down last week. Ridge Holland cut a speech and said it was okay. He said the NXT Tag Team Titles mean everything to him and he’s always going to have Chase U’s back as long as he has the titles. Axiom and Nathan Frazer showed up. Frazer talked about Chase U not welcoming everyone, because they rejected him when he was their flagbearer. Axiom talked about how he and Frazer became better than Chase U as a team. Frazer hyped up how he and Axiom are going to beat Chase U for the tag titles…

A replay aired of Edris Enofe and Malik Blade attacking Shawn Spears last week. Entrances for the next match took place. A replay showed that Edris Enofe was the man attacked by a chair earlier on in the show…

5. Brooks Jensen vs. Malik Blade. Enofe dominated early on with a flip dive. Jensen came back with methodical offense. Blade came back with a few axe handles and a Blockbuster. Blade hit Jensen with Super Blockbuster for a nearfall. Jensen used legs to block a splash. Jensen hit Blade with a DDT. Jensen deadlifted  himself to the top rope and hit an elbow drop for the win.

Brooks Jensen  defeated Malik Blade via pinfall in 3:30. 

Je’von Evans was interviewed by Sarah Schreiber about his match later on against Joe Coffey. Evans said Coffey thinks he can’t wrestle, but he can, and throw some hands too…[c]

Vic Joseph plugged Clash in Berklin…

Hank and Tank were chatting backstage about how they were hyped about Joe Hendry challenging for the NXT Title. Tank also promised that he and Hank won’t end up like Wes Lee and Zach Wentz. OTM showed up to talk trash with them…

Entrances for the next match took place…

6. Je’von Evans vs. Joe Coffey (w/Mark Coffey, Wolfgang). Coffey hit Evans with a Cravate and Axe Handle, leading to some chain wrestling. Joe blocked a crossbody. Evans hit Coffey with a huracanrana and springboard huracanrana. Evans caught Wolfgang with a crossbody. Evans then hit Coffey with a dropkick heading into PIP.[c]

Coffey was dominating back from the break. Booker talked about how Joe reminds him of Fit Finlay’s European style. Evans got a window of opportunity with a flying clothesline. Evans caught Joe with a Superman Punch and Leaping Pele Kick. Evans caught Joe with a high slingshot crossbody for a two count. Joe came back with a Deadlift German Suplex. Joe hit Evans with the Glasgow Sendoff for a two count.

Evans swatted Joe with a few Superkicks, which Joe no-sold. Joe hit Evans with a uppercut. Evans blocked a BME with cutter, and followed up with a springboard cutter. Joe kicked out at two. Evans took out Mark and Wolfgang with a top rope Triangle Cannonball. Wolfgang got on the apron for the distraction. Mark took a Springboard cutter. Joe used the distraction to nail Evans with a discus lariat for the win.

Joe Coffey defeated Je’von Evans via pinfall in 8:59. 

John’s Thoughts: A win’s a win. Joe Coffey doesn’t pick up much given his talent level. Evans doesn’t lose anything given his role as a plucky underdog. Unfortunately, I don’t think Coffey’s win will stick given that this small feud will probably end with Evans on top.

The show cut to Tony D’Angelo walking through a restaurant. A employee told Tony D that “he took your room”. The employee showed Tony D that Oba Femi took over Tony D’s usual table. At the table, Oba told Tony that he understands that Tony D is the Don of NXT, but Oba’s the ruler of NXT. Oba said he doesn’t take disrespect. Tony D said they are similar that they don’t take disrespect. Oba said he can lay waste to all the people in the restaurant , but he’ll wait til Sunday. Tony D said he’s going to show everyone on Sunday that Oba is mortal. Oba said many have tried, and none have succeded; with Tony D being no different….

Joe Hendry was shown walking backstage before his upcoming Concert…[c]

Vic Joseph and Booker T checked in on commentary with them running through the advertised No Mercy card for this Sunday…

Say his Name and He Appears! I believe in Joe Hendry! Clap Clap! Joe Hendry made his entrance to a red carpeted ring, with his guitar available for a concert. Hendry thanked the NXT fans for spending their evening with him. He hyped up facing Ethan Page for the NXT title at No Mercy. He then started to play his new song which talked about how Page likes to work out “playing with himself”. A video was shown of Page doing bicep curls while only in his underwear. Hendry sung about how Page needs to put on some clothes.

Hendry’s concert was cut short by Ethan Page making his entrance. Page said they were done with Hendry’s concert. Page talked about how those videos were taken out of context. The crown sung Hendry’s song, which pissed off Page. Page asked Hendry who the hell he think he is? Trying to entertain people with incriminating videos and photos. Page talked about how Hendry isn’t a NXT star, while he’s the star of this company. NXT GM Ava made her entrance.

Ava said Hendry should be flattered that Hendry made a song about him. Ava said he finalized what she was working on earlier. Page said Page vs. Hendry will have a guest referee. Ava introduced Trick Williams as the guest referee. Trick Williams made his entrance wearing a sleeveless referee shirt. Page tried to hit Hendry with the title belt, but Hendry ducked it and gave Page the Standing Ovation Uranage. Joe Hendry posed with the NXT title, swinging his arms from side to side and say! “I believe in Joe Hendry”, Joe Hendry, So Prestigious. To close the show…

John’s Thoughts: Very interesting in that I’m not 100% sure what storyline direction they are going. Trick was clearly feuding with Pete Dunne, but the guest ref spot made me think they were pivoting away, Then they had Dunne mention how Trick won’t make it on Sunday? Are they teasing Dunne taking out Trick on another WWE show before Sunday? Stinger cliffhangers are effective, so I’m looking forward.

Taped edition of NXT too, and I like how I was able to avoid spoilers, on top of this being a taped show. Also very interesting that WWE is strapping the rocket to Joe Hendry’s back and having him, for the moment, supplant their top NXT babyface in Trick Williams. Trick isn’t even having a match at the next PLE. My guess, still is, that we see Josh Alexander make his way to team with Ethan Page. I at least hope that’s the case, because The North is one hell of a tag team. I’ll actually be by tomorrow with my audio review as I have to head out in a bit.




Readers Comments (1)

  1. John, you missed something significant. After Jaida slapped Roxy she noticed someone on the sidelines and commented. Roxy then noticed the same person. Both were concerned, especially Roxanne. Guilia or Steph Vaquer maybe?

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